07:21:53 <mchua> #startmeeting 07:21:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 6 07:21:53 2010 UTC. The chair is mchua. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 07:21:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 07:22:00 <mchua> #meetingname POSSE SA day 3 07:22:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'posse_sa_day_3' 07:22:19 <mchua> #chair liknus jwildeboer michaelgraaf gruntus micadeyeye boniface kruben 07:22:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: boniface gruntus jwildeboer kruben liknus mchua micadeyeye michaelgraaf 07:22:53 <liknus> Good morning all :) 07:23:08 <mchua> Morning everyone! 07:23:20 <mchua> It's mid-week, so I have some blog posts for folks to read as they're getting started. 07:23:24 <mchua> They're posts by prior POSSE professors. 07:23:36 <mchua> I'm going to be paying extra attention to transcribing here today, since gruntus is remote. 07:24:42 <liknus> I am going to to my best in identi.ca also :) 07:24:46 <mchua> #topic Morning readings 07:24:52 <mchua> #link http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_South_Africa#Wednesday_readings 07:27:08 <mchua> #info The full list of blogs is here: 07:27:10 <mchua> #link http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_Blogs 07:27:14 <micadeyeye> hi mel 07:27:21 <micadeyeye> you wanted me to talk this morning 07:27:23 <mchua> Hey, micadeyeye . I'm going to try to get everyone started in a moment. 07:27:26 <mchua> micadeyeye: Yep yep. 07:28:01 <micadeyeye> great. i am putting together some blogposts. 07:28:06 <mchua> micadeyeye: How about 11am, right before lunch, when everyone is about to pick their final projects? 07:28:20 <mchua> micadeyeye: I have some listed here, http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_South_Africa#Wednesday_readings 07:28:23 <micadeyeye> no problem. 07:28:37 <mchua> micadeyeye: for starters. and was thinking of asking people to start reading now, spend a few minutes doing that. 07:29:07 <mchua> jwildeboer, liknus: I'd like to move towards the schedule for today soon :) 07:31:11 <mchua> http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_South_Africa#Wednesday_readings 07:31:30 <mchua> http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_Blogs 07:31:44 <mchua> hey boniface! 07:31:53 <mchua> boniface: http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_South_Africa#Wednesday_readings 07:32:11 <mchua> michaelgraaf: read Matt Jadud and Christian Jacobsen, in particular. 07:32:38 <kruben> good morning good people!! 07:32:38 <mchua> kruben: http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_South_Africa#Wednesday_readings 07:37:26 <mchua> #info For remotees/those reading logs, what we're doing right now is everyone is taking 15 minutes to read a few blog posts - then we'll come back and figure out which posts each person read, and what thoughts we have about them. 07:37:34 <mchua> #info then we'll look at the schedule for today, and start today. :) 07:38:48 <mchua> ctyler: Oh! Sorry, I left the name= part of the new feeds, I'll fix those now. 07:39:11 <mchua> kruben: speaking of which, where's your blog? :) 07:39:24 <micadeyeye> i just read some of the posts. 07:39:46 <mchua> ctyler: should be fixed, we'll see soon. :) 07:40:09 <micadeyeye> you want us to pick a project to work on. right? 07:40:41 <kruben> mchua: work in progress :-) will write some soon.. 07:40:42 <micadeyeye> am thinking that it would be related to SOAS 07:41:35 <mchua> kruben: cool, let us know if you need help getting set up :) we're asking people here to blog once at the end of each day (that's why we have 3-3:30pm each day reserved for that). 07:41:40 <micadeyeye> am i could see this opportunity to fix a build error i am having. 07:41:57 <micadeyeye> am->and* 07:42:02 <mchua> micadeyeye: that would be cool! liknus also works on spins, so maybe he can help you there as well. 07:42:37 <mchua> micadeyeye: I work on SoaS, but not on the release engineering / spins compose component, but I can point you to things for that particular project and hopefully liknus and others can help fill in the rest. 07:42:40 <micadeyeye> boniface: what virtualization tool do you use? 07:42:54 <liknus> micadeyeye, sure.. plz tell me where I can help :) 07:43:09 <micadeyeye> mchua: please do. 07:43:20 <liknus> boniface, you need to try QEMU under Fedora :) It rocks... 07:43:22 <mchua> micadeyeye: Okay. I'll make a liveusb for you of soas at lunch today, too. 07:43:41 <micadeyeye> okay, i am referring to FF build on Ubuntu 10.04. 07:44:00 <micadeyeye> can i work on that? 07:44:53 <micadeyeye> liknus: you need to work me through packaging later today. 07:45:31 <micadeyeye> liknus: i might have to install fedora on my machine, as you said. 07:45:38 <liknus> micadeyeye, you can work with Ubuntu...the thing is that we are not going to be able to deeply help you... (in case something weird happens) 07:46:03 <liknus> micadeyeye, you should have fedora, for packaging yeap :) 07:46:08 <micadeyeye> no problem. 07:46:09 <mchua> for packaging for Fedora, anyway :) 07:46:20 <liknus> mchua, right :) 07:46:37 <liknus> weird....we are talking through IRC :P 08:08:53 <mchua> #info We just brainstormed (in-person) ideas for projects. 08:09:09 <mchua> #note gruntus and others - when you come back, ping me online and we'll figure out what you're going to do. :) 08:09:21 <mchua> #agreed kruben and jwildeboer will pair on finding a ticket and making a patch 08:10:24 <mchua> #agreed michaelgraaf and mchua will pair on setting up a structure for contribution around an existing project, using his thesis codework as an example. 08:11:17 <mchua> #agreed micadeyeye, boniface, and liknus will work on packaging and release management, finding a packaging request and creating an .rpm for it. 08:11:27 <mchua> gruntus: Hey! Perfect timing. :) Got a moment while everyone else is drinking coffee? 08:11:46 <gruntus> hi all - yup got a couple of moments right now 08:12:00 <micadeyeye> ftp://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/ 08:12:07 <mchua> gruntus: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teachingopensource/2010-10-06/posse_sa_day_3.2010-10-06-07.21.log.txt 08:12:10 <mchua> gruntus: that's the log of today so far 08:12:23 <gruntus> great - thanx 08:12:24 <mchua> gruntus: I'll put out a few links for you, but what I want to talk about right now is the project you'll be working on today and tomorrow, and ideas for that. 08:12:34 <mchua> oh, hang on 08:12:37 <mchua> #topic coffee break 08:12:41 <mchua> there we go :) 08:12:45 <mchua> gruntus: we started with http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_South_Africa#Wednesday_readings 08:12:59 <gruntus> ok - saw that 08:13:00 <mchua> everyone spent a few minutes reading whatever blog posts from there they wanted, to get a sense of what prior POSSE alumni have thought and done. 08:13:13 <mchua> and then we discussed that, and brainstormed some project ideas. 08:13:21 <gruntus> sounds good 08:13:26 <mchua> Did you have anything in mind that you wanted to work on in the next few days? 08:13:38 <mchua> To recap - kruben and jwildeboer will pair on finding a ticket and making a patch 08:13:52 <mchua> michaelgraaf and mchua will pair on setting up a structure for contribution around an existing project, using his thesis codework as an example. 08:14:03 <mchua> micadeyeye, boniface, and liknus will work on packaging and release management, finding a packaging request and creating an .rpm for it. 08:14:20 <mchua> and we also talked about other things we'd like to do, but perhaps later - setting up mirrors, hosting a translation party, remix creation... 08:14:28 <gruntus> Today will only allow me to work from time to time, so possibly doing some work on the translations that we saw yesterday would be easiest 08:14:48 <mchua> ...which are all things we're going to figure out how to move forward with at the end of thurs, start of fri, based on the resources you have here locally and how we can continue to work with you and support you remotely 08:14:53 <mchua> (with occasional in-person visits, hopefully ;) 08:15:10 <mchua> gruntus: Okay, that would work! Which translation were you thinking of? 08:15:35 <mchua> gruntus: That would actually be great, because then you'd be in a good position to help us think about a multi-university translation hackathon tomorrow. 08:15:51 <gruntus> Well, my Afrikaans is very good - totally fluent - so that would be easiest 08:16:20 <gruntus> Maybe liknus haas a suggestion as to where the need is greatest 08:16:43 <gruntus> liknus: any suggestions? 08:16:50 <liknus> ok gruntus :) 08:17:00 <mchua> gruntus: I was guessing Afrikaans. :) That would be awesome. 08:17:15 <liknus> so the thing is that right now we are done with packages translations 08:17:30 <liknus> (3 weeks now) 08:17:38 <gruntus> ok, so what's still out there? 08:17:50 <liknus> and right now we are dealing with Documentation :) 08:18:00 <gruntus> Documentation is fine 08:18:05 <mchua> liknus: one angle to take here is to think - "if I were holding an Afrikaans translation FAD, what would I do right now to prepare for it?" 08:18:11 <mchua> what would I look at, what questions would I ask, etc. 08:18:11 <liknus> and also there are always the Websites that have no schedule 08:18:22 <mchua> because that's what I'd suggest, actually :) we have FAD funding exactly for that sort of thing. 08:18:40 <mchua> liknus: Oo, websites! Websites would get pushed live before the end of the week, we could have immediate results with that. 08:18:58 <gruntus> Yeah - websites sounds good 08:19:28 <liknus> ok so gruntus I have a nice idea :) 08:19:29 <gruntus> Anybody got a good website starting point? 08:19:39 <gruntus> Cool! 08:19:44 <mchua> gruntus: and then by the end of the week, when we all leave, you'll be able to show everyone the core Fedora websites in Afrikaans - that would be *awesome* 08:19:56 <gruntus> Absolutely 08:19:56 <liknus> how about translating http://start.fedoraproject.org ? 08:19:57 <mchua> and very useful to folks here in terms of being able to use/participate in FOSS, it seems :) 08:20:11 <liknus> thats the start page for Firefox in every Fedora machine :) 08:20:29 <gruntus> Ok am loading it in browser 08:20:38 <mchua> Another one I'd look at would be http://fedoraproject.org/index.html 08:20:58 <mchua> because it doesn't look like we even have the description or the mission statement of Fedora translated 08:21:02 <mchua> (I could be wrong, but I can't find it) 08:21:02 <liknus> mchua, thats the MAIN branch right :) 08:21:22 <liknus> ok let me give you the links in Transifex 08:21:22 <mchua> And then, more ambitiously... 08:21:24 <mchua> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join 08:21:27 <mchua> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate 08:21:31 <mchua> (they're wiki pages though) 08:21:46 <liknus> wiki is not set yet for translations :P 08:21:50 <liknus> we are getting to that 08:22:18 <liknus> right now we are testing the translation process in wiki (it does not involve Transifex tough) 08:22:41 <liknus> so lets stick with start and main :) 08:22:45 <liknus> ok gruntus ? 08:23:07 <gruntus> Ok on http://fedoraproject.org/index.html I see a docs link at left - is that where I should be going? 08:24:34 <liknus> nope wait :) 08:24:44 <gruntus> liknus: have found http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject 08:24:48 <liknus> we are doing translations through Transifex 08:25:04 <liknus> the link you posted is where the Docs *end* up 08:25:14 <gruntus> right 08:25:15 <liknus> but we translate them through transifex 08:25:20 <gruntus> ok 08:25:52 <gruntus> Entry url? 08:26:00 <liknus> ok 08:26:02 <liknus> #link https://translate.fedoraproject.org/languages/l/af/collection/c/fedora/r/websites/ 08:26:10 <liknus> so this is the Afrikaans page for translations 08:26:23 <gruntus> loading... 08:26:38 <gruntus> ok gottit 08:26:51 <liknus> the thing is that someone like me (mentor/committer) must set it up first because they where no translations in the past 08:27:01 <gruntus> yes I see that 08:27:07 <liknus> give me 10 minutes and I should have the af.po ready for translations :) 08:27:08 <liknus> ok? 08:27:25 <mchua> liknus: If you can do that in the background while I go through ticket trackers, etc. here that would be great. 08:27:32 <gruntus> liknus: yes - thanks 08:27:40 <liknus> ok 08:27:41 <mchua> then I can come back in here while Michael is talking and write notes to catch gruntus up, since he and you will be doing his project setup now. 08:27:44 <mchua> does that sound all right to you both? 08:27:48 * liknus diving into .pot to po :) 08:27:52 <gruntus> Perfect 08:27:55 <mchua> w00t 08:28:02 <mchua> I'll leave this in "coffee break" mode now then :) 08:28:11 <mchua> you're both chairs, so take #notes and make #links and #actions if needed ;) 08:28:25 <gruntus> Ok - I also need a coffee break 08:30:30 <antoinevg> *meep* So... 08:30:43 <antoinevg> More or less where on campus are y'all hiding out? 08:30:57 <antoinevg> :) 08:31:33 <kruben> Dance floor (top floor) Roeland St Campus 08:32:16 <antoinevg> Tx kruben - is there a number I can call when I get there and (predictably) manage to get myself lost? :) 08:33:20 <kruben> antoinevg: you can call me on 0828853884 if lost 08:33:38 <liknus> ToDo list is a ticketing system :) 08:34:00 <antoinevg> kruben: awesome 08:36:02 <kruben> antoinevg: sorry - more specifically its the boardroom on the top floor, roeland st campus 08:37:08 <antoinevg> kruben: Great! See y'all soon! 08:39:10 <kruben> defintion of a ticket again? 08:40:12 <jwildeboer> ticket = reference number (typically) to a collection of information related to a problem. 08:40:38 <micadeyeye> liknus: got fedora12 there? 08:41:05 <jwildeboer> Heh. Already found a bug while setting up pastebin on my laptop. We can check if it is in Bugzilla already. If not, we can create a bugzilla and propose a patch. 08:41:41 <mustafaj> micadeyeye: hi Michael 08:43:05 <jwildeboer> Can s/o check if works? 08:43:42 <kruben> Anyone knows what anaconda component does? 08:43:51 <mustafaj> negative jwildeboer 08:44:44 <liknus> negative jwildeboer (dead host) 08:44:50 <gruntus> its an installer right? 08:44:56 <liknus> micadeyeye, only fedora 13 08:45:32 <jwildeboer> OK. Lemme check. 08:46:35 <micadeyeye> jwildeboer: nope, the link doesn't work. 08:46:54 <gruntus> As far as I know Anaconda is a RedHat and Fedora installer 08:47:31 <liknus> gruntus, yeap :) thats it 08:47:31 <jwildeboer> Can s/o try again now? 08:47:42 <liknus> So gruntus ... take a look on that now : 08:47:44 <liknus> #link https://translate.fedoraproject.org/languages/l/af/collection/c/fedora/r/websites/ 08:48:02 <gruntus> loading... 08:48:19 <liknus> jwildeboer, works nicely :) 08:48:20 <jwildeboer> Coolness :-) 08:48:22 <micadeyeye> jwildeboer: what's it? 08:48:25 <gruntus> Ok - gottit 08:48:57 <liknus> so gruntus you can see I initiated two packages for translations 08:49:14 <jwildeboer> mchua: 08:49:30 <liknus> You remember the process? Download .po, translate it with poedit, send it to me and I will upload it :) 08:49:31 <liknus> ok? 08:49:47 <gruntus> ok I see master start and master fedora 08:50:08 <liknus> By the end of the day we will have core websites translated and I will get you sponsored to commit access 08:50:20 <mchua> 08:50:41 <gruntus> liknus: what should I do next? 08:51:06 <micadeyeye> pastebin.mozilla.org also exists. 08:51:30 <liknus> Download the .po files with the little icon on the right of the package 08:51:32 <mchua> http://fpaste.org/j35O/ 08:51:49 <mchua> http://pastebin.com 08:52:05 <liknus> gruntus, also get poedit and set it up (name, email and language) and start translating :) 08:52:14 <liknus> gruntus, no worries if you cannot get it all 08:52:23 <mchua> 08:53:20 <gruntus> liknus: ok have downloaded .po files 08:53:27 <liknus> gruntus, keep in mind that when you see something like that: %s or /n or &a etc please leave it as it is (copy it to be sure) because these are placeholders for variables or formatting things 08:53:53 <gruntus> I undersatnd - thanx for the heads up 08:54:10 <liknus> (also you might encounter some <a href> etc.. also leave them ok and just change the text inside) 08:54:29 <gruntus> Yeah ok 08:54:45 <liknus> gruntus, anything you need just ping me :) 08:55:02 <gruntus> Thanks liknus 08:55:36 <liknus> micadeyeye, ok I am done for now for translations...(till gruntus comes back on that) shall we work on your project? 08:56:43 <mchua> .bug 628235 08:56:45 <zodbot> mchua: Bug 628235 Anaconda installer crashes with latest updated anaconda on Fedora 13 remix - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=628235 08:57:16 <jwildeboer> gruntus: we can file a bugzilla on pastebin - the sql file is broken and I have a working version. 08:57:17 <liknus> more neat stuff here : 08:57:20 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot 08:57:52 <micadeyeye> zodbot: what is a bug? 08:57:52 <zodbot> micadeyeye: No such package exists. 08:58:15 <micadeyeye> zodbot: what is firefox? 08:58:15 <zodbot> micadeyeye: No such package exists. 08:58:21 <liknus> zodbot, what is anaconda 08:58:21 <zodbot> liknus: No such package exists. 08:58:21 <mchua> .what firefox 08:58:25 <zodbot> mchua: firefox: Mozilla Firefox Web browser 08:58:34 <liknus> .what pino 08:58:34 <zodbot> liknus: pino: A fast, easy and free Twitter client 08:58:36 <mchua> .what irssi 08:58:38 <zodbot> mchua: irssi: Modular text mode IRC client with Perl scripting 08:58:44 <jwildeboer> .what pastebin 08:58:44 <zodbot> jwildeboer: pastebin: A collaborative debugging tool 08:59:06 <micadeyeye> .what bug 08:59:06 <zodbot> micadeyeye: No such package exists. 08:59:11 <jwildeboer> .what bugzilla 08:59:12 <zodbot> jwildeboer: bugzilla: Bug tracking system 08:59:33 <liknus> .fas micadeyeye 08:59:33 <zodbot> liknus: 'micadeyeye' Not Found! 08:59:42 <liknus> .fas mchua 08:59:42 <zodbot> liknus: mchua 'Mel Chua' <mel@redhat.com> 08:59:45 <jwildeboer> .fas jwildeboer 08:59:47 <zodbot> jwildeboer: jwildeboer 'Jan Wildeboer' <jwildebo@redhat.com> 08:59:50 <liknus> .fas ppapadeas 08:59:50 <zodbot> liknus: ppapadeas 'Papadeas Pierros' <ppapadeas@gmail.com> 09:00:14 <micadeyeye> .micadeyeye 09:00:27 <mchua> .whoowns pastebin 09:00:31 <zodbot> mchua: orphan 09:00:39 <micadeyeye> .fas micadeyeye 09:00:39 <zodbot> micadeyeye: 'micadeyeye' Not Found! 09:00:40 <mchua> .whoowns firefox 09:00:43 <zodbot> mchua: gecko-maint 09:00:59 <mchua> .whoowns bugzilla 09:01:02 <zodbot> mchua: itamarjp 09:01:14 <mchua> .whoowns backula 09:01:14 <zodbot> mchua: No such package exists. 09:01:18 <jwildeboer> .whoowns bacula 09:01:18 <zodbot> jwildeboer: ixs 09:01:19 <mchua> .whoowns bacula 09:01:22 <zodbot> mchua: ixs 09:01:28 <jwildeboer> .fas ixs 09:01:28 <zodbot> jwildeboer: jpmcd 'John Patrick McDonough' <jp@is-sixsigma.com> - johnhixson 'john l hixson' <johnhixson@hotmail.com> - jcho 'JImmy Cho' <jcho@radixsystems.com> - moixs 'Steven Moix' <steven.moix@axianet.ch> - fizixs 'Francisco Cardenas' <franky@fizixs.com> - johnklehm 'John Klehm' <xixsimplicityxix@gmail.com> - ixs 'Andreas Thienemann' <andreas@bawue.net> - sixseve '' <patrick@woodworth.org> 09:01:30 <mchua> .what bacula 09:01:36 <zodbot> mchua: bacula: Cross platform network backup for Linux, Unix, Mac and Windows 09:02:16 <liknus> .seen ixs 09:02:16 <zodbot> liknus: I have not seen ixs. 09:02:25 <mchua> .fasinfo ixs 09:02:26 <zodbot> mchua: User: ixs, Name: Andreas Thienemann, email: andreas@bawue.net, Creation: 2005-06-25, IRC Nick: ixs, Timezone: Europe/Berlin, Locale: en, Extension: 5100191, GPG key ID: 6CEFC1F9, Status: active 09:02:30 <zodbot> mchua: Approved Groups: func cla_done fedorabugs cla_fedora cvsl10n +packager provenpackager 09:02:49 <micadeyeye> .seen boniface 09:02:49 <zodbot> micadeyeye: boniface was last seen in #teachingopensource 1 day, 0 hours, 11 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: <boniface> Whether centalised and distributed ..conflicts are a reality ..where do you get less ..or rather where are conflicts better managed 09:03:14 <liknus> .fasinfo ppapadeas 09:03:15 <zodbot> liknus: User: ppapadeas, Name: Papadeas Pierros, email: ppapadeas@gmail.com, Creation: 2008-04-28, IRC Nick: liknus, Timezone: Europe/Athens, Locale: en, Extension: 5104071, GPG key ID: 6130DBF8, Status: active 09:03:19 <zodbot> liknus: Approved Groups: designteam gitspin-kickstarts ambassadors +cvsl10n freemedia cla_fedora cla_done l10n-commits 09:03:58 <boniface> .what openmrs 09:03:58 <zodbot> boniface: No such package exists. 09:04:03 <jwildeboer> .fasinfo jwildeboer 09:04:05 <zodbot> jwildeboer: User: jwildeboer, Name: Jan Wildeboer, email: jwildebo@redhat.com, Creation: 2008-01-25, IRC Nick: jwildebo, Timezone: Europe/Berlin, Locale: en, Extension: 5103024, GPG key ID: 3AC3C8AB, Status: active 09:04:10 <zodbot> jwildeboer: Unapproved Groups: patentreview magazine 09:04:14 <zodbot> jwildeboer: Approved Groups: news marketing cla_done cla_fedora cla_redhat 09:04:27 <boniface> .what yum 09:04:27 <zodbot> boniface: yum: RPM installer/updater 09:07:19 <liknus> boniface, yum: AWESOME tool that makes your life easier 09:08:18 <boniface> link fedora Community beta 09:08:54 <kruben> liknus: how many employees in Fedora? 09:09:34 <liknus> hard to say... I guess around 30 persons in redHat work *only* for fedora 09:09:36 <liknus> maybe less 09:13:48 <kruben> jwildeboer: how many employees in redhat? 09:14:56 <jwildeboer> kruben: roundabout 3500 people worldwide ATM. 09:23:15 <mchua> All righty, Michael is starting. :) 09:24:01 <liknus_> #link 09:24:03 <liknus_> https://fedorahosted.org/moksha/ 09:24:05 <liknus_> #undo 09:24:06 <mchua> I'll switch the topic over to Michael's presentation since gruntus is offline, and type my notes from what I just went through now offline... and then at lunch, I'll upload my notes into this channel so he has them. 09:26:33 <mchua> #topic Michael's presentation 09:26:46 <mchua> liknus_: can you take notes here? I'm writing up notes for gruntus on what we just covered. 09:27:08 <liknus_> ok mchua 09:27:16 <liknus_> make me Chair mchua 09:27:23 <mchua> #chair liknus_ 09:27:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: boniface gruntus jwildeboer kruben liknus liknus_ mchua micadeyeye michaelgraaf 09:27:30 <liknus_> thanks mchua 09:28:28 <liknus_> micadeyeye, is talking about the need to have diversity of instructors in POSSEs 09:28:38 <liknus_> micadeyeye, and he says we do :) 09:28:56 <liknus_> #link http://vocamus.net/dave 09:29:45 <mchua> michaelgraaf: Just read your blog post. I like. :) We'll talk about this more when we sit down to work on your project together. 09:30:09 <michaelgraaf> Looking forward to it 09:31:26 <liknus_> We have to have categories in our blogs...so someone can filter what we accesses 09:31:57 <liknus_> #link http://blog.chris.tylers.info 09:32:19 <liknus_> Awesome blog, awful home page 09:33:03 <liknus_> Home made planets make it easy to track blogs and feeds you like 09:33:32 <liknus_> Also you can do it with Firefox Feeds Bookmarks 09:33:56 <kruben> sorry about the phone ringing earlier too - it was antoinevg calling for directions to get here 09:34:23 <liknus_> kruben, then you are excused :P 09:42:39 <kruben> mchua: the start of my blog :-) see http://krubennaidoo.wordpress.com/ 09:47:35 <mchua> kruben: Awesome, thanks! 09:47:38 * mchua hooks that into the planet 09:49:06 <mchua> kruben: and you know that myself and Pierros and Jan hadn't ever met in person before this week, right? :) 09:57:32 <micadeyeye> any taker on this http://sitescontent.google.com/gsouthafrica/day-1-agenda? 10:03:01 <jwildeboer> So I will now file a bugzilla against pastebin with a fix. 10:03:37 <michaelgraaf> micadeyeye: will send you another link 10:05:14 <micadeyeye> michaelgraaf: great 10:05:52 * micadeyeye quits to install fedora 10:09:07 <jwildeboer> Bugzilla #640545 created. 10:09:31 <jwildeboer> If you want to take a look: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=640545 10:09:43 <kruben> mchua: nope.. didnt know that.. thought you guys had done this before!? 10:10:10 <jwildeboer> Now if you are interested in this bug, you could add yourself to the CC list. Step 1: create bugzilla account, Step 2, open the URL, step 3 add yourself to the CC list. 10:14:46 <liknus> .bug 640545 10:14:48 <zodbot> liknus: Bug 640545 pastebin.sql problems - and fix - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=640545 10:15:00 <liknus> jwildeboer, sweet :) 10:15:43 <jwildeboer> possesa remotees, not in the room - are you OK? 10:35:43 <liknus> gruntus is absent right now Jeff_S 10:35:49 <liknus> gruntus is absent right now jwildeboer 10:35:54 <liknus> (damn tab) 10:58:07 <kruben> http://www.thefreecountry.com/compilers/csharp.shtml 11:52:22 * kevix waves to the folks in SA 11:55:30 * jwildeboer waves back to kevix 11:58:57 <liknus> hey kevix 1 11:59:04 <liknus> s/1/! 12:09:44 <hachque> hi everyone 12:09:57 <hachque> is this the right channel to ask in if i need help determining a license to use on my software? 12:41:07 <gruntus> Hi all - I'm back for a few minutes; how's it going? 12:42:49 <mchua> gruntus: hey Grant! Sorry for the latency, we just recovered from a network outage. 12:42:54 <mchua> Hey kevix, how's it going? 12:42:56 <gruntus> liknus: good to see you guys are still there 12:43:06 <mchua> gruntus: We've got a lot of catching up to do :) 12:43:10 <mchua> gruntus: how's the translation coming? 12:43:22 <gruntus> liknus: I have between doing otehr stuff managed to translate about 60% of one .po file 12:44:53 <gruntus> liknus: I have a few questions though, mainly about how poedit rearranges the translated bits (especially the fuzzy stuff) 12:45:22 <mchua> gruntus: hang on, liknus is getting back online... 12:45:26 <gruntus> Whoops - do you guys have another outage? 12:45:46 <mchua> gruntus: nope, he's just getting back online. 12:46:29 <liknus> so gruntus how is it going :) 12:46:31 <liknus> ? 12:47:01 <gruntus> Ok - as I said I have amanaged to translate about 60% of the first .po file but I have some questions 12:47:16 <liknus> go ahead :) 12:47:25 <liknus> fire them on me :) 12:47:34 <kruben> we back! 12:47:56 <gruntus> Poedit seems to rearrange the translated text - puts the fuzzy stuff at the top - is this normal? 12:48:05 <liknus> yeap :) 12:48:18 <liknus> it is just sorting it out by this order: 12:48:26 <gruntus> Ok, so I assume that when you comple it all will be back to where it was? 12:48:30 <liknus> untranslated / fuzzy / translated 12:49:08 <liknus> as long as the .po file has the occurences (and it is) it is ok :) 12:49:17 <liknus> no worries this is typical 12:49:32 <liknus> When you feel ready just mail them to me :) 12:50:34 <liknus> Ok so some links for packaging : 12:50:34 <gruntus> Right. Also, there are a few things I have marked as fuzzy because I'm not sure what the documentation demands. For example, there is a code that seems to be addressing the size of something, but I'm not certain whether this should be translated or not 12:52:38 <liknus> can you post here the original string? 12:52:57 <gruntus> ok just let me find it 12:53:37 <gruntus> Ok here it is: %(size)s, CD ISO disc image for %(arch)s-bit PC 12:54:00 <gruntus> the %(size)s and %(arch)s are the thing 12:54:50 <mchua> #note michaelgraaf and antoinevg talking about restrictive IP policies from institutions and governments that make it difficult - even prohibited - to release academic work under open source licenses; antoinevg writing this up as a potential opensource.com/government article 12:57:35 <gruntus> You guys still there? 12:58:08 <mchua> gruntus: Yep yep. 12:58:40 <mchua> gruntus: (This is one of the struggles in being a remotee - it's hard to get in-person visibility into what is happening in a realtime classroom.) 12:59:03 <gruntus> Of course - I guess you guys are busy 12:59:11 <mchua> This is also what external folks might feel like when trying to participate in a project your class is working on, so this is something that we're trying to be aware of, and prevent. :) 12:59:23 <mchua> So let me see if I can be a better classroom-Grant bridge here. 12:59:36 <mchua> gruntus: What I can't do is help you with the translation stuff directly, because I'm not a translator myeslf... 12:59:40 <mchua> er, myself - 13:00:00 <mchua> but let's look at the Fedora wiki pages and see who else we might be able to ask while liknus is busy. 13:00:18 * mchua goes to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Project_Wiki 13:00:21 * mchua looks at the sidebar 13:00:22 <gruntus> mchua: It doesn't really matter as long as I know that long breaks are not your network failing again 13:00:34 <mchua> gruntus: They sometimes are. :) We've had... 2, maybe 3 outages today. 13:00:47 <mchua> #topic Grant, Mel, and the hunt for translation skillz 13:00:55 <gruntus> Ok, os patience is the order of the day... :) 13:01:09 <mchua> So, I'm looking at the left sidebar, gruntus - looking for the translation team's space. 13:01:19 <mchua> aha. 13:01:21 <mchua> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N 13:01:40 <mchua> gruntus: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N#IRC_channel 13:01:48 <mchua> Let's see if anyone's in #fedora-i18n :) 13:02:01 * mchua joins #fedora-i18n 13:02:20 <mchua> gruntus: you too ;) 13:02:47 <gruntus> ok - how? 13:02:52 <mchua> gruntus: do "/join #fedora-i18n" - no quotes 13:02:54 <mchua> just like we did on Monday. 13:04:05 <mchua> gruntus: following ok? 13:04:08 * mchua doesn't see you there yet 13:04:16 <antoinevg> http://www.flickr.com/photos/45478359@N06/sets/72157624982525123/ 13:04:48 <mchua> liknus: can you join #fedora-i18n, we'll talk there? 13:05:18 <liknus> mchua, it is l10n 13:06:15 <mchua> gruntus: Oh! liknus says I went to the wrong channel, it should be #fedora-l10n 13:06:28 <gruntus> ok will try that 13:06:35 <mchua> gruntus: can you /join #fedora-l10n instead? Sorry. 13:08:16 <jwildeboer> fixing broken MBR 13:08:38 <mchua> ouch. 13:08:44 <mchua> sorry to hear about the mbr. 13:08:54 <mchua> #link http://www.flickr.com/photos/45478359@N06/sets/72157624982525123/ 13:09:01 <mchua> antoinevg: linked your pics so they'll show from the meeting notes :) 13:11:28 <antoinevg> mchua: :-) 13:16:47 <liknus> mchua, so I got all sorted out with gruntus :) 13:16:49 <liknus> so ok :) 13:19:55 <mchua> michaelgraaf: sudo apt-get install xchat 13:19:57 <mchua> exactly :) 13:25:58 <gruntus> Just a quick rejoin 13:26:07 <liknus> go for it gruntus 13:26:25 <michaelgraaf_> I am back with a new underscore on my nick! 13:26:36 <gruntus> liknus: I'm not where I have access to much - let me have the e-mail address you wantme to post the file to 13:26:58 <michaelgraaf_> ....because I am now using XChat rather than webchat 13:27:16 <gruntus> I will finish the translation at home later and then send it 13:28:19 <liknus> pierros@papadeas.gr 13:28:32 <liknus> Some packaging stuff: 13:28:37 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines 13:28:48 <gruntus> great - thanks liknus. Cheers until tomorrow at around 10:00 or so 13:29:06 <liknus> ok see ya gruntus ! thanks for all your effort 13:30:04 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_an_RPM_package 13:30:09 <liknus> and for the lazy ones: 13:30:27 <liknus> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/A_Short_RPM_Tutorial 13:31:14 <liknus> that shorty outlines the process for creating RPM 13:31:26 <liknus> We are going to do that step by step tomorrow :) 13:31:29 <liknus> See ya all! 13:31:44 <liknus> mchua, i will also put the links in the readings 13:32:27 <mchua> liknus, jwildeboer: I have to step out for a bit, can you wrap up? 13:32:30 <mchua> oh, you already are :) 16:20:22 <SKuhaneck> d I miss anything 19:31:08 <JonathanD> hi John47 19:31:13 <John47> and here we are lol 19:31:22 <John47> that always freaks me out 19:31:47 <JonathanD> Which? 19:31:58 <JonathanD> The fact that I am everywhere, lying in wait? :P 19:32:00 <John47> when I pop into another room and there you are! lol 19:32:03 <John47> yeah lol 19:32:11 <JonathanD> Thats what they pay me the big bucks for. 19:32:21 <John47> the wizard of oz, you are.... 20:40:39 <spevack> mchua_afk: any chance of getting some stuff on OSDC/edu as we advertised last week? Not sure if you saw my previous email about that. 22:55:41 <NeoPhyte_Rep> .seen boniface 22:55:41 <zodbot> NeoPhyte_Rep: boniface was last seen in #teachingopensource 13 hours, 47 minutes, and 22 seconds ago: <boniface> link fedora Community beta 22:56:02 <NeoPhyte_Rep> .seen mchua 22:56:02 <zodbot> NeoPhyte_Rep: mchua was last seen in #teachingopensource 9 hours, 23 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <mchua> oh, you already are :) 22:56:18 <NeoPhyte_Rep> .seen quaid 22:56:18 <zodbot> NeoPhyte_Rep: quaid was last seen in #teachingopensource 1 week, 2 days, 1 hour, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: <quaid> http://edition.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/04/20/tarter.TED.SETI/index.html 00:20:48 <quaid> hmm, I'm around for a minute, until they call our dinner reservation 00:29:40 <Jefro> quaid how's the train? do they have wifi on amtrak now? 01:55:20 <quaid> Jefro: not our here in the West 01:55:35 <quaid> they do on the DC to BOS run, aiui 01:55:43 <quaid> but I've got a nice cell signal right now 01:56:44 <quaid> Jefro: the train is pretty much awesome 01:56:59 <quaid> these coach cars have AC at every seat; I reckon it's still random if you get that 01:57:07 <quaid> we just had dinner in the dining car 01:57:14 <quaid> nice food, good prices and portions 01:57:17 <quaid> and the show! 01:57:40 <quaid> we were in the middle of the Nevada sunset, with a short rain burst that gave a double-rainbow 01:57:43 <quaid> so intense 01:57:52 <quaid> it was almost a triple rainbow 01:58:05 <quaid> we were falling all over the place, esp. the meme loving girls 01:58:22 <quaid> but I have to say that was one of the nicest dining views I've had 02:10:06 <Jefro> cool! we have taken that trip several times, in both spring and fall, all the way back to Iowa 02:10:19 <Jefro> but not for many years 02:10:42 <Jefro> struggling not to say "but what does it mean!?" re rainbows 02:11:17 <quaid> Jefro: exactly! 02:11:58 <Jefro> sounds like a nice trip, and UT sounds like an awesome conference 02:12:05 <quaid> these girls are big fans of that whole meme 02:12:07 <quaid> and the song and such 02:12:09 <Jefro> hehehe 02:12:36 <quaid> yeah, I haven't been to UTOSC but it sonds great 02:12:58 <Jefro> fyi, I put a reference to theopensourceway.org into an article today (on open hardware) 02:13:07 <quaid> nice 02:14:08 <Jefro> I'm off to make a late dinner - have fun on the train & say hi to everyone for me (esp Zonker & Ruth Suehle, not sure who else is going) 02:14:50 <quaid> actually, Riuth didn't make it, I'm giving her talk for her 02:15:01 <Jefro> ah bummer! hope she didn't get flooded out 02:15:21 <quaid> http://iquaid.org/2010/10/05/big-weekend-in-utah/ 02:15:23 <Jefro> hm, actually I don't think zonker is going either. now I don't know who is & isn't 02:16:08 <Jefro> wow, girls are giving their talk again. they are getting to be regulars on the circuit! 02:16:15 <quaid> no, she went toWorld Forum in Europe instead 02:16:25 <quaid> that post of mine has a list of Fedora people talking 02:16:34 <quaid> aye 02:16:42 <quaid> they are going to reprise at FUDCon, they say 02:17:06 <Jefro> is it just me or are there waaaaay more conferences in the past 2 years than in the... I dunno, decade previous? 02:17:19 <quaid> probably 02:17:29 <Jefro> maybe I'm just paying attention now :) 02:17:31 <quaid> it's like the CLS thing, everyone is starting a n Ignite/TEDx/Conf 02:17:43 <Jefro> that's true 02:17:54 <Jefro> my son wants to start a mini-MakerFaire up here in Mendo 02:17:58 <quaid> if you have a community manager as a title, you are likely thinking of some sort of con for your community 02:18:09 <quaid> what I also see are lots of stuff attached to existing things 02:18:09 <Jefro> actually he just wants to *go to* such an event... 02:18:16 <quaid> ke the FADs, and other groups 02:18:29 <Jefro> I think people are hungry for real community 02:18:56 <Jefro> even as an introvert I find myself itchy to get out and meet people in person 02:19:22 <quaid> how funny, the idea of meeting people in person makes me feel itchy! 02:19:41 <Jefro> heheheh 02:19:53 <Jefro> ok, off now - have a safe drive south to the conf 02:19:58 <quaid> ciao 06:58:29 <mchua> #endmeeting