09:04:55 <mchua> #startmeeting 09:04:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 10 09:04:55 2011 UTC. The chair is mchua. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:04:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 09:05:08 * mchua will explain later 10:14:30 * mchua waves to Erkan_Yilmaz 10:14:42 <Erkan_Yilmaz> hello mchua 10:14:56 <mchua> Erkan_Yilmaz: sdziallas and I are in Doha with some professors teaching POSSE with the new format, so that's some of the noise you'll be seeing in the channel shortly. 10:14:59 <mchua> Just as a heads-up. :) 10:15:16 <mchua> Feel free to chime in, introduce yourself, etc. but we're going to be proceeding with the chaos of our own teaching/work here momentarily. 10:15:47 <Erkan_Yilmaz> ok, I'll read and say something if I feel like it 10:15:50 * Erkan_Yilmaz won't disturb 10:23:08 <mchua> #info mchua just explained Planets to people, as rrix has just blogged about working with us: http://rix.si/index.php/Welcome_POSSE_Doha_And_Work_Update 10:23:40 <affan_> mchua: Planets was the name for the blogs .. I completely missed that name 10:23:44 * mchua nods 10:23:49 <mchua> #link http://rix.si/index.php/Welcome_POSSE_Doha_And_Work_Update 10:24:00 <mchua> Planet aggregators are common across (larger, particularly) FOSS projects. 10:24:05 <mchua> #info Planet aggregators are common across (larger, particularly) FOSS projects. 10:24:16 <mchua> #link http://planet.fedoraproject.org 10:24:20 <saquib> mchua: I need to go pickup my son from school at 2... So I might have to leave in about 30 minutes 10:24:22 <mchua> #link http://planet.sugarlabs.org 10:24:24 <mchua> saquib: No worries. 10:24:29 <mchua> Thanks for the heads-up :) 10:24:38 <affan_> saquib: google fedora account 10:24:39 <mchua> #link http://planet.gnome.org 10:25:01 <saquib> how do get a fedora account 10:25:20 <sdziallas> saquib: check fedoraproject.org :) 10:25:27 <mchua> saquib: Your sign up for one, I'll try to put links here. 10:25:41 <mchua> sdziallas: err on the side of getting people to blindly do things, rather than explaining everything :) 10:26:00 <mchua> (this bothers me a little too, but we can discuss experiences over email later if we have to also, I'm thinking... feel free to push back on me about this.) 10:26:07 <mchua> (it's just that we have so little time, 90 minutes now) 10:26:46 <mchua> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/user/new 10:27:21 <sdziallas> mchua: noted. :) 10:29:09 <mchua> sdziallas: In the meantime I'm going to reply to Khurram now. 10:31:28 * affan_ I am in 10:33:13 <mchua> Excellent. 10:34:07 <mchua> What the Fedora account gives you is access to all Fedora's resources - wiki, repositories (to commit/check-out code), you can ask for free server space if you need a place for experiments or computing power for compiling, etc... blogs, voting - basically everything. 10:35:40 <citizenben> mchua: sorry forgot how to join a new chatroom 10:36:15 <saquib> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate#IRC 10:37:17 <citizenben> #fedora-websites 10:37:42 <affan_> #fedora-websites - Chat specifically related to Fedora Websites, not end-user discussions 10:37:49 <affan_> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate#IRC 10:38:01 <citizenben> join #fedora-websites 13:01:31 <mchua> affan_: http://openetherpad.org/affan-draft 13:02:18 <mchua> affan_: http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/User:Jadudm/PTV#Proposal 13:27:03 <mchua> POSSE over - need to write up notes afterwards. 13:27:14 <mchua> #endmeeting