23:50:20 <ianweller> #startmeeting TOS infrastructure ticket summary 23:50:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 13 23:50:20 2011 UTC. The chair is ianweller. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:50:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:50:23 <mchua> ianweller: let me pull up the list of tickets (and thank you for prompting this -- much appreciated) 23:50:25 <ianweller> #chair mchua 23:50:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: ianweller mchua 23:50:40 <ianweller> mchua: http://tickets.teachingopensource.org/projects/infrastructure/issues 23:51:07 <mchua> #link http://tickets.teachingopensource.org/projects/infrastructure/issues 23:51:24 <mchua> ianweller: So, what would be the most useful thing to do here -- just give you the ones in priority order? 23:51:32 <ianweller> mchua: tell me what you think is priority, yeah 23:51:45 * mchua looks 23:51:56 <mchua> ianweller: #4, but that seems done? 23:52:05 <mchua> #25 also seems done 23:52:17 <ianweller> yeah i need to close both of those still 23:52:33 <ianweller> and the email to OSUOSL for #27 is sitting as a draft as we speak 23:52:52 <mchua> ianweller: I have 2 requests for a planet theme tweak but can add those to the ticket. 23:53:12 <mchua> I'd get those taken care of first because they're really fast (add rss subscription icon, move some of the footer stuff to top) 23:53:14 <ianweller> alright, i'll keep from closing. 23:53:18 <ianweller> oh yeah, RSS would be nice to have 23:53:20 <ianweller> you know 23:53:21 <ianweller> ;) 23:53:35 <ianweller> i also need to add a "Use j/k to navigate" 23:53:36 <mchua> I'll note those on the ticket, but #25 will be the first, and quick. 23:53:39 <mchua> #33 is resolved. 23:54:02 <ianweller> just closed 33 23:54:17 <mchua> next is #26 23:54:37 <mchua> next is #10 23:54:40 <mchua> next is #35 23:54:54 <ianweller> 35 is interesting 23:55:01 <mchua> #35 with help from sdziallas most likely; I'd ask him for details 23:55:03 <mchua> sdziallas: ping 23:55:26 <mchua> and then do an hour or so of possibility / sanity check on #34 before deciding how / whether to move forward 23:55:37 <mchua> and then #30, 31, and 32 in that order. 23:55:46 <ianweller> i think on 34, we should move forward, it's just a matter of configuring it correctly 23:56:01 <mchua> ianweller: then #27, #5, and #11 if you need to order the rest. 23:56:21 <mchua> so priority order is 25, 26, 10, 35, 34, 30, 31, 32, 27, 5, 11. 23:56:33 <ianweller> 11 i just closed since that's been done. 23:56:45 <ianweller> #info priority order is 25, 26, 10, 35, 34, 30, 31, 32, 27, 5, 11 23:56:53 <ianweller> mchua: any comments you have? 23:57:18 <mchua> ianweller: the dividing "should be done & tested before POSSE" (done by the end of this week if possible?) I'd set between 34 and 30 23:57:39 <ianweller> that sounds reasonable 23:57:40 <mchua> #info everything up to and including #34 is targeted for July 22 23:57:45 <mchua> (or earlier) 23:57:55 <mchua> EOF 23:58:00 <mchua> ianweller: other questions? 23:58:31 <ianweller> mchua: i just wonder how much of a pain in the ass getting etherpad up and running somewhere will be. we'll probably do that on the allegheny VM 23:58:45 <mchua> sdziallas: here? 23:58:48 <sdziallas> yes. 23:59:12 <sdziallas> ianweller: i'm willing to hold of on it until i get a response to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=674114 23:59:26 <mchua> was ctyler_summer going to ask someone to take a look at yuicompressor rip-out? 23:59:26 <sdziallas> ianweller: i mean, i'd love to have an instance that doesn't go down every two days. 23:59:42 <sdziallas> mchua: I think he was, maybe. 23:59:50 <ianweller> sdziallas: well, keep in mind, tihs isn't fedora infrastructure -- if this is just temporary infra that works just for POSSE cohort, and we need it... 23:59:57 <ianweller> we can do a non-RPM install, i'm okay with that 00:00:07 <ianweller> especially on the VM jadudm is getting 00:00:13 * sdziallas shudders, but... yeah. 00:00:30 <sdziallas> should be relatively easy to get up. i did it once at olin, but couldn't reproduce it since. :D 00:00:36 <ianweller> lulz 00:00:38 <sdziallas> there are instructions on etherpad.org, though. 00:00:44 <sdziallas> (i did it with the rpm one) 00:01:01 <ianweller> as long as what we're doing is mostly self contained to where we know where it is, how we can upgrade or kill -9 it, i'm fine 00:01:47 <ianweller> sdziallas: but yeah i'll definitely need your help setting that up, and i'm almost 110% certain i want it on hte allegheny VM, so we'll have root 00:02:11 * sdziallas nods. that sounds fair. 00:02:23 <ianweller> mchua: i have nothing else 00:02:30 <mchua> ianweller: If you need a separate (tummy, linode, whatever) VM just for IRC proxying or whatever, let me know, but otherwise I am also EOF. 00:02:46 <ianweller> mchua: for the purposes of posse cohort, we can do it on allegheny 00:02:52 * mchua nods 00:03:06 <mchua> endmeeting? 00:03:06 <ianweller> 5 seconds to endmeeting 00:03:12 <ianweller> #endmeeting