14:44:28 <heidie> #startmeeting 14:44:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 29 14:44:28 2012 UTC. The chair is heidie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:44:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:44:43 <heidie> #topic SIGCSE TOS Unconference 14:45:01 <heidie> Hey Folks, We're here at SIGCSE doing an unconference. 14:45:14 <heidie> And I'm doing live blogging for the first time! 14:45:52 <heidie> Kwurst, mchua, hislop and heidie are here 14:46:56 <heidie> There are about 12 of us here with more folks coming around lunch. 14:47:58 <heidie> We're doing intros and we've got a mix of people. Some academics, some admins, and some FOSS folks. 14:48:45 <heidie> We've got some newbies and some experienced folks. But no absolute newbies. 14:53:29 <heidie> We're sharing backgrounds and projects that students have been involved with. 14:53:52 <heidie> Mifos, OpenMRS, GNOME Accessibility, and Eucalyptus have been mentioned. 15:02:03 <heidie> Some folks have been working on local apps for state police and managing missions work. 15:07:24 <heidie> We're now talking about possible topics. We've got some good ones like: "Before I started I wished that I had known <blank> 15:08:39 <ErkanYilmaz> reminds me of the "Open Advice" pdf :-) 15:15:05 <kwurst> Almost done with topic proposals... 15:18:59 <kwurst> Trying to group the topics... 15:36:55 <kwurst> Topics are grouped, now we're voting on them... 15:40:56 <kwurst> I created a second channel (#teachingopensource2) so that we can liveblog session two there. 15:46:29 <heidie> #endmeeting