21:49:44 <rebelsky> #startmeeting 21:49:44 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 29 21:49:44 2012 UTC. The chair is rebelsky. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:49:44 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:49:46 <rebelsky> #topic Wrapup 21:49:55 <rebelsky> #chair kwurst 21:49:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: kwurst rebelsky 21:50:07 <rebelsky> irc://irc.freenode.net/#chair member:heidie 21:50:13 <rebelsky> #chair heidie 21:50:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: heidie kwurst rebelsky 21:50:43 <rebelsky> Big takeway from lit review: We know about the resources, but we need to gather them and get them out there. 21:50:55 <rebelsky> #chair mchua 21:50:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: heidie kwurst mchua rebelsky 21:51:02 <rebelsky> #chair suehle 21:51:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: heidie kwurst mchua rebelsky suehle 21:52:07 <rebelsky> Big takeway from new users session: OS is not like producing published papers. You don't do all the work and submit it for acceptance/rejection. "Release early, release often." 21:52:47 <rebelsky> Big takeaway from new users session: Importance of choosing students. 21:52:54 <rebelsky> Big takeway from new users session: Productively lost. 21:53:24 <rebelsky> Bit takeway from plenary: Make it attractive to work in the open. Reward open behavior. 21:53:49 <rebelsky> Big takeaway from plenary: It takes awhile for the stuff to sink in. (For students, for faculty.) You need to repeat it. 21:55:03 <rebelsky> Big takeway from faculty barriers: An initiative to work together as peer mentors to encourage each other to get started and continue working on some project. 21:55:39 <rebelsky> Big takeaway from selecting projects: Know the community, think about how you should share knowledge with new groups of students. 21:56:38 <rebelsky> Big takeaway from tools/resources: Communities are an important tool: Online communities, like GitHub, meatspace communities like Barcamp. 21:57:21 <rebelsky> Big takeaway from Activities: Most of the lessons are "be a good learner". Work harder. You can't coast. Default to open. Think out loud Your are one of many. 21:57:46 <rebelsky> Mel asks: What's next? 21:58:15 <rebelsky> Food. (Dinner with interesting people at a good restaurant. Yay!) 21:58:24 <rebelsky> Lit review bonanza. (Aren't grad students useful?) 21:58:24 <kwurst> #action Food 21:58:38 <kwurst> #action Put meeting minutes online on TOS 21:59:02 <kwurst> #action Lit review needs to get merged between Mel and Michelle and put up on TOS 22:00:07 <rebelsky> Mel's "FOSS101 study group". Walk people through it. How do you look at a project? How do you assess it? How do you get started? If we put it in TOS, other people will contribute. 22:00:40 <kwurst> #action Mel's "FOSS101 study group". Walk people through it. How do you look at a project? How do you assess it? How do you get started? If we put it in TOS, other people will contribute. 22:00:57 <rebelsky> #action Followup on Mel's group: We form a support group for each other, so that we have deadlines on what we get done, and folks to check in with. Having picked a project, how do you get better involved in the community. 22:02:17 <kwurst> #action Mel to write guide on "Being Time-Efficient" 22:02:32 <kwurst> #action Run POSSE 22:04:15 <kwurst> #action What's POSSE II? 22:04:15 <rebelsky> #action Figure out POSSE 2 22:04:29 <rebelsky> #action Vertical POSSE 22:05:25 <rebelsky> #action Barcamps as part of SIGCSE? During the day, not in the evening when people are trying to do other things. 22:05:59 <rebelsky> Matt agreed to propose it to the SIGCSE hierarchy. 22:07:23 <kwurst> #action Project evaluation 22:07:54 <rebelsky> Heidi notes that there are lots of activities related to open source. Greg and Heidi have NSF showcase on Thursday morning (H-FOSS). 22:08:04 <rebelsky> Thursday night BOF. Check your program. 22:08:17 <rebelsky> Friday afternoon: Paper on getting started. 22:08:26 <rebelsky> Friday afternoon: Poster on 50 ways to be a FOSSer. 22:08:41 <rebelsky> Friday evening: Nano POSSE 22:08:52 <rebelsky> And lots more. 22:09:08 <rebelsky> #endmeeting