22:29:45 <aeperezt> #startmeeting 22:29:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 19 22:29:45 2014 UTC. The chair is aeperezt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:29:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:30:04 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 22:30:05 <mribeirodantas> .fas mribeirodantas 22:30:06 * mribeirodantas Brazil 22:30:07 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 22:30:09 <aeperezt> #meetingname Ambassadors Fedora latam 22:30:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ambassadors_fedora_latam' 22:30:10 <biker> o/ 22:30:10 <zodbot> mribeirodantas: mribeirodantas 'Marcel Ribeiro Dantas' <ribeirodantasdm@gmail.com> 22:30:11 <kusterjr> .fas kusterjr 22:30:12 <biker> .fas rugebiker 22:30:13 <zodbot> kusterjr: kusterjr 'Geraldo Antonio Kuster Junior' <geraldojr@geraldokuster.com.br> 22:30:15 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 22:30:16 <rosset> .fas filiperosset 22:30:16 <zodbot> biker: rugebiker 'Ruben Guerra Marin' <rguerra.marin@gmail.com> 22:30:17 * echevemaster Venezuela 22:30:19 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei '' <e@wolnei.com.br> - charged '' <e+charged@wolnei.com.br> 22:30:22 <zodbot> rosset: filiperosset 'Filipe Rosset' <rosset.filipe@gmail.com> 22:30:25 <alexove> .fas alexove 22:30:25 <wolnei> Brazil 22:30:25 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 22:30:29 * biker Mexico/Holanda 22:30:31 <aeperezt> #topic rolcall 22:30:32 <JuanCarlosLin> .hellomynameis lin 22:30:32 * alexove = peru 22:30:33 <apahim> .fas apahim 22:30:38 <williamjmorenor> .fas williajmorenor 22:30:40 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 22:30:44 <lvaz|brb> .fas lmvaz 22:30:48 <williamjmorenor> Nicaragua 22:30:51 * aeperezt Panama 22:30:59 <echevemaster> JuanCarlosLin: that only works on famna meetings. :) 22:31:00 <JuanCarlosLin> .hellomynameis lin 22:31:13 * lvaz Brazil 22:31:27 <JuanCarlosLin> thnaks echevemaster 22:31:35 <aeperezt> chair lvaz echevemaster 22:31:40 <aeperezt> #chair lvaz echevemaster 22:31:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt echevemaster lvaz 22:31:41 <echevemaster> use .fas JuanCarlosLin 22:31:48 <JuanCarlosLin> .fas lin 22:32:00 <zodbot> JuanCarlosLin: lin 'Juan Carlos YJ Lin' <lin@unisoft.com.py> 22:32:03 <zodbot> apahim: apahim 'Amador Pahim' <amador@pahim.org> 22:32:06 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: 'williajmorenor' Not Found! 22:32:09 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 22:32:12 <zodbot> lvaz|brb: lmvaz 'Leonardo Menezes Vaz' <leonardo.vaz@gmail.com> - leonardovaz 'Leonardo Vaz' <lmvaz@tchelinux.org> 22:32:15 <zodbot> JuanCarlosLin: lin 'Juan Carlos YJ Lin' <lin@unisoft.com.py> 22:32:18 <zodbot> JuanCarlosLin: jialin1981 'patrick qin' <jialinqin@gmail.com> - pklingem 'Patrick Klingemann' <patrick.klingemann@gmail.com> - chanshaw 'Colin Hanshaw' <chanshaw@sympatico.ca> - gustavofranca 'gustavo andrade franca' <guga@linuxmail.org> - waycon25 'Wayne Conklin' <waycon25@verizon.net> - wellington 'Wellington de Carvalho Rodrigues' <wellington.acr@gmail.com> - linuxgod007 'Raju Gupta' <rajugupta.mail@gmail.com> - (50 more messages) 22:32:26 <williamjmorenor> .fas williamjmorenor 22:32:26 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: williamjmorenor 'William Moreno' <williamjmorenor@gmail.com> 22:32:28 <mribeirodantas> Calm down guys. 22:32:42 <williamjmorenor> :) 22:32:46 <mribeirodantas> :-) 22:33:06 <echevemaster> zodbot: are screaming, let me quite. 22:33:29 <dark_axl> .fas darkaxl017 22:33:29 <zodbot> dark_axl: darkaxl017 'Alejandro Callejas García' <alex.callejas@hotmail.com> 22:35:37 <rosset> ping 22:35:58 <echevemaster> rosset: pong. 22:35:59 <mribeirodantas> rosset: pong. 22:36:10 <alexove> rosset:pong 22:36:17 <rosset> :) 22:36:32 <biker> request timed out 22:36:32 <kusterjr> pong 22:37:24 <williamjmorenor> topics? 22:37:38 <JuanCarlosLin> /msg lvaz are you leo from redhat? 22:37:49 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: pin 22:37:50 <tatica> .fas tatica 22:37:51 <mribeirodantas> ping* 22:37:51 <zodbot> tatica: tatica 'Maria Gracia Leandro Lombardo' <tatadbb@gmail.com> 22:37:51 <dark_axl> México 22:38:26 <lvaz> JuanCarlosLin: yes (soy el gordo del sombrero rojo) 22:38:40 <echevemaster> williamjmorenor: aeperezt always wait some minutes for rollcall 22:38:45 <TonetJallo> .fas tonet666p 22:38:46 <zodbot> TonetJallo: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 22:38:54 <rosset> .fas filiperosset 22:38:55 <TonetJallo> hola, hello 22:38:57 <zodbot> rosset: filiperosset 'Filipe Rosset' <rosset.filipe@gmail.com> 22:38:58 * rosset Brazil 22:39:00 <echevemaster> patience williamjmorenor 22:39:20 <williamjmorenor> :O 22:39:22 <williamjmorenor> ok 22:39:26 <williamjmorenor> thanks echevemaster 22:39:40 <mribeirodantas> It's been 10 minutes. I don't remember of it being so long, that's why I ping'd him. 22:39:48 <TonetJallo> wich are the topics? 22:40:10 <williamjmorenor> i will go for some cofee 22:40:14 <echevemaster> patience guys. 22:40:32 <biker> maese echevemaster ,., here are your padawans waiting for you 22:40:37 <mribeirodantas> :D 22:41:04 <echevemaster> biker: jajaja 22:42:06 <lvaz> "echevemaster of puppets" 22:42:25 <aeperezt> ok 22:42:28 <aeperezt> peple 22:42:32 <rosset> let's rock 22:42:34 <aeperezt> lets see the agenda 22:43:00 <echevemaster> \m/ ( `◉ _◉´) 22:43:02 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: will there be voting for tickets tonight? 22:43:24 <aeperezt> there are too many tickets on the agenda some of them should be closed 22:43:42 <williamjmorenor> Like FAD managua :( 22:43:44 <aeperezt> well 22:43:57 <aeperezt> since we do not have budget yeat 22:44:10 <asoliard> i'm sorry 22:44:12 <mribeirodantas> As I expected. See, echevemaster? 22:44:19 <asoliard> i'm late? 22:44:23 <mribeirodantas> asoliard: no :-) 22:44:26 <mribeirodantas> We just started. 22:44:31 <asoliard> ok 22:44:34 <aeperezt> and there is no famsco member at the meeting to know if there is any clue about that 22:44:46 <asoliard> I'm preparing my presentation on FLISOL 22:44:46 <asoliard> :-) 22:44:47 <mribeirodantas> asoliard: :-) good luck. 22:44:52 <aeperezt> we need to deside what we are going to do with FISL 22:44:54 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: Should I close my ticket? 22:45:01 <mribeirodantas> #210 22:45:09 <mribeirodantas> (Regarding criteria for voting) 22:45:29 <aeperezt> are we going to check this or not 22:45:51 <mribeirodantas> ? 22:46:03 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, not sure 22:46:07 <mribeirodantas> Ok. 22:46:19 <aeperezt> but I belive the criterals are set by every individual 22:46:36 <aeperezt> not by what we should set as a policy 22:46:55 <mribeirodantas> True. That and the wiki page is more of a good reading 22:46:59 <lvaz> aeperezt +1 22:47:05 <mribeirodantas> Not a policy that should be strictly followed. 22:47:12 <echevemaster> aeperezt: has been not decided the budgets of all community? or just LATAM 22:47:25 <mribeirodantas> yn1v: any news regarding LATAM budget? 22:47:28 <aeperezt> like I mention the email on Brazil list we are looking at how to evaluate others while we lose the objective of what we want to acomplish 22:47:30 <rosset> there are any of our ambassadors that sent a talk to FISL organization? I mean to the official grade. 22:47:48 <mribeirodantas> rosset: I did. apahim too 22:47:48 <aeperezt> echevemaster, not 22:48:11 <mribeirodantas> I guess other people did too, but I can't remember names, rosset. 22:48:24 <yn1v> mribeirodantas, I haven't heard any news about budget :( 22:48:30 <mribeirodantas> yn1v: it's ok. 22:48:35 <aeperezt> rosset, I has ask that on the tickets 22:48:39 <apahim> rosset, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FISL15#Proposed_Activities 22:48:54 <rosset> well, if they're interested in their tickets, they should be here 22:49:00 <mribeirodantas> apahim: This list is not accurate. 22:49:05 <mribeirodantas> echevemaster did not submit anything. 22:49:32 <aeperezt> yn1v, since there are no budget asign yeat 22:49:48 <mribeirodantas> rosset: now that aeperezt said, I remembered. He and I asked all tickets about this 22:49:54 <mribeirodantas> Some people already replied. 22:49:54 <rosset> I saw aeperezt suggested partial sponsorship eg, 50% maybe 22:50:10 <aeperezt> we are not sure how much we are allow to spend on it 22:50:10 <mribeirodantas> rosset: yeah. He asked for the possibility of partial sponsorship and about the activity submission to FISL organization. 22:50:22 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: well, I suggest to postpone it to next meeting. 22:50:25 <mribeirodantas> There is nothing we can do. 22:50:45 <mribeirodantas> :-( 22:50:58 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, we had a dead line for today 22:51:05 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: so? 22:51:22 <aeperezt> lets look at the tickets to see who responded my question 22:51:24 <mribeirodantas> If we don't know how much we have, we can't even dare to plan budget spending. 22:51:29 <aeperezt> be back in 2 min with that 22:52:05 <lvaz> aeperezt: only 2 22:52:14 <rosset> there are a lot of guys going to FISL without sponsorship, so Fedora will be represented for sure 22:52:17 <mribeirodantas> Does anyone have an opinion on that? 22:52:26 <lvaz> actually 3 22:52:26 <mribeirodantas> rosset: Red Hat is sponsoring lots of poeple too. 22:52:52 <mribeirodantas> And we have some ambassadors in RS. 22:52:55 <apahim> rosset, mribeirodantas, I did submit activities, but I'm not requesting funding. 22:52:58 <lvaz> aeperezt: 201, 206 and 209 22:53:01 <mribeirodantas> apahim: true. 22:53:03 <yn1v> I can't make my mind. In one hand we don't know how much we will have as budget. On the other hand we will have "some" budget for this quarter and we are not using it. 22:53:04 <rosset> mribeirodantas, ok, but we're talking about Fedora, RH is another budget, doesn't matter here 22:53:14 <mribeirodantas> rosset: WHat I meant is that we WILL be represented 22:53:17 <mribeirodantas> Since we have fedoras among redhatters. 22:53:20 <aeperezt> People did you allow me to be drastic 22:53:22 <rosset> apahim, yeah 22:53:34 <aeperezt> I know it is not Ideal 22:53:37 <rosset> aeperezt, yes, go ahead 22:53:42 <aeperezt> but this is my proposal 22:53:51 <mribeirodantas> Hm 22:53:52 <williamjmorenor> !? 22:53:52 <rosset> mribeirodantas, even without Fedora budget, Fedora will be represented 22:53:54 <aeperezt> all who fill tickets 22:54:02 <rosset> there are a lot of guys that doesn't own tickets for FISL, but will be there 22:54:13 <mribeirodantas> rosset: true. plus RH, plus RS people. 22:54:20 <aeperezt> recibe notification on their email about the question I asked on them 22:54:29 <rosset> mribeirodantas, stop to tell RH 22:54:30 <aeperezt> since only 3 people answer 22:54:52 <aeperezt> but the dead line which is today only those tickets will be consider for FISL 22:55:03 <rosset> RH budget is for RH guys, some are in Fedora, some not, so we need to discuss about Fedora things atm. 22:55:09 <aeperezt> what do you think people 22:55:26 <mribeirodantas> I'm 209, so I don't think it's fair for me to say anything. 22:55:38 <yn1v> aeperezt, I agree. 22:56:00 <aeperezt> lvaz, what do you think 22:56:24 <yn1v> If we set procedures and deadlines, we should adhere to them 22:56:24 <lvaz> aeperezt: we can ask people here who filled the tickets and move on alejandro 22:56:26 <rosset> hi Danniel-Lara welcome aboard, FYI the meeting is already started 22:56:46 <lvaz> times is passing a the flight tickets are getting more expensive 22:56:55 <lvaz> (my two bolivares) 22:57:02 <aeperezt> lvaz, yes that is why 22:57:14 <aeperezt> I want to help people that show interest 22:57:17 <lvaz> 201 is echevemaster 22:57:27 <lvaz> (he is here) 22:57:40 <aeperezt> people that took the time to anwser a simple question that should be anwser as yes or no 22:57:51 <lvaz> 202 is delete 22:58:02 <lvaz> (he's here) 22:58:16 <lvaz> 203 is alexove 22:58:20 <lvaz> (he's here too) 22:58:26 <aeperezt> so we can prioritize those tickets and maybe we see the others next week with the hope we can spend the budget too 22:58:29 * alexove is here :-) 22:58:42 <TonetJallo> o/ alexove 22:58:47 <williamjmorenor> hey #199 i am here 22:58:52 <rosset> lvaz, what about the guys from Uruguay? 22:58:59 <mribeirodantas> williamjmorenor: we're only discussing FISL for now 22:59:08 <mribeirodantas> rosset: he's #206. And has not answered the question 22:59:10 <lvaz> rosset: it's lunaticc0 (also here) 22:59:13 <mribeirodantas> only #201 and #209 did. 22:59:54 <rosset> we need to promote Fedora on Uruguay, so it's good to have at least one guy here 22:59:58 <rosset> what do you think guys? 23:00:09 <mribeirodantas> rosset: I think we should definitely take him to a FUDCon or Flock 23:00:16 <lvaz> rosset: I agree 23:00:23 <mribeirodantas> But if we're that tight in FISL, maybe we should favor people who have done more for Fedora lately. 23:00:30 <aeperezt> rosset, I agreed 23:00:42 <williamjmorenor> mribeirodantas, aeperezt #199 is for flisol nicaragua 23:00:53 <mribeirodantas> williamjmorenor: exactly. As I said, we're only discussing FISL now. 23:01:00 <mribeirodantas> FISL != FLISOL. 23:01:05 <aeperezt> williamjmorenor, we have no athorized budget yeat 23:01:29 <aeperezt> we are looking at fisl because of the travel reservations needs to be made 23:01:38 <williamjmorenor> but i have "the question" in the ticket and the answer is yes 23:01:51 <mribeirodantas> Oh, #208 kusterjr replied the question too, aeperezt. 23:01:55 <williamjmorenor> sorry i have not "the question" 23:01:56 <TonetJallo> excuseme, where is fisl 23:02:06 <mribeirodantas> TonetJallo: Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. 23:02:09 <echevemaster> TonetJallo: braxil 23:02:17 <TonetJallo> thanks 23:02:23 <aeperezt> since only two tickets anwser the questions we shoul evaluate those two and the Uruguay one because we need to develop that area 23:02:26 <kusterjr> i am here 23:02:26 <mribeirodantas> #201, #208 and #209 are the tickets that replied the question. 23:02:34 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: 23:02:35 <mribeirodantas> ^ 23:02:45 <lvaz> aeperezt: correction - 201, 208 and 209 (too many tabs open) 23:02:59 <rosset> a partial sponsorship shows commitment by the user, so if partial is not enough, I'm not sure if we should give anything IMO 23:02:59 <aeperezt> so 4 tickets evaluate then 23:03:10 <mribeirodantas> Well, ok. 23:03:43 <aeperezt> let see the cost of those 4 tickets 23:04:10 <rosset> lvaz, aeperezt let's vote? if the budget is not enough for all approved tickets, we discuss it again next week 23:04:22 <lvaz> rosset: agreed 23:04:24 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: check the last comment in echevemaster's ticket 23:04:29 <mribeirodantas> he has updated flight cost. 23:05:19 <rosset> if we don't filter approved/not approved today, all costs will increase and nothing will be decided :( 23:05:37 <mribeirodantas> rosset: :( I wonder when it'll be cheap to fly in Brazil. 23:06:02 <mribeirodantas> In Europe, you can fly to another country spending USD 30 23:06:04 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, in dolars what is the price of your ticket 23:06:09 <mribeirodantas> 250 USD 23:06:19 <mribeirodantas> ~255USD 23:06:55 <aeperezt> ok 23:08:16 <aeperezt> ticket 201 671.00 dls + ticket 208 561.00 dls + ticket 209 255.00 dls + ticket 206 275.00 dls 23:08:24 <alexove> aeperezt: I updated my ticket 23:08:33 <aeperezt> alexove, too late 23:08:46 <alexove> aeperezt: Ok 23:09:02 <aeperezt> so we have a total of 1762 dls 23:09:09 <aeperezt> on flight tickets 23:09:17 <lvaz> aeperezt: +1000 usd for the hostel 23:09:24 <itamar_> the hostel will cost less 23:09:27 <itamar_> for 4 persons 23:10:08 <aeperezt> yn1v, can you and I take responsability about this approval and fight on famsco and with fpl so we can start moving this 23:10:10 <itamar_> $500 usd for 4 perons 23:10:33 <lvaz> itamar_: you are considering only four people are going to be there sponsored by Fedora but we are going to vote the other tickets next week 23:10:54 <aeperezt> I'm assuming all tickets are approve on the meeting 23:10:57 <itamar_> ok, then, $1000 for 8 23:11:05 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: Let's do this. If money is shorter than we think, I offer my hosting to support someone fund request 23:11:09 <aeperezt> yn1v, you around 23:11:23 <mribeirodantas> I abdicate my hosting sponsorship. Does it help? 23:11:31 <yn1v> I was looking how much we spent last year on fisl 23:11:33 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, hold 23:11:39 <itamar_> mribeirodantas, I recommend the people to stay togheter, to share a cab. 23:11:41 <aeperezt> yn1v, we spend 3000 dls 23:11:57 <aeperezt> I have to asume the same amount but we need to confirm this 23:12:36 <yn1v> yes, I will take this with famsco and fpl 23:12:45 <itamar_> look this one, http://hostel.tur.br/reservas.php, I have a little discount if I book using my name. 23:12:54 <aeperezt> if we count 1762 + 1000 we are tight we could sponsor only another ticket at the must 23:13:05 <yn1v> I have to wait to board activities to begin, when it happens I will also try there 23:13:05 <aeperezt> ok 23:13:17 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: 300 usd + my bed 23:13:19 <aeperezt> yn1v, thanks 23:13:47 <rosset> but we are not sure if all tickets from today will be approved in meeting 23:13:55 <aeperezt> mribeirodantas, fedora community that stay together learn to become a better community 23:14:01 <mribeirodantas> Great, then. 23:14:02 <aeperezt> so I will reject you offer 23:14:05 <aeperezt> :-) 23:14:07 <mribeirodantas> :-) 23:14:12 <lvaz> aeperezt: +1 23:14:15 <mribeirodantas> _o> 23:14:19 <echevemaster> well said, aeperezt 23:14:19 <lvaz> aeperezt: let's move ahead? 23:14:21 <mribeirodantas> My pleasure. 23:14:28 <aeperezt> ok 23:14:36 <aeperezt> lets vote ticket 201 23:14:55 <mribeirodantas> +1 23:14:55 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 201 23:15:00 <itamar_> 201, thats alot of bolivars! 23:15:08 <echevemaster> lol 23:15:21 <mribeirodantas> echevemaster is from too far away, but he's traveling by car to Colombia to make the ticket cheaper and he's also a great volunteer 23:15:21 <aeperezt> echevemaster, yes lots bolivars 23:15:24 <mribeirodantas> I can't say no. +1 23:15:32 <lvaz> itamar_: it'll worth each penny spent. 23:15:36 <itamar_> +1 23:15:37 <rosset> +1 because echevemaster is involved in a lot of areas, not only ambassadors 23:15:43 <Danniel-Lara> +1 23:15:46 <kusterjr> +1 23:15:46 <apahim> +1 23:15:48 <alexove> +1 23:15:50 <JuanCarlosLin> +1 23:15:50 <wolnei_> +1 23:15:52 <lvaz> +1 23:16:10 <lvaz> (full sponsorship and a bed in the hostel) 23:16:16 <penasio> +1 23:16:27 <aeperezt> #agreed ticket 201 sponsor echevemaster full sponsorship 23:16:28 <itamar_> echevemaster , lvaz, will pay a beer for you in brazil and will bring you to café colonial 23:16:33 <yn1v> we all love echevemaster 23:16:43 <echevemaster> thanks guys ;) 23:16:46 <mribeirodantas> :-) 23:16:48 <TonetJallo> jajajjaa yn1v +1 23:16:49 <mribeirodantas> You deserve it. 23:16:52 <itamar_> lvaz, can you do it for chevere-master ? 23:16:53 <rosset> guinness of course lvaz 23:16:57 <JuanCarlosLin> viva bolivarianos 23:17:03 <mribeirodantas> echevemaster: oh, I forgot. You gotta come wearing the hat I gave you! 23:17:04 <mribeirodantas> ahaha 23:17:13 <aeperezt> yn1v, next time I will not love him so much unless he bring two infra guys and 4 packagers into Fedora 23:17:29 <aeperezt> echevemaster, :-) 23:17:47 <echevemaster> aeperezt: ya no te quiero 23:17:53 <itamar_> lvaz, last year I did it for valentin 23:18:05 <lvaz> next ticket? 23:18:12 * lvaz looks to the clock 23:18:13 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 208 23:18:24 <mribeirodantas> kusterjr: 23:18:26 <mribeirodantas> 's ticket. 23:18:47 <mribeirodantas> kusterjr is new to the project but has already been involved in a few activities. I think it will benefit Fedora having him in FISL 23:18:53 <itamar_> how much is the ticket for 208 ? 23:18:54 <mribeirodantas> He's been pretty helpful in Freemedia. 23:18:55 <mribeirodantas> +1 23:19:05 <aeperezt> itamar_, 561.00 23:19:20 <itamar_> kusterjr, I am not seeing activities from kusterjr in freemedia 23:19:34 <rosset> -1 no proposed talks at FISL, I can't see other activities for while 23:19:43 <mribeirodantas> itamar_: sure? When I stopped contributing to Freemedia, he even assumed one of my tickets if I recall correctly. 23:19:54 <mribeirodantas> kusterjr2: you there? 23:20:06 <kusterjr2> yes 23:20:08 <kusterjr2> im kikked 23:20:15 <mribeirodantas> Don't you contribute to freemediæ? 23:20:22 <echevemaster> all the activities on fedora are important rosset 23:20:25 <mribeirodantas> você contribui para Freemedia? 23:20:28 <lvaz> kusterjr2: could you be able to do it with partial sponsorship? 23:20:39 <rosset> echevemaster, sure, but my vote is -1 23:20:44 * lvaz is looking other tickets which proposed talks 23:20:49 <apahim> +1 23:20:51 <aeperezt> lvaz, he anwser on his ticket he can not do it 23:20:57 <rosset> maybe change to +1 for partial sponsor 23:21:10 <kusterjr2> Not have money for partial 23:21:16 <mribeirodantas> :-( 23:21:35 <aeperezt> lets vote for full sponsorship for ticket 208 23:21:47 <mribeirodantas> 2 +1's so far. 23:21:53 <lvaz> -1 (don't take it personal kusterjr2, but we have 4 other people with talks) 23:22:02 <wolnei_> -1 23:22:06 <penasio> -1 23:22:23 <itamar_> -1 23:22:26 <mribeirodantas> It's indeed an expensive ticket. Maybe keep looking for offers, kusterjr2. And then next meeting we can try again :/ (?) 23:22:28 <alexove> 0 23:22:43 <alexove> mribeirodantas:+1 23:22:50 <echevemaster> alexove: you can't vote 0, 0 don't have value. 23:22:53 <kusterjr2> ok not problem 23:23:07 <itamar_> where do you live kusterjr2 ? 23:23:14 <yn1v> I agree with lvaz ... we need talks 23:23:18 <mribeirodantas> kusterjr2: Não fica desestimulado. Como você deve ter percebido, está complicado :/ 23:23:33 <itamar_> where do you live kusterjr2 ? 23:23:33 <aeperezt> ok 23:23:43 <mribeirodantas> Parece que sua conexnão não está das melhoras. Depois vê os logs direitinho para ficar claor, kusterjr2 23:23:44 <kusterjr2> Itamar: Natal/RN - Brasil 23:24:01 <mribeirodantas> Next ticket. 23:24:13 <itamar_> mribeirodantas are comming from same place, and the mribeirodantas tickets cost $255 23:24:20 <aeperezt> #agreed ticket 208 not approved 23:24:32 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 209 23:24:34 <rosset> mribeirodantas, fell free to pass your sponsor to kusterjr if you desire 23:24:56 <mribeirodantas> rosset: I passed my hosting, but the proposal was refused. 23:24:57 <rosset> kusterjr, mribeirodantas what do you think guys? 23:25:19 <itamar_> mribeirodantas, how much is your ticket ? 23:25:27 <mribeirodantas> 254 and a few US cents. 23:25:32 <aeperezt> itamar_, 255 dls 23:25:38 <itamar_> +1 for 209, mribeirodantas is a active contributor 23:25:44 <lvaz> +1 23:25:48 <aeperezt> vote please 23:25:56 <JuanCarlosLin> +1 23:26:01 <penasio> +1 23:26:01 <alexove> 1 23:26:01 <apahim> +1 for 209 23:26:03 <alexove> +1 23:26:06 <Danniel-Lara> +1 23:26:09 <echevemaster> +1 23:26:36 <wolnei_> +1 23:26:40 <aeperezt> #agreed ticket 209 full sponsorship to fisl 23:26:42 <itamar_> also the 209 ticket is very economic, 23:26:48 <aeperezt> itamar_, right 23:26:50 <mribeirodantas> I appreciate your support _o> 23:26:53 <rosset> +1 23:27:33 <yn1v> do we have dead line for booking hotel? 23:27:38 <aeperezt> #topic ticket 206 23:28:04 <itamar_> lvaz, what do you think about 206 ? 23:28:14 <aeperezt> lvaz, ticket 206 is the one from Uruguay right? 23:28:25 <rosset> lunaticc0, are you around? 23:28:27 <lvaz> aeperezt: yes, I asked him to fill it 23:28:28 <lunaticc0> yes 23:28:28 <lunaticc0> i'm really shy right now, newbie in this meetings 23:28:37 <rosset> lunaticc0, great 23:28:44 <rosset> we need to promote Fedora in Uruguay 23:28:55 <aeperezt> lunaticc0, you have a great task ahead of you promore Uruguay 23:29:03 <mribeirodantas> lunaticc0: Don't be shy :-) we don't bite. Unless you promote non-free software d:P 23:29:04 <lvaz> lunaticc0 is replacing gabriel acosta, he became ambassador last weekend 23:29:04 <lunaticc0> i know 23:29:16 <aeperezt> lunaticc0, by the way please email me you postal address so I can send you some Fedora goodies 23:29:33 <mribeirodantas> lunaticc0: are you aware you must write a report about your experience in FISL and publish it in Fedora Planet? 23:29:35 <echevemaster> aeperezt: grear 23:29:35 <lunaticc0> aeperezt, great 23:29:41 <rosset> lvaz, great, gabriel will not be to able attend FISL this year, right? 23:29:44 <itamar_> last year when we have approved candido (new contributor ) ticket, alot of people complained, inclusing sergio in his blog 23:29:44 <echevemaster> welcome aboard lunaticc0 23:29:52 <lunaticc0> mribeirodantas, now i'm 23:30:03 <itamar_> so this time I am going to let lvaz vote first. 23:30:18 <mribeirodantas> lunaticc0: You're supposed to publish it in your blog and add the feeds to Fedora Planet. If you don't have a blog, you're supposed to create one. 23:30:36 <lvaz> we need to bring him because he's helping to bootstrap community in Uruguay 23:30:37 <lvaz> it's also a cheap ticket 23:30:39 <rosset> lunaticc0, we'll help you if you need 23:30:48 <aeperezt> this tickets is 275 dls which is cheap for an international ticket 23:30:49 <lvaz> +1 23:31:04 <rosset> +1 23:31:06 <wolnei_> +1 23:31:07 <penasio> +1 for 206 23:31:08 <Danniel-Lara> +! 23:31:09 <itamar_> +1 23:31:09 <JuanCarlosLin> +1 23:31:11 <Danniel-Lara> +! 23:31:14 <echevemaster> +1 23:31:17 <yn1v> +1 23:31:26 <kusterjr> +1 23:31:28 <alexove> +1 23:31:32 <echevemaster> Danniel-Lara: what is that vote? 23:31:39 <mribeirodantas> I see the need of expanding Fedora to other countries, mostly in LATAM, so I'd definitely support taking you to a FUDCon or Flock, lunaticc0. But I don't see how letting one contributor out, and you in, will contribute for Fedora in Uruguay. 23:31:39 <echevemaster> +! or +1 23:31:42 <aeperezt> #agreed ticket 206 full sponsorship 23:31:55 <mribeirodantas> And you didn't fill the ticket about your submission 23:31:56 <mribeirodantas> So -1 23:31:59 <mribeirodantas> Don't take it personal, please. 23:32:41 <Danniel-Lara> echevemaster : sorry problem with keyboard 23:32:55 <rosset> Danniel-Lara is the guy that are helping lvaz in FISL organization right :) 23:32:59 <Danniel-Lara> +1 23:33:31 <echevemaster> Danniel-Lara: ok ;) 23:33:31 <aeperezt> lunaticc0, seems to me people is giving you a confidence vote so learn as much as you can and take this oportunity to learn a bit more about fedora and other groups within it 23:33:43 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: +1 23:33:56 <echevemaster> I'm sure that lunaticc0 will be take this opportunity for learn 23:34:02 <echevemaster> we trust on you ..... 23:34:05 <mribeirodantas> It hasn't been that easy for other beginners, lunaticc0. Last year, we had a fight because of a similar situation 23:34:12 <lvaz> ticket 206 was raised on March 7 (after the call for papers end) 23:34:15 <aeperezt> so since I like echevemaster and lunaticc0 is knew echevemaster and lvas will be his mentor into Fedora 23:34:32 <mribeirodantas> echevemaster: do you know him? 23:34:32 <echevemaster> o> 23:34:43 <echevemaster> mribeirodantas: yes. by email 23:34:43 <mribeirodantas> I trust echevemaster. 23:34:48 <mribeirodantas> Hm.. I see. 23:34:53 <mribeirodantas> well, that's it, right guys? 23:35:10 <rosset> let's vote other tickets? or we'll wait for next week? 23:35:44 <aeperezt> ok we sponsor 1201 23:35:56 <echevemaster> 1201? 23:36:00 <rosset> USD 23:36:08 <aeperezt> dls 23:36:18 <echevemaster> ahhhhh ok 23:36:58 <apahim> sorry. missed that one (206). +1 for the record. don't see how is it different from 208 anyway. 23:38:10 <itamar_> next ? 23:38:11 <lvaz> apahim: a guy from uruguay which is helping us to bootstrap the community there 23:38:12 <apahim> lunaticc0, congrats.. I'm sure you will rock over there ;) 23:38:18 <aeperezt> ok 23:38:31 <aeperezt> we review other tickets next week 23:38:32 <lunaticc0> really thanks for your support 23:38:34 <kovalevsky> .fas sophiekovalevsky 23:38:35 <zodbot> kovalevsky: sophiekovalevsky '' <kiarakovalevsky@gmail.com> 23:38:44 <aeperezt> so we hope I have anwser about budget 23:38:46 <kovalevsky> Kiara Navarro from Panama. 23:38:49 <mribeirodantas> aeperezt: ok. 23:38:50 <apahim> lvaz, nice 23:38:57 <lunaticc0> I promise not to disappoint anyone 23:38:58 <rosset> apahim, another thing #208 is about 561 dls x 275 dls from #206 23:39:07 <echevemaster> apahim: difference, we need people from countries that we have not presence 23:39:18 <JuanCarlosLin> Here me!!!! 23:39:31 <JuanCarlosLin> Dont forget me !!! 23:39:45 <apahim> got it guys 23:39:49 <lvaz> JuanCarlosLin: go ahead 23:40:04 <apahim> let's move ahead. 23:40:12 <JuanCarlosLin> Will collect from you guys promise to help Fedora in Paraguya 23:40:19 <JuanCarlosLin> next meeting 23:40:45 <lvaz> JuanCarlosLin: certainly 23:40:55 <aeperezt> #topic Open Floor 23:41:05 <aeperezt> Any other subject people 23:41:12 <rosset> JuanCarlosLin, I'm +1 on promote this kind of event :) 23:41:16 <alexove> ! 23:41:33 <aeperezt> alexove, go ahead 23:41:39 <alexove> in spanish: 23:42:05 <rosset> JuanCarlosLin, I'm glad to see that you're working to bring new contributors to other areas than ambassadors. 23:42:08 <mribeirodantas> echevemaster: if possible, translate it into English, please. 23:42:20 <aeperezt> alexove, ok 23:42:22 <alexove> Hace como hace dos semanas o más plantee la idea de hacer mentoring de tesis de pre-grado 23:42:26 <JuanCarlosLin> thank rosset 23:42:37 <rosset> JuanCarlosLin, talk is cheap, show me the code ;) 23:42:45 <rosset> \../ 23:42:59 <alexove> como proyecto de Latam para tomar mayor protagonismo dentro de la comunidad Fedora 23:43:19 <JuanCarlosLin> yes, 23:43:31 <echevemaster> Since two weeks ago, I have the idea of mentoring pre-grade works 23:43:53 <echevemaster> as latam project for growing on the fedora community. 23:43:56 <kovalevsky> what do you mean with undergradaute research? 23:43:58 <JuanCarlosLin> Nice I got same idea 23:44:09 <kovalevsky> alexove, 23:44:20 <alexove> quisiera que los participantes en GSoC puedan compartir sus experiencias por correo electronico a la lista 23:44:43 <echevemaster> i would like that GOSC participants can share their experience by email to the list 23:45:04 <alexove> para saber como podemos llevar este proceso 23:45:24 <echevemaster> for know we can manage that process 23:45:41 <echevemaster> alexove: ok, i can do a walkthrought 23:45:50 <alexove> a parte de esto hay un problema legal (al menos en Peru) sobre la propiedad Intelectual de las Universidades sobre las Tesis (documento y productos) al menos por dos años 23:46:52 <echevemaster> also there are a legal issue (at least ikn peru) about the coopyright of the universities on the work grade (document and products) at least for two years of copyright 23:47:15 <alexove> quiza sea necesario buscar un convenio (en terminos legales) para que las universidades puedan ceder al dominio publico estas tesis 23:47:17 <echevemaster> alexove: that problem exists in many universities of latinamerica 23:48:10 <echevemaster> maybe we need search an agreement (in legal terms) for universties can give status "domain public" about that grade work 23:48:15 <yn1v> People I have to leave 23:48:32 <yn1v> we are over the time 23:48:34 <yn1v> by 23:48:37 <yn1v> bye 23:48:37 <rosset> yn1v, cya 23:48:41 <mribeirodantas> bye. 23:49:03 <echevemaster> alexove: that agreement exists, its called Safe Creative 23:49:19 <mribeirodantas> In Brazil, it is a bit different 23:49:20 <alexove> en este caso tenemos que trabajar tambien en esta area (legal) aparte de la parte tecnica y academica 23:49:30 <echevemaster> #link http://www.safecreative.org/ 23:49:42 <mribeirodantas> Softwares developed at public universities may be shared in the "public software" web portal 23:50:06 <mribeirodantas> They're free software, though it seems they're shown as in the public domain 23:50:24 <alexove> echevemaster: En todo caso deberia buscarse un acuerdo donde la universidad adopte algun tipo de licenciamiento que permita liberar las tesis 23:50:36 <echevemaster> alexove: it is right 23:50:49 <echevemaster> please communicate with safe creative 23:51:03 <echevemaster> they have attourneys disposal to that 23:51:16 <alexove> espero sus aportes respecto a GSoC para esbozar un proceso similar de seleccion de proyectos 23:51:25 <echevemaster> ok alexove 23:51:40 <alexove> y con ese esbozo se puedan buscar citas con los decanos y autoridades de las universidades para viabilizar esto 23:52:09 <alexove> tambien se puedne buscar tesistas en Institutos tecnicos privados o publicos mientras las universidades se suman a esto 23:52:23 <echevemaster> alexove: lo m�s importante es hacer contacto 23:52:31 <echevemaster> con una entidad legal internacional 23:52:42 <echevemaster> para poder tratar esto con universidades peruanas 23:52:58 <echevemaster> y obviamente elevarlo al gobierno tambien 23:53:19 <echevemaster> y eso se hace con comunidades de acad�micos 23:53:40 <echevemaster> por desgracia jam�s tomar�n en cuenta "a personas de software libre" 23:53:44 <alexove> al menos en Peru, las universidades pueden unirse siempre en cuando exista un acuerdo, por ejemplo en el consejo universitario (Estudiantes de tercio superior, Docentes y otras autoridades) sino todo se prolongaria demasiado 23:53:47 <echevemaster> asi que debes convencer primeroa los academicos 23:54:12 <echevemaster> entonces, tienes que hacer un borrador extenso, sobre todolo bueno que traeria eso para tu pais 23:54:18 <echevemaster> y presentarlo a la comunidad 23:54:29 <aeperezt> creo que eso lo pueden discutir fuera de la reunion 23:54:33 <echevemaster> lo bueno es que tienes a tu disposicion a toda la comunidad de peru 23:54:34 <aeperezt> hay algun otro tema 23:54:35 <echevemaster> ok 23:54:35 <mribeirodantas> True. 23:54:36 <echevemaster> aeperezt: 23:54:50 <aeperezt> any other topic 23:54:55 <echevemaster> any 23:54:58 <alexove> gracias echevemaster y aeperezt 23:55:01 <JuanCarlosLin> need help 23:55:08 <aeperezt> JuanCarlosLin, que necesitas 23:55:10 <JuanCarlosLin> for recruiting process 23:55:20 <mribeirodantas> Thank you all for coming tonight. See you next Wednesday 23:55:23 <mribeirodantas> Have a good night. 23:55:30 <echevemaster> aeperezt: thanks for chairing 23:55:30 <JuanCarlosLin> need guides to organize that inside a university 23:55:31 * alexove tiene que ir a clases 23:55:34 <aeperezt> JuanCarlosLin, explicame que quieres hacer 23:55:41 <alexove> See you guys :-) 23:55:47 <kusterjr> bye guys goodnight 23:55:53 <rosset> kusterjr, cya 23:55:57 <JuanCarlosLin> tengo idea de reclutar dentro de universidades publicas 23:56:07 * apahim leaving 23:56:10 <JuanCarlosLin> traduccion y package por el momento 23:56:18 <JuanCarlosLin> meta de 5 23:56:19 <aeperezt> JuanCarlosLin, a ok 23:56:21 <apahim> cya guys 23:56:26 <rosset> apahim, cya 23:56:28 <aeperezt> echevemaster, puedes ayudar a JuanCarlosLin 23:56:33 <JuanCarlosLin> ya abri un ticket para ser votado, pero, necesito si hay guias para eso 23:56:49 <aeperezt> JuanCarlosLin, que numero de ticket 23:56:57 <JuanCarlosLin> o experiencias buenas y malas para aprender 23:57:03 <aeperezt> JuanCarlosLin, ok 23:57:18 <JuanCarlosLin> #211 23:57:19 <rosset> aeperezt, #211 23:57:22 <aeperezt> JuanCarlosLin, deja cierro la reunion y seguimos en el cannal de latam 23:57:37 <aeperezt> thanks rosset 23:57:39 <JuanCarlosLin> ok, podemos tocar ese tema el proximo miercoles 23:57:55 <aeperezt> JuanCarlosLin, yeap lo pongo para el meeting 23:58:04 <JuanCarlosLin> ok, gracias 23:58:26 <aeperezt> JuanCarlosLin, listo 23:58:28 <aeperezt> gracias 23:58:31 <aeperezt> #endmeeting