17:59:19 <gregdek> #startmeeting ansible-community-wg 17:59:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 18 17:59:19 2017 UTC. The chair is gregdek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:59:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:59:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible-community-wg' 17:59:25 <gregdek> hey folks 18:00:06 <gregdek> (whoever is around today, heh) 18:00:13 <gregdek> I'm just gonna walk through some stuff. :) 18:00:16 <gregdek> #topic triage 18:00:26 <gregdek> looking through new issues that are untriaged 18:01:57 <gregdek> Looks like they're all triaged, so that's good. :) 18:02:07 <gregdek> #topic outreach 18:03:02 <gregdek> gundalow: you mentioned taking the Google doc guidelines and turning them into a wiki page. Wanna just do that and give attribution? 18:03:09 <gregdek> Or I can do it now, in fact. 18:03:20 <gregdek> (sorry, google doc meetup guidelines) 18:04:27 <gregdek> I'm gonna add that as a new issue. 18:07:18 <gregdek> OK, it's https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/271 18:15:14 <gregdek> Working on replying to various issues in the queue at present. 6 open in Outreach WG. 18:28:28 <gregdek> (still working on issue comments) 18:37:04 * gundalow waves 18:37:10 <gundalow> gregdek: sure 18:37:55 <gregdek> gundalow: feel free to grab the ticket and do stuff to it :) 18:43:34 <gundalow> done https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Outreach:-Meetups 18:43:43 <gundalow> I'll go through and add some other notes and fixme's in that 18:43:59 <gundalow> I'll also ping Haisam so they know 18:44:22 <gregdek> Boom! 18:45:38 <gundalow> How do we mark questions: "QUESTION: Should we do X or Y here?" 18:55:37 <gregdek> In issues, you mean? 18:55:51 <gregdek> gundalow: ^^^ 19:00:58 <gundalow> gregdek: https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Outreach:-Meetups 19:02:43 <gregdek> Oh! 19:02:45 <gregdek> I think we leave them. 19:12:10 <gregdek> Anyway, that's our hour. :) 19:12:12 <gregdek> #endmeeting