15:02:37 <bcoca> #startmeeting ansible core irc meeting 15:02:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 17 15:02:37 2018 UTC. 15:02:37 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:02:37 <zodbot> The chair is bcoca. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_irc_meeting' 15:02:43 <maxamillion> sac: yes :) 15:02:45 <maxamillion> .hello2 15:02:45 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 15:02:46 * gundalow waves 15:02:55 <sac> :-) o/ 15:03:31 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/38280 15:03:34 <Pilou> o/ 15:03:48 <mikedlr> o/ 15:05:02 <bcoca> tbouvet? 15:05:19 * sdoran present 15:05:32 <bcoca> chair sdoran 15:05:37 <bcoca> #chair sdoran 15:05:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcoca sdoran 15:05:52 <bcoca> sdoran: fyi, peopel askign about vars_prompt changes in play 15:05:55 <bcoca> in #ansible 15:06:08 <bcoca> ok, since pettitioner is not present, skipping 15:06:19 <bcoca> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/39753 15:06:50 <carchi8py_> sorry to bug you guys with this again, but we are confused at what we need to do to merge this in (we have the shipit, but not way to merge) 15:07:11 <bcoca> iirc shipit only affects modules, you have other files in same PR 15:07:18 <sdoran> bcoca: I have a fix for that, but you didn't like it. So I talked to Jimi and he was like "just rewrite this whole thing over here". So I haven't gotten to that yet. 15:07:20 * jtanner is here but distracted by bluejeans 15:07:20 <sdoran> :) 15:07:47 <carchi8py_> so what do we have to do for the other files? 15:08:09 <bcoca> jtanner: should we be allowing shipit on module_utils for owners of 'non core'? 15:08:24 <jtanner> shipit is enabled on all files now. automerge is not 15:08:45 <bcoca> well, that is what we meant, he has shipits but no merge 15:08:51 <jtanner> PR? 15:08:54 <bcoca> probably cause module_utils and doc_fragments are involved 15:09:06 <Pilou> carchi8py_: a core team member need to manually merge the PR 15:09:08 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/39753 15:09:18 <jtanner> ah yeah 15:09:22 <carchi8py_> Ya both had a netapp.py where common function where, which we made some changes to. 15:09:25 <bcoca> ^ i dont see a problem for enabling the automerge for these cases 15:09:45 <jtanner> mod utils and docs fragments and new module are all reasons why it won't automerge 15:09:53 <Pilou> new module and non module updates => automerge disabled 15:10:00 <jtanner> nitzmahone has been assigned to ushering the netapp modules in though 15:10:01 <bcoca> ah, missed new module 15:10:09 <bcoca> @nitzmahone_ 15:10:32 <jtanner> carchi8py_: you should expect some action from nitzmahone_ this week and next on your PRs 15:11:27 <carchi8py_> ok were hoping to get this module (plus 32 more that require this one to be checked in) as part of 2.6, so we only have a week to make that deadline at this point 15:11:55 <jtanner> nitzmahone_ is the release manager for 2.6, so he'll be able to coordinate that 15:11:58 <nitzmahone_> @carchi8py_ yes, it's been assigned to me. Email is headed your way momentarily about our expectations on that 15:12:07 <nitzmahone_> Actually @mattclay is 15:12:14 <nitzmahone_> (2.6 RM) 15:12:15 <jtanner> err, sorry ... 15:12:21 <nitzmahone_> ETOOMANYMATTS 15:12:30 <jtanner> ETOOMANYRELEASES 15:12:49 <bcoca> ok, i'll let you guys resolve that offline 15:12:51 <maxamillion> "There is no problem that can't be solved by adding more Matts, except for the problem of having too many Matts" 15:12:51 <carchi8py_> ok thank @nitzmahone_ 15:12:55 <nitzmahone_> But yeah, I was asked yesterday afternoon to get the NetApp stuff ready to merge 15:13:00 <bcoca> #topic open floor 15:13:49 <Pilou> could we merge this one : https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/35551 ? 15:14:41 <bcoca> aside from my dislike for the corporation, i see no impediment 15:15:15 <bcoca> dont ocfs-tools require debconf settings? 15:16:19 <jtanner> i'm glad that module is community/preview 15:16:49 <Pilou> Ubuntu integration test doesn't seem to require debconf settings 15:18:01 <Pilou> this integration test creates an ocfs2 filesystem 15:19:02 <bcoca> k, going to do manual squash/push cause ... ETOOMANYAUTHORSCOMMITS 15:19:20 <Pilou> thanks 15:19:58 <maxamillion> bcoca++ 15:21:17 <bcoca> done 15:23:08 <bcoca> anything else? 15:25:06 <bcoca> #endmeeting