15:01:46 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Core IRC meeting 15:01:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 7 15:01:46 2019 UTC. 15:01:46 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:46 <zodbot> The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_irc_meeting' 15:02:48 <gundalow> #info Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/labels/core 15:03:00 <akasurde> o/ 15:04:04 <gundalow> #chair sdoran akasurde maxamillion 15:04:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde gundalow maxamillion sdoran 15:04:44 <decentral1se> o/ 15:06:02 <gundalow> #chair decentral1se alongchamps 15:06:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde alongchamps decentral1se gundalow maxamillion sdoran 15:06:22 <gundalow> #topic java_cert: support of different keystore type (JKS, JCEKS) #49953 15:06:26 <alongchamps> Good morning all 15:06:30 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/49953 15:06:41 <gundalow> Update to an existing module to add keystore type 15:07:27 <gundalow> Not knowing anything about Java Cert, this PR looks OK 15:07:49 <akasurde> same here 15:07:56 <sdoran> Ditto. 15:08:01 * gundalow will merge 15:08:53 <gundalow> Thanks 15:09:12 <gundalow> #agreed merged 49953 15:09:18 <gundalow> #topic AWS PRs 15:09:29 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51535 15:09:50 <gundalow> akasurde: ah, see you are ahead of us, thank you 15:10:41 * gundalow pushes commit to remove blank line 15:11:03 <gundalow> oh, file is executable 15:11:43 <sdoran> We could also mention the AWS working group and #ansible-aws channel in IRC. 15:11:46 <gundalow> and has merge conflict 15:12:02 <gundalow> sdoran: Bot has done in https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/51535#issuecomment-459297763 15:12:06 <gundalow> though no AWS meetings 15:12:14 <sdoran> Sweetness. 15:12:25 <sdoran> I just assume we have a WG for everything these days. :) 15:12:46 <gundalow> #info We have many Working Groups: https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki 15:13:08 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 15:13:12 <akasurde> gundalow, I will take care of that AWS PR 15:13:18 <gundalow> akasurde: Thanks :) 15:13:45 <gundalow> I see this is their first PR to Ansible so they may need some guidance 15:13:49 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else? 15:15:46 <maxamillion> .hello2 15:15:47 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 15:15:49 <maxamillion> sorry I'm late 15:16:53 <gundalow> forgiven 15:17:08 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else they've like to bring up? 15:17:15 <sdoran> maxamillion: We assigned everything to you. 😜 15:17:25 <maxamillion> sdoran: sounds about right 15:17:56 <gundalow> Thanks to akasurde for creating https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/437 please do add `easyfix` to issues and leave them for others to fix 15:18:34 <akasurde> thanks @gundalow 15:18:34 <decentral1se> oh, think I've got one 15:18:50 <decentral1se> but it's a proposal 15:18:51 <decentral1se> https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/23 15:19:09 <gundalow> #topic proposal#23 Role Versioning 15:19:15 <gundalow> decentral1se: floor is yours 15:19:21 <decentral1se> PR sitting here: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/37880 15:19:33 <decentral1se> unsure of status. Anyone know? Is it blocked by some discussion issue etc. 15:19:39 * maxamillion looks 15:19:59 <sdoran> I'm not sure how this relates to the current work around collections. 15:20:43 <sivel> typically speaking, we aren't at the moment accepting new features for ansible-galaxy 15:21:04 <decentral1se> oh, I see 15:21:14 <sivel> New features and functionality are going into https://github.com/ansible/mazer 15:21:15 <gundalow> #chair sivel 15:21:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde alongchamps decentral1se gundalow maxamillion sdoran sivel 15:21:17 <alikins> I am curious about the scenarios where it is needed/desired 15:21:48 <decentral1se> my interest comes from this being mentioned as a prereq for auto installs 15:21:49 <alikins> what kind of problems it can solve, etc 15:21:51 <decentral1se> from requirements.yml 15:22:01 <decentral1se> bcoca mentioned ... 15:22:18 <decentral1se> in https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/7 15:22:57 <gundalow> bcoca is on holiday at the moment 15:23:40 <maxamillion> goodness that proposal has been bounced around quite a bit 15:24:11 <sdoran> The idea has been discussed a lot. 15:24:43 <sivel> I'm also not sure that autoinstalls will ever be a thing in ansible proper 15:24:51 <maxamillion> having suffered through a lot of pain in my life at the hands of the ruby bundler lock file, I'm not sure I'm a big fan of this but if there's enough of a need for it I'm not going to argue against it 15:25:10 <sivel> We recently discussed autoinstalls internally, recently, and it seemed to come to the conclusion that ansible would not add it 15:25:12 <decentral1se> well, I don't want to get into auto-installs but I think versioning has its own value 15:25:22 <decentral1se> is it the case that I need to make a stronger case for versioning? 15:25:32 <decentral1se> or is this all unclear due to mazer/collections/etc. 15:27:26 <alikins> I agree that handling multiple versions needs to supported better. I'm curious in any particular scenarios or uses that run into this sort of problem 15:29:23 <decentral1se> I can try to gather some use cases and requirements further 15:29:44 <alikins> That would be awesome. 15:31:16 <alikins> In theory mazer doesn't support multiple versions of collections in the same content root for the sake of simplicity, but I think it has to support multiple versions eventually 15:31:50 <alikins> (and/or, ansible-playbook role loader etc) 15:33:11 <gundalow> decentral1se: use cases would be really usefu; 15:34:42 <alikins> decentral1se: that pr more or less manages an unversioned symlink to whichever versioned role is approriate? roles/foobar -> roles/foobar-1.2.3 more or less? 15:37:31 <decentral1se> OK, so, to return with further information then and let's see 15:37:47 <alikins> in theory 2.8 will have some mechanisms for supporting the idea of default resolution of role/plugin/module names, so may make sense to integrate versions there as well 15:37:48 <decentral1se> but can we say with any further information regarding mazer etc. 15:38:01 <decentral1se> that this would be a waste of time (or so... if not so bluntly said :)) 15:38:30 <decentral1se> ah ok, so it's still on the table 15:38:54 <gundalow> #chair alikins 15:38:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: akasurde alikins alongchamps decentral1se gundalow maxamillion sdoran sivel 15:39:41 <gundalow> decentral1se: I need to drop off now, though I'll leave you in the capable hands of the rest of the team 15:39:43 <alikins> atm, the code for 'ansible-galaxy' is kind of 'stable'/'frozen', but whatever the ansible 2.8+ functional equiv is is a candidate 15:41:44 <decentral1se> gundalow: thanks :) 15:42:22 <alikins> decentral1se: https://github.com/ansible/mazer/issues/149 is another related feature request 15:45:56 <decentral1se> hmmmm 15:45:59 <decentral1se> sorry, have to run now 15:46:07 <decentral1se> any bullet points on where to go with this then? 15:46:12 <decentral1se> just want to push it forward a little :) 15:47:08 <maxamillion> alikins: thoughts on that? 15:49:45 <alikins> real world use cases would be my favorite. "I tried to do X, but that needs Y. Solution Z would fix it by ...' 15:50:08 <maxamillion> tima: ping - do you have any thoughts on this topic? ... I'm interested in your take 15:50:34 <maxamillion> alikins: iirc, geerlingguy also had some of those 15:50:35 <alikins> not really even the solution part needed at this point, but anything concrete is a bonus 15:50:47 <maxamillion> +1 15:50:57 <maxamillion> well defined use cases help drive things forward 15:51:32 <decentral1se> perfect, thank you all 15:54:48 <maxamillion> alikins: where should decentral1se provide that information? in the proposal or the mazer issue? 15:56:54 <alikins> hmm, good question. mazer issue I guess? I'm not sure 16:01:43 <sdoran> Anything else to discuss for today? 16:03:37 <maxamillion> sdoran: light the fuse 16:04:12 <sdoran> 🔥 16:05:56 <maxamillion> #endmeeting