19:01:06 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Core Meeting 19:01:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 28 19:01:06 2017 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_meeting' 19:01:24 <nitzmahone> boop 19:01:30 <gundalow> #chair abadger1999 alikins bcoca jimi|ansible jtanner mattclay nitzmahone Qalthos ryansb shertel 19:01:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos abadger1999 alikins bcoca gundalow jimi|ansible jtanner mattclay nitzmahone ryansb shertel 19:01:44 <shertel> hi 19:01:53 <gundalow> #info Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/156 19:01:54 <jtanner> yo yo yo 19:01:58 <gundalow> #topic Core Update 19:02:05 <sivel> howdy 19:02:07 <abadger1999> Greetings 19:02:16 <gundalow> #Ansible 2.3 RC2 has been released, PLEASE TEST IT :) 19:02:20 <gundalow> #info Ansible 2.3 RC2 has been released, PLEASE TEST IT :) 19:02:46 <gundalow> #info https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ansible-devel/cmYsumCc4kA 19:02:53 <gundalow> When is the next RC? 19:04:03 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible: ^ 19:04:47 <gundalow> right, what's on the agenda for today 19:05:51 * mattclay waves 19:05:54 <gundalow> jtanner: Did you get answer to: jtanner to evaluate and write bot workflow for non-module shipits. need more info on what 'rework is done' means 19:06:18 <jtanner> no 19:06:31 <gundalow> #topic Discuss extending the module "shipit" workflow to non-modules 19:06:43 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/156#issuecomment-283631658 19:06:52 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/issues/437 19:07:10 <gundalow> ryansb: Was this one of yours? 19:07:14 <gundalow> or was it all bcoca ? 19:08:26 <jimi|ansible> gundalow: i believe the next RC will be Thursday 19:08:33 <gundalow> jimi|ansible: Thanks 19:10:05 <gundalow> hum, bcoca seems to be offline 19:10:31 <abadger1999> #info 2.3RC3 will probably be Thurrsday 19:10:52 <ryansb> gundalow: the consul.ini/consul_io.ini has been resolved 19:10:55 <ryansb> struck out on agenda 19:11:06 <abadger1999> Rework I think just referreed to getting hte revised metadata 1.0 spec done and copid to the modules. 19:11:06 <bcoca> gundalow: just merged 'autodoc plugins' should enable metadata .. but in 2.4 19:11:32 <gundalow> ryansb: thanks 19:11:33 <bcoca> abadger1999: no, was mostly about classifying plugins/inventory scripts to allow same 'offloading' 19:13:22 <gundalow> jtanner: maybe you and bcoca could get together later to extact the needed information 19:13:33 <bcoca> gundalow: information must be set first 19:13:40 <jtanner> gundalow: yeah, let's move on ... metadata is a touchy subject 19:13:42 <bcoca> extracting should happen easily afterwards 19:14:05 <gundalow> It's 8pm. I have zero energy for metadata :) 19:14:09 <funzo> haha 19:14:17 * gundalow looks down the agenda 19:14:32 * bcoca adds 5 metadata related items to agenda 19:14:48 <gundalow> bcoca: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19297 is still with you, is that something for 2.3? 19:14:57 <gundalow> #topic Versioned Docs 19:15:01 <gundalow> #info PRGRESS 19:15:03 <gundalow> meh 19:15:21 <bcoca> i forgot, been in inventory plugin land ... 19:15:28 <bcoca> should finish up soon and get time to review that 19:15:33 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/60 Versioned Docs Proposal 19:16:00 <gundalow> docschick: Thanks for your comments :) 19:16:58 <gundalow> Could people please take a look at https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/60 and +1/-1 19:17:32 <sivel> irregardless of implementation or the proposal +1 19:17:38 <sivel> I trust that people will make it work 19:17:44 <gundalow> sivel: :) 19:19:32 * gundalow counts 6 +1's 19:19:41 <gundalow> so I'll give it the approved label 19:19:42 <abadger1999> open questoin here: 19:19:50 <abadger1999> What are we doing about "archiving"? 19:20:19 <gundalow> 2.1 and onwards will always be live 19:20:26 <gundalow> well, maybe till we hit 3. 19:20:46 <abadger1999> It seems like we're mostly -1 to tarballs but there's a questoin of whether we want to keep the live html or not. 19:21:08 <bcoca> yeah, tarballs make no sense to me, might as well link to github tarball of repo 19:21:10 <nitzmahone> I don't see a reason not to keep the HTML live for old versions with the "unmaintained" header 19:21:12 <gundalow> I don't think that alters anything for the moment 19:21:19 <bcoca> ^ not sure why i got attribution, never been fan of it 19:21:58 <abadger1999> Proposal: Keep the live html with a header/footer that it is unmaintained 19:22:07 <nitzmahone> +1 19:22:08 <abadger1999> +1 19:22:09 <gundalow> +1 19:22:15 <jtanner> live html is useful to point at in issues when people try to use modules that aren't released yet 19:22:23 <jtanner> tarballs do me no good 19:22:26 <bcoca> ^ make search ignore 'old versions' 19:22:47 <nitzmahone> I don't think we need to make any guarantees about how long the archived stuff will live, but I don't currently see any reason to actively cull it if they're versioned in the URL. 19:22:57 <gundalow> Yup, boschick has given details of how we can do that 19:23:08 <jtanner> will RCs be kept too? 19:23:14 <abadger1999> yeah, docschick commented on how to do that here: https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/60#issuecomment-289781530 19:23:14 <nitzmahone> bcoca: either that or segment search so that it still works *inside* an old version 19:23:16 <bcoca> nitzmahone: my point was to remove as to not have to maintain old docs nor present 'inaccurate docs' 19:23:31 <gundalow> Current proposal doesn't say anything about RCs 19:23:38 <nitzmahone> -1 to keeping RC docs 19:23:43 <mattclay> -1 to RCs 19:23:43 <gundalow> which I read as they will not be published 19:23:50 <bcoca> RCs are 'devel about to be x.y' 19:23:54 <bcoca> no need for RC specific docs 19:24:06 <abadger1999> jtanner: My understanding was that it would be lateest release of 2.x (ie: there'd be docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.3/ docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.4/, etc 19:24:21 <gundalow> and docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/ 19:24:25 <jtanner> that's fine 19:24:27 <abadger1999> so no "keeping" of rcs or other micro versions 19:24:28 <nitzmahone> Yeah, I don't think we need more granularity than "last build of 2.x" 19:24:31 <jtanner> was just wondering 19:24:35 <gundalow> docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/ would (today) point to docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.2/ 19:24:56 <gundalow> jtanner: It was a sensible question 19:25:00 <bcoca> and /devel point to /2.3? 19:25:01 <nitzmahone> Might want to bikeshed on "latest" (as "2.2.3" will be "latest" but not "newest") 19:25:16 <jtanner> stable/preview/devel 19:25:27 <nitzmahone> +1 to "stable" 19:25:29 <bcoca> nitzmahone: presumably docs dont change in minor as they are bugfix 19:25:32 <mattclay> Are we going to keep each minor version, or just major versions? 19:25:38 <bcoca> -1 preview 19:25:38 <nitzmahone> bcoca: maybe, maybe not 19:25:44 <bcoca> +1 deve/stable 19:25:49 <jtanner> minors tend to have a lot of change 19:25:51 <gundalow> We are only doing X.Y, not X.Y.Z 19:25:54 <jtanner> esp modules 19:26:02 <sivel> bikeshed brings about an important point, do remember this is an extremely easy topic to debate. At some point I'd just like to see it in action, we can always improve as we go 19:26:07 <bcoca> should not change docs, as those changes are bufixes 19:26:08 <jtanner> oh ... minor.minor 19:26:16 <gundalow> sivel: :P 19:26:20 <gundalow> OK, so to summarise 19:26:35 <gundalow> 1) Only X.Y 19:26:42 <gundalow> 2) No RCs, only stable and devel 19:27:00 <jtanner> shipit 19:27:01 <gundalow> 3) /devel/ and /stable/ are the two special lables 19:27:08 <gundalow> woot 19:27:33 <nitzmahone> 4) Static HTML + "unmaintained" banner for unmaintained versions 19:27:57 <mattclay> Will stable redirect to the latest stable version, or will it be an alias? 19:28:00 <abadger1999> +1, (1-4) looks like what I see us agreeing on. 19:28:13 <bcoca> 5) external search engine to ignore outside of /stable or /devel 19:28:23 <nitzmahone> +1 for stable as redirect (think stale Google?) 19:28:32 <bcoca> nitzmahone: symlink is 'nicer' 19:28:44 <bcoca> or server side rewrite 19:28:55 <nitzmahone> Agreed, but potential for caching/stale search issues higher w/ symlink IMO 19:29:02 <nitzmahone> (or server-side) 19:29:02 <bcoca> ^ 'webserver configuration equivalent of symlink' 19:29:17 <bcoca> nitzmahone: updates will be faster actually 19:29:19 <nitzmahone> regardless, looks like separate "deep" URL 19:29:23 <bcoca> since you change content, but not url 19:29:41 <nitzmahone> With redir, nothing will be indexed under "/stable" 19:29:43 <bcoca> url changes tend to update search cache slower (they expect they might vary more) 19:29:52 <mattclay> Downside is there's two permanent URLs for the same content. 19:29:55 <gundalow> so when someone types in docs/stable/latest/ what should happen? 19:30:00 <nitzmahone> 404 19:30:02 <bcoca> nitzmahone: you WANT people to go to /stable 19:30:04 <gundalow> 302 to ansiloh 19:30:13 <bcoca> if search is redirecte, people will go to /version.x/ 19:30:14 <gundalow> so when someone types in docs/ansible/latest/ what should happen? 19:30:25 <bcoca> gundalow: currently, serve 2.2 docs 19:30:32 <bcoca> after 2.3, serve 2.3 docs 19:30:51 <gundalow> without redirect to docs/ansible/2.2/? 19:31:07 * abadger1999 doesn't feel qualified to debate merits of redirect vs symlink. 19:31:24 <nitzmahone> I don't think we want content being indexed under stable 19:31:24 <gundalow> nod 19:31:26 <gundalow> lets move on 19:31:28 <abadger1999> happy to let docschick/dharmabumstead decide which is better. 19:31:39 <jtanner> yeah, let the docs people figure it out 19:31:41 <nitzmahone> abadger1999: nice punt ;) 19:31:48 <abadger1999> :-) 19:31:58 <nitzmahone> buck: passed 19:32:00 <jtanner> they're better equipped to bikeshed wordsmithing 19:32:15 <gundalow> what's next, CHANGELOG.md -> RST? 19:32:28 <ryansb> whoa whoa whoa 19:32:32 <bcoca> probably marketing people care more about the redirect/link 19:32:35 <nitzmahone> Won't that prevent GH from rendering it? 19:32:43 <ryansb> No, GH renders .rst 19:32:44 <bcoca> gundalow: that was 'done' 19:32:46 <gundalow> GH can render RST 19:32:50 <sivel> most of our docs are rst already 19:32:56 <ryansb> GH users tend to not be good at writing RST though ;) 19:33:02 <bcoca> GH it renders md better than rst, but can handle both (mosthly) 19:33:12 <sivel> we had made a non-documented decision quite some time ago to use rst 19:33:12 <gundalow> GH users tend to not be good at writting 19:33:24 <bcoca> GH users .... 19:33:28 <gundalow> sivel: The irony of which isn't lost on us 19:33:34 <gundalow> ok, Next 19:33:35 <sivel> gundalow: :) 19:33:42 <ryansb> gundalow: lol 19:34:01 <gundalow> bcoca: Anything left on "How should paths work"? 19:34:06 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/22546 19:34:07 <dharmabumstead> Missed it. 19:34:08 <nitzmahone> So we'll make that change in devel for 2.4? 19:34:16 <bcoca> gundalow: probably going into 2.4 19:34:27 <gundalow> #topic RST 19:34:44 <gundalow> #agreed RST is the format that's agreed on 19:35:03 <nitzmahone> (to be enforced 2.4+)? 19:35:10 <gundalow> #agreed now that stable-2.3 has been branched we can update devel to use rst for CHANGELOG etc 19:35:28 <bcoca> got4it 19:35:33 <gundalow> nitzmahone: blanket fail on any .md being added? 19:35:39 <nitzmahone> wfm 19:35:54 <nitzmahone> At least under /docs and top-level 19:36:18 <nitzmahone> Probably don't want to do repowide in case a test or vendor package includes one 19:36:18 <bcoca> there are a few README.md in modules tree (mostly for cloud/tech specific info) 19:36:41 <bcoca> nitzmahone: i would make it repowide, also i would add those to website during build proces 19:36:43 <bcoca> s 19:36:49 <gundalow> #agreed MD is EVIL needs blocking. Review all MD, review https://ansible.sivel.net/pr/byfile.html for any PRs in flight that change MD 19:37:17 <gundalow> #agreed add some CI to block is a .md file is aded 19:37:22 <nitzmahone> Yeah, that's cool- if we come up with some legit reason for one to exist later we can always whitelist. 19:37:34 <gundalow> #info if we come up with some legit reason for one to exist later we can always whitelist. 19:37:38 <bcoca> 62 .md files currently in repo 19:37:51 <bcoca> ^ 1/2 of them under test/ 19:37:53 <gundalow> #info code-smell can be used to do this 19:37:57 <gundalow> cool 19:38:10 <bcoca> ticket_stubs are big chunk, we can change/remove those 19:38:28 <gundalow> hum, maybe they would stay 19:38:36 <gundalow> anyway, lets move on 19:38:43 <bcoca> ^ not priority imo, we can do 'as needed', no hurry 19:38:54 <gundalow> bcoca: Anythign else on expand doc fields? 19:38:57 <bcoca> lets just make sure no new .md files 19:39:16 <bcoca> gundalow: needs approval mostly, autodoc plugins PR should be able to 'use' right away 19:39:28 <gundalow> Shall we do that now? 19:39:36 <bcoca> ^ im thinking we really need dtd of our fields 19:39:37 <gundalow> We have a decent number of people here 19:39:38 <sivel> I have a pretty good gfl markdown to rst converter, which roughly uses the github API to go to HTML, and then HTML to RST 19:40:26 <jtanner> that sounds ... horrible 19:40:35 <jtanner> but whatever works 19:40:37 <abadger1999> if we need to schema-fy our docs fields, we should lean on sivel's work with volutpuous. 19:40:52 <gundalow> #topic expand doc fields 19:40:55 <bcoca> enlighten me? 19:40:59 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/58 19:41:08 <jtanner> voluptuous is not something you can google during work 19:41:14 <sivel> lol 19:41:20 <sivel> "python voluptuous" 19:41:26 <sivel> or just be brave 19:41:27 <jtanner> maybe worse 19:41:36 <bcoca> jtanner: ssssh ... going through the first site still 19:41:50 * nitzmahone spits drink 19:42:06 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/test/sanity/validate-modules/schema.py 19:42:35 <bcoca> so +1 on current additions, follow up to make 'schema' we can validate 19:42:35 <jtanner> i think i've seen this before 19:43:08 <gundalow> ^ is what I used to find and fix up DOCUMENTATION 19:43:18 <abadger1999> bcoca: yes, +1 to proposal 19:43:19 <bcoca> gundalow: suboption and option schemas are the same 19:43:29 <dharmabumstead> +1 19:43:36 <bcoca> also .. subspec, not suboptions is the keyword iirc 19:44:38 <gundalow> bcoca: You can only go one deep, rather than infinate, so so created two schemas. There is a fixme at the end of the file to look into this more 19:44:49 <bcoca> gundalow: no, you can go deep several times 19:45:16 <gundalow> well, not if you want the HTML rendered 19:45:18 <bcoca> ^ we have set no limit, there is practical python recurssion limit .. but i think sanity should give out MUCH sooner 19:45:31 <gundalow> also only a few modules currently use suboptions 19:45:45 <bcoca> gundalow: no such limit in ansible-doc, which will reflect actual usage 19:45:58 <bcoca> gundalow: none should as they were just enabled 19:46:10 <bcoca> and the key is subspec, not suboption 19:46:16 <gundalow> since when? 19:46:20 <nitzmahone> We have no subspecs defined, but there are modules that use them 19:46:22 <bcoca> since i added the feature 19:46:26 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/22353/files#diff-2b9fb4f33282b91405036e352004be12 is where this was implmented 19:46:53 <gundalow> every module is complient with that schema,so I'm not sure what the confusing is 19:46:54 <bcoca> gundalow: ok, diff things, you included docs for a feature that did not exist yet 19:46:56 <nitzmahone> subspec is the argspec validation side of that 19:47:04 <nitzmahone> We probably should've used the same keyword though. :) 19:47:06 <bcoca> im talking about new feature that actually allows for validated subspec 19:47:21 <bcoca> ^ i was unaware of suboptions (since it was never official) 19:48:04 <gundalow> OK. so for DOCUMENTATION whatI've done is official as 1) It's documented developing_modules_documenting.rst, 2) It's validated 3) Everything matches 19:48:06 <bcoca> gundalow: when you asked be about the html, pretty sure i was using 'subspec' 19:48:35 <nitzmahone> suboptions was what RETURN used, so I think he just added that to DOCUMENTATION options as well 19:48:59 <gundalow> That suboptions was decided on as that's what it is, a sub item under `options:` 19:49:04 <bcoca> understood, but i ketp them separate 19:49:12 <nitzmahone> "suboptions" was also brought to you by bcoca ;) 19:49:20 <bcoca> that was for RETURN, not spec 19:49:23 <gundalow> extra big arse fries 19:49:51 <nitzmahone> gundalow++ for idiocracy reference 19:49:54 <gundalow> \o/ 19:50:05 <gundalow> anyways 19:50:22 <nitzmahone> We should probably unify the keywords- don't really care which way 19:50:34 <bcoca> nitzmahone: it was prediction, they exist now 19:51:19 <gundalow> currently using suboptions and contains 19:51:23 <nitzmahone> top-level of argspec is unnamed, so changing "subspec" to "suboptions" to match existing docs seems like a faster change than the other way around 19:51:38 <bcoca> tru 19:52:07 <gundalow> their are only a few <10 modules that have suboptions, so that's also an easy change, though you will need to update docs and validate-modules 19:52:20 * gundalow has zero cares on what it's called 19:52:38 <bcoca> idem, jsut want to avoid refering to same thing diff ways 19:52:38 <nitzmahone> But top level is "options" in docs, so "options" + "subspec" seems weird 19:52:39 <gundalow> All I care is that docs & validation get improved 19:52:49 <bcoca> nitzmahone: its actually 'spec' 19:53:17 <dharmabumstead> gundalow++ 19:53:18 <nitzmahone> Well, the AnsibleModule arg is "argument_spec", right? 19:53:27 <bcoca> gundalow: that is why im making everything generate docs from plugins 19:53:34 <gundalow> bcoca: +100000000 19:53:35 <nitzmahone> Yeah, I don't have strong feelings on which really, but we should unify them 19:53:59 <gundalow> #action bcoca to pick a name and update whatever needs updating 19:54:06 <bcoca> options 19:54:09 <gundalow> +1 19:54:11 <bcoca> ^ just to make us all change 19:54:13 <gundalow> right, what's next 19:54:59 <sivel> not to change topics and go back, but I just made a comment on the agenda about the md->rst that we have certain files that can't be converted 19:55:19 <gundalow> sivel: Ping me a list and I'll updatethe issue later 19:55:23 <sivel> ticket_stubs and ticket templates 19:55:25 <bcoca> #info bcoca updated code to use 'options' 19:56:27 <gundalow> sivel: ACK 19:56:29 <gundalow> thanks 19:56:30 <bcoca> ^ we actually need to update module dev to let devs know they can use 'options' 19:56:59 <gundalow> Is there an example of the new argspec stuff? 19:57:17 <gundalow> I've only seen the framework so far 19:57:17 <bcoca> gundalow: also, test validation should not fail, as ansible-doc and docs should be 'correct' on having more than 2 levels 19:57:28 <nitzmahone> gundalow: Not yet- I'm going to do azure_rm_securitygroup next week 19:57:34 <bcoca> ^ will soon 19:57:41 <bcoca> we have many modules that will 'benefit' from it 19:58:38 <gundalow> bcoca: I *think* you can do https://github.com/alecthomas/voluptuous/issues/128 for recursive scheme, I didn't test it as it wasn't needd for any of the current modules. I'm not sure who to get 2+ levels working in hacking/templates/rst.j2 19:59:27 <bcoca> gundalow: shoudl not be too hard .. utnil we hit browser limits for embeded tables .... might be worth switching to divs 19:59:53 <bcoca> ^ it used to be 4 on firefox, was about 64 on ie .. dont ask why i know that .... 20:00:21 <nitzmahone> I suspect practical rendering issues will pop up before any of those. ;) 20:00:46 <bcoca> nitzmahone: i suspect developer will shoot out office waaay before they define 4+ levels of options specs 20:00:48 <jtanner> IE users are also likely to be frontpage "devs" ... table inception 20:00:49 <nitzmahone> "Why is the horizontal scrollbar for this module 1 px wide?" 20:00:51 <gundalow> http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/eos_banner_module.html is an example of 1 20:01:06 <gundalow> oh 2, depending if you don't count from zero 20:01:23 <bcoca> gundalow: i was actually thinking 'css popup' 20:01:40 <nitzmahone> Or 3 for large values of 1 20:02:06 <nitzmahone> "or 4 if you count him twice" 20:02:16 <bcoca> or had enought to drink 20:02:20 <bcoca> #info letsmoveon 20:02:30 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 20:03:01 <bcoca> do we implement group_vars/host_vars as vars plugins? or eliminate vars_plugins and fold them into inventory plguins? 20:03:02 <gundalow> sivel: Thanks for the comments on RST 20:03:06 <sivel> np 20:03:19 <gundalow> #topic do we implement group_vars/host_vars as vars plugins? or eliminate vars_plugins and fold them into inventory plugins 20:05:11 <gundalow> ????????????? 20:05:54 <gundalow> What's the pros & cons? 20:06:28 <jtanner> sounds like an ansible 3.x change to me. 20:06:29 <gundalow> Whatever we do we need to ensure we have solid tests so we don't cause regressions for users 20:08:21 * nitzmahone tends to agree w/ jtanner 20:08:45 <bcoca> currently reformating inventory into plugins 20:08:51 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/23001 20:08:53 <abadger1999> I'd love to eliminate vars_plugns (we don't have any that we ship) but I don't know if we can. 20:09:02 <bcoca> ^ one thing we do 'badly' is group/host_vars and vars_plugins 20:09:13 <abadger1999> I've never seen a working vars_plugin so I don't even know what it's supposed to do really. 20:09:30 <bcoca> abadger1999: seems like people do use them, to do 'non standard vars lookups' 20:09:38 <nitzmahone> abadger1999: what if we shut it off by default in 2.4 (ala soft deprecation) and have a config option to reenable? 20:09:48 <bcoca> i was thinking of eitehr eliminating them or making group/host_vars become plugins 20:09:57 <nitzmahone> Just to try and drive users (if any) out of the woodwork 20:10:10 <abadger1999> I've no idea, the only thing I know is that someone from the community contributed the code and apparently has vars plugins that do something. 20:10:25 <bcoca> nitzmahone: users dont care as much about vars plugins as being able to do their var resolution, migrating to inventory plugins is one way 20:10:25 <nitzmahone> Basically have the deprecation warning be "we don't think anyone's using this- if you are, please comment on PR #X" 20:10:43 <bcoca> ^ people have commented in proposals about it 20:10:45 <nitzmahone> Then plan to kill/replace in 3 20:10:53 <mattclay> If we do find someone using them, getting a working example we can test would be nice. 20:10:58 <bcoca> i have talked to 'vars plugins users' most of it is not 'shareable' 20:11:22 <bcoca> nitzmahone: the problem, its shoehorning them into inventory revamp, inventory is much nicer/simpler w/o them 20:11:31 <nitzmahone> aha 20:11:37 <bcoca> also they've been 'brokenish' since 2.0 as they dont support vault anymore 20:12:05 <sivel> we have several groups at work that use them, but for an internal CMDB to grab vars out of 20:12:06 <bcoca> nor can they access everything they need, i know most vars_plugins users are stuck in 1.9 cause of that 20:12:17 <nitzmahone> I guess worst case is build it without them and try to figure out an escape hatch if the pitchfork-wielding masses descend post-release. :) 20:12:39 <sivel> I believe that bluebox also uses vars plugins 20:12:50 <bcoca> the other part ... keeping them, but pushing group/hsot vars to them, opens up being able to change var resolution behaviour easily by users 20:13:09 <bcoca> sivel: yep, i believe they are one of the ones that discussed this with me before, as you did 20:15:09 <bcoca> at this point i'm implemnting inventory w/o vars_plugins or group vars, but leaving path to add either in or just fold them into inventory plugin 20:16:22 <bcoca> even if we keep vars_plugins they wont be 'compatible' with previous (fixing vault issues) 20:20:18 <bcoca> sivel: since you are only one close to using .. thoughts? 20:20:29 <bcoca> ^ im really not sure how to proceed, all 3 avenues work for me 20:29:01 <bcoca> ok, i'll figure it out ... 20:32:53 <gundalow> Thank's y'all 20:32:55 <gundalow> #endmeeting