19:00:26 <thaumos> #startmeeting Ansible Core Team Meeting 19:00:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 25 19:00:26 2017 UTC. The chair is thaumos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_team_meeting' 19:00:42 <thaumos> #chair abadger1999 thaumos bcoca 19:00:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca thaumos 19:00:55 * gundalow waves (here for a little bit) 19:01:02 <thaumos> #chair gundalow 19:01:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca gundalow thaumos 19:01:33 <shertel> hello 19:01:45 <thaumos> #chair shertel 19:01:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca gundalow shertel thaumos 19:01:50 <thaumos> hello @shertel 19:03:10 <thaumos> anyone else here? 19:03:22 <bcoca> no 19:03:30 * thaumos cries 19:03:34 <ryansb> I'm here 19:03:41 <thaumos> #chair ryansb 19:03:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca gundalow ryansb shertel thaumos 19:03:41 <ryansb> ssshhhh don't cry 19:03:54 <thaumos> You make me a little bit happier, ryansb 19:04:18 <thaumos> #topic Discuss current meeting frequency and propose new times 19:05:14 <thaumos> So I recall that there were ideas floating around already on the topic, could we rehash those so I remember? 19:05:34 <thaumos> Something about rotating weekly for timezones? 19:05:38 <jtanner> hi 19:05:43 <thaumos> #chair jtanner 19:05:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca gundalow jtanner ryansb shertel thaumos 19:05:52 <bcoca> i was thinking weekly with 8h rotating times 19:05:59 <abadger1999> We have less items on the agenda now so we seem to have caught up with the backlog. would like to have fewer meetings based on that. 19:06:09 <abadger1999> TZs were one reason for multiple meetings. 19:06:32 <thaumos> agreed on count of items on agenda for now. However, i am sure it will fluctuate release to release. 19:06:38 <abadger1999> rotating times has the drawback of people never knowing which week it is so what time they have to show up to make it 19:06:51 <gundalow> -1 to rotating timezones 19:06:59 <thaumos> what is the least common denom for all tz's? 19:07:07 <jtanner> honestly, i think a monthly meeting would suffice 19:07:14 <jtanner> but that's just my opinion 19:07:23 <abadger1999> we have a backlog of proposals to go through (but then that leads us into the question of what is the proposal process... Do we need to look at any proposals unless someone has actively pushed it to the meeting agenda?) 19:07:23 <gundalow> Currently the meetings are 4 hours apart 19:07:24 <bcoca> 2/week to 1/month might be a drastic change 19:07:25 <thaumos> monthly to bi-weekly... imo 19:07:42 <bcoca> gundalow: and we have people complain 19:07:42 <gundalow> +1 to reviewing proposals in this meeting 19:07:58 <abadger1999> jtanner: monthly has the same problem as rotating times... people can't remember if this is the week that has the meeting or not. 19:07:59 <bcoca> gundalow: we've barely had any new ones in a while 19:08:00 <jtanner> proposals are going to grow like PRs and if our meetings are consumed by them, we won't do much else 19:08:07 <gundalow> bcoca: I was stating a fact, not offering a view 19:08:16 <abadger1999> (same for bimonthly) 19:08:45 <thaumos> Okay, so then once a wk, at specific time? 19:09:00 <abadger1999> That's all the previous discussion that I remember. 19:09:06 <gundalow> There hasn't been much activity on the agenda items for sometimes, we've only had a few small things added recently. It would be good to start going through the proposals in here, even if we limit it just to thas last 30mins 19:09:37 <bcoca> gundalow: we were doing that already for new proposals, we just have not had one in a while 19:09:44 <thaumos> let's say wed @ 1300 UTC? 19:10:18 <abadger1999> thaumos: I won't be able to make that 19:10:29 <thaumos> How about for now let's talk about just the timing of the meetings? We can discuss the proposals process after this? 19:10:41 <thaumos> @abadger1999, I know that one's harder for our tz... 19:11:17 <gundalow> thaumos: how about we just kill one of tue or thursdays meetings 19:11:56 <abadger1999> 1600UTC is when it starts to be nice for me but I can almost always start probably one hour earlier... I forget whether daylight savings means that one hour earlier become almost never for half the year, though. 19:11:56 <bcoca> gundalow: leaves many timezones out of 'service' hours 19:12:12 <gundalow> bcoca: as does picking a new time 19:12:23 <bcoca> abadger1999: most of the time its 2weeks per change of extra/less hour diff 19:12:34 <bcoca> gundalow: that is why i said 'rotating' 19:13:09 <abadger1999> I'm a proponent of leaving some tzs out. 19:13:28 <thaumos> by killing a day, it would make it once a wk. 19:13:37 <bcoca> considering we have plenty of users and contributors in all ranges ... i think that isn't wise 19:13:50 <abadger1999> and (1) adjusting if other people become regulars for meetings (2) having special meetings if certain people are needed. 19:13:58 <thaumos> most of our range is in the US to EURO tz's 19:14:24 <thaumos> our IST folks are going to always be the odd ones out, unfortunately. 19:14:48 <thaumos> which makes Thursday's time slot more preferable for them 19:15:05 <thaumos> 1500 UTC, is 0800 PDT. 19:15:12 <bcoca> they try to stay up late to be able to attend 19:15:27 <bcoca> not trying to do 'office hours' but at least not 'past midnight' 19:16:04 <thaumos> right now it's almost 1am in IST. 19:16:11 <thaumos> so today's time is clearly a no go. 19:16:17 <bcoca> i know, that is why they tend to attend on thrusday 19:16:19 <abadger1999> rotating times makes it inconvenient for everyone (to remember). multiple meetings is hard to keep attendance up because people feel they can get more work done if they don't have to spend multiple hours per week in meetings. 19:16:29 <abadger1999> basically... all strategies have cons. 19:16:33 <bcoca> abadger1999: isn't that what calendars are for? 19:16:43 <bcoca> even with fixed times ... people dont remember, they are mostly 'reminded' 19:16:55 <thaumos> What's the con for once a week, Thursday at 1500 or 1600 UTC? 19:16:56 <gundalow> IST will mostly be working on networking stuff, which has a separate meeting, though we don't want to create an active split between groups 19:17:22 <thaumos> agreed to that @gundalow because this meeting is Engine + overall product imo 19:17:23 <bcoca> gundalow: but we have plenty of 'non rh contributors' in similar tz 19:17:32 <thaumos> whom? 19:17:43 <gundalow> also, what's wrong with the existing schedule, if we don't have stuff to discuss then it's a shorter meeting 19:18:11 <bcoca> we have enough in any zone, aussies, chinese, nepal, vietnam, hawai ... we gots people everywhere 19:18:16 <jtanner> does anyone here have an opinion on this that is also on the core team? 19:18:21 <thaumos> Personally, I think the existing schedule is fine. I think once a week is sufficient 19:18:23 <jtanner> isn't* also 19:18:32 <abadger1999> bcoca: calendars only work for people who have calendars... when do you not? (1) You just have one issue to present; then you probably didn't enter it onto your calendar. (2) If you are away from your device that has your calendar and have to schedule another event (like at the doctor's office) 19:18:45 <gundalow> I've not seen any non-core people in here today 19:19:00 <bcoca> ^ that is why we are talking about reducing the meetings 19:19:16 <bcoca> if we cannot agree on other scheulde, maybe keep as we have and just cut them short as needed 19:19:31 <bcoca> abadger1999: if they can get on irc to the meeting .. they can figure out calendar 19:19:33 <gundalow> +1 19:19:49 <thaumos> Personally, I am fine with keeping the frequency. 19:19:50 <jhawkesworth> hello. I'm not core but +1 to keep schedule but have short meetings if nothing to say 19:19:51 <abadger1999> Keeping current schedule won't reduce our meeting load in two ways: 19:19:57 <thaumos> #chair jhawkesworth 19:19:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca gundalow jhawkesworth jtanner ryansb shertel thaumos 19:20:00 <gundalow> and maybe an email to ansible-devel to remind people that this exists 19:20:11 <bcoca> also we publish it in easy access https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/community/master/ansible_community_meetings.ics 19:20:45 <thaumos> Okay, so let's vote formally. 19:20:54 <abadger1999> (1) You always have to schedule with the expectation of it lasting the whole hour (so you can't schedule another meeting that conflicts) (2) meetings almost always expand to fill all available time... Must be a law of physics or something ;-) 19:21:01 <thaumos> #info Vote on retaining schedule, shorter meeting if no topics 19:21:16 <abadger1999> I think with no time pressure, discussions like these take an hour instead of 10 minutes. 19:21:19 <bcoca> 1) that is a 'feature' so i can get stuff done during extra time 19:21:29 <bcoca> 2) that is when there is no strong moderation, it can be avoided 19:21:32 <gundalow> abadger1999: stronger chairing skills 19:21:36 <thaumos> ^^ 19:21:40 * gundalow includes himself in that 19:21:40 <jtanner> what are the vote choices? 19:21:41 <abadger1999> thaumos: note: I would say, that's no change from the present. 19:21:45 <ryansb> That's what we have thaumos for 19:21:54 <thaumos> That's the proposal @thaumos 19:21:57 <bcoca> +1 to no change as the options seem to be too divisive 19:21:58 <abadger1999> We don't purposefully leave the meeting open if there's nothing left to discuss. 19:22:02 <abadger1999> -1 19:22:03 <thaumos> +1 to no change 19:22:28 <gundalow> +1 no change, apart from stronger chairing 19:22:30 <abadger1999> Or maybe +0... I think there's a problem but I don't want to discuss the meta-question of how often the meeting should be. 19:22:34 <jtanner> +1 no change ... i don't know why we're talking about this 19:22:37 <thaumos> I will chair stronger 19:22:39 <abadger1999> (for the whole of this meeting ;-) 19:23:08 <bcoca> jtanner: cause last 4 meetings ended early 19:23:22 <jtanner> many more haven't 19:23:31 <bcoca> and almost no non core attended 19:23:47 <ryansb> *barring the occasional "I have this PR" 19:23:52 <jtanner> people only come to these when they want something 19:23:52 <bcoca> jtanner: true but the trend is currently downward 19:23:52 <abadger1999> many in-core haven't been attending as well. 19:23:55 <gundalow> 4*+1, 1*-1 19:24:18 <thaumos> #agreed No change to current schedule, stronger chairing (read cat herding) 19:24:41 <thaumos> So if I continue to run the meeting, I promise I will do my best to keep the pace. 19:24:50 <jtanner> perhaps shipit+automerge rules have reduced some of the reason people came to these? 19:25:04 <gundalow> jhawkesworth ryansb shertel votes please: Keep meeting schdule as it is +1/-1 19:25:05 <bcoca> jtanner: what are automerge numbers? 19:25:09 <jtanner> it's somewhat clear now how to get a bugfix in and it doesn't involve us 19:25:17 <shertel> +1 19:25:21 <ryansb> -1 , I'd be happy with once a week 19:25:23 <bcoca> jtanner: being evil i expect desperation from non advancment keeps people away 19:25:24 <jhawkesworth> keep shedule as is +1 from me 19:25:28 <thaumos> jhawkesworth did a +1 already I thought. 19:25:38 <ryansb> voter fraud 19:25:44 <thaumos> lol 19:25:46 <gundalow> :P 19:25:50 <jhawkesworth> please only count my vote once 19:26:04 <bcoca> ryansb: ^ windows guy, he needs to do it several times and reboot to make sure it counted 19:26:09 <thaumos> just make sure his IP stays in one state. 19:26:14 <gundalow> jhawkesworth: As !core, your vote actually counts for more 19:26:19 <gundalow> aaanwyay 19:26:19 <thaumos> lmao @bcoca 19:26:20 <gundalow> what's next 19:26:21 <jtanner> bcoca: i have a guess that seeing the rules state that it's not just the core team holding out on them and that they need to take an active part in getting their PR shipit'ed has possibly diverted some of it 19:26:37 <jtanner> not that it's actually creating a bunch of automerges 19:26:40 <jhawkesworth> :-) 19:26:41 <bcoca> jtanner: that would be my hope 19:26:50 <thaumos> alright folks, let's reset. 19:26:59 <thaumos> #Topic Discuss open proposals. 19:27:18 <jtanner> close them all, see who notices > = ] 19:27:43 <bcoca> thaumos: look at meeting notes we had proposal about proposal process 19:28:09 <sivel> I suppose I missed the part I needed to participate in, because I can't make the 2pm meetings 19:28:14 <sivel> or whatever UTC time it is now 19:28:41 <thaumos> #chair sivel 19:28:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca gundalow jhawkesworth jtanner ryansb shertel sivel thaumos 19:29:09 <sivel> we should really put a link out for times the meetings work 19:29:11 <thaumos> @sivel, we're keeping the current schedule, no change. 19:29:16 <sivel> ok :) 19:29:34 <thaumos> On current topic, @bcoca, it's been weeks that the new proposed process has been out there 19:29:36 <sivel> I can usually catch the end of this one, my daily team stand up overlaps, in any case... 19:29:40 <thaumos> :-) 19:30:18 <thaumos> can someone #link the current proposed process please? 19:30:20 <sivel> I have a feeling, the proposal about the prosal process isn't going to move very much, unless someone here really champions it 19:30:34 <sivel> My feeling, is it's not an interesting topic for most 19:30:36 <gundalow> sivel: nod 19:30:36 <bcoca> sivel: that is problem with most proposals 19:30:43 <shertel> sivel - I think consensus was that meetings might end early now, if there is little to discuss. 19:30:54 <bcoca> ^ part of the proposal proposal was shifting the burden to the proposal's advocate 19:31:16 <thaumos> Okay how about this, if we're still held up on the proposal process... I'll take a formal action to review it, and champion it. 19:31:20 <thaumos> fair? 19:31:21 <jtanner> my question remains unanswered https://github.com/ansible/proposals/pull/59#issuecomment-288755014 19:31:32 <sivel> ideally proposals can be useful, I think in practice they are a way to ignore what people want ;) 19:32:04 <sivel> although those created by the core team, usually get pushed through 19:32:13 <abadger1999> thaumos: yep... latest action on it is that it needs the review comments incorporated... you could decide to rewrite it though... it's base is a process from another project that doesn't seem to fit well with how we've traditionally done things. 19:32:15 <sivel> in any case, I'm just talking 19:32:15 <thaumos> Proposals are useful to have a way to get a "request" in... There needs to be an easier process either way from both a community usage standpoint as well as community devel standpoint to get a voice heard. 19:32:38 <bcoca> for me they are a good way to hash out design before starting work 19:32:40 <jtanner> "heard" doesn't mean action 19:32:42 <sivel> does anyone have experience with PEPs? 19:32:45 <sivel> I don't 19:32:46 <abadger1999> sivel: +1 to your sentiment.. I think the revised process needs to fix that. 19:32:54 <sivel> they seem to work at some level 19:33:01 <thaumos> #action Thaumos to review current proposed, proposal process. Implement a process based on the proposal for future meetings. 19:33:01 <jtanner> sivel: i've been meaning to research the process 19:33:07 <abadger1999> sivel: I do. they're good in many ways. 19:33:17 <bcoca> we are closer to RFCs 19:33:31 <abadger1999> I think we tend to do more work via IRC instead fo email but otherwise the PEP process would be a good fit for us. 19:33:58 <thaumos> #info, review PEP, RFC, current proposed process... 19:34:08 <abadger1999> PEPs have an appointed dictator, though. 19:34:08 <sivel> we could probably take a bit from how PEPs operate. I don't know enough about the process, and am not really concerned enough to go figure it out. But figured it could be useful 19:34:11 <jtanner> thaumos: why exactly does a proposal need to be "heard" 19:34:12 <jtanner> ? 19:34:20 <thaumos> email is hard because we'd have to figure how to include others outside the RH org email. 19:34:20 <jtanner> and what good is that 19:34:23 <abadger1999> Which is something we'd have to add (right now we have "eventual voting" 19:34:36 <gundalow> I think the issues is just allocating time to looking at them and defining the order 19:34:45 <jhawkesworth> heard='checked for sanity' 19:34:48 <gundalow> Don't need any strong process 19:34:59 <abadger1999> heard != checked for sanity 19:35:07 <jtanner> see .. disagreement 19:35:11 <thaumos> @jtanner I really view proposals as a method for someone to request functionality in a more formal manner. Whether that is a user or a developer. 19:35:21 <bcoca> @gregdek @robyn ^ community issue, think you guys should at least be aware 19:35:27 <sivel> It also requires people to get interested so that feedback can be had. I feel like interest is probably low in most cases, so we as the core team, don't focus on them as much as we may be able to 19:35:28 <abadger1999> read, review, propose modification, record why things should be done in a certain way instead of others.... 19:36:09 <jtanner> sounds like what we already do via PR reviews 19:36:28 <jhawkesworth> yeah but don't have to code anything for a proposal 19:36:32 <bcoca> yes, but once author does not have time, proposal stagnates 19:37:01 <abadger1999> could be... there are some real differences and some not so real differences... real difference: proposal doesn't need an implementation. 19:37:28 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/62 <= some are very specific, sounds great to me, but this is mostly for those focusing on cloud testing 19:37:41 <sivel> anyway, I never got the feeling that the proposal proposal did what we needed. I'll have to guage that from others, but maybe a more PEP like process, something that is more similar to what people are used to might work 19:37:48 <abadger1999> not-real-difference: PRs don't have the same visibility as proposal (we've now started putting PRs onto the agenda instead of proposals so this difference has gone away) 19:37:51 <thaumos> obviously everyone has their own opinion what a proposal is. 19:38:15 <bcoca> well, proposals were supposed to be 'before writing code' 19:38:31 <bcoca> PR is a proposal + implementation 19:38:44 <jhawkesworth> don't see much difference between a proposal and a feature idea, but accept might not want to clutter bug tracking with proposals/feature ideas 19:39:00 <jtanner> "obviously everyone has their own opinion what a proposal is." ... and i think this "proposal proposal" is with the false belief that it will somehow speed up getting things accepted into devel 19:39:05 <sivel> feature ideas in the repo now aren't really looked at either 19:39:07 <bcoca> i would argue that stuff like 'inventory plugins' is too broad to just go ahead and create PR w/o discussing first (i think proposals worked well for this one) 19:39:12 <abadger1999> proposal benefit: we have the ability to record in the proposal, the discussion that lead to it being that way. 19:39:24 <abadger1999> In PRs, that all tends to get lost. 19:39:25 <bcoca> sivel: they are looked at ... acted on is diff issue 19:39:35 <abadger1999> (this is one of hte main benefit I see to well written PEPs 19:39:37 <sivel> well, yeah I mean I see them via email, and then I move on 19:39:45 <jtanner> i acted on a few, with needs_contributor =P 19:39:59 <bcoca> sivel: i revisit them from time to time, but mostly if i'm planning on doing work related/near them 19:40:08 <thaumos> alright, let's take a step back. we're arguing now what a proposal is. 19:40:18 <jtanner> i take credit for that 19:40:19 <bcoca> thaumos: that has never been settled 19:40:24 <thaumos> I know it hasn't. 19:40:32 <thaumos> but we never settle on anything 19:40:51 <bcoca> ^ that is why this does not advance 19:40:53 <jtanner> in triage, we have a template written by jimi-c that states proposals are for making major changes to ansible 19:40:55 <abadger1999> that's why I've said we need a proposal about proposals :-) 19:41:11 <bcoca> abadger1999: we have one, got so bad author abandoned 19:41:23 <jtanner> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/ticket_stubs/proposal.md 19:41:24 <thaumos> not to joke too much, then we'll need a proposal for the proposalled proposals 19:41:26 <abadger1999> Write a strawman. We critique it and redraft to satisfaction. then make it official 19:41:50 <abadger1999> otherwise we don't have any definitions. 19:42:13 <bcoca> abadger1999: we had one, we ignored it, attempts to ammend it have failed 19:42:27 <abadger1999> bcoca: I didn't see any comments to indicate there was any badness in the process of creating the proposal... My take is just that he didn't have time to keep following through. 19:42:31 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/proposals/pull/59 19:42:45 <bcoca> abadger1999: he gave up, yes 19:42:47 <sivel> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0001/ 19:43:01 <thaumos> Like I said, I am going to take action on reviewing the current proposed process, and we will go from there. I will make sure that it will close in two weeks time. Fair? 19:43:09 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/proposals/pull/59 19:43:19 <thaumos> #link https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0001/ 19:43:32 <abadger1999> bcoca: Unlss you know something I don't, I'm just having issues with your nuances. 19:43:40 <bcoca> sivel: the problem with that and #59 is there is no 'proposal comitee' and most core members dont have time to manage one 19:43:42 <abadger1999> thaumos: Except for "close in two weeks time" good plan. 19:43:50 <abadger1999> We should aim for progress... can't aim for closure. 19:44:07 <thaumos> close the discussion, doesn;'t mean close progress 19:44:14 <thaumos> obviously this will always be a moving target. 19:44:19 <abadger1999> thaumos: now I'm not sure what you mean. 19:44:20 <jhawkesworth> thaumos sounds like a plan 19:44:44 <bcoca> abadger1999: tickets can be closed, does not mean they cannot be reopened or reffered to in a new one 19:44:52 <bcoca> if people WANT to push a proposal, they'll insist 19:45:11 <thaumos> All I am saying is, in two weeks time we can start a new proposed process. Since this is a new version cycle, we can reset. 19:45:22 <bcoca> ^ part of why i wanted to shift responsability to advocate, cause current norm dictates WE in core evaluate all proposals 19:45:44 <thaumos> #action thaumos also to sync with @robyn and @gregdek on the proposal process offline. 19:45:48 <jtanner> what is the end result of a proposal supposed to be? 19:45:58 <abadger1999> thaumos: If bcoca is expressing what you mean then my point still stands. To put it in other terms... this is a health care bill... aim to make progress in the discussion by $week, don't aim to have a showdown vote by $weeks. 19:46:06 <jhawkesworth> suggestion: a PR or a roadmap item 19:46:26 <bcoca> abadger1999++ for political slam 19:46:35 <jtanner> i can imagine A) go ahead and write it B) we'll put it on the core team roadmap C) nevergunnagetit 19:46:37 <thaumos> health care in the states is a sham 19:46:41 <sivel> I don't think a proposal should move on without the core teams approval or a proposal committe approval 19:46:44 <abadger1999> jtanner: mandate to implement a feature. 19:46:51 <ryansb> thaumos: not the point 19:46:53 <jtanner> yeah but who? 19:46:56 <bcoca> thaumos: my healthcare is a plane ticket to spain 19:47:02 <thaumos> ++ 19:47:08 <ryansb> that's a vacation plan 19:47:17 <jtanner> the submitter of https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/61 isn't going to write the code 19:47:24 <thaumos> One thing to definitely consider is a proposal committee. 19:47:41 <abadger1999> jtanner: Yeah, so I think results is if we approved, (A), if we rejected, (C). In a few cases, we explicitly say we'll do (B). 19:47:43 <thaumos> Because there are others like sivel and jhawkesworth who are here a lot to be a part of the committee, for instance. 19:47:46 <bcoca> jtanner: there is little consensus there also 19:48:00 <sivel> we need a BDFL 19:48:01 <jtanner> regardless of concensus 19:48:05 <jhawkesworth> the reason I raised the one proposal that I did (now closed) is 'cos I wouldn't be able to write the code 19:48:08 <jtanner> sivel: yer it! 19:48:16 <sivel> I can make decisions 19:48:28 <sivel> people may not like them, but I can certainly make them 19:48:45 <bcoca> sivel: so can i, the problem is getting consensus 19:48:49 <jtanner> i propose we have elections for BDFL 19:48:51 * sivel writes a proposal for appointing a BDFL 19:48:53 <abadger1999> as in, "this is such a good idea that abadger1999 is going to add it to the 2.4 roadmap as an item that he's taking care of"... if approval lacks that sort of statement then proposal submitter is responsible for carrying through to implementation. 19:49:19 <bcoca> abadger1999: or finding suck ... er software engineer to do so 19:49:23 <abadger1999> sivel: Or a BDFOP 19:49:43 <thaumos> ansible/prosals#61 is a good example. From a project stand point we have a request/proposal to change a behaviour. That behaviour has implications from both a user and development stand point. We need to make a decision based on that proposal that doesn't adversely affect the project usage. 19:49:46 <jtanner> bcoca: so now it all comes clear why you put pyvmomi on the roadmap 19:49:50 <abadger1999> (benevolent dictator for one PEP... it's how PEPs work these days) 19:50:09 <bcoca> jtanner: i just had diff su... ser software engineer in mind, but he quit 19:50:53 <sivel> it was easier when we had a BDFL that just said yes or no, and consensus didn't matter :) 19:51:01 <jtanner> twas mostly NO 19:51:05 <bcoca> sivel: true 19:51:12 <sivel> for better or for worse, it worked 19:51:13 <bcoca> sivel: but easy != good 19:51:25 <thaumos> alright, we're coming up on time. 19:51:32 <sivel> and I am wasting it :) 19:51:38 <sivel> sorry folks 19:51:39 <thaumos> So any other #action's anyone want to capture? 19:51:43 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/23971 19:51:49 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/20717 19:52:20 <abadger1999> bcoca: those are new topics (for open floor), yes? 19:52:43 <sivel> When deprecating, shouldn't we have a deprecation warning for X releases before we actually deprecate. Looks like 23971 just documents deprecation 19:52:45 <thaumos> I thought bcoca was using them as more proposal examples. 19:52:57 <sivel> it doesn't warn 19:52:59 <thaumos> okay, moving to open floor 19:53:04 <thaumos> #topic Open floor 19:53:05 <abadger1999> I'm not sure. 19:53:23 <abadger1999> that's why I was asking ;-) 19:53:26 <bcoca> sivel: we deprecated them in 2.0 ... we just never removed them, and no never had warnings 19:53:42 <sivel> bcoca: yeah, I get that, but we never visibly displayed warnings to users using them 19:53:44 <thaumos> well, he didn't say anything so open floor :-P 19:53:49 <sivel> so we had no way of informing users ahead of time 19:54:16 <bcoca> i'll see about switching, argsparse has no good way of showing deprecation 19:54:26 <thaumos> how about remove it and revert if we get enough complaints? 19:54:28 <sivel> ideally we should visibly warn during runtime for X releases, before removing something 19:54:44 <thaumos> ^ yes ideally.... and we need to get better at doing so. 19:54:52 <sivel> gotta start somewhere ;) 19:54:57 <bcoca> sivel: we normally do and have been warning about sudo/su in play for 3 releases already (in diff PR i add 2.7 as removal) 19:55:12 <sivel> hrm, maybe I have missed it 19:55:20 <sivel> in any case, general comment there 19:55:21 <abadger1999> bcoca: we can do it. You need to keep both args saving to different variable names. 19:55:46 <abadger1999> bcoca: then in code you compare the settings to see if the deprecated one was used. 19:56:13 <sivel> bcoca: I think I am thinking of just pure CLI invocations, there is no warning there, if the playbook doesn't use those options 19:56:17 <abadger1999> bcoca: I think I do something like the second half of that for the behaviour of --tags --skip-tags changing. 19:56:50 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/1a0b94fa17f58e2a2413e4ee814c9a24813e5497 19:57:05 <bcoca> ^ is the other thing i did, i'll try to match 19:57:29 <bcoca> not going to do 4 from now as we had signaled deprecation long time ago 19:58:15 <thaumos> we have had that warning since 2.4, right? 19:58:26 <bcoca> thaumos: 2.1 iirc 19:58:33 <thaumos> /s/2.4/2.0 19:58:39 <thaumos> hmm either way. 19:58:41 <bcoca> possibly 2.0 19:58:42 <thaumos> 3 version. 19:58:44 * abadger1999 on the fence of how long... Loves to get rid of deprecated code but also feels like CLI options being removed is some of hte most annoying things to users. 19:59:12 <abadger1999> thaumos: yes... but that's only for hte playbook construct, not hte cli args. 19:59:14 <bcoca> abadger1999: goign from 2 (original) to 4 current. .. this still has 6 versions from deprecation to removal 19:59:20 <thaumos> we have it documented that 3 versions things get removed, right? 19:59:25 <abadger1999> 4 19:59:28 <bcoca> 4 19:59:36 <thaumos> ok 19:59:41 <thaumos> where in docs is that? 20:00:36 <thaumos> Basically, if we have it documented we should remove the code. We can't keep hobbling along. 20:01:30 <thaumos> I am +1 to removing this because everyone has known about the deprecation for a long long time. 20:01:35 <abadger1999> thaumos: as always, it will come down to definitions... what is the definition of "deprecated"... is enough that we put it in the changelog? Or do we need to have using the feature emit a deprecation warning at runtime. 20:01:54 <thaumos> For the userbase, there needs to be a msg. 20:02:17 <abadger1999> if that's so, then... this has not yet been deprecated. 20:02:20 <thaumos> We can't expect all users to look at the changelog. In the case of this specific use case, we have had a msg displayed for quite some time. 20:02:38 <abadger1999> ansible -a 'whoami' localhost --sudo does not emit a deprecation message. 20:02:54 <sivel> yeah, it is only when using the options in a play that you get a warning 20:02:59 <thaumos> ^^ 20:03:07 <sivel> so we didn't necessarily say that the cli flags were deprecated 20:03:10 <jhawkesworth> I thought it was two versions - it mentions versions here: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/porting_guide_2.0.html 20:03:18 <sivel> just the use of sudo/su in a play 20:03:35 <thaumos> ansible command is not something we have to worry about, because 95% of usage is via ansible-playbook 20:03:40 <abadger1999> jtanner: we need to update that/... I though there was a ansible/proposal with the update to 4 versions but I don't see it . 20:03:46 <abadger1999> sorry jtanner.. jhawkesworth^ 20:03:56 <bcoca> jhawkesworth: we changed it in meeting a couple of months back, seems we forgot to update docs 20:04:09 <abadger1999> We discussed it in one of htese meetings. debated whether to use 3 or 4 versions and settled on 4 as the new standard. 20:04:33 <thaumos> #action Thaumos to sync with jmckerr on this. 20:04:34 <jhawkesworth> oh ok, 4 versions seems most generous given current release cycle.. unless that's changed since I last looked 20:04:35 <abadger1999> thaumos: still have to worry 20:04:43 <thaumos> I know. 20:04:52 <thaumos> Will make this a product decision. 20:04:52 <abadger1999> thaumos: ansible-playbook localhost play.yml --sudo also doesn't emit a warning msg 20:04:57 <abadger1999> k 20:05:45 <thaumos> #info Will make ansible/ansible#23971 a product decision 20:05:47 * jhawkesworth doesn't use sudo/become much, probably not going to qualify as typical user regarding this 20:06:28 <thaumos> #info ansible/ansible#20717 as product decision 20:06:38 <thaumos> Okay, cool. 20:06:41 <bcoca> https://gist.github.com/bcoca/2e70c487c6ff570b2e8e1821e69c74b4 <= new code 20:06:56 <thaumos> any other quick things, if not I will #endmeeting 20:07:16 <thaumos> #endmeeting