19:01:28 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Core Team Meeting 19:01:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 2 19:01:28 2017 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_team_meeting' 19:01:33 <nitzmahone> boop 19:01:37 <gundalow> #chair abadger1999 alikins bcoca nitzmahone 19:01:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 alikins bcoca gundalow nitzmahone 19:02:05 <shertel> o/ 19:02:10 <gundalow> #topic Extending module option validation/types 19:02:14 <gundalow> #chair shertel 19:02:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 alikins bcoca gundalow nitzmahone shertel 19:02:26 <gundalow> #link https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/159#issuecomment-298523500 19:02:59 <gundalow> #info I've recently seen a few modules that: Ensure an int is within a specific range; or that an option is an IPv4/IPv6 address 19:03:04 <nitzmahone> IPv6 in particular is problematic, but I don't object to such an extension 19:04:00 <nitzmahone> If we had ipaddress for parsing, sure, but IIRC it's py3 only 19:04:10 <nitzmahone> IPv4 is relatively easy 19:04:27 <jtanner> hello 19:04:36 <bcoca> ipv6 is more fun since [ and : are also 'reserved in yaml' 19:04:47 <bcoca> and python 19:05:17 <nitzmahone> Yeah, and all the shortcut forms and stuff, plus a couple of overlaps with IPv4, zone IDs, bleh. Nightmare, not the business we want to be in. :) 19:05:37 <gundalow> since privateip isn't here I may make it his problem LO 19:05:52 <gundalow> so people are generally happy 19:06:02 <bcoca> +1 to making it privateip's problem 19:06:04 <nitzmahone> You could do an "IPv6-ish" regex, but it wouldn't be comprehensive 19:06:11 <gundalow> should it be three types ipv4, ipv6, ipv4_and_ipv6 19:06:22 <bcoca> ^ we could have 3 'types' in basic, ipv4, ipv6 and ip (does both) 19:06:24 <nitzmahone> (probably +hostname) 19:06:37 <nitzmahone> If you want to get pedantic about it 19:06:39 <abadger1999> I'm not sure we want to make this part of standard arg validatioin/conversion. 19:06:50 <misc> why wouldn't we ? 19:06:59 <bcoca> abadger1999: does not need to live in basic,py, can live in 'network.py' 19:06:59 <nitzmahone> IPv4 seems like the most common one, but even there, you sometimes have CIDR suffix, etc 19:07:06 <abadger1999> Unless we want to bundle voluptuous, formencode, or another one of the third party libraries to do it. 19:07:14 <nitzmahone> We were having similar discussion on the Windows side 19:07:31 <gundalow> My requirement would be that it has to work in py2.6 standard libs 19:08:01 <abadger1999> misc: Just seems like this gets us away from simple and we'd have to maintain it. 19:08:06 <bcoca> networking modules normally already have special requirements, i think it can live there w/o many issues, i would NOT add it to basic.py if code depends on more libs 19:08:25 <nitzmahone> Do we have pluggable arg validation now though 19:08:27 <nitzmahone> ? 19:08:32 <bcoca> nitzmahone: no 19:08:41 <misc> abadger1999: we could make it a type, but not enforce verification, only for documentation and/or future verification 19:08:41 <nitzmahone> I remember we talked about that as a possibility 19:08:43 <abadger1999> nitzmahone: we don't but we could pretty easily 19:08:45 <gundalow> I was assuming it would go here https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/module_utils/basic.py#L744 19:08:50 <misc> (like, when python2 is deprecated for good) 19:09:03 <nitzmahone> +1 to "unenforced type" (or loosely enforced) 19:09:10 <bcoca> misc: in 5yrs? 19:09:11 <abadger1999> nitzmahone: I think I outlined how to do it in a ticket somewhere. 19:09:22 <nitzmahone> Yeah, I seem to recall bouncing that around at one point 19:09:42 <bcoca> its been discussed, iirc we left it as 'problem for those doing networking' 19:10:02 <bcoca> as we dont have many other types that would make sense to be pluggable 19:10:41 <gundalow> Lots of modules (outside of networking) could make use of `type='ip'` 19:10:45 <abadger1999> If we want "unenforced type" we probably don't want to put it into type. 19:11:06 <abadger1999> Something more like type="str", type_alias="ipv4 address" 19:11:27 <bcoca> type=email was the other one .. but that has it's own issues 19:11:33 <nitzmahone> I think if we were going to do it (with the eye to light or future enforcement), you'd have to get much more specific 19:11:36 <bcoca> ^ email providers violate the rfc 19:11:56 <gundalow> What's the objections to putting this in basic.py along with the existing type checks? 19:11:57 <misc> and IIRC, the regexp to valide email is 3 pages of perl or something 19:12:09 <nitzmahone> ipv4, ipv4+cidr, ipv4 netmask, ipv6, ipv4_or_ipv6 (maybe w/ netmask possibilities) 19:12:13 <bcoca> gundalow: most of those modulse are 'cloud + networking' 19:12:16 <nitzmahone> It does seem to get away from us quickly 19:12:24 <jtanner> ugh, i really hope to never have to support 3 page regex for email validation 19:13:02 <bcoca> jtanner: 4 regexes to cover all major services/MTAs 19:13:06 <misc> (ok so less than 3 pages: http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pdw/Mail-RFC822-Address.html ) 19:13:22 <bcoca> misc: except RFC is not followed 19:13:28 * nitzmahone wipes blood from eyes 19:13:30 * gundalow puts on his chairing hat. Lets ignore email regex 19:13:37 <bcoca> ^ rfc is only 1 of 4 you need to validate email 19:13:46 <jtanner> we will inevitably have people using MTA in their own corpnets with lax rules 19:14:15 <bcoca> <= worked for spammer, after years we narrowed down all exceptions 19:14:38 <gundalow> Any web/REST API module could make use of type=hostname_or_ip 19:14:52 <nitzmahone> I have no problem with adding IP types, but if we're going to do it, the types should be specific, and we should do some "best effort" shape validation at least. 19:15:12 <bcoca> we dont validate hostname, and that is an easy one 19:15:49 <misc> ipv4 seems also quite easy to validate 19:16:00 <nitzmahone> ... and if we keep the validation simple, I have no problem adding to basic, either, but I don't think any of us wants to see a meg or two of nasty to validate IP addresses in there 19:16:12 <bcoca> misc: until you throw cidr/netmask into the mix 19:16:22 <jtanner> i didn't realize we had already moved past python stdlib "types" 19:16:40 <bcoca> jtanner: we have json 19:16:53 <gundalow> So I'm not sure if we need to make it check everything, it could be a bit lose 19:16:58 <misc> bcoca: it depend how much you want to validate, ie, would just "oops, I gave a hostname and it should have been a ip", or "oups, I got my cidr wrong" 19:17:40 <gundalow> I know a few modules take hostname or IP address, though will fail if you pass in an IPv6 address, for example 19:17:55 * nitzmahone guilty 19:18:00 <gundalow> :) 19:18:04 <gundalow> I think a lot of us are 19:18:04 <bcoca> ^([a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-\.]*[a-z0-9])) 19:18:27 <bcoca> ^ and that has a flaw 19:18:32 <gundalow> so having "This roughly look like a hostname, IPv4, IPv6 address" is OK 19:18:35 <nitzmahone> straw poll on quick-n-dirty IP types + validation in basic? 19:18:40 <gundalow> +1 19:18:42 <nitzmahone> +1 19:18:43 <bcoca> -1 in basic 19:18:48 <bcoca> +1 in 'network' 19:19:06 <abadger1999> -1 basic 19:19:07 <nitzmahone> (would require implementing "pluggable validators") 19:19:15 <abadger1999> +1 elsewhere 19:19:15 <bcoca> nitzmahone: not really 19:19:19 <bcoca> but good excuse for it 19:19:30 <shertel> +1 19:19:44 <jtanner> i feel like this is going to end up being a pain 19:19:45 * abadger1999 was looking for the ticket with the spec but couldn't find it... can look harder after the meeting 19:19:46 <nitzmahone> bcoca: yeah, "good excuse" is a better description. :) 19:20:07 <bcoca> jtanner: yes, it will, that is why i dont want it in baci 19:20:08 <bcoca> basic 19:20:16 <bcoca> also it will grow fast and complex 19:20:22 <abadger1999> ah ha https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17731 19:20:46 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17731#issuecomment-290769612 19:20:56 <bcoca> ^ privateip already offered 19:21:35 <nitzmahone> Buck passed, moving on ;) 19:21:36 <abadger1999> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17731#issuecomment-256148500 + https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17731#issuecomment-268034339 == how it should look. 19:22:03 <jtanner> +1 !basic.py 19:22:16 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17731#issuecomment-256148500 + https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/17731#issuecomment-268034339 == how it should look. 19:22:19 <gundalow> Thanks 19:22:37 * gundalow will put this on the Network Trello board 19:22:41 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 19:22:52 <nitzmahone> Did we ever revisit the frequency/timing of this meeting? 19:23:04 <bcoca> last meeting 19:23:15 <bcoca> we are keeping current timing 19:23:16 * nitzmahone was probably sleeping in Singapore 19:23:27 <nitzmahone> k 19:23:52 <gundalow> keeping as, and if we run out of items then we finish early 19:24:00 <nitzmahone> aight 19:24:56 <nitzmahone> Speaking of... 19:26:04 <gundalow> I guess we are done 19:27:11 <gundalow> #endmeeting