19:00:05 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Molecule Working Group 19:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 20 19:00:05 2019 UTC. 19:00:05 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 19:00:05 <zodbot> The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_molecule_working_group' 19:00:07 <themr0c> + learned how to use github pages 19:00:12 * gundalow waves, who's around? 19:00:18 * tima waves 19:00:43 <decentral1se> o/ 19:01:23 <themr0c> o/ 19:02:51 <ChrisShort> ahoy 19:02:51 <gundalow> #chair tima decentral1se themr0c 19:02:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: decentral1se gundalow themr0c tima 19:02:52 <ChrisShort> ish 19:03:02 <gundalow> #stool ChrisShort 19:03:19 <gundalow> #topic Molecule v2.20 19:03:30 <gundalow> #info Lets get Molevule 2.20 out 19:03:33 <decentral1se> straight to the chase 19:04:03 <gundalow> #info v2.20 Project Board https://github.com/ansible/molecule/projects/2 19:04:05 <gundalow> shows only Docker 19:04:09 <gundalow> urgh 19:04:16 <decentral1se> yep ;) 19:04:25 <gundalow> so I've not managed to get this to do what we wanted 19:04:26 <decentral1se> all actions and agreements from last meeting are dealt with 19:04:33 <decentral1se> #info https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/ansible-molecule/2019-03-13/ansible_molecule_working_group.2019-03-13-19.00.html 19:04:35 <gundalow> excellent 19:04:46 <gundalow> https://quay.io/repository/ansible/molecule?tab=tags 19:04:48 <fabianvf> hello 19:04:51 <decentral1se> heyo 19:04:55 <gundalow> #chair fabianvf 19:04:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: decentral1se fabianvf gundalow themr0c tima 19:05:09 <gundalow> So in Quay.io `latest` = the most recent built 19:05:21 <gundalow> and `master` = the most recent build for the `master branch` 19:05:45 <gundalow> which means `latest` = `master`, which you can see by the blue line after the SHA256 on https://quay.io/repository/ansible/molecule?tab=tags 19:06:25 <gundalow> I manually created a `devel` tag from `master`, though as soon as another commit was made to master no update was made to `devel` 19:08:03 <tima> Shouldn't `latest` be the latest *stable* release and not necessarily what's `master`? 19:08:06 <themr0c> forget aboyt the devel tag then ? 19:08:16 <gundalow> tima: that's what we want, yes 19:08:22 <decentral1se> yep, what we agreed to was 19:08:24 <decentral1se> #info https://github.com/ansible/molecule/issues/1818#issuecomment-473307752 19:08:40 <decentral1se> so, after the release, people using the docker image might get a wild master build instead of stable ;) 19:08:41 <tima> +1 to fotgetting `devel` 19:09:08 <tima> @gundalow: was confused by "which means `latest` = `master`" 19:09:34 <tima> Thought that meant they'll remain the same. 19:09:39 <gundalow> tima: ah, `quay:latest` = `quay:master` on https://quay.io/repository/ansible/molecule?tab=tags 19:10:04 <gundalow> ^ is always true when if people only commit to master branch 19:11:29 <decentral1se> well, I liked the tags scheme, I wouldn't want to just throw it out just yet 19:11:41 <decentral1se> can we get quay permissions? themr0c,zbc,myself? 19:11:50 <gundalow> decentral1se: sure, let me do that now 19:11:55 <decentral1se> %s/zbc/zbr. 19:12:05 <decentral1se> cool, thanks 19:12:20 <decentral1se> even if we drop `devel` now, we'd still have a potentially surprising `latest` 19:12:51 <gundalow> decentral1se: zbr themr0c can you please sign into https://quay.io/repository/ via GitHub auth 19:12:57 <decentral1se> but look, there is the other side of it: is this really enough to stop us pushing it out now? 19:13:05 <gundalow> Good question 19:13:16 <decentral1se> @gundalow: done 19:13:17 <gundalow> If we want people to be able to use the docker image maybe 19:13:18 <gundalow> oh 19:13:44 <gundalow> actually, if we just tag and release then we can tell people to use the `2.20`image (and not `latest`) 19:14:05 <decentral1se> great, that'd cover us for now 19:14:08 <zbr> i am logged in but I do not see options to remove tags. i guess i was not added. 19:14:21 <zbr> we should publish only master and releases 19:14:21 <tima> +1 @gundalow 19:14:40 <zbr> and clean-up branch ones 19:15:03 <themr0c> done 19:16:26 <gundalow> zbr: themr0c added 19:16:31 <gundalow> decentral1se: It can't find you 19:16:42 <gundalow> what was your old name `lwm`, it can't see that either 19:16:50 <decentral1se> `lwm0` is my quay username, I think 19:16:53 <decentral1se> old account ... 19:17:34 <gundalow> decentral1se: can you see settings on https://quay.io/user/lwm0 19:17:41 <gundalow> just want to make sure I set the right person 19:18:18 <decentral1se> meh, I should create a proper account 19:18:20 <decentral1se> we can skip me for now 19:18:27 <gundalow> OK :) 19:18:37 <decentral1se> so, this work around, can we get it done? 19:18:40 <gundalow> themr0c: zbr You should have options 19:19:12 <gundalow> so I think 19:19:12 <gundalow> 1) Check docs say install named Quay.io version (not lastest) 19:19:12 <gundalow> 2) Update changelog 19:19:12 <gundalow> 3) Tag and release 19:19:15 <zbr> gundalow: yep, and i already removed the bogus tags from temporary branches. need to check travis file to avoid doing them. 19:19:18 * themr0c can access settings in molecule quay 19:19:29 <gundalow> Excellent, thanks 19:20:10 <gundalow> CONTRIBUTING.rst has `docker pull quay.io/ansible/molecule:latest` 19:20:33 <gundalow> as does `doc/source/examples.rst` 19:20:55 <decentral1se> Ah, I had https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/1838 for docs on this 19:21:44 <zbr> gundalow: i think you should update the trigger, probably recreate it and trigger only on master/tags. i see not option to edit the trigger. 19:21:56 <gundalow> zbr: Yup, I'll do that now 19:22:31 <gundalow> only on tags/`\d.*` (only tags starting with a number). I incorrectly created tags starting with `v` before 19:23:15 <gundalow> Do both parts of ^ sound right? 19:23:19 <zbr> i was personally expecting for the build to happen on travis and do a push for there, but is not. anyway we will see if this is a real issue or not. 19:23:36 <gundalow> Ah, for Quay.io it's a webhook 19:27:13 <gundalow> Do the docs need updating to say use a named version rather than latest? 19:29:01 <decentral1se> so instead of `latest` we say `version-number`? 19:29:05 <gundalow> #info quay.io has been updated so it will only build on `tags/\d.*` 19:29:12 <decentral1se> great 19:29:26 <gundalow> decentral1se: yup, `docker pull quay.io/ansible/molecule:2.20` (no leading `v`) 19:29:53 <decentral1se> ok, I'm doing this now 19:30:40 <decentral1se> and we're dropping `devel`, right? 19:30:40 <gundalow> Thanks 19:34:17 <gundalow> decentral1se: correct I've just deleted `devel` from quay.io 19:34:29 <decentral1se> Ok 19:37:09 <decentral1se> ok, what about https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/1838/files 19:38:50 <themr0c> +1 19:39:17 <decentral1se> #agreed use numbered versions for quay tags, drop `devel` and clean up branch tags 19:39:19 <decentral1se> let's mark that :) 19:39:24 <zbr> themr0c: something seems weid 19:39:28 <gundalow> Thanks 19:39:33 <gundalow> zbr: oh? 19:39:40 <zbr> docs sais "latest" -> master 19:39:58 <zbr> i was expecting latest = lastest-release 19:40:18 <zbr> and to have another tag named master or devel which would be the "bleading" one. 19:40:20 <gundalow> In the "old" dockerhub days retr0h only pushed Docker build manually on stable release 19:41:49 <themr0c> is quay pushing in the direction to have latest == latest build ? 19:42:11 <gundalow> yup 19:42:40 <zbr> gundalow: any link to doc/article regarding that? 19:42:43 <gundalow> Hence in the docs we need to make people be explicit in which version that should be using 19:43:27 <gundalow> From quay.io support 19:43:27 <gundalow> > Yes you are right by convention latest tag is always considered as current stable build. 19:43:43 <zbr> i personally want two floating tags: one to point to last release, and one to point last pushed master. 19:43:44 <gundalow> I don't think I explained the issues we were having very well 19:44:01 <gundalow> zbr: yup, same. Though I think that will take a bit more work 19:44:06 <zbr> yeah: "latest stable build" is a very fluid concept 19:44:14 <gundalow> and I'd like to see 2.20 get released 19:44:15 <zbr> i would not call stable any merge to master 19:44:34 <pabelanger> are you depending on quay.io to build the images? or are you pushing images to quay.io? 19:44:46 <gundalow> #chair pabelanger 19:44:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: decentral1se fabianvf gundalow pabelanger themr0c tima 19:44:49 <zbr> for me, only releases are stable, and even those (with hope in mind) 19:45:09 <decentral1se> zbr: we couldn't get the tags to match as we had originally agreed, so this is basically a work around 19:45:32 <gundalow> pabelanger: Hi :) quay.io has a webhook on GitHub that will trigger a build if the branch/tag matches a regexp 19:45:34 <decentral1se> we just need a 2.20 tag so we can make the 2.20 release 19:45:38 <zbr> pabelanger: i think that current implementation is to rely on quay to build them. not a big fun of it, but ok for the moment. 19:46:51 <pabelanger> okay, so not right now. But, if you are able to manually tag, outside of quay.io webhooks, you could write post jobs to build images, publish the quay.io then tag the specific versions 19:46:51 <gundalow> I've added some other comments on https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/1838/files 19:47:32 <pabelanger> then you'll have master, for master branch, and latest for when you tag 19:48:11 <themr0c> gundalow, nice 19:48:17 <decentral1se> @gundalow: great, fixed up 19:48:23 <zbr> pabelanger: yep, makes sense. as a random user, if I go to molecule and I see "latest" and "master" i would not need to read the docs to figure it out. 19:49:28 <decentral1se> ah, updated the installation.rst as well 19:51:37 <gundalow> decentral1se: looks good 19:51:43 <decentral1se> someone hit the big green button in the sky! 19:52:03 <ChrisShort> *pushes* 19:52:10 <ChrisShort> nothing happened 19:53:41 <decentral1se> :) 19:54:31 <gundalow> decentral1se: Do we want `Document sudo/user change + tags for image` in 2.20 as well? 19:54:42 <gundalow> bah 19:54:58 <gundalow> I meant https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/1853/files 19:56:19 <decentral1se> I think most are reading the `latest` docs, which is the master build (let's not go there ...) 19:56:30 <decentral1se> which is another can of worms because a lot of users are not sure what is in what version ... 19:56:44 <decentral1se> so, I am just for making this 2.20 release and let's drop everything else :) 19:57:05 <decentral1se> we can merge that afterwards, it will be in the latest docs and that should be fine 19:57:12 <gundalow> ah, good point well made 19:58:39 <decentral1se> @zbr: https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/1838#discussion_r267519231 19:59:16 <gundalow> https://travis-ci.com/ansible/molecule/builds/105189674 is green, merging 19:59:29 <Not-e6c6> [molecule] gundalow closed pull request #1838: Document sudo/user change + tags for image - https://git.io/fjebL 19:59:50 <zbr> gundalow: i am sure is possible but before doing this, at least do not use latest and use master instead 19:59:50 <gundalow> zbr: Is this your bot ^, could it say "merged" 20:00:21 <zbr> gundalow: not my bot, hosted, cannot configure message format. 20:00:22 <decentral1se> as shown in https://github.com/ansible/molecule/issues/1818, there are multiple ways to do "latest" 20:00:42 <decentral1se> it is a discussion for after, I think 20:00:53 <decentral1se> we have a numbered tag, we can stick to that tradition and that is what we're offering right now 20:01:15 <zbr> sure, not a reason the miss the release 20:01:58 <zbr> especially as I do not know if the number of people using the docker version in production is other than null 20:02:44 <decentral1se> right 20:03:13 <zbr> for me the docker version makes no sense because my DOCKER_HOST points to a remote machine, so any attempt to use it with molecule would fail badly as volume mounts do not work. 20:03:32 <Not-e6c6> [molecule] decentral1se closed issue #1818: Quay tags: stable/latest/pre-release etc. - https://git.io/fjfa9 20:04:15 <Not-e6c6> [molecule] gundalow created tag 2.20 - https://git.io/fjfaH 20:04:17 <Not-e6c6> [molecule] gundalow tagged 99e03ea as 2.20 https://git.io/fjfaQ 20:04:18 <gundalow> TAGGED 20:04:19 <decentral1se> https://github.com/ansible/molecule/projects/2 is empty! 20:04:28 <decentral1se> oh shhitttttttttt 20:05:07 * gundalow tries to work out if decentral1se is joking 20:05:16 <decentral1se> haha sorry 20:05:23 <decentral1se> I meant in a kinda of 'BOOM' way 20:05:36 <decentral1se> oh wait 20:05:41 <decentral1se> damn text communication lol 20:05:52 <decentral1se> I MEANT: THIS IS GOOD, THANK YOU 20:06:12 <gundalow> #info Molecule 2.20 is building 20:06:15 <gundalow> Thanks all 20:06:20 <themr0c> yeah 20:06:21 <gundalow> Guess we are done for today 20:06:49 <themr0c> oh may i annonce it to french side of belgium tommorrow ? 20:06:57 <themr0c> that's awesome 20:07:15 <decentral1se> well done folks 20:07:24 <decentral1se> yep, I'm out, nice one! 20:07:51 <gundalow> themr0c: yup 20:07:55 <gundalow> Great work all 20:07:57 <gundalow> #endmeeting