16:00:23 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group 16:00:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 6 16:00:23 2017 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group' 16:00:36 * Qalthos 🌊🌊 16:02:32 <kedarX> 👋 16:03:48 * gundalow waits a few minutes for others to join 16:08:37 <gundalow> #chair Qalthos dt-arista jmcgill298 kedarX Anil 16:08:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: Anil Qalthos dt-arista gundalow jmcgill298 kedarX 16:10:19 <gundalow> Hi everyone! 16:10:47 <gundalow> #info Agenda as always https://github.com/ansible/community/labels/network 16:11:50 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 16:11:57 <gundalow> Anyone got anything for today? 16:13:28 <dt-arista> just a quick question regarding the upcoming network-cli connection changes 16:13:32 <gundalow> Sure 16:13:39 <dt-arista> and its very possible this is answered in the documentation and i have missed it 16:13:49 <dt-arista> so i apologize for my lack of reading skillz in advance :) 16:14:01 <gundalow> nps, we can always improve the docs 16:14:28 <dt-arista> if you want to connect to a network mode using a non-cli method (lets say eapi for the sake of discussion) will this connection be local + provider cict? 16:14:50 <Qalthos> For the time being, yes 16:14:54 <gundalow> IN 2.5 yes 16:15:15 <gundalow> in 2.6 it will be connection: network_<something> (maybe network_http) 16:15:26 <Anil> any samples are in github which I can refer as a sample ? 16:15:27 <gundalow> name needs bikesheading 16:15:52 <dt-arista> ok 16:16:05 <gundalow> Anil: For new platforms (which should only support network_cli) there are examples linked from https://github.com/ansible/community/blob/master/group-network/network_dev_network_cli.rst 16:16:06 <dt-arista> one follow up 16:16:22 <Anil> Sure i will refer that 16:16:52 <gundalow> For examples on how to support provider & network_cli (for platforms that already existed in Ansible 2.4) see the existing Core Network modules (e.g. vyos) 16:16:56 <gundalow> dt-arista: sure 16:17:02 <gundalow> #chair skg-net 16:17:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: Anil Qalthos dt-arista gundalow jmcgill298 kedarX skg-net 16:17:11 <dt-arista> if you specifiy the provider dict in 2.5 but the connection == network_cli the provider dict is just ignored for modules that support network_cli? 16:17:28 <Qalthos> dt-arista: yes 16:17:36 <dt-arista> cool, thanks again 16:17:56 <gundalow> You need to extend the code to print a warning 16:18:53 <gundalow> #info warn on network_cli + provider: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/33355 16:19:20 <dt-arista> got it 16:19:35 <gundalow> dt-arista: Which platform is this for? 16:19:51 <dt-arista> eos/arista stuff 16:20:02 <gundalow> We've done eos 16:20:22 <dt-arista> ok, thought so, it was mainly for end users writing playbooks against it 16:20:23 <gundalow> You thinking CloudVision? 16:20:27 <dt-arista> and what the expected behavior is 16:20:29 <dt-arista> and yes 16:20:36 <dt-arista> for cloudVision too 16:21:14 <dt-arista> what i am hoping to do is to get this new connection method in our automated test suite sooner than later so we can get ahead of any problems that our customers might hit 16:21:22 <dt-arista> since thats been a bit problemmatic for us in the past 16:21:40 <dt-arista> do you think the code in devel is at that stage? or is there a RC for 2.5? 16:21:47 <gundalow> so Cloud vision is HTTP(s) so that will need to wait for the connection: network_http work in 2.6. Once that framework is in we will create some docs along the lines of https://github.com/ansible/community/blob/master/group-network/network_dev_network_cli.rst for that 16:22:09 <dt-arista> cool 16:22:20 <gundalow> I don't think there will be any changes to cv_server_provision_module in 2.5 16:22:30 <gundalow> (from a connection point of view) 16:22:38 <dt-arista> is it expected that we are on the hook for the transport:eapi or is that something you guys would be taking on 16:22:46 <dt-arista> cool, that does clear that up 16:23:12 <dt-arista> obviously nothing for 2.5 16:23:25 <dt-arista> but when network_http comes out 16:24:01 <gundalow> dt-arista: I *think* we (Ansible Core Team) will end up creating `connection: network_http` and we will update eos and nxos to use that and deprecate the provider/transport: eapi/nxapi 16:24:19 <dt-arista> cool thanks 16:24:27 <gundalow> #chair samerd 16:24:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: Anil Qalthos dt-arista gundalow jmcgill298 kedarX samerd skg-net 16:24:33 <dt-arista> i understand that is still under discussion 16:24:45 <dt-arista> just trying to get an idea of whats coming down the line a bit 16:24:51 <gundalow> Sure, totally understand 16:25:23 <gundalow> Did you get an invite to the Network Partners call later this month, we will go though it in that 16:25:30 <dt-arista> yep 16:25:32 <dt-arista> i will be there 16:26:04 <gundalow> cool 16:26:16 <gundalow> samerd: Hi :) 16:26:22 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else? 16:26:24 <dt-arista> thats all i had 16:26:28 <dt-arista> thanks for the responses 16:26:39 <gundalow> no problem, good questions :) 16:27:13 <samerd> gundalow: Hi, sorry for being late 16:27:26 <gundalow> samerd: It's all good :) 16:27:33 <gundalow> How you getting on? 16:28:28 <samerd> great, I will push mlnxos_interface soon and will add some infra code 16:28:41 <gundalow> ace 16:28:52 <gundalow> good stuff on getting the network_cli port done 16:29:16 <gundalow> as mentioned before, feel free to raise all the PRs at once for the remaining modules (one module per PR) 16:29:17 <samerd> Thanks for the approval 16:29:28 <gundalow> Anil Qalthos dt-arista gundalow jmcgill298 kedarX samerd skg-net Anyone got anything else? 16:29:55 <samerd> I'll do that after the next PR that will contain some infra to avoid conflicts 16:30:04 <gundalow> Sounds good 16:30:05 <skg-net> nothing much from our side..the porting to the network_cli is going on for dellos* modules 16:30:50 <gundalow> skg-net: Just to clarify, that's supporting provider & network_cli 16:33:34 <skg-net> I just got that..we will support both..we were actually removing the provider support 16:35:20 <gundalow> skg-net: well you can't remove provider for anything that existed in Ansible 2.4 as that's been released, you will need to give users time to update their playbooks to use `connection: network_cli` 16:35:37 <gundalow> in Ansible 2.9 is when we will remove `provider:` 16:36:59 <skg-net> got it.. 16:37:22 <gundalow> skg-net: Do you think you will support network_cli for 2.5? 16:37:34 <gundalow> e.g. code merged by Jan 15th? 16:37:41 <skg-net> yes for sure.. 16:37:45 <gundalow> Cool 16:37:53 <skg-net> currently its with our testing team to validate the changes 16:38:04 <gundalow> That's great 16:38:16 <skg-net> we need to include the provider back.. 16:38:28 <skg-net> along with the warning.. 16:41:05 <ganeshrn> gundalow: we have not yet added deprecation warning for provider to be removed in 2.9 16:41:17 <gundalow> ganeshrn: ah, OK 16:41:19 <ganeshrn> deprecation warning is for to level args 16:41:24 <gundalow> ah, yes 16:41:28 <gundalow> sorry, was getting confused 16:41:49 <ganeshrn> iirc we decide to add deprecation warning for provider in 2.6 16:42:30 <gundalow> skg-net: We should get Dell into DCI (Distributed CI) 16:43:05 <skg-net> sure..let me know what is needed from our end.. I sent you a Dell OS10 VM yesterday.. 16:43:29 <skg-net> I will send a Dell OS9 VM as well. 16:43:48 <gundalow> #topic Distributed CI (DCI) 16:43:57 <gundalow> Will give the steps here so others can beneffit 16:45:16 <gundalow> #info Docs on DCI https://github.com/ansible/dci-partner-ansible 16:45:35 <gundalow> Basically you run a dci-agent on RHEL7/CentOS 7 machine inside your lab 16:45:52 <gundalow> and define an inventory which lists which machines you can test against 16:46:06 <gundalow> I'll be doing a demo in the partner call 16:47:08 <skg-net> okay.. I will get that started..send me a document or any info you have.. 16:48:04 <skg-net> oops missed the above link..Thanks..will go over those.. 16:48:07 <gundalow> :) 16:48:23 <gundalow> I'll create accounts for you and send you an email with details in 16:49:47 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else? 16:50:20 <gundalow> Thank you for your time everbody 16:50:24 <gundalow> #endmeeting