16:01:39 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group 16:01:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 20 16:01:39 2017 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group' 16:02:08 <gundalow> #chair samerd caphrim007 privateip Qalthos trishnag ganeshrn kedarX rcarrillocruz 16:02:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos caphrim007 ganeshrn gundalow kedarX privateip rcarrillocruz samerd trishnag 16:03:28 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 16:03:32 <gundalow> Nothing on the agenda 16:05:07 <IPvSean> Is anyone opposed to making clear which parameters are DI (declarative intent / operational)? I have been getting lots of questions and want to work with gundalow to help address 16:05:42 <gundalow> #chair IPvSean 16:05:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: IPvSean Qalthos caphrim007 ganeshrn gundalow kedarX privateip rcarrillocruz samerd trishnag 16:07:59 <IPvSean> i guess it is the week before christmas 😆 16:10:44 <gundalow> Yup :) 16:10:58 <rcarrillocruz> lol 16:12:23 <gundalow> IPvSean: From an implementation point of view we can add a marker in the `DOCUMENTATION:` block and update https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/docs/templates/plugin.rst.j2#L111 to change the formatting 16:13:09 <IPvSean> I AM TAKING SILENCE AS AGREEMENT 16:14:36 <IPvSean> hello @andriusb 16:14:46 <andriusb> greetings @IPvSean 16:14:53 <gundalow> #chair andriusb 16:14:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: IPvSean Qalthos andriusb caphrim007 ganeshrn gundalow kedarX privateip rcarrillocruz samerd trishnag 16:15:15 <gundalow> IPvSean: If you draft some words and let me know where it should link to, put that an issue I can do the work 16:15:30 <gundalow> (next year) 16:17:38 <IPvSean> yeah lets brainstorm, we can do it on an issue so its out in the public 16:17:52 <IPvSean> i also suspect many stakeholders are on vacation, or traveling, or stuck in Atlanta airport 16:18:07 <IPvSean> i doubt anyone will fight MORE documentation 16:20:16 <gundalow> Yup 16:23:20 <IPvSean> i want to use this opportunity to bring up the github.com/network-automation community, this is just a github organization that anyone can join, you don't have to be an employee of Red Hat. Just email us at ansible-network@redhat.com and we will get you added (include your Github handle) 16:28:12 <gundalow> #chair Anil 16:28:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: Anil IPvSean Qalthos andriusb caphrim007 ganeshrn gundalow kedarX privateip rcarrillocruz samerd trishnag 16:28:41 <gundalow> #action IPvSean and gundalow to work together to make it clear which DI options are (declarative intent / operational) 16:28:53 <IPvSean> 👍 16:29:32 <gundalow> #info github.com/network-automation is a great and growing research. this is just a GitHub organization that anyone can join, you don't have to be an employee of Red Hat. Just email us at ansible-network@redhat.com and we will get you added (include your GitHub handle 16:32:42 <gundalow> #info NO IRC MEETINGS week of 25th Dec 16:32:57 <gundalow> Anything else? 16:34:30 <samerd> gundalow: just a reminder to send us the webinar presentations 16:35:02 <samerd> especially yours, the test section is valuable 16:35:49 <Anil> Yes 16:36:07 <Anil> I too need it 16:41:11 <gundalow> Testing: https://github.com/ansible/community/blob/master/group-network/network_test.rst 16:41:45 <gundalow> Hopefully slides and videos will go out this week 16:42:47 <samerd> gundalow: thanks a lot for sharing the tests 16:43:09 <gundalow> My pleasure 16:43:39 <gundalow> Hope you all found it usefull. If you have any feedback feel free to message me directly gundalow AT redhat.com 16:43:58 <gundalow> First time we've done an event quite like that, so always looking to know how we can improve 16:44:18 <gundalow> appologies to those in West Cost, we will alternate though timezones in the future 16:51:43 <gundalow> Ok, guess there is nothing else 16:51:56 <gundalow> For those that have some time off over the next week or two, enjoy 16:52:11 <gundalow> For those that don't, enjoy the peace and quiet 16:52:19 <gundalow> Thanks everyone 16:52:22 <gundalow> #endmeeting