16:01:55 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group 16:01:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 3 16:01:55 2018 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group' 16:03:02 <caphrim007> yo 16:04:19 <gundalow> hey caphrim007 16:04:58 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 16:05:03 <samerd> gundalow: Hi, Can I add a new topic 16:05:12 <gundalow> #chair caphrim007 samerd 16:05:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: caphrim007 gundalow samerd 16:05:14 <gundalow> Sure just do 16:05:21 <gundalow> Sure just do #topic $foo 16:05:30 <IPvSean> :) 16:05:35 <privateip> happy new year everyone 16:05:43 <samerd> #topic bug life cycle 16:05:53 <gundalow> #chair privateip IPvSean 16:05:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: IPvSean caphrim007 gundalow privateip samerd 16:06:33 <samerd> could you explain please how to open, assign and close bugs? 16:07:15 <IPvSean> @samerd you open bugs with the ISSUES tab on github.com/ansible/ansible 16:07:56 <gundalow> samerd: Issues & PRs can only be assigned to people people with commit powers on ansible/ansible (which is generally Ansible Staff) 16:08:13 <gundalow> because of that, and to allow notifications we use https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/.github/BOTMETA.yml 16:08:22 <funzo> http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/community.html#i-d-like-to-report-a-bug 16:08:32 <gundalow> #chair funzo 16:08:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: IPvSean caphrim007 funzo gundalow privateip samerd 16:10:08 <samerd> @gundalow, @IPvSean: If I open a bug regarding my modules, is it assigned to me? 16:10:26 <gundalow> samerd: no, though Ansibot will notify you 16:10:48 <gundalow> samerd: example: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/34398#issuecomment-355040072 16:11:28 <gundalow> because: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/.github/BOTMETA.yml#L455 16:11:37 <gundalow> and https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/.github/BOTMETA.yml#L1201 16:12:35 <gundalow> along with BOTMETA.yml the `author:` field will be attempted to be parsed in the module 16:14:14 <samerd> @gundalow: thanks a lot, two other questions can I create a PR regarding this bug fix, and when this bug will be closed? 16:14:57 <gundalow> samerd: PR for? 16:16:41 <samerd> PR for fixing the bug 16:17:02 <gundalow> Sure. That directory is owned by you 16:17:07 <gundalow> Anyone can raise a PR 16:18:03 <gundalow> though your stamp of approval (shipit) will be needed if the change is to your files 16:18:44 <gundalow> e.g. lib/ansible/modules/network/mlnxos/ or your module_utils libraries 16:19:12 <samerd> gundalow: Great, Thanks so much for the clarification, and sorry for asking such basic questions. 16:19:40 <gundalow> samerd: I can assure you that everyone else has asked similar question before 16:20:01 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/blob/master/ISSUE_HELP.md explains the Ansibullbot workflow 16:20:54 <gundalow> samerd: You may wish to raise a PR to update BOTMETA.yml and add entries for lib/ansible/modules/network/mlnxos/ and whatever other directories you have (module_utils, plugins,etc) 16:21:11 <gundalow> And you can also list other people to be notified 16:22:05 <samerd> gundalow: thanks, I will check if anything need to be changed there. 16:22:19 <caphrim007> speaking of other people being notified gundalow 16:22:27 <caphrim007> is there a bug in the bot again? 16:22:30 <gundalow> Cool. Feel free to ping in here if you have any questions 16:22:45 <caphrim007> because i had people be notified in some prs which very clearly are marked no-notify in meta 16:22:47 <gundalow> caphrim007: https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/issues/837 16:22:58 <gundalow> ^ Don't set labels or mention people on broken merges 16:23:00 <gundalow> That issue? 16:23:24 <caphrim007> an example 16:23:25 <caphrim007> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/34207 16:23:39 <caphrim007> i dont think that one was busted at the time 16:24:29 <gundalow> oh, so wojtek0806 is listed in ignored 16:24:37 <caphrim007> yeah 16:24:38 <caphrim007> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/.github/BOTMETA.yml#L471 16:26:09 <gundalow> hum, which was added 4 months ago. I'll raise a bug now 16:26:12 <caphrim007> i seem to remember there being a former issue with ignores not working 16:26:23 <caphrim007> but i thought it was fixed/i havent been tracking it 16:27:42 <caphrim007> i'll have more prs over the next couple of days, so i'll see if it happens again 16:27:48 <caphrim007> if you want to forward the issue # 16:27:58 <caphrim007> i can list examples 16:28:07 <gundalow> caphrim007: https://github.com/ansible/ansibullbot/issues/840 16:28:32 <gundalow> If you see it again can you add a comment on the PR bot_status (comment by itself) that should give a bit more info 16:28:40 <caphrim007> ok 16:30:31 <gundalow> samerd: Any other questions? 16:32:02 <gundalow> samerd: I think we've reviewed all your PRs. The comment from trishnag on argspec may apply to multiple PRs, and possible some modules that have already been merged. If its easier to merge what we have then go back and raise one PR that fixes all the argspec issues in one go we can do that, otherwise feel free to update the PRs that are already in flight 16:35:27 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else? 16:35:35 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 16:35:37 <caphrim007> nothing from me 16:35:56 <gundalow> #info Everyone should have received an email with a link to the recording & slides from the partners webinar 16:36:06 <samerd> gundalow: thanks, I am reviewing the comments. 16:36:42 <gundalow> Anil: Hi :) 16:36:45 <gundalow> #chair Anil 16:36:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: Anil IPvSean caphrim007 funzo gundalow privateip samerd 16:36:50 <Anil> Hi 16:37:26 <gundalow> Anil: You got anything? We've just been talking about the bug work flow (stuff you already know) 16:37:47 <Anil> No. I dont have anything to discuss 16:39:04 <Anil> Our code freeze will be on Jan 15 right ? 16:39:09 <gundalow> Correct 16:39:21 <gundalow> only bug fixes after then 16:39:23 <gundalow> samerd: ^ 16:39:25 <gundalow> FYI 16:39:55 <samerd> gundalow: regarding the comment of trishnaguha, I will fix it for all open PRs, and will raise one PR for merged modules 16:40:08 <gundalow> samerd: Sounds good 16:40:37 <Anil> gundalow: Lenovo QA is waiting for that to do rigorous testing after that. So just want to confirm 16:40:48 <gundalow> Ace 16:42:52 <gundalow> #info 2.5 freeze for new functionality is 15th Jan 16:43:06 <gundalow> If there isn't anything else I'll close the meeting shortly 16:44:18 <Anil> ok 16:47:45 <gundalow> indivisiblewalru: Hi :0 16:47:50 <gundalow> :) even 16:48:02 <gundalow> Did you have anything for the meeting? 16:51:16 <gundalow> Thanks everyone 16:51:18 <gundalow> #endmeeting