16:01:06 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group 16:01:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 28 16:01:06 2018 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group' 16:01:12 <trishnag> hi 16:01:27 <gundalow> #chair newswang_ jmcgill298 trishnag ganeshrn acozine 16:01:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine ganeshrn gundalow jmcgill298 newswang_ trishnag 16:03:06 <gundalow> #chair mikewiebe 16:03:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine ganeshrn gundalow jmcgill298 mikewiebe newswang_ trishnag 16:03:11 <gundalow> #chair sushil3 16:03:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: acozine ganeshrn gundalow jmcgill298 mikewiebe newswang_ sushil3 trishnag 16:03:15 <gundalow> Hi everybody 16:03:23 <gundalow> Will just wait a few minutes for others to join 16:03:25 <mikewiebe> Hello 16:03:40 <jmcgill298> Hello 16:05:29 <gundalow> #chair Anil_ 16:05:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Anil_ acozine ganeshrn gundalow jmcgill298 mikewiebe newswang_ sushil3 trishnag 16:05:35 <gundalow> #topic Core update 16:06:35 <gundalow> #info Remaining 2.5.0 network items can be seen on https://github.com/ansible/ansible/projects/20 16:07:17 <gundalow> #info If you believe their are any issues that need fixing that are not on that list please ping us in IRC (This close to 2.5.0 don't trust we will spot a comment in the sea of GitHub email) 16:08:54 <gundalow> #info I'm not sure when 2.5RC2 will be, I'm waiting for confirmation 16:09:24 <gundalow> #info Lots of docs updates: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/network/ 16:10:41 <gundalow> #info Platform specific guides (cli vs eos/nxapi vs netconf, enable/become) for eos, ios, junos, nxos is at final review https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36814 16:10:53 <gundalow> mikewiebe: You may wish to glance over the nxos part of https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36814 16:11:26 <mikewiebe> gundalow: Will do 16:11:41 <dag> o/ 16:12:04 <dag> Congratz on the new docs ! 16:12:18 <gundalow> Massive thanks to acozine for alls 16:12:49 <gundalow> I think that's all the updates from our side 16:12:51 <gundalow> oh 16:14:31 <gundalow> #info AnsibleFest Austin, TX - https://www.ansible.com/ansiblefest - Hope to see you there. We haven't confirmed the plan for Contributors Summit yet, though there will be something, possibly the day or two the main fest 16:14:50 <gundalow> Any questions on any of the above, or anything else? 16:15:30 <mikewiebe> gundalow: When will the 2.6 Roadmap be published? 16:15:50 <itdependsnetwork> Had a question that is kinda relevant to slack convo that just happened, I added a comment to this issue, wanted to get feedback: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/32724 16:16:10 <itdependsnetwork> Basically, allow user to define where config is backed up 16:16:18 <gundalow> mikewiebe: Not sure. There are discussions internally about if Ansible 2.6 will be a stability release (and what that means) 16:16:35 <itdependsnetwork> The naming is imo, not intuitive out of the box. 16:16:36 <gundalow> #topic backup path 16:16:36 <mikewiebe> gundalow: Thnks 16:16:44 <gundalow> #chair itdependsnetwork 16:16:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: Anil_ acozine ganeshrn gundalow itdependsnetwork jmcgill298 mikewiebe newswang_ sushil3 trishnag 16:16:57 <gundalow> #info https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/32724 16:18:20 <gundalow> (Just reading the comments) 16:18:35 <itdependsnetwork> just the last one :) 16:18:38 <gundalow> ah, OK 16:18:53 <gundalow> Where is that defined? 16:19:02 <gundalow> is it in module_utils/basic.py/ 16:19:07 <gundalow> is it in module_utils/basic.py? 16:19:51 <itdependsnetwork> no idea :) 16:20:19 <itdependsnetwork> it produces something like: SW-04_config.2017-11-09@10:12:49 16:21:52 <gundalow> ./plugins/action/ios_config.py _write_backup 16:21:55 <itdependsnetwork> I would love to be able to define something like: {{ region }}/{{ cluster }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}.txt 16:22:53 <gundalow> itdependsnetwork: Looks like it should be doable. let me ask 16:23:15 <itdependsnetwork> ok, again, I could potentially code it, just want to make sure it will be accepted. 16:23:38 <gundalow> #action gundalow to ask internally if we'd accept update that 1) Allow definition of backup directory 2) Allow 16:23:47 <gundalow> itdependsnetwork: noted, makes sense 16:25:01 <itdependsnetwork> Next one I have, I understand a few things were announced at last webinar, anyway to summarize for those who did not make it? 16:25:23 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 16:26:39 <gundalow> #info Feb 2018 webinar will be made available on https://www.ansible.com/resources/webinars-training (you can filter by "Networking") 16:27:16 <itdependsnetwork> I guess it's not so much the webinar itself, but a written documentation to refer to, to understand changes coming 16:27:23 <gundalow> ah, OK 16:27:28 <gundalow> I'll pass that on 16:28:10 <itdependsnetwork> Even is # -- info'd it here would be fine for me 16:28:25 <itdependsnetwork> if* 16:29:07 <gundalow> Yup, great idea. let me see if I can get the points 16:29:57 <mikewiebe> gundalow: Left a minor comment under under the nxos doc section for https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36814 ... otherwise looks good 16:30:43 <gundalow> mikewiebe: Thanks :) 16:32:20 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else? 16:32:34 <itdependsnetwork> I got one more, does that count? :) 16:33:15 <gundalow> itdependsnetwork: Sure :) 16:33:45 <itdependsnetwork> Would still like to entertain the idea of having a monthly virtual meetup, outside of IRC, to talk about direction/arch rather then PR focused IRC meeting. 16:33:55 <gundalow> ah, yes 16:35:07 <Anil_> gundalow : Should I consolidate all of my license changes to one PR ? 16:35:27 <gundalow> Anil_: If you do that would allow me to cherry-pick them into `stable-2.5` which would be nice 16:36:03 <gundalow> as it allows me to keep looking for differences between devel & stable-2.5, which is a good way for me to check for things that haven't been cherry-picked 16:36:57 <Anil_> Gundalow: I did it once and met with few errors. May be I will do that again tommorrow in a single PR 16:38:07 <Anil_> Gundalow: One more thing. Regarding your mail with subject - Network module docs improvements 16:38:52 <Anil_> Gundalow:, what will be impact of those on lenovo modules ? 16:40:54 <gundalow> Anil_: Regarding the licence PR if you raise the PR, even if it errors I can assist you with that 16:41:39 <Anil_> Sure, May be I can revert the deleted PR 16:42:51 <gundalow> Network module docs improvements - We've updated `validate-modules` to spot when the DOCUMENTATION and argspec are out of sync. For example when choices are defined in the argspec, but are not listed in documentation. The end result should be the module docs HTML page should contain more information and should be correct 16:43:14 <Anil_> Not Now, later u can check 36840 and send me some comments on how to resolve 16:44:59 <itdependsnetwork> also, on behalf of bdowling: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/35817 16:46:03 <bdowling> Thx, was just going to mention that. (if ppl in office stop distracting me. ;) 16:46:12 <gundalow> itdependsnetwork: ack, I've just asked ganesh to add some comments 16:46:18 <gundalow> #chair bdowling 16:46:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: Anil_ acozine bdowling ganeshrn gundalow itdependsnetwork jmcgill298 mikewiebe newswang_ sushil3 trishnag 16:49:14 <gundalow> Anything else? 16:49:26 <bdowling> With regards to #35817, do others see that they need to have a long command_timeout 16:50:12 <gundalow> bdowling: I've not seen anyone else report that 16:50:25 <itdependsnetwork> ^^ I agree with bdowling: this is a simple/elegant solution that should help out 16:50:25 <gundalow> Getting other examples of how that fails would be useful 16:50:53 <itdependsnetwork> @gundalow: I think it's hidden by network engineers expectation for failures 16:51:07 <gundalow> ONCE AGAIN I AM SORRY ABOUT UNABLE TO OPEN SHELL 16:51:11 <gundalow> *cough* 16:51:45 <itdependsnetwork> lol, was not even referencing that 16:51:58 <gundalow> I know, though I'm still sorry 16:52:22 <itdependsnetwork> It's in the past, well as of 2.5 it is ;) 16:52:41 <gundalow> bdowling: itdependsnetwork Asking on NTC if other people are seeing that may help 16:52:47 <itdependsnetwork> I think neteng types expect %5 of devices to not connect, and just retry 16:53:29 <gundalow> Anil_: run ansible-doc -vvv enos_command 16:53:42 <gundalow> Anil_: You've got a Non-ASCII character '\xc2' 16:53:56 <bdowling> I'm ok with cherry picking it into my local branch, I just think that a lot of the debugging network_cli documentation is in part referencing this timeout issue. 16:54:48 <gundalow> Anil_: It's the copyright character, use (c) instead 16:55:09 <Anil_> oh ok.. will remove that 16:55:19 <bdowling> As I mentioned, the virtual csr1000v I have takes > 30 seconds just to return a show config all, so I was surprised others don't see this all the time. 16:55:39 <Anil_> Gundalow : Thank you 16:56:24 <jmcgill298> I expect that people update their config files to higher values and forget about it. Longer times become the norm/expectation 16:57:04 <gundalow> bdowling: itdependsnetwork jmcgill298 Do we need to document somewhere (_config modules & debug page) that when doing certain operations you may need to increase the timeout value? 16:57:21 <itdependsnetwork> It's more than documentation though 16:57:30 <itdependsnetwork> It's the solution is IMHO more elegant 16:57:42 <itdependsnetwork> why have a global timeout, if I am still receiving data 16:58:10 <itdependsnetwork> We have customers with 10's of thousands of line of configuration, it's just going to take a while 16:58:33 <gundalow> Sure, that makes sense 16:58:50 <gundalow> Leave it with me. Please keep on remind me about it 16:58:51 <itdependsnetwork> increasing for device 300msec away, means that it takes longer to fail for device 300usec away. 16:59:20 <gundalow> We don't currently have any automated tests for this stuff, which concerns me 17:00:21 <bdowling> With the new prompt handling ganesh implemented there should be no output from the device during that loop, unless the device is responding to the last comand, so if he can comment on the PR I think that'd probably help. 17:02:21 <bdowling> As an aside, re: testing, I notice the minutes mentioned talking about vcrpy -- is there archived discussion on that topic, I was interested in bringing that up as well. A similar approach could be implemented for any I/O replay (cli) etc. 17:04:11 <gundalow> bdowling: oh, yes let me find the PR 17:04:22 <gundalow> Not something I've used before, though looks interesting 17:04:24 <gundalow> You used it before? 17:05:22 <gundalow> bdowling: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/36468 17:05:32 <bdowling> I have been using it in some personal projects recently. Basically drops http/req/response into yaml and replays it next time. It works great for that. 17:06:09 <gundalow> Would welcome youre thoughts on that PR as someone that's used it before. If you notice anything that may cause us issues down the line, etc 17:06:41 <bdowling> k, thx. 17:06:50 <gundalow> Thanks 17:07:02 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else? 17:07:43 <bdowling> Good here. 17:07:54 <gundalow> COol 17:08:03 <gundalow> lots of good discussion here today. Thanks everyone 17:09:44 <itdependsnetwork> thanks! 17:10:11 <gundalow> #endmeeting