15:59:55 <Qalthos> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group 15:59:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 28 15:59:55 2019 UTC. 15:59:55 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:59:55 <zodbot> The chair is Qalthos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:59:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group' 16:00:18 <Qalthos> #chair pabelanger ganeshrn ikhan nilashis1 tributarian dmellado 16:00:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos dmellado ganeshrn ikhan nilashis1 pabelanger tributarian 16:00:44 <Qalthos> #topic Core Updates 16:01:11 <Qalthos> #info Feature freeze for 2.9 is TOMORROW 16:01:36 <Qalthos> #link https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/roadmap/ROADMAP_2_9.html for up-to-date info 16:03:15 <Qalthos> #info No new features after whenever we branch tomorrow, so if it isn't ready to be merged right now, it probably isn't making it in 16:03:55 <Qalthos> #info AnsibleFest is coming up Sept. 24-26 in Atlanta, GA 16:04:16 <Qalthos> #link https://www.ansible.com/ansiblefest for more info 16:04:55 <Qalthos> #info There will be a Contributor Summit beforehand, on Sept. 23 16:05:44 <Qalthos> #info Even if you can't join us at fest, you can still follow the summit remotely 16:06:21 <Qalthos> #link https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/449 for details about the summit, including agenda and how to participate remotely 16:07:38 <Qalthos> As for the agenda for this meeting, it can always be found at https://github.com/ansible/community/labels/network 16:07:56 <Qalthos> So let's get to it 16:08:29 <Qalthos> #topic New module exos_lldp_global #60988 16:08:58 <UjwalKomarla> Hi @Qalthos.. Thanks for merging in two PRs. 16:09:17 <Qalthos> UjwalKomarla: The module looks fine 16:09:47 <UjwalKomarla> Great! 16:09:54 <Qalthos> Did you want to do more with the tests, or is it ready to merge now? 16:10:05 <UjwalKomarla> I just pushed a small change to test for the 'data' field in the request as well. 16:10:26 <UjwalKomarla> It is good to go for now. 16:12:08 <UjwalKomarla> Shippable hasn't started running tests on the new commit push. 16:12:17 <Qalthos> I would probably rather parse the JSON and compare the structures, but that should work for now, yes. 16:13:14 <Qalthos> Yeah, it might take a bit today. Will try to keep an eye on it and merge if it is green. 16:13:54 <UjwalKomarla> Okay. Sure.. I will extend the tests in a future PR... 16:14:15 <UjwalKomarla> Great! Thanks! 16:14:52 <UjwalKomarla> Would be great to get it into 2.9 :) 16:15:34 <Qalthos> I can't /promise/ anything this close to freeze, but I'm not expecting any issues there 16:15:44 <Qalthos> #topic Open Floor 16:16:10 <Qalthos> That's the end of the agenda items 16:16:30 <Qalthos> Does anyone have anything they would like to bring up while we're here? 16:17:23 <UjwalKomarla> I have a query.. Where can I get more information on Zuul Project? 16:18:08 <UjwalKomarla> I see that some of the network integration tests are automatically run and gate the PR.. 16:18:16 <Qalthos> The best person to ask about that is pabelanger, but he doesn't seem to be about today 16:20:43 <UjwalKomarla> Oh okay. I will try to touch base with him some other time. Thanks for the info. 16:22:15 <Qalthos> Definitely reach out to him if you want to have your platform reporting back test results. The more platforms we have test results from, the easier it is for your modules to get merged 16:25:35 <UjwalKomarla> Yes, will certainly do. Hope to add EXOS as one of the test platform. 16:27:51 <Qalthos> Alright, it looks like no one else has anything to bring up 16:31:43 <Qalthos> Have a good week, everyone 16:31:46 <Qalthos> #endmeeting