16:01:29 <Qalthos> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group 16:01:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 21 16:01:29 2021 UTC. 16:01:29 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:01:29 <zodbot> The chair is Qalthos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group' 16:01:41 <Qalthos> #chair GomathiselviS 16:01:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: GomathiselviS Qalthos 16:01:54 <Qalthos> #topic Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/542 16:02:18 <Qalthos> #link https://github.com/ansible/community/labels/network is where the current agenda for this meeting can always be found 16:02:22 <Qalthos> #topi Core Updates 16:02:27 <Qalthos> #topic Core Updates 16:03:52 <Qalthos> #info The recordings of the Ansible Contributor Summit in une are finally available 16:04:00 <Qalthos> #link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0FmYCf7ocrZTR5KWFtMrQntGVBNBAyYx for all of those 16:04:57 <Qalthos> #link https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Contributor-Summit#ansible-contributor-summit-202106---virtual-june-8-2021 for all of the artifacts from that event, including the aforementioned playlist 16:06:00 <Qalthos> #info The next Cntributor Summit will be around AnsibleFest (September 29-30), probably the day before and/or the day after 16:07:45 <Qalthos> #info Both events will be online, I'll give more details as we get closer to it 16:08:10 <Qalthos> For now I'll be quiet about those events for a while 16:09:39 <Qalthos> #info Work on logging resource modules continues 16:10:27 <Qalthos> I believe those are expected for this month's release 16:11:25 <Qalthos> GomathiselviS: Anything to add from the content side? 16:17:22 <Qalthos> Alright then 16:17:31 <Qalthos> #topic Open Floor 16:17:52 <Qalthos> If anyone has anything they'd like to bring up this week, let me know 16:18:00 <sc68cal> how are things progressing with upgrading the CI for Arista EOS to a newer version? 16:18:12 <sc68cal> is there anything I can do to assist? 16:20:59 <Qalthos> It looks like you're on the PR that does the upgrading, https://github.com/ansible-collections/arista.eos/pull/239 is the PR that will be testing the changes. When that PR passes checks, the entire test suite passses on the new image, and we can merge the upgrade 16:21:28 <Qalthos> GomathiselviS might be able to speak more on any specifics 16:21:43 <sc68cal> my concern is that I don't think it _can_ bass any of the existing checks 16:21:46 <sc68cal> *pass 16:22:08 <GomathiselviS> sc68cal: Our CI infra has been upgraded 16:22:15 <Qalthos> Right. So we will merge changes until that PR does pass 16:22:18 <GomathiselviS> I am working on fixing the existing tests 16:23:24 <Qalthos> sc68cal: If you want to help, you can look at things that are failing on 239 and open PRs to fix them, hopefully coordinating with GomathiselviS so you don't duplicate work 16:24:13 <sc68cal> ah, I see, the depends-on in the PR message are being used to add things in. OKay 16:24:38 <Qalthos> Then as fixes get merged, 239 gets rechecked on top of where devel is, and we can see what's still broken 16:24:40 <GomathiselviS> There are some issues with authentication. I am working on them today. Once the authentication issues are solved, I will be testing your open PRs on the upgraded image. 16:25:12 <sc68cal> Qalthos: yep. It's interesting to see the difference between zuul with gerrit vs. github now 16:25:18 <sc68cal> (not much) 16:25:33 <GomathiselviS> We need to add https://github.com/ansible/ansible-zuul-jobs/pull/960 as Depends-On, to your PRs. 16:26:18 <sc68cal> ok, I will fix up my PR's and add that depends on to the PR cover message 16:27:29 <sc68cal> ospfv3 and bgp neighbor PR's updated 16:28:05 <GomathiselviS> Thanks. They might still fail, because of the authentication issue I am facing. I shall update you, once that is resolved. 16:28:45 <sc68cal> ok. If I get some time, I will re-run the arista.eos tests against gear I have available and try and work ahead 16:33:36 <Qalthos> Anyone have anything else this week? 16:34:51 <Qalthos> Thanks for coming by, everyone! 16:34:57 <Qalthos> #endmeeting