13:00:21 <Qalthos> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group 13:00:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 25 13:00:21 2023 UTC. 13:00:21 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:00:21 <zodbot> The chair is Qalthos. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions. 13:00:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group' 13:00:54 <Qalthos> $chair Ashwini Mhatre 13:01:05 <Qalthos> Oh whoops 13:01:12 <Qalthos> #chari Ashwini Mhatre 13:01:19 <Qalthos> #chair Ashwini Mhatre 13:01:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: Ashwini Mhatre Qalthos 13:01:29 <Qalthos> (I can type I promise) 13:02:28 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> I am facing some issue with my element application :( 13:02:44 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> Sorry for inconvenience 13:02:57 <Qalthos> That's okay, zodbot's not entirely here yet either 13:03:24 <gwmngilfen-work> i see replies from zodbot Qalthos, are you not getting them? 13:03:37 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> hello everyone 13:03:37 * gwmngilfen-work is glad to see he got the remindbot config right 13:03:53 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> welcome to May 25th community network meeting 13:04:00 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> :) 13:04:01 <Qalthos> I see the chair response, but none of the meeting preamble or the topic change 13:04:35 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> we will wait for 2 mins and then will get start with our agenda 13:04:37 <gwmngilfen-work> hmm yeah. i really need to get on with a new Matrixified meeting bot. but that is a tangent, I shall get out of your way 13:05:41 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> I think we can get started 13:06:16 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> the 1st item in our agenda is about collection release schedule. 13:06:22 <Qalthos> #topic Core Updates 13:07:06 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> we have planned collection release for May early next week 13:07:30 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> is anything from you Qalthos 13:07:33 <Qalthos> #info May collection releases are scheduled early next week. 13:07:59 <Qalthos> (just making sure things get logged in the minutes 13:08:01 <Qalthos> ) 13:08:33 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> #info Next item is about Major Release 13:09:16 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> #info The mid yearly release planned for June. Which is major release 13:09:55 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> #Info These will include the removal of deprecated module 13:10:14 <Qalthos> Do we actually have anything slated for removal? 13:10:37 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> Yes we have Some modules from nxos and iosxr 13:11:08 <Qalthos> There are a few scheduled for August, which would fall on January's release, but I don't see any scheduled before then 13:11:48 <Qalthos> Oh wait, I see a few with February now 13:12:13 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> we actually miss some modules which was planned to deprecate on jan 23 13:12:32 <Qalthos> Gotcha, thanks 13:13:09 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> #info cisco.nxos.nxos_bgp, bgp_af, bgp_neighbor, bgp_neighbor_af #info Cisco.iosxr.iosxr_bgp, iosxr_logging 13:13:46 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> lets move on to the next topic 13:14:43 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> #topic we want someone to look into the linting maintaince on community.network collection 13:15:05 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> if anyone interested please let me know 13:15:33 <Qalthos> Oh dang it looks like zodbot did not actually chair you I was afraid of that 13:15:45 <gwmngilfen-work> AshwiniMhatre[m]: that could be something for the Bullhorn, we have a Help Wanted section 13:16:20 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> Qalthos: oh 13:17:22 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> we are done with are agenda today. Is anyone have anything to discuss 13:17:33 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> gwmngilfen-work: will do that. Thanks 13:18:42 <Qalthos> #chair AshwiniMhatre[m] 13:18:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: Ashwini AshwiniMhatre[m] Mhatre Qalthos 13:19:12 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> anything from you kate @ Qalthos 13:20:20 <Qalthos> Nothing in particular 13:20:39 <Qalthos> Can you try to #topic Open Floor fore me? 13:20:53 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> #topic Open Floor 13:21:12 <Qalthos> Hooray 13:21:26 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> its working 13:21:55 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> Thank you everyone for attending this meeting :) 13:23:00 <AshwiniMhatre[m]> #endmeeting