16:00:01 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Networking 16:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 22 16:00:01 2017 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_networking' 16:01:18 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor 16:01:42 <gundalow> #chair rcarrillocruz Qalthos 16:01:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos gundalow rcarrillocruz 16:02:26 <gundalow> Agenda https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/110 16:02:36 <gundalow> Which doesn't appear to have anything new on it 16:02:43 <gundalow> So open floor... 16:04:23 <allanice001> I wonder if commits are lower due to core code freeze 16:04:32 <bcoca> probably not 16:05:12 <gundalow> Time to review may have dropped as people are finishing off code 16:05:22 <ismc> I tested the ASA modules in 2.3 with the same results. That is, it never makes the actual change even though it thinks it does. Do anyone know what platform these modules were tested on? 16:05:57 <gundalow> ismc: If you've not already done so could you please raise a bug 16:06:01 <allanice001> ismc: Got a pr / link ? 16:07:10 <ismc> I put in an issue. I have not gotten a change to look into the code to see where things are going wrong. I was hoping that someone could give me a pointer, or at least the platform that it was tested on so that I can see it actually working. 16:07:14 <ismc> Let me find the issue... 16:07:56 <ismc> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/19183 16:08:38 <gundalow> Thanks, I've added the 2.3 milestone on it, so we will check and get back to you 16:08:40 <allanice001> On some of the fgt stuff id been testing, it seemed the ssh connection closes before the data / command stream is complete 16:09:48 <ismc> Thanks @gundalow. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help. I am willing to, I just need guidance because I am not very bright. 16:10:15 <gundalow> Lot of moving parts at the moment, so thanks for taking the time to test and report back :) 16:10:16 <ismc> Thanks @allanice. Is there somewhere that I can see an indication of that happening? 16:11:06 <gundalow> ismc: Do the other asa_* modules work correctly? 16:11:16 <allanice001> Dont know the asa modules very well myself, but try adding a pause / sleep step in 16:11:46 <allanice001> I started with 5 seconds, as a test 16:12:10 <ismc> Well, the asa_command module works in that it give the information from the command. asa_config is the only other modules that I tested. 16:12:26 <ismc> I don't _think_ that I tested asa_acl, but I can try. 16:12:48 <ismc> Wilco @allanice001 16:13:27 <allanice001> Also, could it be a dependency chaining thing? IE add port to vlan100 before vlan 100 exists ? 16:13:55 <allanice001> (Again, my ASA knowledge is rusty at best, and haven't really worked since v9 got released 16:14:31 <ismc> No, I can run the same things manually with not problem. One of the example I did was creating a context, which has no dependancies. 16:17:00 <gundalow> Cool 16:17:05 <gundalow> Anyone else got anything? 16:18:45 <dkasberg> gundalow: I have several PRs for cnos_xxx modules inflight 16:19:10 <bjolivot_> gundalow: i have pr waiting for second shipit 16:19:10 <dkasberg> I think they are waiting on review to be merged. 16:19:29 <bjolivot_> and future PR based on the 1st PR waiting to be pushed 16:19:50 <bjolivot_> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/21409 16:20:18 <gundalow> dkasberg: Oh, you've been busy. Poke me at the end of the week if you've not heard anything 16:20:32 <dkasberg> ok, thx! 16:20:33 <gundalow> #action gundalow to review https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pulls/dkasberg 16:22:12 <gundalow> #action gundalow to review https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/21409 16:23:10 <bjolivot_> thank you 16:27:29 <gundalow> bjolivot_: From a quick look it seems OK 16:30:11 <bjolivot_> I have a question, i'll release at least 5 more modules for fortigate, is it better to have 1 big PR or 1 PR by module ? 16:31:41 <gundalow> bjolivot_: One PR = One Module 16:31:49 <bjolivot_> ok 16:31:50 <gundalow> bjolivot_: Have a look at http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/dev_guide/developing_modules_in_groups.html 16:32:08 <allanice001> bjolivot_, I've been following your fortunate PR's and had some timeout issues in using them 16:32:10 <gundalow> That's a fairly new doc, so any feedback is welcome 16:32:20 <allanice001> Not sure if it was link latency at the time 16:34:08 <bjolivot_> gundalow: exactly what I needed ;) 16:35:03 <gundalow> :) 16:36:03 <bjolivot_> your documentation runs faster than me ^^ 16:36:52 <gundalow> ? 16:39:37 <bjolivot_> forget about it, bad french literal translation, probably don't mean anything in english :( 16:41:52 <gundalow> ah :) 16:45:26 <gundalow> Cool 16:45:30 <gundalow> Thanks for your time everyone 16:46:02 <gundalow> #info Agenda, feel free to add items at any point https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/110 16:46:06 <gundalow> #endmeeting