15:01:00 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible PR review day 15:01:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 17 15:01:00 2020 UTC. 15:01:00 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:00 <zodbot> The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_pr_review_day' 15:01:23 <dmsimard> o/ 15:01:28 <gundalow> Who's around? 15:01:29 * cybette will lurk 15:01:51 * felixfontein is also lurking 15:02:43 <gundalow> dericcrago: You around? 15:02:57 <dericcrago> yep 15:03:06 <samccann> \o 15:04:09 <gundalow> #chair dmsimard dericcrago samccann cybette 15:04:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: cybette dericcrago dmsimard gundalow samccann 15:04:54 <gundalow> #info What's this all about https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/407 15:05:05 <gundalow> #info If you are new to the Ansible Community I invite you to review the Code of Conduct https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/community/code_of_conduct.html 15:05:58 <gundalow> #topic community.general 15:07:00 <gundalow> #info We last did a PR review day on 1st Dec. We looked at oldest first. This time we will look at newest first, as we know those people will be still engaged 15:07:33 <gundalow> `-label:pr_day -label:needs_revision ` = Ignore PRs we've looked at before, ignore PRs where the author has an existing action 15:07:38 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pulls?page=2&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+-label%3Apr_day+-label%3Aneeds_revision 15:07:56 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/830 15:07:56 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/830 | open, created 2020-08-25T11:49:04Z by wookietreiber: pam_limits: adds both check and diff modes [affects_2.10,community_review,feature,module,new_contributor,plugins,system] 15:09:08 <gundalow> 830: No integration tests for this, so needs manual test by someone 15:09:55 <dericcrago> do we need a search that catches PRs that we have already looked at, but have been updated since last time? 15:10:11 <gundalow> dericcrago: yup, that would be good 15:10:21 <dmsimard> yeah we could follow up on the ones we looked at to see if there was progress 15:10:27 <gundalow> There maybe a GH search for updated since 2020-12-01 15:10:46 <gundalow> 830: I think that should be good to merge 15:11:08 <gundalow> #action merge c.g#830 15:11:33 <dmsimard> there's unfortunately no integration tests at all for that module 15:11:58 <gundalow> `is:pr is:open label:pr_day updated:2020-12-01 ` 15:12:02 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3Apr_day+updated%3A2020-12-01 15:12:11 <gundalow> 4 PRs, good call, lets to do those first 15:12:50 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/267 15:12:51 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/267 | open, created 2020-05-03T19:48:29Z by jdufresne: Fixed flatpak module to accept a list of names to install/uninstall [affects_1,bug,integration,module,needs_rebase,needs_repo,needs_revision,pr_day,stale_ci,tests] 15:13:40 <gundalow> 267: Needs a rebase (original author isn't around anymore) 15:14:38 <gundalow> Someone want to take that PR rebase then merge? 15:15:14 <gundalow> ah, will have to be a fresh PR as they haven't enabled repo owners to push changes to that branch 15:15:40 <dericcrago> `updated:>=2020-12-01` (https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+label%3Apr_day+updated%3A%3E%3D2020-12-01) 15:16:49 <gundalow> #action: Create new PR based on 267 (credit original author) and merge 15:17:08 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/175 15:17:09 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/175 | open, created 2020-04-13T19:49:58Z by achauvinhameau: add EfficientIP Device Manager dynamic inventory [affects_1,inventory,needs_info,needs_revision,new_contributor,new_plugin,pr_day,stale_ci] 15:17:37 <gundalow> 267: No progress 15:18:02 <dmsimard> no feedback from author 15:19:23 <gundalow> dericcrago: ah `>=`thanks 15:19:59 <gundalow> I think we said last time we need to make sure we add `need_info` so the inactive PRs get closed out 15:20:13 <dmsimard> what's the timeout on need_info ? 15:21:25 <dmsimard> 175 has had need_info for 16 days 15:21:54 <gundalow> I think 2 or maybe 3 months 15:23:10 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/357 15:23:10 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/357 | open, created 2020-05-18T13:28:16Z by Akasurde: rpm_ostree_pkg: new module [affects_1,bug,community_review,module,new_module,new_plugin,pr_day,stale_ci] 15:24:40 <gundalow> 357: adding needs_info 15:25:07 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/328 15:25:07 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/328 | open, created 2020-05-12T19:40:35Z by gthiemonge: Add gandi_livedns module [affects_1,ci_verified,community_review,module,module_utils,new_contributor,new_module,new_plugin,pr_day,stale_ci] 15:25:19 <gundalow> 328 oh nice, Gandi have commented on this 15:25:38 <dmsimard> yeah, with advice 15:26:48 <gundalow> 328; Gentle poke added 15:27:39 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/175 15:27:53 <gundalow> 175: No comment since last chase 16 days ago, already has needs_info 15:27:55 <dmsimard> we already did 175 above 15:28:59 <gundalow> ah, thanks, losing track as I swapped to the better search that David provided 15:29:12 <gundalow> 155: already got `needs_info` 15:29:14 <dmsimard> Deric* :p 15:29:32 <gundalow> In other news next week I'll be asleep 15:29:43 <dmsimard> :) 15:29:46 <dericcrago> :) 15:30:26 <samccann> gotta drop for the dawgs meeting \o 15:30:43 <gundalow> samccann: thanks :) 15:31:01 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1501 15:31:01 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1501 | open, created 2020-12-16T22:58:10Z by 116davinder: nenwrelic_deployment: updated code to use v2 api [affects_2.10,community_review,feature,module,monitoring,needs_triage,new_contributor,plugins] 15:32:02 <dmsimard> felixfontein just reviewed that one 15:32:59 <gundalow> Yup, not sure if we can do anything else ther 15:33:01 <gundalow> ee 15:33:07 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1493 15:33:07 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1493 | open, created 2020-12-15T14:53:56Z by yeoldegrove: fix passwordstore.py to be compatible with gopass versions [affects_2.10,bug,community_review,lookup,needs_triage,new_contributor,plugins,small_patch] 15:33:45 <gundalow> anyone know `gopass`? 15:35:10 <dericcrago> I'm not familiar with it 15:35:16 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1491 15:35:17 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1491 | open, created 2020-12-14T23:58:09Z by marwatk: Allow gitlab_runner to function for non-admin users [affects_2.10,bug,community_review,gitlab,module,needs_maintainer,new_contributor,plugins,source_control,tests,unit] 15:38:04 <dmsimard> was reviewed by andersson007_ recently 15:38:15 <dmsimard> and felixfontein too 15:39:12 <gundalow> 1491: I've pinged the active people from the original bug report 15:39:51 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1481 15:39:51 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1481 | open, created 2020-12-13T09:03:09Z by jaanhio: updated deprecated homebrew cask commands [affects_2.10,community_review,feature,module,new_contributor,os,packaging,plugins] 15:40:30 <gundalow> 1481: Seems like jaanhio is on it (last updated 3 days ago) 15:40:36 <dericcrago> brb 15:41:55 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1480/ interesting one 15:45:58 <gundalow> Think I'll add ^ to the community agenda 15:47:10 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1478 15:47:10 <github-linkbot> https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/pull/1478 | open, created 2020-12-12T01:26:30Z by quidame: Bugfix/1457 filesystem is not idempotent when used with resizefs option [affects_2.10,bug,community_review,has_issue,integration,module,plugins,system,tests] 15:47:54 <dmsimard> author pinged a few other contributors for insight 15:47:55 <gundalow> dmsimard: does your bot skip if their is a trailing `/`? 15:48:40 <dmsimard> gundalow: not willingly, probably a bug in the very naive pattern matching 15:49:05 <dericcrago> back 15:49:06 <gundalow> only hit it as I had `/files` which I half deleted 15:49:46 <dmsimard> for 1478 I don't have extensive xfs knowledge either :/ 15:50:03 <gundalow> 1478 I've zero knowledge of xfs 15:50:31 <gundalow> ok, we may break here I know some of us have a meeting in 10 minutes 15:54:23 <dmsimard> +1 for break, I can't keep up with simultaneous meetings 17:08:20 <dmsimard> I'll be back after another break for lunch 17:53:42 <gundalow> #endmeeting