19:00:07 <thaumos> #startmeeting Ansible Project Meeting 19:00:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 12 19:00:07 2017 UTC. The chair is thaumos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_project_meeting' 19:00:38 * gundalow waves 19:00:47 <ryansb> \o 19:01:30 <abadger1999> Óla 19:02:46 <thaumos> #chair gundalow ryansb abadger1999 19:02:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 gundalow ryansb thaumos 19:02:50 <thaumos> talofa 19:03:10 <shertel> hello 19:03:25 <caphrim007> \o 19:03:41 <thaumos> #chair shertel caphrim007 19:03:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 caphrim007 gundalow ryansb shertel thaumos 19:05:16 <thaumos> is either kustodian or albertomurillo (GH aliases) on? 19:06:01 <thaumos> btw, thx for adding those labels @gundalow 19:06:07 <gundalow> nps 19:06:17 <thaumos> I can always rely on you having my back 😉 19:06:39 * gundalow has no idea what utf8 char that was as I'm in a terminal 19:06:47 <thaumos> ;-) 19:06:59 <thaumos> and this one for the snarkiness :-P 19:07:06 * jhawkesworth_ waves 19:07:13 <thaumos> #chair jhawkesworth_ 19:07:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 caphrim007 gundalow jhawkesworth_ ryansb shertel thaumos 19:07:20 <thaumos> #topic Open Floor 19:07:29 <thaumos> Get your testing on folks! rc2 is out today! 19:07:41 * thaumos steals some of abadger1999's thunder 19:08:38 * jhawkesworth_ needs extra hours in the day. also trying to do automated (via ansible) deploy to QA at the moment 19:08:49 <ryansb> just automate more things, then you'll have more time 19:08:56 <jhawkesworth_> :-) 19:09:09 <abadger1999> :-) 19:09:22 <thaumos> jhawkesworth_: if you figure out how to add time to the day, let me know. I am in need of more hours 19:09:36 <jhawkesworth_> :-) 19:09:41 <thaumos> @ryansb, if you have pointers on how to automate feeding a NB, I am all ears. 19:10:30 <ryansb> ansible -m formula -a target=babby 19:11:30 <thaumos> well... 19:11:38 <thaumos> I guess no one has anything for the day. 19:11:45 <thaumos> Please testy testy 2.4 rc2 folks 19:11:53 <thaumos> abadger1999 would appreciate it. 19:11:59 <abadger1999> Yes, yes I would 19:12:03 <jhawkesworth_> gonna try. 19:12:05 <thaumos> he has a trigger finger for one more rc 19:12:13 <thaumos> jhawkesworth_ if you don't you fail. 19:12:20 <thaumos> abadger1999 will never forgive you 19:12:28 <thaumos> I, on the other hand, will think about it. 19:12:41 <jhawkesworth_> can I ask if the bot is happy? I am getting a lot of email from it atm? 19:12:58 <abadger1999> It's migrating issues from the modue repos to ansible/ansible atm. 19:13:36 <jhawkesworth_> ah ok. Gives me plenty email to delete 19:14:46 <thaumos> that is your one question quota for the month 19:15:03 <jhawkesworth_> Doh can I ask about docs? I'm aware there's a latest/current split happening / has happened. Is there a way for docs to update both 19:15:13 <thaumos> lol 19:15:18 <thaumos> you had only one :-P 19:15:25 <thaumos> I kid 19:15:32 <thaumos> What do you mean by updating both? 19:15:56 <thaumos> the split, is split brain at the moment. We needing to commandeer it for marketing. 19:16:00 <jhawkesworth_> (i'm trying to update windows intro. if/when I get it done, none of it is specific to 2.4 so would be applicable to both 19:16:12 <thaumos> ah to 2.3 for instance? 19:16:18 <jhawkesworth_> yeah. 19:16:34 <thaumos> PR to devel then cherry pick to appropriate versions 19:16:38 <abadger1999> currently latest points at 2.4 and devel points at (what will be) 2.5. You should also be able to do things like http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.3/ 19:17:08 <jhawkesworth_> ok that answers me - it would be a cherry pick like a backport if appropriate then 19:17:13 <abadger1999> <nod> We'll take backports to the same branches as we would backport code to. 19:17:17 <thaumos> yesh 19:17:33 <abadger1999> Older releases are "archived" (we won't updatethem) 19:17:34 <jhawkesworth_> cool, that's all my questions answered (for now) 19:17:41 <thaumos> woot 19:17:47 <thaumos> alright, anyone else? 19:17:53 <thaumos> If not, I'll close for today. 19:18:22 <jhawkesworth_> oh... just one more question 19:18:27 <thaumos> shoot 19:18:52 <jhawkesworth_> (adopts Columbo mode). Any plans to put video / audio up from 'fest last week? 19:20:09 <abadger1999> yes. They should show up linked from here eventually: https://www.ansible.com/videos 19:20:24 <thaumos> usually it comes in 2-3 wks or so. 19:20:25 <jhawkesworth_> thanks, I'll keep an eye out there. 19:20:33 <jhawkesworth_> ok 19:20:50 <jhawkesworth_> I'll stop confusing everyone with 70s TV references and let you get on then! 19:20:51 <thaumos> and follow on twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat, etc... 19:21:07 <jhawkesworth_> oh that would be social media, don't do that 19:21:14 <jhawkesworth_> (not for me) 19:21:14 <thaumos> colombo was great in Princess Diary ;-) 19:21:34 <thaumos> alrighty then. anything else @folks 19:21:37 <jhawkesworth_> :-) 19:24:12 <thaumos> #endmeeting