19:00:06 <thaumos> #startmeeting ansible project meeting 19:00:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 19 19:00:06 2017 UTC. The chair is thaumos. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_project_meeting' 19:00:28 * shertel waves 19:00:35 * gundalow waves 19:01:15 <caphrim007> o/ 19:01:22 <thaumos> #chair shertel gundalow 19:01:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow shertel thaumos 19:01:27 <ryansb> heya 19:01:50 * mikedlr waves 19:02:11 <thaumos> #chair ryansb mikedlr 19:02:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow mikedlr ryansb shertel thaumos 19:03:11 <funzo> o/ 19:03:40 <thaumos> #chair funzo 19:03:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: funzo gundalow mikedlr ryansb shertel thaumos 19:05:07 <thaumos> so how's everyone doing? 19:05:18 <thaumos> yay 2.4 release day! 19:05:28 <thaumos> go forth and have fun with the new release all 19:05:36 <funzo> \o/ 19:05:55 <thaumos> it was a funzo's labour of love and spite 19:06:00 <abadger1999> hola 19:06:07 <thaumos> #chair abadger1999 19:06:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 funzo gundalow mikedlr ryansb shertel thaumos 19:06:08 <funzo> amigo! 19:06:25 <thaumos> aww, I am glad we're friends!@ 19:07:49 <thaumos> #topic open floor 19:07:57 <thaumos> anyone have anything to discuss? 19:08:15 <thaumos> I am assuming that ah 19:08:17 <thaumos> ... 19:08:23 <thaumos> gundalow is sneaky sneaky 19:08:37 <thaumos> #topic Declarative Intent proposal 19:08:46 <thaumos> #link https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/70 19:09:45 <thaumos> sorry, I am reading the proposal 19:10:16 <thaumos> @gundalow and @funzo, not sure if we have enough folks to really discuss this fully. Thoughts? 19:10:45 <funzo> thaumos: it would be nice then to at least ping people to get them to read the proposals 19:11:05 <thaumos> +1 19:11:06 <funzo> it's really important to our intiatives that we have a really good undrestanding of these across core and networking 19:11:13 <funzo> and collaborate on the best solutions early on 19:11:14 <thaumos> agreed 19:11:30 <funzo> we are staging 2.5 roadmap items and it'll be imperitive to get that feedback really early 19:12:32 <thaumos> #action thaumos to have applicable folks to read and possibly weigh in on the proposal. 19:12:37 <funzo> please please 19:12:45 <thaumos> #action thaumos to discuss with BU as well. 19:12:53 <funzo> happy to have out of band impromptu meetings to dicuss as well 19:13:03 <thaumos> be careful what you wish for 😉 19:13:55 <thaumos> #topic Open Floor 19:14:00 <abadger1999> funzo: lots of jargon in that proposal. 19:14:01 * mikedlr thinks this looks like something I need to understand - definite complaints from people switching to terraform that ansible is to imperitive; can this help make cloud system opertations more declaritive? 19:15:09 <thaumos> @mikedlr we are hearing that a lot as well. I'd love your input on that topic too 19:15:17 <mikedlr> imperative.. 19:15:24 <thaumos> heh 19:15:52 <funzo> :) 19:15:59 <thaumos> @gundalow same with your second proposal? I can post it for review, and get people to weigh in 19:16:24 <caphrim007> i had a question about release cadence 19:16:27 <thaumos> I think both of these warrant separate discussions 19:16:34 <thaumos> sure @caphrim007 19:16:43 <caphrim007> ballpark estimate...what is the period of time between releases? 19:16:50 <caphrim007> quarterly? 19:16:52 <thaumos> roughly 3-4 months 19:16:56 <caphrim007> ok 19:17:12 <thaumos> next release is ballparked for 4ish 19:17:30 <caphrim007> okie doke. somebody asked me about that at work and i didnt have a good answer 19:17:47 <thaumos> not including the crazy period that is December. 19:17:58 <caphrim007> yeah np 19:18:05 <caphrim007> ballpark estimate is good enough 19:19:19 <abadger1999> I'm not sure I understand declarative intent yet but I'm thinking I agree with dag... facilty for that shold be separate from task parameters. 19:20:30 <sdoran> As I understand it, the main idea behind declarative intent is making network behave more like the rest of modules, and not having to know the OS specific commands to enter to get the device to the desired end state. 19:20:51 <sdoran> *network modules behave... 19:21:21 <sdoran> This also opens the door for vendor agnostic modules, like vlan or route. 19:21:29 <sdoran> If my understanding is correct. 19:21:43 <flatterlight> like interface this configuration 19:22:24 <abadger1999> sdoran: from the ticket that doesn't seem to be the case. 19:22:39 <abadger1999> sdoran: seems more like builtin checks as to the current state. 19:23:26 <abadger1999> sdoran: I think what you're talking about is more like the net_* modules. 19:23:45 <sdoran> Could be I conflated the ideas. 19:23:52 <sdoran> Lots of churn in the network space. 19:24:15 <caphrim007> i think the term sdoran is looking for is Resource Modules, as peter called them 19:24:16 <abadger1999> funzo: ^ Does that help? 19:24:31 <gundalow> thaumos: Back. Would be good for people to review and add comments 19:28:32 <funzo> abadger1999: it's consistent feedback, so yeah 19:28:43 <funzo> i like the democratic approach to making design decisions 19:29:58 <funzo> i'd like to get more input after the team has a chance to read through and think about it a bit 19:30:23 <funzo> thaumos: any chance we can set some sort a deadline so we can expect feedback within a certain time period 19:31:02 <funzo> maybe by the end of the week get 3 or 4 folks to chime in about the spec, in the spec 19:31:05 <thaumos> @funzo imo, we need to get opinions by our meeting next week 19:31:16 <thaumos> and by meeting I mean the team meeting 19:31:17 <funzo> that would be great 19:31:28 <thaumos> because I want to get the roadmap out the door by end of week next week. 19:31:31 <gundalow> +1 19:31:34 <flatterlight> +1 19:31:37 <funzo> i had sorta hoped for some healthy debate 19:31:58 <funzo> pros/cons - suprise use cases, etc 19:32:22 <mikedlr> looking at declarative intent my immediate thought is that it's a bit like libcloud - it's a great idea in principle, however _everybody_ ends up needing exceptions at some stage, normally near the end of their devlopment. 19:33:09 <sdoran> Does seem to be overloading the module functionality a bit, which would lead to tons of people needing slight exceptions to the behavior. 19:33:13 <mikedlr> the escape hatches are really important and whether they work won't be obvious and understood until you are really close to the details of some particular system it's configuring. 19:33:15 <flatterlight> an abstraction of basic networking parameters like interfaces, hostnames, routing configuration would be good 19:33:28 <abadger1999> I think I agree with bcoca nad dag's POV. bcoca's idea is much more flexible but there could be cons (we don't ship roles yet. What roels do we want to be responsible for shipping? What are the performance costs to doing it in multiple tasks vs one?) 19:33:30 <gundalow> declarative intent != Platform Agnostic 19:33:51 <sdoran> +1 19:33:56 <sdoran> My bad for conflating the two. 19:34:20 <gundalow> declarative intent = Configure this network port and ensure that we've got a 10GB link (e.g. someone has plugged the cable in) 19:34:45 <gundalow> sdoran: no problem, I think some of the DI examples use platform agnostic playbooks 19:34:48 <abadger1999> dag's idea requires some new playbook syntax but separates the new feature out from the old feature in a more natural way. It isn't as flexible as you can't compose arbitrary helpers together, the module author has to have anticipated the needs ahead of time. 19:34:52 <sdoran> Ansible's approach historically has been to give the end user maximum flexibility. Which I believe is where the "too imperative" criticism comes from. 19:35:56 <gundalow> See Lines 49 - 76 (GREEN) https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-proposal-70 19:36:26 <mikedlr> gundalow: how is that different from the way that many ansible modules are _supposed_ to work (declare wanted state - let ansible fix it) ? there are many exceptions (like rds) but that seems a normal thing? 19:36:44 <gundalow> mikedlr: It's difficult to write a module to plug a network cable in 19:37:06 <gundalow> or rather in Declaritive Intent we are checking things that we can't fix 19:38:47 <sdoran> Seems similar to the service module starting a service and then actually checking that a port is open if you don't trust the module or want to double check the operational state matches the declared state. 19:39:14 <sdoran> Today we do that with additional tasks, such as assert or wait_for. 19:39:18 <abadger1999> sdoran: yeah except you have to trust the module as the module handles the check as well. 19:39:29 <abadger1999> (in declarative intent) 19:39:52 <abadger1999> sdoran: with the addition that this is to check state of things that we can't change. 19:40:19 <sdoran> Seems less flexible than what we have today with facts/wait_for/assert 19:40:39 <sdoran> But the flexibility comes at a cost to the playbook author having to write the check. 19:40:55 <sdoran> Hard to have it both ways. 19:41:32 <abadger1999> funzo, gundalow: The documentation PR (may not be a representative sample) makes me think that you want an object pattern instead of a task pattern. 19:41:39 <abadger1999> I'm not sure that's a good idea. 19:41:40 <sdoran> I don't think network devices are unique in this desire to validate operational state after the module says it did its work. 19:41:43 <gundalow> abadger1999: How do you mean? 19:41:58 <gundalow> Feel free to add an example into the etherpad or maybe better, the Proposal 19:43:39 <abadger1999> gundalow: It looks more lke 19:43:40 <abadger1999> class NetworkInterface(): 19:43:55 <abadger1999> state = 'connected' 19:44:13 <abadger1999> def do_enable(enable=[True|False]) 19:44:35 <abadger1999> def set_name(name) 19:45:47 <abadger1999> Might just be a product of the declarative pattern while mixing both parameters that cause actions and parameters that cannot cause actions. 19:46:09 <mikedlr> sdoran: an RDS database instance is created, about ten minutes later you come back and check if it's working before you go on and create databases and tables in it. Don't yet understand how this could help with that? 19:46:33 <abadger1999> Okay... So yeah, I don't think that's a separate issue... it's the mixing of parameters that cause actions and parameters that assert state that is the problem jsut as dag said. 19:46:45 <sdoran> Seems essentially like adding an assert to each task directly, to validate the config change made by a task resulted in a (specific) change to operating state of the device. 19:47:12 <sdoran> state checking seems like fact modules 19:48:35 <mikedlr> sdoran: "when the state becomes useful then start doing more operational tasks" is a very general thing which isn't brilliantly implemented in raw ansible. 19:48:49 <sdoran> mikedlr: Coupling the check with the module is less work on the playbook author (they don't have to write a check), but it locks her/him into the way it behaves in the module. 19:48:58 <mikedlr> running a fact module repeatedly until it reports the new state is ugly 19:49:00 <abadger1999> sdoran: <nod> That's what bcoca was driving at.... If we start shipping roles, we should ship a role that uses a module to set config, then uses a fact-gathering module to find out present state, and then assert that the state matches the user's request 19:49:36 <abadger1999> but that depends on us shipping roles and coding that set of things into a playbook role rather than coding it into a module in python. 19:50:39 <funzo> i don't think network operators are going to code modules to do anything 19:50:48 <sdoran> One thing I have discouraged people from doing is writing validation tasks to check previous modules actually made config changes. "Trust the module", I say. 19:50:55 <funzo> so surfacing this all through playbooks is probably a necessity 19:51:01 <sdoran> But for certain things, you need to validate state before moving on. 19:51:09 <sdoran> Comes up a lot in networking devices. 19:51:59 <sdoran> So the question is: can we come up with a more elegant way to handle the state validation rather than requiring wait_for + loops, as mikedlr describes? 19:52:02 <abadger1999> funzo: <nod> But what I'm driving at is how it's available i nthe playbook. It's already available in the playbook right now. But the network operators have to put the pieces together. 19:52:14 <sdoran> +1 19:52:17 <sdoran> That's it exactly. 19:52:21 <abadger1999> funzo: bcoca is suggesting we start shipping roles that compose that pre-compose that together for them. 19:52:26 <sdoran> Ansible requires more effort up front. 19:52:50 <abadger1999> funzo: and the initial proposal is saying that we can pre-code the variations inside of a single module. 19:52:52 <funzo> abadger1999: i think that's consistent with what dag is suggesting, too. If I understand it correctly 19:52:59 <sdoran> It's not "automagic" 19:53:01 <funzo> not specificially how bcoca suggested 19:53:10 <funzo> but similar idea 19:53:18 <abadger1999> funzo: dag's suggestion is different. 19:53:39 <sdoran> I think trying to precode all the checks would be an infinite game of whack-a-mole. 19:53:59 <abadger1999> funzo: He's proposing new playbook syntax which makes the UI *much* better but he doesn't map that to a definite backend. 19:54:19 <abadger1999> funzo: So we still would have to figure out how to implement that syntax. 19:55:38 <abadger1999> Only modules that implement X,Y and Z can use the new syntax? Some controller-level code that essentially handles the most common things that bcoca's role-based approach would? Create a role on-the-fly and execute it? Those could each be the way that dag's propposed UI is implemented 19:56:08 <abadger1999> funzo: doesthat make sense? 19:59:08 <funzo> there are probably some things about how that should be done, but yes at a high level 19:59:47 <funzo> in interest of time, we'll follow up on the action item 20:00:10 <funzo> unless there are some last words on this topic, we can open it up to any other items 20:01:44 <funzo> abadger1999: sdoran thanks for the excellent feedback, and please leave your thoughts in comments on the spec 20:01:59 <abadger1999> funzo: Link to spec pleasae? 20:02:02 <sdoran> 👌 20:02:11 <funzo> https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/70 20:02:19 <funzo> #link https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/70 20:02:34 <abadger1999> funzo: k... even though, that's just a proposal to change something else? 20:02:49 <funzo> oh sorry 20:02:51 <funzo> i read that wrong 20:02:52 <funzo> sedc 20:02:54 <funzo> sec 20:03:17 <funzo> the actual spec is an internal google doc : 20:03:19 <funzo> :/ 20:03:30 <funzo> shame shame shame 20:03:54 <abadger1999> hehe :-) 20:04:08 <funzo> ok, anything else before I pound end meeting 20:04:09 <abadger1999> funzo: okay, I guess you'll need to post that externally when available. 20:04:16 <funzo> true 20:04:51 <funzo> #endmeeting