19:07:12 <abadger1999> #startmeeting Ansible Public Core Meeting 19:07:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 10 19:07:12 2016 UTC. The chair is abadger1999. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:07:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:07:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_public_core_meeting' 19:07:20 <jtanner|t420> hi! late again 19:07:22 <gundalow> \o/ 19:07:23 <abadger1999> Anyone want to run the meeting today? 19:07:38 <abadger1999> #chair jtanner|t420 gundalow ryansb MichaelBaydoun caphrim007 19:07:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: MichaelBaydoun abadger1999 caphrim007 gundalow jtanner|t420 ryansb 19:07:49 * jtanner|t420 reluctanly raises hand, but has no idea what to do 19:08:26 <MichaelBaydoun> two items on the agenda 19:08:40 <abadger1999> jtanner|t420: okay, first thing -- try to get the rest of the people who should be here, here ;-) So ping the relevant people. 19:09:13 <jtanner|t420> bcoca, gregdek nitzmahone rbergeron meeting time? 19:09:18 <gundalow> #topic smart fact caching https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/14456#issuecomment-217920803 19:09:32 <abadger1999> meetbot commands are here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions you'll mostly use: 19:09:50 <MichaelBaydoun> I believe there is a flaw in smart fact caching 19:10:00 <gundalow> jtanner|t420: #topic (as above) #info some note, and #action PERSON to so do x 19:10:01 <abadger1999> #chair to give people the ability to set topics, etc. #info to put a line into the end-of-meeting-summary, and #topic to introduce a new meeting agenda item. 19:10:24 <jtanner|t420> alikins, meeting? 19:11:22 <MichaelBaydoun> If facts are cached at start of large playbook run, they are not refreshed, but then expire before playbook completes, resulting in undefined variable errors. 19:11:22 * nitzmahone needs to change reminder to 1m before instead of 10 (dismiss, work on something else, forget) 19:11:22 <jtanner|t420> so anyone chaired can set the topic? 19:11:27 <abadger1999> additionally, you kind of move the meeting along to make sure we don't stall out or spend so much time on a single item that we don't get through most agenda items. 19:11:32 <abadger1999> jtanner|t420: correct. 19:12:45 <abadger1999> (moving meeting along, can include summarizing for 3info so we don't repeat ourselves, assigning #actions, and asking if we people think we should discuss something next time or out of meeting if it seems to just be going in circles) 19:12:46 <MichaelBaydoun> I wonder if the smart behavior should be, if facts expire for a host, and are needed, then gather at that time 19:13:08 <MichaelBaydoun> instead of failing the playbook 19:13:25 <nitzmahone> oof, big change 19:13:37 <jtanner|t420> so introduce magic calls to the setup module? 19:13:40 <MichaelBaydoun> nitzmahone, I was afraid it might be 19:13:55 <MichaelBaydoun> I don't see how smart is useful in it's current state 19:14:38 <abadger1999> Alternative would be to check expiration at the beginning of hte play and then make sure not to expire mid-play, right? 19:14:45 <MichaelBaydoun> whenever a playbook is run, there can be facts for hosts cached that are just short of expiring, and will expire before the end of the run 19:15:01 <MichaelBaydoun> abadger1999, if you know how long the playbook takes to run 19:15:18 <nitzmahone> abadger1999: that's kinda what I was thinking- something to refresh the lock or preemptively refresh. Inserting extra calls to setup at random times throughout the run could be a disaster 19:15:44 * nitzmahone chalks up one more reason to dislike fact caching 19:15:44 <jtanner|t420> i don't want to do that 19:16:13 <MichaelBaydoun> I guess we could add another argument, refresh if remaining time is less than (parameter user supplies) 19:16:16 <nitzmahone> Think about how much harder it gets with strategy: free 19:16:43 <MichaelBaydoun> as the users know how long their playbooks take to run 19:17:04 <bcoca> MichaelBaydoun: need to fix to do what it did before, not chekc on server side, but check if a 'flag' facct is set for host 19:17:04 <nitzmahone> Just out of curiosity: what's your reason for using fact caching? 19:17:05 <abadger1999> Mmm... 19:17:12 <bcoca> ^ then if cache expires, facts will be regathereed 19:17:21 <bcoca> ^ also ... might want to make longer cache 19:17:29 <abadger1999> I was actually thinking, maybe we can check for expiration at the start of the play only. 19:17:40 <abadger1999> right now we check on get. 19:17:43 <MichaelBaydoun> nitzmahone, we cache facts because it can take so long to gather them, and we have a lot of plays included in our site.yml 19:17:43 <jtanner|t420> first play or all plays? 19:17:48 <bcoca> abadger1999: no, need to check for 'are facts tehre' for each play 19:17:50 <abadger1999> CacheModule.get() 19:17:58 <nitzmahone> abadger1999: that's saner, at least we're not injecting any *new* magic tasks 19:18:13 <abadger1999> Instead, we should check at the start of play, then don't check again until start of the next play. 19:18:15 <bcoca> we just need to revert to the old behaviour 19:18:27 <jtanner|t420> which was? 19:18:44 <nitzmahone> Per-play makes the failure window smaller, but doesn't actually eliminate the problem 19:19:00 <abadger1999> jtanner|t420: for your first question to me, start of all plays. 19:19:07 <bcoca> ^ what i mentiond above, still will have issue of 'gather->expire->use' but each play will gather facts if they are not found (expired or never gathered) 19:19:22 <jtanner|t420> fact caching is still new to me, so i have to ask dumb questions 19:19:37 * nitzmahone is not a fan 19:19:55 <abadger1999> nitzmahone: why doesn't it eliminate it? 19:20:03 <MichaelBaydoun> we have worked around the issue for now by using explicit instead of smart, and having one play at the top of site.yml that explicitly refreshes the cache, even if not expired yet 19:20:04 <bcoca> triggering a new 'fact gathering' in middle of play cause facts expired, not good, if fact expiration is an issue, user should manage cache time 19:20:12 <nitzmahone> If you have (long running task) followed by (short task) 19:20:36 <abadger1999> nitzmahone: the short task should still get the old facts. 19:20:53 <bcoca> ^ actually, cache should only expire at gathering, not in middle fo play? 19:20:55 <abadger1999> So I guess what I mean is not just checking, but actually, not expiring them. 19:21:00 <MichaelBaydoun> or, we could just not expire facts until the end of the full playbook 19:21:05 <abadger1999> right. 19:21:11 <nitzmahone> bcoca: trick is, even w/ that you need to "refresh" facts at the beginning of a long run, else I could have 24h cache lifetime, but start playbook run at 23:59 and crap out after 1m 19:21:43 <nitzmahone> Yeah, but IIRC expiration can be handled out of band (eg, redis) 19:21:44 <bcoca> ^ so now we expire 'on access', we should exipre 'on check' .. which means there is only 1 key that exipres 19:22:13 <nitzmahone> So we're not using redis' key expiration, but always managing ourselves? 19:22:13 <jtanner|t420> #info expiration of facts during play execution is a concern 19:22:35 <MichaelBaydoun> nitzmahone, we are using file based caching, not using redis 19:22:36 <abadger1999> bcoca: <nod> 19:22:40 * nitzmahone hasn't looked at redis fact cache for long time 19:22:45 <bcoca> nitzmahone: we are using 'underlying system', in case of redis, yes, in case of json file and others no 19:23:02 <nitzmahone> ok, so behavior would be mechanism specific 19:23:12 <abadger1999> we might have to load the facts into memory. 19:23:13 <bcoca> ^ so .. really only need 1 key that expires 19:23:17 <abadger1999> do we do that now anyway? 19:23:24 <bcoca> kindof 19:23:32 <bcoca> json plugin does, redis does not 19:23:37 <MichaelBaydoun> I like bcoca idea that we only expire at 'on check' 19:23:38 <abadger1999> k 19:23:38 <bcoca> but redis 'is in memory' 19:24:03 <jtanner|t420> #chair bcoca 19:24:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: MichaelBaydoun abadger1999 bcoca caphrim007 gundalow jtanner|t420 ryansb 19:24:03 <bcoca> ^ i think it makes less sense to expire on access than on setup check 19:24:09 <abadger1999> <nod> Yeah -- the problem being that then external things (like a different ansible running) could expire the redis cache. 19:24:18 <alikins> whats the difference between 'on access' and 'on check'? 19:24:21 <jtanner|t420> #chair nitzmahone 19:24:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: MichaelBaydoun abadger1999 bcoca caphrim007 gundalow jtanner|t420 nitzmahone ryansb 19:24:28 <bcoca> check = do i run setup 19:24:36 <bcoca> access = using ansible_default_ipv4 19:25:05 <nitzmahone> yeah, on access would get expensive / contentious 19:25:14 <bcoca> abadger1999: can overwrite, but if we remove the per key expire ... another ansible will not leave w/o facts 19:25:25 <bcoca> on access == current 19:26:08 <bcoca> ^ might need to redesign how the plugins work 19:26:22 <bcoca> probably break backwards compat 19:26:33 <jtanner|t420> what happens to an expired fact during the course of a play? 19:26:41 <alikins> so fact caching is managed 'above' the setup module? ie, we don't always ask setup and expect it to DTRT to provide the facts? 19:26:41 <bcoca> jtanner|t420: becomes undefined 19:26:42 <jtanner|t420> is the key deleted? 19:26:48 <MichaelBaydoun> it causes an undefined variable error 19:26:56 <bcoca> alikins: setup provides facts, unless using cache 19:27:02 <bcoca> jtanner|t420: yes 19:27:23 <bcoca> def _expire_keys(self): 19:27:23 <bcoca> if self._timeout > 0: 19:27:23 <bcoca> expiry_age = time.time() - self._timeout 19:27:23 <bcoca> self._keys.remove_by_timerange(0, expiry_age) 19:27:25 <alikins> could it always provide facts, even if using cache ? 19:27:31 <bcoca> def keys(self): 19:27:31 <bcoca> self._expire_keys() 19:27:31 <bcoca> return list(iter(self._keys)) 19:27:32 <jtanner|t420> so the problem is really that the key is gone? perhaps we are looking at an option for how to "expire", rather than "when to gather" 19:28:02 <alikins> nm, setup doesn't know about the cache, which is reasonable 19:28:17 <bcoca> alikins: setup ALWAYS provides facts to the cache, never directly, the cache (default in memory w/o expiration) 19:28:25 <bcoca> the cache provides vars to user 19:28:28 <jtanner|t420> #chair alikins 19:28:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: MichaelBaydoun abadger1999 alikins bcoca caphrim007 gundalow jtanner|t420 nitzmahone ryansb 19:28:36 <MichaelBaydoun> only expiring at end of playbook would possible work 19:28:52 <bcoca> alikins: also setup is not only 'fact' module 19:28:58 <nitzmahone> (so long as you're not doing concurrent runs) 19:29:12 <bcoca> ^ others can write to cache, by returning 'ansible_facts' key 19:29:13 <jtanner|t420> cache_expire_behavior='(delete|wait_for_play|wait_for_playbook|etc)' 19:29:37 <bcoca> jtanner|t420: that would be nice, but Royal PITA to implement 19:29:44 <bcoca> also needs to happen in each plugin 19:29:46 <jtanner|t420> *shrug* ... ideating out loud here 19:30:10 <nitzmahone> also problematic for things that want to manage their own expiration (eg, redis) 19:30:24 <nitzmahone> could change to permanent keys, but ouch 19:30:30 <bcoca> nitzmahone: the trick is not using redis expiration except for the 'one key' 19:30:59 <nitzmahone> bcoca: is redis currently using a blob store under a single key? I thought it was discrete keys 19:31:01 <MichaelBaydoun> can facts be gathered or read from cache, and stored in "playbook" memory, so each concurrent run has it's own copy? 19:31:13 <bcoca> nitzmahone: each key 19:31:15 <bcoca> iirc 19:31:35 <bcoca> also memcached plugin 19:31:43 <jtanner|t420> #info expiration behavior is also controlled by the external source and out of ansible's control 19:31:50 <nitzmahone> MichaelBaydoun theoretically, but you could run into coherency issues 19:31:51 <bcoca> MichaelBaydoun: default cache IS playbook memory 19:31:53 <ryansb> nitzmahone: redis allows you to put blobs under a single key, but the expiry is per-key 19:32:14 <bcoca> ^ json file also implements it this way (double cache, memory backed by file) but redis does not, its plugin dependant 19:32:23 <nitzmahone> ryansb: sure, that's how redis works, but are you talking about our existing redis plugin's behavior? 19:32:27 <bcoca> also it depends on each fact read 19:33:04 <bcoca> def set(self, key, value): 19:33:04 <bcoca> value2 = json.dumps(value) 19:33:04 <bcoca> if self._timeout > 0: # a timeout of 0 is handled as meaning 'never expire' 19:33:04 <bcoca> self._cache.setex(self._make_key(key), int(self._timeout), value2) 19:33:04 <bcoca> else: 19:33:05 <bcoca> self._cache.set(self._make_key(key), value2) 19:33:05 <bcoca> self._cache.zadd(self._keys_set, time.time(), key) 19:33:09 <bcoca> ^ redis, key == host 19:33:53 <bcoca> _cache == redis connection 19:34:01 <bcoca> _make_key creates prvefix 19:35:06 <bcoca> MichaelBaydoun: this requires a redesign of how the plugins work, I don't think we have any short term solutions for you other than increasing cache timeout 19:35:42 <MichaelBaydoun> bcoca increasing timeout doesn't help, the next playbook launch can still be 5 minutes before the next expiration 19:36:13 <MichaelBaydoun> setting explicit and gathering at top of playbook only, is our current workaround 19:36:27 <nitzmahone> MichaelBaydoun: caching is a tricky biz- I was just going to suggest exactly that 19:36:41 <bcoca> if play takes longer than 5 mins, you'll hiti the issue 19:36:47 <MichaelBaydoun> The only other thing I don't understand, is why we didn't see these undefined variable failures until 2.0 19:37:08 <MichaelBaydoun> were the facts expiring, and going to null, and we just didn't see it? 19:37:09 <bcoca> ^ play accesses fact After N when N was timeout left 19:38:01 <bcoca> MichaelBaydoun: do you not see it if you revert to 1.9? 19:38:37 <MichaelBaydoun> we didn't get any undefined variable errors until going to 2.0, and at that time, had to turn fact caching off. 19:39:00 <MichaelBaydoun> after 2.0, we got them on every playbook run 19:39:17 <MichaelBaydoun> randomly, different hosts, different variables, different plays 19:39:33 <MichaelBaydoun> took until now to figure out what was really happening 19:39:56 <bcoca> well, 2 possible reasons, a) 2.0 does not skip errors the way pre 2.x did 19:40:17 <bcoca> b) things have changed to made teh race condition more visible 19:40:35 <jtanner|t420> MichaelBaydoun, do you suspect that 1.9.x wasn't deleting the key on expiration during play execution? 19:40:51 <bcoca> liek if we check per playbook instead of per play, that woulc create b) 19:40:53 <bcoca> c) both 19:41:12 <bcoca> ^ actually, we DID have bug in 1.9 in which redis was not deleting keys ... 19:41:25 <MichaelBaydoun> I don't know, it either wasn't deleting the key on expiration, or it was but wasn't causing the playbook to fail and we didn't notice 19:41:28 <bcoca> i forget when it got fixed 19:41:44 <jtanner|t420> bcoca, would that have been relevant for jsonfiles too? 19:41:49 <MichaelBaydoun> we have always been file based cache 19:42:31 <MichaelBaydoun> and we probably only turned caching on in the 1.9.* timeframe 19:42:42 <bcoca> jsonfiles did not implement timeout for a while, was not as much not working as not implemented 19:43:01 <MichaelBaydoun> we will continue with the explicit workaround, and I'll note that workaround in the issue in case others are having the same problem 19:43:14 <jtanner|t420> not that it would solve the immediate problem, but it would be good to confirm behavior across versions 19:43:26 <abadger1999> Ahh... jsonfile looks like it would not expire... but I'll have to check 2.x code now... 19:43:39 <abadger1999> yeah 19:44:09 <abadger1999> okay 1.9, jsonfile first checks if the key exists in the in-memory cache and returns it, then it checks if the key has expired (presumably from disk) 19:44:24 <abadger1999> 2.0, it checks expired before both of those. 19:44:37 <bcoca> ^ that explains it 19:44:41 <MichaelBaydoun> yes it does 19:44:47 <jtanner|t420> #info abadger1999 confirmed that expiration check logic changed between 1.9 and 2.x 19:44:51 <bcoca> probably a 'fix' to 'improper expiration' 19:45:21 <bcoca> 0aa018337afbc061633d9046109f12d4dd929c25 <= james 'fixed' 19:46:10 <bcoca> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/12722 <= for this ticket 19:46:36 <bcoca> so he changed the order and now it works 'like redis' 19:47:12 <bcoca> its a 2 line change to restore previous behaviour ... teh question is .. do we wanna? 19:47:32 <jtanner|t420> i don't feel confident that i know which behavior is "right" 19:47:43 <abadger1999> #12722I think the previous behaviour was less wrong.... 19:47:44 <jtanner|t420> i prefer it to be configurable with current behavior as default 19:47:48 <bcoca> well, i think old behavior was right, this is more consistent 19:48:11 <bcoca> ^ you should not expire fact in middle of play as it is only 'refreashable' during setup 19:48:17 <abadger1999> +1 19:48:25 <MichaelBaydoun> I believe smart is mostly useless with current behavior, and worked with previous behavior 19:48:26 <bcoca> but then we need to change 'all plugins' 19:48:29 <jtanner|t420> #info expiration behavior was a result of fixing https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/12722 19:48:40 <bcoca> MichaelBaydoun: not useless, but problematic with race conditions and small caches 19:49:10 <MichaelBaydoun> ok, useless for us, every playbook run fails, even with a 3 hour cache timeout 19:49:13 <bcoca> ^ this change was in middle of other fixes for unrelated problem 19:49:16 <abadger1999> So I'd say, two change to revert back and then fix it right at some later time.... of course, have to figure out if changing it back means other code is needed for 12722 as well. 19:49:30 <abadger1999> *two line change to revert back 19:49:32 <bcoca> no, the other code had to do with finally: f.close() 19:49:39 <abadger1999> <nod> 19:50:01 <alikins> maybe some sort of expire_handler, and way for play/task/etc objs to block that handler? and reset it... play_iterator? 19:50:28 <alikins> handler in the generic sense, not ansible specific ones 19:51:34 <bcoca> https://gist.github.com/bcoca/cecca870587adb052cb8cc4b2bd51cd8 19:51:57 <abadger1999> alikins: I don't think there's too much problem at that level... seems more like we need one new method on cache plugins and changes to cache plugins to (1) not check expired in get and (2) perhaps store redis facts in process memory (as opposed redis memory) 19:52:36 <bcoca> abadger1999: we might need that for all plugins .. probably need to make the 'memory' a base plugin that rest inherit and populate 19:52:41 <abadger1999> bcoca: +1 19:52:45 <abadger1999> <nod> 19:53:05 <bcoca> so going to push this fix for now, make note of looking at all plugins to keep 'in play sanity' 19:53:14 <bcoca> ^ review expire ONLY at gather time 19:53:39 <abadger1999> bcoca: Might be a has-a relationship, BaseCache has-a dict, self.store. All other plugins are expected to put their values in self.store. 19:53:44 <bcoca> though that makes using redis/etc not as good 19:53:51 <bcoca> abadger1999: yep 19:54:01 <jtanner|t420> #action bcoca to create intermediate patch for expiration only at gather time and then review other plugins at a later date 19:54:03 <bcoca> kind of playbooks/base 19:54:09 <jtanner|t420> should we move to next topic? 19:54:12 <bcoca> MichaelBaydoun: what ticket was it? 19:54:24 <MichaelBaydoun> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/14456#issuecomment-217920803 19:54:33 <MichaelBaydoun> and yes, let's move to next topic 19:54:45 <jtanner|t420> caphrim007, you around? 19:54:48 <caphrim007> i am 19:54:52 <jtanner|t420> #chair caphrim007 19:54:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: MichaelBaydoun abadger1999 alikins bcoca caphrim007 gundalow jtanner|t420 nitzmahone ryansb 19:54:57 <caphrim007> mine shouldn't take very long 19:55:07 <caphrim007> i had this pr here https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/15434 19:55:13 <caphrim007> and mhite and i reviewed it for inclusion 19:55:16 <jtanner|t420> erm, someone help me with the topic 19:55:32 <caphrim007> but upon waiting for travis to bless it, it would repeatedly fail to build 19:55:41 <MichaelBaydoun> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/15434 19:55:49 <abadger1999> #topic https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/15434 Add port argument for bigsuds 19:55:54 <caphrim007> when i looked at it, it was related to ssl timeouts of something; not related to the pr itself 19:56:01 <bcoca> MichaelBaydoun: pushed to devel and 2.1 19:56:08 <caphrim007> closing and reopening multiple times with no success 19:56:19 <MichaelBaydoun> bcoca thanks, and thanks all btw 19:56:27 <bcoca> caphrim007: ignore travis 19:56:32 <caphrim007> so was wondering if this would prevent it from merging and if not, could we merge it as mhite gave it a shipit 19:56:38 <jtanner|t420> caphrim007, expected ... sivel has a tentative solution for that 19:56:41 <bcoca> MichaelBaydoun: thank you for catching this one, it was simple but 'hidden' 19:56:51 <caphrim007> and it would allow us to move on to updating the f5 modules 19:57:16 <bcoca> caphrim007: there is networking meeting tmrow, we probably want privateip on merging those modules 19:57:24 <bcoca> ^ he was also talking about moving them to core, iirc 19:57:40 <caphrim007> bcoca, yes, this is outside of the modules as this is in core 19:57:47 <jtanner|t420> module util code 19:57:53 <caphrim007> and the modules that mhite and i are working on are still in the pipeline 19:58:24 <caphrim007> but i'll be at the networking meeting tomorrow as well 19:59:04 <jtanner|t420> patch looks fine to me 19:59:17 <jtanner|t420> although i don't know jack about f5s 19:59:28 <caphrim007> hehe 19:59:55 <caphrim007> the patch allows one to provide a server port argument 20:00:02 <abadger1999> caphrim007: for your travis question specifically, there was a bug that was causing all but one integration test run to fail. Hopefully, that's fixed. Still have some transient bugs -- I usually check that all unittests pass , several integration tests pass, and that another integration test is failing because of one of the transient errors. 20:00:18 <caphrim007> so that the ansible modules can be run on our stuff in house that is in a VM or some other "non standard" port 20:00:36 <jtanner|t420> job seems to be restarted 20:00:36 <caphrim007> abadger1999: thanks for the tip! 20:00:42 <jtanner|t420> not sure how to look at old logs for it 20:01:16 <caphrim007> the last time i restarted it (i'm guessing the state its currently in) it seems to be wedged waiting for a resource to build on 20:01:59 <abadger1999> <nod> Right now, there's several jobs in queue before it. 20:02:16 <jtanner|t420> is mhite marked as the maintainer for bigip? 20:02:23 <caphrim007> mhite and myself should be 20:02:52 <caphrim007> among others 20:03:46 <jtanner|t420> i would merge if travis would show me the unit test outputs 20:05:08 <caphrim007> jtanner|t420: here's an example https://travis-ci.org/ansible/ansible/jobs/128434685 20:05:10 <abadger1999> jtanner|t420: https://travis-ci.org/ansible/ansible/builds/128755707 20:05:37 <abadger1999> jsut have to scroll down through travis's PR build history far enough to find an old job. 20:06:30 <jtanner|t420> ok, can i press the green button then and get these guys moving? 20:06:38 <abadger1999> and yeah, that looks like the test_uri w/ sni problem that I resolved. 20:06:40 <abadger1999> jtanner|t420: +1 20:07:14 <jtanner|t420> #action jtanner merged https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/15434 20:07:19 <jtanner|t420> other topics? 20:07:23 <caphrim007> jtanner|t420 abadger1999: thanks! 20:07:37 <jtanner|t420> github issue has no more listed 20:07:39 <jtanner|t420> caphrim007, np 20:08:04 <jtanner|t420> #topic open floor 20:08:31 <jtanner|t420> anyone? 20:09:15 <abadger1999> nothing from me. 20:09:33 <abadger1999> if we had new proposals, we could do those now but I don't think we do. 20:09:41 <jtanner|t420> bcoca, nitzmahone alikins ? 20:09:51 <nitzmahone> not today 20:10:04 <jtanner|t420> ryansb, ? 20:10:13 <jtanner|t420> gundalow, ? 20:10:28 <gundalow> Nothing from me today 20:10:53 <jtanner|t420> ok, ending meeting in 5 20:10:56 <jtanner|t420> 5 20:11:00 <jtanner|t420> 4 20:11:01 <jtanner|t420> 3 20:11:02 <jtanner|t420> 2 20:11:03 <jtanner|t420> 1 20:11:07 <jtanner|t420> #endmeeting