15:00:42 <justjais> #startmeeting Ansible Security Automation Working Group 15:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 27 15:00:42 2020 UTC. 15:00:42 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:42 <zodbot> The chair is justjais. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_security_automation_working_group' 15:01:23 <justjais> #chair justjais maxamillion ikhan 15:01:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: ikhan justjais maxamillion 15:02:09 <justjais> #info I am working on enabling Cisco ASA in Zuul 15:02:43 <justjais> so that we can run ASA integration tests on zuul instance of Cisco ASA 15:03:56 <justjais> @maxamillion do u have anything new to share ? 15:05:18 <justjais> moving to #topic Open Floor 15:06:43 <justjais> if anyone wants to bring out WRT to ansible security now is the time :) 15:06:51 <maxamillion> I don't today 15:06:57 <maxamillion> I was out of pocket last week 15:07:26 <justjais> @maxamillion thanks for the update 15:07:50 <maxamillion> but I'm hoping to have some fun stuff to report on next week though :) 15:08:27 <justjais> awesome 15:09:33 <maxamillion> before I left town last week, I was working on Symantec Endpoint Protection Management so I hope to have something fun to report about that next year 15:09:38 <maxamillion> errr .. next wek 15:09:39 <maxamillion> week* 15:09:48 <maxamillion> sorry, on a conference call and someone said year :) 15:10:45 <justjais> double timings ;) 15:13:34 <maxamillion> so fun! 15:27:57 <justjais> we are at last few minutes of the meeting 15:28:06 <maxamillion> yeah, let's go ahead and call it 15:28:30 <justjais> alright if nothing elseā¦. see you all next week! 15:28:36 <justjais> #endmeeting