15:02:47 <maxamillion> #startmeeting Ansible Security Automation Working Group 15:02:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 3 15:02:47 2020 UTC. 15:02:47 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:02:47 <zodbot> The chair is maxamillion. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_security_automation_working_group' 15:02:53 <rwolters> Hi there. 15:02:59 <maxamillion> #chair justjais maxamillion ikhan rwolters 15:02:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: ikhan justjais maxamillion rwolters 15:03:26 <maxamillion> doesn't look like we have an agenda today ... probably just going to be Open Floor updates and discussion 15:03:30 <maxamillion> #topic Open Floor 15:06:00 <rwolters> Not too much from my side. We have an update on what CyberArk version is supported with Ansible, I put it on access.redhat.com already. 15:06:27 <rwolters> Besides I am working on getting cyberark onto the workshop, but that takes time because their system has quite some requirements in initial setup. 15:06:56 <maxamillion> I've completed the first phase of development of the Symantec Endpoint Management Collection, I've got to clean up the docs and add tests so that ansible-test sanity checking is happy ... initial work here https://github.com/maxamillion/ansible_collections.symantec.epm and it will be merged into it's authoritative upstream here https://github.com/ansible-security/ansible_collections.symantec.epm 15:07:49 <rwolters> Are you in contact with symantec about this? 15:08:17 <rwolters> I do not remember how this was set up... 15:08:25 <maxamillion> rwolters: I am not 15:08:39 <maxamillion> rwolters: crosslogic requested it so I started hacking on it 15:08:57 <rwolters> Got it, thanks. 15:11:16 <maxamillion> rwolters: I was also able to PoC port some functionality over from the Resilient extensions libraries (they are all MIT licenced), so I pulled one of those libs in and ported it to the httpapi plugin I wrote and it's the Collection module_util ... worked nicely 15:12:07 <maxamillion> rwolters: I need to evaluate the rest of them but we might be able to port all of the Resilient extensions with a relatively small amount of work (compared to starting from scratch) ... this could potentially aide in our Resilient integrations also 15:12:28 <maxamillion> I need to sync with crosslogic on that actually 15:12:46 <rwolters> maxamillion: So you mean that we can talk to the Resilient APIs? 15:15:57 <maxamillion> rwolters: no, this is different 15:17:59 <rwolters> maxamillion: Can you give me a short description, in one sentence? 15:18:29 <maxamillion> basically these https://github.com/ibmresilient/resilient-community-apps ... so if someone is using Resilient and wants to use one of those extensions, it's sub optimal to do that with Ansible currently ... we can make them all Collections and then have that functionality natively in Ansible (which is advantageous because we gain more capability) but also helps the Resilient user base get all the same functionality with the 15:18:29 <maxamillion> new Anisble integrations in an idiomatic Anisible way 15:18:42 <maxamillion> rwolters: sorry, was trying to find which tab I had that link open in 15:20:44 <rwolters> maxamillion: I see, thanks! 15:23:20 <maxamillion> that's basically all I have for right now, I'm hoping to start looking at both McAfee and TrendMicro's Endpoint Security offerings this week and start developing a Collection for integrations into one of them 15:23:52 <rwolters> maxamillion: Any plans to also write a vendor independent role for all those? 15:24:36 <maxamillion> rwolters: depends on how the integrations shape up and if there's any vendor neutral abstraction that makes sense 15:25:15 <rwolters> Cool, thanks :) 15:25:29 <maxamillion> rwolters: ultimately I'd like to get 2 or 3 platforms supported, look at how they all work, and decide if a higher level abstraction makes sense .... rinse and repeat for all categories of stuff 15:25:40 <rwolters> Makes sense. 15:29:18 <maxamillion> that's all I really had for today 15:36:17 <maxamillion> alright, if there's nothing else I'll shut down the meeting in about a minute and get meeting minutes uploaded 15:44:10 <maxamillion> #endmeeting