15:01:10 <justjais> #startmeeting Ansible Security Working Group 15:01:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 30 15:01:10 2020 UTC. 15:01:10 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:01:10 <zodbot> The chair is justjais. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_security_working_group' 15:01:41 <justjais> #chair ikhan maxamillion 15:01:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: ikhan justjais maxamillion 15:02:56 <justjais> #info Cisco ASA collection with newer resource modules are up 15:03:13 <justjais> https://github.com/ansible-collections/asa 15:05:04 <justjais> https://galaxy.ansible.com/cisco/asa 15:05:21 <justjais> we'll be updating the asa galaxy page by tagging the latest content 15:05:46 <justjais> so that ASA galaxy page is updated as well with all the latest and newer content 15:05:57 <justjais> that we introduced in Cisco ASA 15:06:44 <justjais> that was it from my end 15:07:13 <justjais> #topic Open Floor 15:08:02 <justjais> folks, now's the time to bring out anything that you want to share with us 15:08:43 <justjais> or anything they'd like to discuss :) 15:12:52 <samccann> I have a question on docs 15:13:02 * samccann sneaks in late 15:13:18 <samccann> as in - we don't have anything on docs.ansible.com/ansible that covers security automation - should we? 15:13:58 <samccann> for comparison - over time, networking has developed three sets of docs - getting started, advanced topics, and a small but growing developer guide 15:14:01 <justjais> @samccann yes, we definitely need to 15:14:38 <justjais> I think we have some basic guide and few of the blogposts are also under work 15:14:41 <samccann> How to you see the typical security user? Are they an ansible user who now has to cover security, or a security expert being told 'go automate stuff' (aka new to ansible)? 15:15:11 <samccann> oh cool! feel free to point me at them when you get a chance. I can help get the guide on the ansible docs area for sure 15:15:24 <justjais> I believe both 15:15:32 <samccann> thanks. 15:15:35 <justjais> @samccann that's be great 15:15:43 <justjais> *that'd 15:16:04 <justjais> @samccann ++ 15:16:27 <samccann> do we have current released security collections with current users, or is this rolling out 'officially 15:16:33 <samccann> more in the 2.10 timeframe? 15:18:25 <justjais> currently we have few security partners that have their content up in galaxy 15:18:48 <samccann> ok thanks! 15:19:13 <justjais> and yes, more coming up in 2.10 timeframe :) 15:19:29 <samccann> that's all I had for now. just ping me here or in slack with the basic guide y'all are working on when you get the chance 15:19:48 <justjais> @samccann yea.. sure 15:20:37 <justjais> #action justjais to check the docs current status and update samccann 15:23:14 <samccann> \o/ thanks! 15:23:47 <justjais> np 15:24:51 <justjais> folks, we're at last few minutes of the meeting 15:28:47 <justjais> see you all next week, tc and be safe 15:28:57 <justjais> #endmeeting