15:04:41 <justjais> #startmeeting Ansible Security Working Group 15:04:41 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 20 15:04:41 2020 UTC. 15:04:41 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:04:41 <zodbot> The chair is justjais. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:04:41 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:04:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_security_working_group' 15:05:08 <justjais> #chair ikhan maxamillion 15:05:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: ikhan justjais maxamillion 15:06:10 <justjais> #info Ansible Check Point getting started guide is live: https://www.ansible.com/blog/getting-started-with-ansible-and-check-point 15:06:43 <justjais> apart from this I don't have anything new and exciting for this week 15:07:29 <maxamillion> #hello2 15:07:35 <maxamillion> justjais: +1 15:07:36 <justjais> @maxamillion do u have anything cool rest API digging to share 15:07:39 <maxamillion> .hello2 15:07:40 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 15:07:46 * justjais waves 15:08:04 * cyberpear pokes in 15:09:08 <maxamillion> justjais: yes! actually I sorted out a blocker on the Trend Micro REST API so I've got that moving, but unfortunately I'm finding a lot of their endpoints are only GET and POST but the POST doesn't allow any modification of the resource (which makes sense, you'd expect an PATCH but a lot of apis seem to be using PUT to overload that function 15:09:23 <maxamillion> so hopefully I can actually make some good progress on that one today and tomorrow 15:10:01 <justjais> great news \o/ @maxamillion 15:10:37 <maxamillion> I got blocked on that and then side tracked with a bunch of other stuff so I'm looking forward to getting back to writing code 15:10:52 <justjais> btw have u started moving all of security collections to `https://github.com/ansible-collections` repo or already moved? 15:11:22 <rwolters> Hi there. 15:12:11 <justjais> @maxamillion I hear you, all meetings and no coding makes u feel dull 15:12:51 <justjais> @rwolters hello 15:13:51 <justjais> how are things at your end, anything new you're excited about and wanted to share with the community 15:14:48 <justjais> #topic Open Floor 15:15:32 * rwolters is mostly working on the workshop. We have to move this to a real two-vpc network setup at some point in the near future. That will be a lot of work. 15:16:00 <justjais> folks, now's the time to bring out anything you wanted to discuss or want us to look into 15:18:16 <samccann> have y'all been following the changelog strategy for collections? 15:18:31 <justjais> @rwolters wrt to workshops I have naive query: can I spin up an instances/lab and workout and play-around with the use cases and platforms that we support today? 15:20:56 <justjais> @samccann not aware of it, is it something related to movement from 2.9 to 2.10 collections and backward support 15:22:21 <samccann> What is is in a nutshell - the ACD (ansible community distribution) will need a changelog for all the collections within it... so we need to come to agreement on what the format etc should be for all collections within ACD so that the parent (ACD) changelog works. https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/issues/18 15:22:31 <maxamillion> samccann: I looked at it and I'm like 80% sure I commented on GitHub 15:22:44 <justjais> @rwolters last weekend I was playing around with Cisco modelling lab and it seemed pretty useful and interesting to me 15:22:51 <samccann> ok phew! For a minute I thought I'd blanked entirely on getting y'all involved. 15:23:42 <samccann> Anyway, we'll be trying to finalize the decision and the overall format soon. I know network collections hope to release before 2.10. Are your collections also hoping to release before 2.10? 15:24:25 <justjais> @samccann yes, I believe so 15:25:23 <justjais> we're at top of the hour 15:26:14 <justjais> if nothing else, see you all next week :) 15:26:19 <justjais> stay safe 15:26:21 <justjais> #endmeeting