17:05:21 <mattclay> #startmeeting Ansible Testing Working Group 17:05:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 25 17:05:21 2019 UTC. 17:05:21 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:05:21 <zodbot> The chair is mattclay. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:05:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:05:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_testing_working_group' 17:05:30 <mattclay> #chair gundalow pabelanger 17:05:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: gundalow mattclay pabelanger 17:05:34 <mattclay> #info Agenda: https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/248 17:05:44 <mattclay> pabelanger: Do you have any Zuul updates for us today? 17:05:51 <mattclay> There's nothing on the agenda for today. 17:07:14 <gundalow> Nothing from me 17:13:03 <pabelanger> I'm in a meeting but can give an update soon 17:40:52 <pabelanger> okay, sorry, that took a little longer then expected 17:41:12 <pabelanger> as for update on zuul.ansible.com side, right now 100% of ansible network testing is running on it 17:41:30 <pabelanger> we've ask the sf.io folks to remove the ansible-network tenant on their systems 17:41:42 <pabelanger> we've also migrated ansible-runner too 17:42:03 <pabelanger> the only project left before we close off the migration to ansible.zuul.com is awx 17:42:27 <pabelanger> and for that, I have a meeting next week with awx team about steps we need to do 17:43:17 <pabelanger> Aside from that, we have also added ansible/molecule to zuul.ansible.com, and started demoing it to them. Some discussion is located at: https://github.com/ansible/molecule/issues/1770 17:43:39 <pabelanger> and lastly I have a work item from gdk about maybe onboarding ansible-community/bender into zuul.ansible.com 17:43:52 <pabelanger> So, all in all the infra is very stable, and working at 100% 17:44:36 <mattclay> pabelanger: Where's the dashboard at? 17:44:42 <pabelanger> Oh, and one other item is we have also started moving network images from DCI into zuul.ansible.com, the first one is vyos 17:44:54 <pabelanger> mattclay: https://dashboard.zuul.ansible.com 17:45:07 <pabelanger> for vyos, you can see a example job here: https://logs.zuul.ansible.com/61/61/184d7096f7ca7447f8d95e33db6e476ff3cd60c5/check/vyos-test/7df5493/job-output.txt 17:45:39 <pabelanger> which means, we are getting real close to now reporting back vyos jobs to ansible/ansible on PRs, which is what mattclay was asking about a few months back 17:46:04 <pabelanger> basically, we launch a fedora-29 (controller) and vyos-1.1.8 (applicance) when a user requests it 17:46:12 <pabelanger> and the tests connect via network_cli 17:46:27 <pabelanger> gundalow: ^ 17:46:45 <pabelanger> our next image we are bringing online is going to be arista eos 17:46:51 <pabelanger> and hoping that will be next week 17:48:03 <pabelanger> that is all I had for now, unless humans had questions 17:49:07 <mattclay> pabelanger: Thanks for the updates. 17:53:07 <mattclay> #endmeeting