04:04:20 <tuanta> #startmeeting
04:04:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Feb 15 04:04:20 2014 UTC.  The chair is tuanta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
04:04:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
04:04:32 <tuanta> #meetingname apac
04:04:32 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac'
04:04:40 <tuanta> #topic Roll Call
04:04:45 <tuanta> .fas tuanta
04:04:46 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com>
04:04:53 * adimania is here
04:04:58 <adimania> .fas adimanaia
04:04:59 <zodbot> adimania: 'adimanaia' Not Found!
04:05:02 <harish> .fas harishpillay
04:05:03 <zodbot> harish: harishpillay 'Harish Pillay' <harish.pillay@gmail.com>
04:05:06 <bckurera> .fas bckurera
04:05:08 <zodbot> bckurera: bckurera 'Buddhika Kurera' <bckurera@gmail.com>
04:05:16 <adimania> .fas adimanaia
04:05:17 <zodbot> adimania: 'adimanaia' Not Found!
04:05:20 <tuanta> hi harish
04:05:23 <tuanta> welcome back :)
04:05:41 <adimania> .fas adimania
04:05:42 <zodbot> adimania: adimania 'Aditya Patawari' <adimania@gmail.com>
04:05:49 <adimania> sorry for typos :(
04:06:02 <tuanta> adimania: sorry, where are you from?
04:06:14 <bckurera> India
04:06:15 <adimania> India.
04:06:22 <tuanta> cool :)
04:06:33 <MavJS> .fas mavjs
04:06:33 <zodbot> MavJS: mavjs 'Ye Myat Kaung' <mavjs01@gmail.com>
04:06:44 <tuanta> anyone out here for APAC meeting?
04:06:47 <MavJS> adimania: haven't seen you since fudcon ;)
04:06:56 <tuanta> please join with us
04:07:02 <harish> tuanta, hi
04:07:15 <adimania> I am mostly active on fedora-admin working on ansible and puppet
04:07:16 <harish> hi MavJS!
04:07:27 <MavJS> harish: hi :)
04:07:33 <MavJS> adimania: ah, nice :)
04:07:34 <harish> hi bckurera adimania
04:07:45 <harish> been a long while.
04:07:50 <adimania> hi harish :)
04:07:52 <tuanta> ok, we should start now
04:07:58 <harish> yep.
04:08:00 <tuanta> #topic Announcements
04:08:18 * bckurera good to have you harish
04:08:23 <tuanta> I have got a few ones
04:08:41 <harish> :-)
04:09:16 <tuanta> 1. Elections have been closed and Robyn announced elected people
04:09:26 <KageSenshi> o/
04:09:30 <harish> congratulations tuanta!
04:09:30 <KageSenshi> .fas izhar
04:09:31 <zodbot> KageSenshi: izhar 'Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail' <kagesenshi.87@gmail.com>
04:09:33 <tuanta> good to see we have APAC person in FAmSCo
04:09:48 <tuanta> thanks, harish
04:10:41 <tuanta> 2. FAmSCo approved China bid for FUDCon APAC 2014. Just waiting for Fedora Budget owner to discuss
04:10:55 <tuanta> (we will have a topic to discuss this later)
04:11:46 <tuanta> 3. APAC Budget for FY2015 is discussing in Budget Owners
04:11:51 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget:2015
04:12:23 <tuanta> sadly, it is missing a lot of APAC countries since I have not got response from those countries
04:12:45 <tuanta> any more questions or announcements?
04:12:46 <KageSenshi> KL been dead ..
04:12:47 <KageSenshi> xD
04:12:57 <tuanta> ah, KageSenshi
04:12:59 <tuanta> one more :)
04:13:38 <tuanta> 4. KageSenshi has been approved to hold community card for APAC (substitute for harish as he is so busy)
04:13:58 <tuanta> CC is on the way and we will have KageSenshi support soon :)
04:14:00 <harish> congrats KageSenshi
04:14:20 <KageSenshi> thanks .. will do my best on the reimbursement process
04:14:21 <tuanta> it should be one of the greatest news I got recently!
04:14:48 <tuanta> no more from me. any other announcements from each of you?
04:15:02 <harish> KageSenshi, as noted in earlier email to you, do work with Joerg Simon. he has a good workflow.
04:15:11 <KageSenshi> harish, noted
04:15:15 <tuanta> +1 harish
04:15:20 * MavJS has no announcements :D
04:15:39 <tuanta> move on now?
04:15:42 <harish> I am wondering if I should make F20 liveCDs?
04:15:57 <harish> since F21 won't be out for a longer period.
04:16:03 <harish> than 6 months from F20.
04:16:15 <harish> and make it available to ambassadors.
04:16:26 <harish> coming out of my budget not Fedora.
04:16:29 <bckurera> and many thanks for the support given for APAC by harish over the past period, you did a great job, for sure KageSenshi will take it forward :)
04:16:52 <tuanta> AFAIK, F21 will be released around August
04:17:11 <harish> yes, so that is a good 6mths away
04:17:25 <harish> and I am wondering if actual CDs would be good for events.
04:18:10 <KageSenshi> i've been away from running events for quite a while now .. not sure myself ..
04:18:25 * harish brb
04:18:35 <KageSenshi> though usually its good to have something tangible to pass around ..
04:18:40 <tuanta> #topic Media and Swag
04:18:59 <adimania> these days a lot of laptop and devices are shying away from cd/dvd players.
04:19:08 <KageSenshi> *nods*
04:19:12 <tuanta> .chair KageSenshi harish MavJS adimania bckurera
04:19:12 <zodbot> KageSenshi harish MavJS adimania bckurera is seated in a chair with a nice view of a placid lake, unsuspecting that another chair is about to be slammed into them.
04:19:32 <KageSenshi> in a chair? ...
04:19:35 <adimania> :D
04:19:51 <MavJS> XD
04:19:55 <tuanta> :)
04:21:14 <adimania> for installation, live thumb drives (may be branded) are cool. For swag, laptop stickers :)
04:21:16 <tuanta> harish: we should produce media locally here because of complicated shipping and tax
04:21:31 <adimania> but themb drives shoot the cost :(
04:21:46 <adimania> s/themb/thumb
04:21:50 <tuanta> .chair nangthang
04:21:51 <zodbot> nangthang is seated in a chair with a nice view of a placid lake, unsuspecting that another chair is about to be slammed into them.
04:22:11 <nangthang> .fas nangthang
04:22:12 <zodbot> nangthang: nangthang 'Thang Nguyen Nang' <thangnguyennang1988@gmail.com>
04:22:31 * harish back
04:22:40 <KageSenshi> yeah .. thumbdrives are costly ..
04:23:00 <harish> indeed the tax and shipping is an issue. but as a last resort, i can hold some "stock" as it were.
04:23:24 <harish> thumbdrives are out of the budget range, unfortunately.
04:23:40 <tuanta> I think we need to initial a new discussion to discuss the most effective way to distribute media and swag in APAC
04:23:57 <tuanta> I tried to init it in the past, but we did not follow
04:24:23 <tuanta> +1 harish. thumbdrives should be for special cases
04:24:28 <harish> may want to write something up first and then discuss. much info already online.
04:24:29 <bckurera> harish I think your idea is good
04:24:52 <bckurera> we can use fudcon ad other events such as fossasai to distribe them
04:27:54 <tuanta> who would voluntarily write an initial proposal of the central Fedora media and swag storage in APAC?
04:28:07 <KageSenshi> generic swags can always be buttons, keychains, etc ..
04:28:15 <tuanta> we need one to write it up first, then people can discuss on
04:28:48 <tuanta> of course, please make an appointment for brain storming it before writing if you want
04:28:56 <tuanta> who can?
04:29:02 <adimania> I suppose I can create a page on wiki and send it across the mailing list
04:29:18 <tuanta> ok, thanks adimania
04:29:41 <tuanta> #action adimania to write an initial proposal of the central Fedora media and swag storage in APAC
04:29:50 <tuanta> so we can back to this topic later
04:29:55 <adimania> tuanta, I'll ping you for pointers later though.
04:30:02 <tuanta> #topic Tickets
04:30:09 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9
04:30:19 <tuanta> ok, adimania.
04:30:29 <tuanta> we have got 5 tickets today
04:30:54 <tuanta> but just only one ticket owner available today: adimania
04:31:19 <adimania> yes
04:31:24 <tuanta> #topic Ticket #118 - Travel subsidy for Aditya/adimania to Northeast Linux Fest
04:31:35 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/118
04:32:20 <tuanta> adimania: you request a travel subsidy, right?
04:32:25 <adimania> right.
04:32:32 <tuanta> have yu got the exact budget estimation?
04:32:59 <adimania> I checked a few days ago and tickets were costing around 900 USD.
04:33:09 <adimania> I can manage rest out of my pockets
04:33:18 <tuanta> note that for budget over $1,000, we need approval from FAmSCo
04:33:22 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Reimbursement
04:33:39 <tuanta> btw, have you read that Reimbursement wiki page carefully?
04:33:44 <adimania> I understand.
04:34:01 <adimania> yes.
04:34:07 <tuanta> good
04:34:44 <tuanta> your request is not in schedule since the beginning of FY2014: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget
04:35:18 <adimania> yes. I had proposed the talk and it got approved only last week.
04:35:36 <tuanta> I know we should decide asap. However, when is the deadline for approving your ticket?
04:35:48 <tuanta> when is the event starting?
04:36:14 <adimania> Event is on 5 April.
04:36:21 <tuanta> ah, I see
04:36:34 <adimania> I'll need sometime to get my Visa done though.
04:36:54 <tuanta> I need to check out if your have money left in FY2014 budget, since your request is out of schedule
04:36:58 <adimania> I think it would be great if we can take a call in around 10 days.
04:37:46 <adimania> I understand. Please check out and let me know.
04:38:34 <tuanta> I will do that after this meeting ,take some notes in the ticket and we will make the final decision in the next meeting
04:38:38 <tuanta> are you ok?
04:39:00 <adimania> Next meeting will be in 2 weeks. right?
04:39:23 <tuanta> yes
04:39:35 <tuanta> if we need it sooner, we can do that on Trac
04:39:50 <tuanta> by sending a call for vote to the mailing list
04:40:06 <tuanta> I just think we should have enough information before making decision
04:40:16 <adimania> sooner would be really helpful since the prices increase by each day.
04:40:42 <tuanta> yes, I know
04:41:05 <tuanta> so we can do that on Trac or having another meeting next week
04:41:44 <adimania> okay. Both would work fine for me. Thanks.
04:41:52 <tuanta> cool.
04:42:50 <tuanta> #action tuanta to check FY2014 budget to figure out if there is enough money to fund adimania as ticket #118
04:43:44 <tuanta> #idea we can vote for #118 on Trac
04:43:58 <tuanta> #topic FUDCon APAC 2014
04:44:16 <tuanta> there is no one from China organizing team today
04:44:22 * alick is here
04:44:36 <tuanta> ah, thanks :)
04:45:06 <tuanta> alick, have you got any updates on?
04:45:21 <tuanta> any responses from Robyn or Ruth?
04:45:31 <alick> not really, no reply from Robyn :(
04:45:47 <tuanta> they seem disappear :(
04:46:22 <tuanta> I dropped then some message on FAmSCo mailing list (also copied them directly)
04:46:27 <tuanta> but no responses too :(
04:46:34 <alick> I haven't opened a ticket on fudcon-planning since I thought mail is enough ATM,
04:46:52 <tuanta> harish: have you got any other way to contact to Robyn and Ruth (Fedora Budget Owner)
04:46:57 <alick> and I am not sure what that ticket should be about (overall budget?)
04:47:27 <harish> tuanta, i will ping them both. they are generally very responsive. surprised by the slowness really.
04:47:42 <KageSenshi> oh .... so next fudcon shall be at china?
04:47:52 <tuanta> we need them to discuss and approve the budget for organizing FUDCon APAC in China
04:48:02 <MavJS> KageSenshi: heh, you didn't know? lol
04:48:03 <adimania> Robyn (rbergeron is the handle, right?) was in fedora-admin the other day mentioning that she had to go to ER.
04:48:03 <MavJS> XD
04:48:06 <zsun> .fas zsun
04:48:07 <zodbot> zsun: zsun 'Zamir SUN' <sztsian@gmail.com>
04:48:08 <tuanta> yes, KageSenshi, FAmSCo approved
04:48:11 <zsun> sorry to be late
04:48:15 <adimania> may be some medical issues.
04:48:24 <KageSenshi> MavJS, i'm out of touch of bunch of stuff .... struggling to catch up
04:48:28 <KageSenshi> *with
04:48:29 <MavJS> KageSenshi: ;)
04:48:43 <alick> KageSenshi: we are bidding for it. and we are the only bidder.
04:48:52 <KageSenshi> ah noted
04:48:56 <KageSenshi> so its not confirmed yet
04:49:06 <tuanta> alick: your bid has been approved by FAmSCo
04:49:19 <tuanta> then it needs to be confirmed by Fedora Budget Owner
04:49:21 <alick> yes, waiting approval from FPL.
04:49:30 <KageSenshi> xD .. its on May >< ..
04:49:48 <tuanta> but she has not responded any messages we sent to her
04:49:58 <tuanta> time is too close now
04:50:12 <alick> pretty limited time
04:50:23 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_Beijing_2014
04:50:38 <tuanta> just three months from now
04:50:58 <alick> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_China_2014
04:51:14 <alick> we consider to run a planning FAD in March.
04:51:26 <tuanta> alick: have you sent a message to fudcon-planning mailing list?
04:51:39 <alick> about the FAD? not yet.
04:51:47 <tuanta> no, for FUDCon
04:51:49 <tuanta> what is that FAD for?
04:52:01 <alick> FUDCon yes
04:52:18 <tuanta> for FUDCon planning, right?
04:52:34 <alick> I read on the wiki we need a FUDCon planning FAD for upcoming FUDCon.
04:52:40 <tuanta> time is too short
04:52:41 <alick> tuanta: yes.
04:53:08 <zsun> tuanta we have a thread on fudcon-planning here https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/fudcon-planning/2014-January/004783.html
04:53:10 <alick> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/fudcon-planning/2014-January/004783.html for FUDCon
04:53:39 <tuanta> yes, I see
04:53:40 <zsun> oh, the same url as alick
04:53:50 <alick> en
04:54:13 <alick> we still think we can make it if we act fast.
04:54:43 <tuanta> now I think all of us (as APAC people) should take our owned chances to nag Robyn and Ruth more to take them more attention about APAC FUDcon
04:55:12 <MavJS> alick: not "can make it", must "make it" :)
04:55:50 <tuanta> so harish, KageSenshi et all, please do whatever you can
04:56:01 <harish> yep
04:56:43 <tuanta> any more things?
04:56:52 <zsun> just reminder, Robyn is in PHX,AZ, so it is UTC-7 by her side
04:57:26 <tuanta> yes, so about a half of day from us
04:57:34 <tuanta> any more about FUDCon now?
04:57:38 <tuanta> move on?
04:57:51 <tuanta> #topic Open Floor
04:58:11 <tuanta> have you got any more thing to discuss today?
04:58:21 <tuanta> I have no
04:58:49 <tuanta> I will close the meeting after two minutes
04:58:54 <KageSenshi> :)
04:58:55 * MavJS has none.
04:59:33 * harish none from me.
04:59:50 <KageSenshi> none here
05:00:03 <alick> one thing from me.
05:00:06 <tuanta> thank you all for coming today :)
05:00:12 <tuanta> #endmeeting