05:00:38 <tuanta> #startmeeting APAC 2016-06-24 05:00:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 24 05:00:38 2016 UTC. The chair is tuanta. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:00:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac_2016-06-24' 05:00:46 <tuanta> #topic Roll call 05:00:50 <tuanta> #chair pjp 05:00:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: pjp tuanta 05:00:54 <tuanta> .fas tuanta 05:00:54 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 05:01:23 <tuanta> #info Topic: F24 Release parties 05:01:52 <tuanta> #info Topic: APAC budget FAD KL 2016 05:01:54 <pjp> .fas pjp 05:01:55 <zodbot> pjp: sandeepj 'sandeepj' <sandeepjp22@gmail.com> - pankaj16 'pankaj joshi' <pjpj1693@yopmail.com> - pjp '' <pj.pandit@yahoo.co.in> - crewab 'flore crew' <eepjpgq0.qs3@20mail.it> - pjpedro 'PJ Pedro' <pjpedro@rogers.com> 05:02:12 <tuanta> #info Topic: F24 media and swag 05:02:29 <tuanta> #info Topic: Tickets 05:02:33 <tuanta> anything else? 05:03:20 <pjp> tuanta: FAD budget and travel planning, 05:03:35 <pjp> Is Izhar here? 05:03:40 <tuanta> pjp, that's #2 05:03:52 <pjp> Ah, right 05:04:02 <tuanta> pjp, he could not attend I think since it's praying time 05:04:57 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 05:04:57 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 05:05:03 <tuanta> if we need him, we should setup another meeting tomorrow, at 4:00 UTC 05:05:07 <tuanta> #chair gnokii 05:05:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: gnokii pjp tuanta 05:05:25 <tuanta> #topic F24 Release parties 05:05:51 <Guest86469> .hello sayanchowdhury 05:05:51 <tuanta> you all know, F24 has been out 05:05:52 <zodbot> Guest86469: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 05:06:30 <tuanta> however, until now, there are not many release parties registered 05:06:32 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F24_release_events#APAC 05:07:26 <tuanta> I want to do one in Hanoi, but I am not really fixed the date 05:07:48 * tuanta is crazily busy these days :( 05:08:01 <tuanta> any other news in this topic? 05:08:44 <tuanta> should we send another call for organizing F24 Release parties? 05:09:07 <pjp> sayan: release parties in Pune/Bangalore ? 05:09:18 <pjp> praveenkumar: pravins ^^ 05:09:26 <pravins> hi pjp :) 05:09:28 <tuanta> how about badge for F24 release party? gnokii, do you know the status? 05:09:35 <tuanta> #chair sayan pravins 05:09:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: gnokii pjp pravins sayan tuanta 05:09:44 <pravins> I definitely want to celebrate this. 05:10:13 <tuanta> pravins, have you already fixed the date, created a wiki page, etc. 05:11:01 <gnokii> the ticket is not closed so its not pushed, 05:12:06 <tuanta> should we send another call for organizing F24 Release parties to the mailing list? 05:12:45 <praveenkumar> pravins: you are planning to do it in Pune or outside? 05:12:50 <praveenkumar> pjp: hello 05:13:01 <tuanta> #chair praveenkumar 05:13:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: gnokii pjp praveenkumar pravins sayan tuanta 05:13:06 <praveenkumar> .fas kumarpraveen 05:13:09 <zodbot> praveenkumar: kumarpraveen '' <kumarpraveen.nitdgp@gmail.com> 05:13:26 <pravins> tuanta: not yet. still planning 05:13:28 <sayan> pjp: let me talk with kushal and rtnpro and decide on a date 05:13:35 <sayan> will update the wiki 05:13:48 <tuanta> ok, thanks pravins sayan 05:14:59 <tuanta> #action everyone update F24 release event wiki pages and add into https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F24_release_events#APAC 05:15:15 <tuanta> #topic APAC budget planning FAD KL 2016 05:16:06 <tuanta> firstly, I would like to summarize the context here: 05:16:30 <tuanta> annually, we have a regional FAD for budget planning for next fiscal year 05:16:52 <tuanta> at the end of the year (normally in Nov) 05:17:22 <tuanta> this year, for the budget.next requirements, we need to do it much sooner, in July 05:17:31 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Budget.next 05:18:00 <tuanta> the budget for this FAD is from APAC budget (we got confirmation from Council) 05:18:09 <pjp> Yep 05:18:49 <tuanta> budget estimation is around $2,350 05:18:51 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_KualaLumpur_2016#Event_Budget 05:19:54 <tuanta> APAC budget for this FY2017 is $11,500 in total (approved by Council) 05:19:58 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015/Events#Actual_budget_allocation 05:20:25 <gnokii> tuanta you summarize things you realized now but did not realize during last FAD maybe you slept there 05:21:13 <tuanta> slept? are you kidding? just focus on the conversation please 05:22:24 <tuanta> now we need to decide if we want to spend that amount for this year FAD or not 05:22:30 <gnokii> no I not kidding 05:22:33 <tuanta> I think it's best to bring this to regional meeting 05:22:45 <pjp> gnokii: Yes, no need to be condescending, 05:23:50 <tuanta> if any of you is not clear about the context, please ask here 05:24:01 <gnokii> pjp: you know, I said very clear that it has to come out of regional budget thats why it was putted into the plan, if you compare with the year before there is none putted in 05:24:24 <gnokii> but it starts that somebody putted another FAD into the table with 5000$ budget 05:25:39 <tuanta> gnokii, you meant $5,000 for this year FAD is already approved since it has been listed on the Events list? 05:26:03 <tuanta> I don't think so, since the total approved budget for APAC this year is just $11,500 05:26:23 <pjp> tuanta: Right, we have to manage it within that, IIUC, 05:26:26 <gnokii> tuanta: are you not aware of the problem? YOU putted in another FAD for strategic planning with 5k budget which is NOT necessary 05:26:54 <gnokii> so instead of just putting in 11k and say now you can only spent 1/3 05:27:02 <gnokii> you should take a deeper look 05:27:12 <gnokii> 23k looks much different to 28k 05:27:28 <gnokii> not to mention that some of the planned event didnt happen 05:28:21 <tuanta> sorry, gnokii, I don't under stand what you are saying; can you explain what you meant? 05:29:43 <tuanta> gnokii, please stay calm, show your idea as clear as possible, do not assume anything 05:29:53 <tuanta> we need a solution 05:30:23 <gnokii> its not an idea its just something I have to say look for the numbers first before you dance here and say we have just a third 05:31:02 <gnokii> if you not realize that there are 2 FAD in that table what makes on the end 10k what shall I say to that 05:31:02 <tuanta> I am just one of us. I can not decide anything myself/alone. So if you have a better solution, please propose it 05:31:21 <gnokii> has nothing to do with decide 05:31:31 <gnokii> but what you dont want to decide? 05:31:43 <gnokii> you want to decide what is already decided? 05:31:44 <tuanta> you meant this table? https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015/Events#FY17 05:31:56 <gnokii> of course I mean that table 05:32:19 <tuanta> there is only a FAD listed there (location: Indonesia) 05:34:21 <gnokii> http://img.susepaste.org/37297948 05:35:15 <tuanta> thanks for your image 05:35:30 <tuanta> and what is your proposal? remove 1 of them? 05:36:21 <gnokii> of course remove this one first and correct the number 05:36:48 <tuanta> ok, +1 for that 05:36:54 <gnokii> and then you should have a look on what is actually from the events really done and spent, not saying simple aah you can just spend a third 05:37:15 <gnokii> and btw this kind of, we just divide by 3 doesnt work for some events 05:39:00 <tuanta> ok, gnokii. that's just a fast route, simply as a kind of warnings; then we need to discuss and make decision how to cut down to actual allocated budget 05:39:30 <tuanta> have you got a proposal already? 05:39:47 <gnokii> you can save just on the bigger items 05:40:35 <gnokii> we have definitely to strike the Flock item, to sad for pravins 05:40:43 <tuanta> btw, the budget is not too tight now; so can we review budget for FAD KL? (this topic) then discuss the total budget later (next topic) 05:40:56 <pravins> true, it was really sad to see we do not have budget for flock travel now. 05:41:13 <pravins> specifically considering flock 2015 specifically mentioned no travel to APAC memebrs. 05:41:18 <pravins> s/memebrs 05:41:38 <gnokii> yeah its sad 05:41:51 <tuanta> +1 05:42:01 <tuanta> focus on our topic, please :) 05:42:33 <tuanta> I agree, we can cut down the APAC budget for Flock 2016 05:43:02 <gnokii> but its nothing we have to do here, that can be adjusted on FAD 05:43:15 <tuanta> +1 gnokii . I think so to 05:43:17 <tuanta> too 05:43:37 <tuanta> so should we vote for FAD KL budget now? 05:43:58 <tuanta> it is already, sorry, since the budget is fit in 05:44:13 <gnokii> for what, all are postivie deiceded what you always want to discuss and vote again for make in more expensive? 05:45:49 <tuanta> gnokii, you should show your ideas as clear as possible instead of making noisy. It's hard to convince people if you do not give good proposal with enough based information 05:46:17 <gnokii> there is no proposal why you always, hesitate with doing something 05:46:18 <tuanta> I do not really understand your meanings until today 05:46:40 <pjp> Guys, let 05:46:53 <pjp> Let's not get carried away 05:46:55 <gnokii> its better to spend this 2.3k from the regional budget as discussing it more and then have to spend 3.5k 05:48:08 <pjp> True 05:49:01 <gnokii> leadership is about make decisions and not always hesitate doing them, yes some might have another opinion later on but I prefer we do the FAD and move on not always delaying it 05:49:08 <gnokii> and discussing it to dead 05:50:37 <pjp> tuanta: ie. Let's go ahead with the 2.3k FAD budget and start planning further things 05:50:51 <tuanta> +1 pjp 05:51:16 <tuanta> AFAICS, nothing stops us now 05:51:54 <tuanta> #agreed Approved FAD KL 2016 budget 05:52:19 <tuanta> #topic F24 media and swag 05:52:48 <tuanta> pjp, is it enough time for you to bring F24 media to KL? 05:53:18 <tuanta> it's two weeks from now 05:53:23 <pjp> tuanta: Yes, I'll try and manage that 05:53:51 <tuanta> thanks; it's best to distribute them in KL 05:54:42 <pjp> Yep 05:55:04 <tuanta> #action pjp to manage to produce F24 media for distributing during FAD KL 05:55:24 <tuanta> #topic Ticket #242 05:55:27 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/242 05:55:38 <tuanta> Travel subsidy for adimania to speak at Flock 05:56:12 <gnokii> -1 05:56:27 <tuanta> as we roughly discussed above, APAC budget for Flock 2016 should be cut 05:56:40 <gnokii> two reasons fist we dont have the budget 05:57:00 <tuanta> -1 from me too 05:57:04 <gnokii> second, he received already last year a sponsoring from the regional budget 05:57:31 <gnokii> might learn to share 05:57:37 <pjp> -1, for lack of sufficient budget 05:58:23 <tuanta> #agreed Rejected to support #242 05:58:45 <tuanta> #action tuanta to update the ticket #242 05:58:48 <tuanta> #topic Open Floor 05:59:13 <tuanta> a good news, FUDCon APAC PP 2016 budget has been approved after a long time pending 05:59:30 <pjp> Cool! :) 05:59:43 <pjp> Congratulations gnokii and PP team. 05:59:47 <tuanta> gnokii, you and PP team should resume all organizing work 06:00:44 <tuanta> I am not sure, but seems one of the time consuming task is call for participants and deciding travel subsidies 06:01:11 <gnokii> tuanta: you should be really quiet to that topic 06:01:44 <tuanta> be calm, please :) 06:01:55 <pjp> tuanta: We are running over time, 06:01:57 <tuanta> ball is at you now 06:02:10 <tuanta> pjp, ok, we should end the meeting now 06:02:31 <pjp> Yep, 06:02:32 <tuanta> #endmeeting