15:02:01 <lalatenduM> #startmeeting Atomic Developer Bundle Weekly Meeting 15:02:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 8 15:02:01 2016 UTC. The chair is lalatenduM. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'atomic_developer_bundle_weekly_meeting' 15:02:16 <lalatenduM> Anyone here for ADB weekly meeting? 15:02:18 <dharmit> .fas dharmit 15:02:19 <zodbot> dharmit: dharmit 'Dharmit Shah' <shahdharmit@gmail.com> - shahdharmit 'Dharmit Shah' <shahdharmit@gmaill.com> 15:02:22 <lalatenduM> .mynameis lalatendu 15:02:24 <surajd> .fas surajd 15:02:24 <zodbot> surajd: surajd 'Suraj Deshmukh' <surajssd009005@gmail.com> 15:02:24 <praveenkumar> .fas kumarpraveen 15:02:27 <zodbot> praveenkumar: kumarpraveen '' <kumarpraveen.nitdgp@gmail.com> 15:02:35 <bamacharan> .fas bamachrn 15:02:36 <zodbot> bamacharan: bamachrn '' <bamachrn@gmail.com> - bamacharankundu 'Bamacharan Kundu' <bamacharan.kundu@gmail.com> 15:02:38 <lalatenduM> .fas lalatendu 15:02:39 <zodbot> lalatenduM: lalatendu 'Lalatendu Mohanty' <lmohanty@redhat.com> 15:03:02 <lalatenduM> here are the topics for today meeting 15:03:03 <lalatenduM> https://titanpad.com/adbmeeting 15:03:50 <lalatenduM> If you guys wants to add anything, you are welcome 15:04:02 <lalatenduM> the first topic is from bexelbie 15:04:39 <lalatenduM> but I think he is not around. so we can move down the topics 15:05:10 <lalatenduM> #topic ADB release this week 15:05:41 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: should we plan to include adb-utils for this weeks ADB release 15:05:45 <bexelbie> lalatenduM, I am here - but need to rejoin a meeting 15:05:48 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: do we have adb-utils dist-git for centos so we can create package 15:05:49 <bexelbie> one sec getting into an elevator 15:06:07 <praveenkumar> sure bexelbie 15:06:13 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: but will it work? as we dont have images cached 15:06:18 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: np 15:06:38 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: yes it should be because in Vagrant file we will pull all required images. 15:06:45 <mzee1000> .fas mohammedzee1000 15:06:45 <zodbot> mzee1000: mohammedzee1000 'Mohammed Zeeshan Ahmed' <mohammed.zee1000@gmail.com> 15:07:11 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: ok, then we will coordinate on this 15:07:20 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: sure 15:07:48 <lalatenduM> #action lalatenduM and praveenkumar to work on putting adb-utils in adb and modifying openshift vagrantfile in ADB accordingly 15:07:57 <lalatenduM> moving to next action item 15:08:15 <lalatenduM> #topic https://github.com/navidshaikh/vagrant-service-manager/issues/1 15:08:31 <dharmit> praveenkumar: are we going to have `docker pull` in Vagrantfile? 15:08:53 <praveenkumar> dharmit: yes we are going to have for openshift Vagrant file. 15:09:10 <lalatenduM> everyone is encouraged to comment on https://github.com/navidshaikh/vagrant-service-manager/issues/1 15:09:54 <lalatenduM> anything else on this topic , or should we move to the next topic 15:10:00 <bexelbie> please push my item to next week - I really need to focus on this in person meeting 15:10:10 <lalatenduM> bexelbie: sure 15:10:15 <lalatenduM> next topic 15:10:26 <lalatenduM> #topic ssues on adb-utils https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-utils/issues @praveenkumar 15:11:00 <praveenkumar> So we have currently bunch of open issue just want to point out if someone also want to work on these. 15:11:49 <praveenkumar> I sent PR which will resolve some issue and then we have first round of review. 15:12:09 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: currenty there are 4 issues which needs discussion https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-utils/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22needs+discussion%22 15:12:21 <tuxdna> .fas tuxdna 15:12:21 <zodbot> tuxdna: tuxdna '' <tuxdna@gmail.com> 15:13:10 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: yes for template there is already discussion going on ML and Pete pointed out some so will follow up with it. 15:13:24 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: I think you need to add more context to https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-utils/issues/1 , specifying what needs to be dscussed 15:13:38 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: right we can remove the tag from templates issue 15:14:01 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: sure I will add some context to #1 issue 15:14:02 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: I have also asked Pete to pint us to the template files 15:15:12 <praveenkumar> #10 we have a workaround 15:15:25 <praveenkumar> that's all from my side. 15:16:08 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: isn't the ose image should handle the kill command 15:16:41 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: I will discuss that offline, it will take some time. 15:16:56 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: also I am fine with fixing the reload option in https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-utils/issues/5 , but it is not priority 15:17:13 <lalatenduM> ok, moving on 15:17:38 <lalatenduM> #topic Inputs on https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-atomic-developer-bundle/issues/195 @dharmit 15:18:02 <lalatenduM> dharmit: anything specific you want to bring here 15:18:24 <dharmit> pradeepto: lalatenduM: Can you guys suggest on the last comment I made on the issue today? That's all I need. Totally ok with a response on gh and not here. 15:18:44 <lalatenduM> dharmit: will do, thanks for bringing it up 15:18:56 <praveenkumar> sure dharmit 15:19:31 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: regarding reload option I am not sure how we handle it, does that mean just reload openshift container? 15:19:51 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: yeah, restarting the containers 15:20:30 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: bascically we need to do equivlent of service reload with docker containers 15:21:10 <lalatenduM> restarting the containers, but we need to delete the existing stuff in openshft 15:21:32 <lalatenduM> that would be the difference between just restart vs reload 15:22:08 <praveenkumar> lalatenduM: we need some more details about it, will ask hardy. for me in openshift case restart and reload is same (and it's not like every service require reload) 15:23:00 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: agree 15:23:49 <lalatenduM> #topic openfloor 15:24:12 <praveenkumar> #action praveenkumar have to get more details for reload option in service file 15:24:15 <lalatenduM> Do we have a topic to discuss in openfloor 15:24:41 <praveenkumar> I don't have anything. 15:24:42 <lalatenduM> praveenkumar: lets check how systemd understands it 15:24:48 <praveenkumar> yes 15:26:14 <lalatenduM> looks like we dont have any topic for openfloor 15:26:25 <lalatenduM> will end the meeting in 1.. 15:26:45 <lalatenduM> 2.. 15:27:09 <lalatenduM> 3.. 15:27:14 <lalatenduM> #endmeeting