09:15:11 <nishanth> #startmeeting check-in_20170111 09:15:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 11 09:15:11 2017 UTC. The chair is nishanth. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:15:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 09:15:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'check-in_20170111' 09:15:30 <nishanth> #topic anmol's updates 09:17:26 <nishanth> #accept good progress on reviews 09:18:19 <nishanth> #info anmol is working on incorporating review comments 09:19:03 <nishanth> #action k4n0 to review monitoring patches 09:19:33 <nishanth> #topic dahorak's updates 09:19:44 <dahorak> itHub Link: https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/pull/24 Change usm_host_config parameter to usm_inventory 09:19:44 <dahorak> Review and possible impact examination. 09:19:44 <dahorak> Otherwise tasks unrelated to Tendrl. 09:21:14 <nishanth> #info dahorak working on https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/pull/24 09:21:35 <nishanth> #topic fbalak 's updates 09:22:15 <fbalak> Issue: https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/pull/6 - finishing pull request 09:22:21 <fbalak> Status: good 09:23:01 <nishanth> ok 09:23:27 <nishanth> #info fbalak working on https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/pull/6 09:23:36 <nishanth> thanks for the updates 09:23:53 <nishanth> #topic gowtham's updates 09:24:17 <gowtham> Adding Network details in hardware inventory 09:24:28 <gowtham> new changes told by mrugesh 09:24:39 <gowtham> spc file: https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/19 - updated new change with this spec 09:25:02 <gowtham> spec aproved by rohan and shubhendu and darshan 09:25:17 <gowtham> need mrugesh review for this 09:25:36 <gowtham> Logging implementation 09:26:01 <gowtham> https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/94 09:26:13 <gowtham> needs mrugesh review for this also 09:26:37 <nishanth> #action brainfunked to review https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/19, https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/94 09:26:51 <nishanth> gowtham, logging impl is done? 09:26:52 <gowtham> status: blocked because of review required from brainfunked 09:27:32 <gowtham> nishanth, no still brainfunked is not replied for anmols suggestion 09:28:05 <nishanth> gowtham, we will get that sorted out today 09:28:16 <gowtham> nishanth, ok 09:28:30 <nishanth> gowtham, can you setup a meeting talk about this? 09:28:47 <gowtham> nishanth, i have already sent request to brainfunked to give suggestion in github and slack 09:28:55 <gowtham> nishanth, ok 09:30:27 <nishanth> #info gowtham is blocked on reviews, will setup a call to sort this out 09:30:37 <nishanth> gowtham, thanks for the updates 09:30:56 <nishanth> #topic kaverma's updates 09:31:00 <kaverma> yesterday i was on sick leave. 09:31:00 <kaverma> form today morning , i was reviewing neha's PRs (https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl_frontend/pull/91 - related to unit testing). 09:31:01 <kaverma> and also i recorded the demo for "import cluster workflow" (https://bluejeans.com/s/yRC9D/) , sent mail for the same . 09:31:01 <kaverma> "import cluster workflow from UI" is done with assumed mocked data as we had discussed with mrugesh and anup. 09:31:02 <kaverma> i want some clear clarification on below mentioned point for import cluster from backend-team - 09:31:04 <kaverma> 1) Are we going to consider bootstrap node while importing cluster or it will auto detect all clusters which suppose to be import. 09:31:07 <kaverma> 2) i need proper response format for import cluster for both GET and POST request. 09:33:17 <kaverma> end 09:34:11 <nishanth> kaverma, we need to discuss this off-line. I know that UX designs are done based on bootstrap node. Let us discuss off-line and sort this out today 09:34:35 <nishanth> kaverma, any other thing you are working on? 09:35:02 <kaverma> no . so can i schedule one meeting for same ? 09:35:28 <nishanth> kaverma, please go ahead and do that 09:35:39 <kaverma> nishanth, sure 09:36:38 <nishanth> #info kaverma require some clarifications on import flow, will schedule a discussion for the same 09:36:59 <nishanth> #info kaverma also doing some code reviews 09:37:20 <nishanth> thanks for the updates 09:38:13 <nishanth> #topic ltrilety's updates 09:38:37 <ltrilety> #info ltrilety is working on https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/issues/10 09:39:31 <ltrilety> #action ltrilety is creating a simple log in test, as of now for old skyring (tendrl has no authentication yet) 09:39:36 <ltrilety> that's all 09:39:47 <nishanth> ok 09:39:54 <nishanth> thanks for the updates 09:40:19 <nishanth> #topic mbukatov's updates 09:40:35 <mbukatov> #info finished pull request with proposed fix for Tendrl/alterting#/24 09:40:43 <mbukatov> #link https://github.com/Tendrl/alerting/pull/25 09:40:50 <mbukatov> #info rechecked tendrl-api issue which was previously blocking qe 09:40:57 <mbukatov> #link https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl-api/issues/31 09:41:04 <mbukatov> #info Tendrl/tendrl-api#31 no longer blocks testing 09:41:12 <mbukatov> #info checked names of systemd service files, filed 2 new issues 09:41:18 <mbukatov> #link https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster-integration/issues/107 09:41:26 <mbukatov> #link https://github.com/Tendrl/ceph-integration/issues/77 09:41:33 <mbukatov> #info check of remaining minor packaging issues done by fbalak 09:41:41 <mbukatov> #info suggested removal of tendrl-site repo 09:41:48 <mbukatov> #link https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl-site/issues/5 09:41:51 <mbukatov> that's all 09:43:25 <nishanth> mbukatov, ok, can you make the tox related changes to other repos as well? 09:44:01 <mbukatov> nishanth: I plan to do that after the pull request is discussed and merged into the alterting repo 09:44:24 <nishanth> mbukatov, alright, make sense 09:45:05 <nishanth> thanks for the updates 09:45:29 <nishanth> #topic mkudlej's updates 09:45:30 <mkudlej> nishanth: hi, I've done review of https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/pull/6 and I'm still working on https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/issues/9. That's all. 09:46:01 <nishanth> #info mkudlej reviewed https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/pull/6 09:46:18 <nishanth> #info mkudlej working on n https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/issues/9 09:46:27 <nishanth> thanks for the update 09:47:02 <nishanth> #topic ndarshan's updates 09:47:06 <ndarshan> Spec: 09:47:06 <ndarshan> Introduce Flows tied to objects (https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/34) 09:47:06 <ndarshan> Issues: 09:47:06 <ndarshan> https://github.com/Tendrl/ceph_integration/issues/66 09:47:06 <ndarshan> https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster_integration/issues/95 09:47:06 <ndarshan> https://github.com/Tendrl/common/issues/94 09:47:08 <ndarshan> PRs: 09:47:10 <ndarshan> https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster_integration/pull/96 --> Merged 09:47:12 <ndarshan> https://github.com/Tendrl/ceph_integration/pull/67 --> Merged 09:47:14 <ndarshan> Summary: 09:47:16 <ndarshan> Introduce Flows tied to object ---> completed from backend. Anoop working on API changes 09:47:18 <ndarshan> --------------------------------- 09:47:20 <ndarshan> ISSUES Fixed: 09:47:22 <ndarshan> https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/129 ---> merged 09:47:24 <ndarshan> https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/98 ---> merged 09:47:26 <ndarshan> --------------------------------- 09:47:28 <ndarshan> started working on node_agent tagging and job routing. 09:49:14 <nishanth> #accept ndarshan's PRs(https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster_integration/pull/96 , https://github.com/Tendrl/ceph_integration/pull/67, https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/129, https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/98) got merged upstream 09:50:28 <nishanth> ndarshan, Introduce Flows tied to objects --> what stage it is in? 09:51:08 <nishanth> #info ndarshan started working on tag based job routing 09:51:30 <ndarshan> nishanth, Backend side its complete, noopq is working on API layer 09:52:02 <nishanth> ndarshan, reviews done? 09:52:36 <ndarshan> nishanth, not blocked on reviews....however 09:54:11 <ndarshan> I am working on an issue related to invoking integration processes as service during import cluster...for which I need to make use of service utils.....but getting config in common is undergoing some change...am waiting for that change to go in 09:55:01 <nishanth> ndarshan, ok 09:55:24 <ndarshan> k4n0 is working on streamlining the use of config, once that's completed will continue with this issue 09:56:14 <nishanth> # ndarshan is also working on https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/34, completed from backend. Anoop working on API changes 09:56:20 <nishanth> Thanks for the updates 09:56:35 <nishanth> #topic neha's updates 09:57:12 <neha> sent updated PR for file share test after incorporating kaverma's comments - https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl_frontend/pull/91 09:57:45 <neha> will start working on https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl_frontend/issues/64 once kaverma commits his code to repo 09:57:49 <neha> end 09:59:06 <Shu6h3ndu> k4n0, I have travis issues for https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster-integration/pull/106 and https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/123 09:59:28 <Shu6h3ndu> k4n0, but for https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/123 we need to merge the spec PR first https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/104 09:59:34 <nishanth> #accept neha incorporated review comments on https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl_frontend/pull/91 09:59:37 <k4n0> Shu6h3ndu, ack 09:59:57 <nishanth> #info neha will start working on https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl_frontend/issues/64 10:00:16 <nishanth> Thanks for the updates 10:00:42 <nishanth> #topic noopq's updates 10:01:00 <noopq> nishanth, I am working on the new definitions file 10:01:14 <noopq> which ndarshan had provided 10:01:30 <noopq> the hierarchy of the objects has changed to what it was before 10:01:47 <noopq> so I am fixing that 10:01:52 <noopq> nothing else 10:02:06 <nishanth> #noopq is working on https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/34 10:02:31 <nishanth> noopq, kaverma require some info regarding the import from you? 10:02:43 <noopq> nishanth, ok 10:02:46 <nishanth> noopq, can you provide that info to him? 10:03:00 <nishanth> noopq, thanks 10:03:03 <noopq> nishanth, yes, if he tells me what the issue is :) 10:03:34 <kaverma> nishanth, i scheduled one call at @4:30pm . will discuss over there 10:03:39 <kaverma> ^^anup 10:03:50 <nishanth> kaverma, okay thanks 10:04:17 <nishanth> #topic shu6h3ndu's updates 10:04:39 <Shu6h3ndu> sure 10:04:46 <Shu6h3ndu> https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/99 is merged 10:04:47 <Shu6h3ndu> Sent a spec PR https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/117 - review required 10:04:47 <Shu6h3ndu> Sent https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster-integration/pull/106 for fixing an issue - under review 10:04:47 <Shu6h3ndu> Rohan reviewed https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/123. Comments incorporated 10:04:47 <Shu6h3ndu> Working on rework for https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster_integration/pull/62 - pre post atoms for volume opretaions 10:04:52 <Shu6h3ndu> Will continue working on https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/117 10:05:05 <Shu6h3ndu> Rohan to merge spec PR https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/104 - multi node_ids in job 10:05:06 <Shu6h3ndu> Mrugesh to review and close https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/98 - pool util monitoring 10:05:06 <Shu6h3ndu> Anup, Roahn and Nishanth to review the spec PR https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/93 - pool utilization in cluster sync 10:05:06 <Shu6h3ndu> Rohan to review https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster_integration/pull/63 10:05:36 <Shu6h3ndu> end 10:06:30 <Shu6h3ndu> I would check the reviews pending on me today sometime 10:07:17 <nishanth> #accept https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/99 merged upstream 10:08:56 <nishanth> #action k4n0, brainfunked, nishanth to review https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/117, https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster-integration/pull/106 , https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/123 10:09:25 <nishanth> #action k4n0 to merge https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/104 10:09:53 <nishanth> #action noopq, nishanth, k4n0 to review https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/93 10:10:17 <nishanth> #action k4n0 to review https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster_integration/pull/63 10:10:37 <nishanth> thanks for the updates 10:10:49 <nishanth> #topic t1m1's updates 10:11:21 <t1m1> Working on nightly builds for Tendrl and building hwinfo package 10:11:21 <t1m1> A) hwinfo package build: 10:11:21 <t1m1> Found the list of build dependencies. 10:11:21 <t1m1> Facing few issues with hwinfo 10:11:21 <t1m1> fixing them by building the sub dependency ( libx86emu-1.1-22.1.2.x86_64 ) first 10:11:22 <t1m1> Planning to send a patch to build hwinfo today late night 10:11:24 <t1m1> B) Auto Build (Pickup latest source and build the package, Enable automatic build): 10:11:26 <t1m1> 1) Package → tendrl-api:- 10:11:28 <t1m1> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/tendrl/tendrl/package/tendrl-api/ 10:11:30 <t1m1> Done changes in tendrl-api to automatically pickup latest source from 10:11:32 <t1m1> the github repo and build on a user trigger (so that anyone can fire a build if they want a build from latest source from master branch) Also created the webhook to initiate the auto build for this package. 10:11:35 <t1m1> Webhook URL for GitHub : https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/webhooks/github/10793/c58347dd-89a0-45ae-b274-c5dc7ef470db/ 10:11:38 <t1m1> 2) Package → tendrl-common:- 10:11:40 <t1m1> facing issues during auto build. It only build for fedora-24 10:11:44 <t1m1> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/tendrl/tendrl/build/498362/ 10:11:46 <t1m1> failed for epel-7-x86_64 10:11:48 <t1m1> debuging the issues → http://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/per-task-logs/498362-epel7.log 10:11:50 <t1m1> I will be thankful if anyone can help identify the issue 10:11:52 <t1m1> 3) Package → tendrl-ceph-integration: 10:11:54 <t1m1> enable build system to pickup latest source from github master branch and build the package 10:11:56 <t1m1> Build passes only for fedora-23 and fedora-25 10:11:58 <t1m1> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/tendrl/tendrl/build/498346/ 10:12:00 <t1m1> debuging the issue for chroot epel-7-x86_64: (srpm build error) 10:12:02 <t1m1> http://copr-dist-git.fedorainfracloud.org/per-task-logs/498346-epel7.log 10:12:04 <t1m1> will be taking tendrl-gluster-integration and other packages once I complete the above issues 10:12:06 <t1m1> Currently building libx86emu: 10:12:08 <t1m1> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/tendrl/tendrl/package/libx86emu/ 10:14:40 <nishanth> #info t1m1 started working on building hwinfo. There are some dependant packages which needs to built as well( libx86emu). Planning to work on the same and send a patch late evening 10:15:00 <nishanth> #accept enabled auto builds for tendrl-api 10:15:46 <nishanth> #info some issues encountered in enabling the auto builds for other packages, working on the same 10:16:06 <nishanth> t1m1, any ETA for completing the auto builds? 10:16:40 <t1m1> nishanth, currently i am planning to complete hwinfo package build today 10:17:08 <t1m1> it looks like the auto build for all the remaining packages will take 2-3 days time 10:17:10 <t1m1> max 10:17:42 <nishanth> t1m1, there are some spec changes to be done to enable auto builds? 10:17:52 <t1m1> nishanth, yes 10:18:17 <nishanth> t1m1, please work on that on priority along with hwinfo 10:18:24 <nishanth> thanks for the updates 10:18:29 <t1m1> nishanth, also we have to configure our github to keep the created webhoos for every project 10:18:35 <t1m1> webhooks 10:19:08 <t1m1> its a very simple configuration, only an administrator can do it 10:19:32 <nishanth> t1m1, I suggest. first we will complete with manual trigger and start looking at webhooks 10:19:36 <nishanth> make sense? 10:19:43 <t1m1> nishanth, yes, got it! 10:20:53 <nishanth> #topic nishanth's updates 10:21:17 <nishanth> #info completed a bunch of pending reviews 10:22:02 <nishanth> #info started working on https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/112 10:23:08 <nishanth> #endmeeting