09:26:37 <Shu6h3ndu> #startmeeting check-in_20170113 09:26:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 13 09:26:37 2017 UTC. The chair is Shu6h3ndu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:26:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 09:26:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'check-in_20170113' 09:26:49 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic anmol's updates 09:27:25 <anmol> I verified my patches there are 2 minor glitches that I am working on . And I have updated my monitoring prs 09:27:31 <anmol> in accordance with comments 09:27:39 <anmol> from shubhendu, nishanth and rohan 09:28:03 <anmol> and also raised one correction patch for the one that was merged in commons 09:28:08 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept anmol worked on review comments for monitoring PRs 09:28:21 <anmol> the correction patch is @ * https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/103 09:28:31 <anmol> the list of all patches is as under 09:28:31 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept anmol working to resolve some small issues in PRs now 09:28:37 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/103 09:28:38 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/67 09:28:38 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/performance-monitoring/pull/2 09:28:38 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/performance-monitoring/pull/19 09:28:38 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/performance-monitoring/pull/20 09:28:39 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/performance-monitoring/pull/21 09:28:40 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/performance-monitoring/pull/22 09:28:44 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/performance-monitoring/pull/23 09:28:46 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/performance-monitoring/pull/24 09:28:48 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/performance-monitoring/pull/27 09:28:50 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/alerting/pull/15 09:28:51 <Shu6h3ndu> #action Shu6h3ndu k4n0 nishanth to review https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/103 09:28:52 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/alerting/pull/19 09:28:54 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/alerting/pull/20 09:28:56 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/alerting/pull/21 09:28:58 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/alerting/pull/22 09:29:00 <anmol> * https://github.com/Tendrl/alerting/pull/23 09:29:02 <anmol> need to fix UTs after incorporating all comments 09:30:35 <anmol> that's it from my side 09:30:42 <Shu6h3ndu> #action Shu6h3ndu k4n0 nishanth to review all the monitoring and alerting PRs again 09:31:06 <Shu6h3ndu> #action anmol would work on UTs once all the comments incorporated for PRs 09:31:23 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic dahorak's updates 09:31:25 <anmol> Shu6h3ndu, all currently existing comments incorporated 09:31:56 <dahorak> No update from me related to Tendrl. 09:32:22 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept no updates from dahorak related to Tendrl 09:32:31 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic fbalak's updates 09:32:49 <fbalak> #action fbalak Working on https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/pull/6 09:32:51 <fbalak> #action fbalak Testing new versions of packages 09:32:52 <fbalak> #action fbalak Correcting ansible playbooks for some renaming. 09:32:54 <fbalak> #action fbalak Blocked by https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster-integration/issues/108 and https://github.com/Tendrl/ceph-integration/issues/78 - with tendrl-common still listed as dependency for new packages, tendrl-commons can not be installed from packages. 09:33:21 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept fbalak working on https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-tests/pull/6 09:33:38 <Shu6h3ndu> #action fbalak testing new packages 09:33:56 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept fbalak Correcting ansible playbooks for some renaming 09:34:31 <Shu6h3ndu> #info fbalak blocked by https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster-integration/issues/108 and https://github.com/Tendrl/ceph-integration/issues/78 (tendrl commons cannot be installed from packages) 09:34:36 <Shu6h3ndu> fbalak, anything else ? 09:34:48 <fbalak> Shu6h3ndu: that's all 09:34:58 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic gowtham's updates 09:35:03 <gowtham> Adding Network details in hardware inventory 09:35:04 <gowtham> git-issue: https://github.com/Tendrl/node_agent/issues/78 09:35:04 <gowtham> spc file: https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/19 09:35:04 <gowtham> code-PR: https://github.com/Tendrl/node_agent/pull/79 09:35:14 <gowtham> done all changes told by rohan 09:35:28 <gowtham> review required for this 09:35:36 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept gowtham incorporated changes suggested on https://github.com/Tendrl/node_agent/pull/79 from k4n0 09:35:43 <Shu6h3ndu> #action k4n0 to review https://github.com/Tendrl/node_agent/pull/79 09:35:56 <gowtham> for logging implementation https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/19 09:36:05 <gowtham> sry https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/94 09:36:56 <Shu6h3ndu> gowtham, are you started with code PR for this? 09:37:07 <gowtham> problem is 09:37:16 <gowtham> rohan is working on flight operation 09:37:34 <gowtham> is he going to use flight operation by this module 09:37:35 <gowtham> ? 09:38:00 <gowtham> am i do this are after implemented flight operation i do this? 09:38:25 <Shu6h3ndu> k4n0, can you collaborate with gowtham and figure this out? 09:38:40 <k4n0> Shu6h3ndu, ack 09:38:53 <Shu6h3ndu> #action gowtham and k4n0 to collaborate on logging changes for in flight operations https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/94 09:39:00 <Shu6h3ndu> gowtham, anything else ? 09:39:08 <gowtham> now i am started to work on https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/11 09:39:19 <gowtham> review required for this spec 09:39:43 <Shu6h3ndu> gowtham, how crucial is this at the moment? I feel we need to close logging ASAP 09:39:45 <gowtham> centralizing all config modules 09:39:57 <gowtham> Shu6h3ndu, ok 09:40:17 <Shu6h3ndu> gowtham, if you are free in background you can do some ground work may be 09:40:31 <Shu6h3ndu> gowtham, but try to close logging first 09:40:45 <gowtham> Shu6h3ndu, yes i am going to write unit test for nisanth patch 09:40:52 <gowtham> Shu6h3ndu, ok 09:40:58 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic k4n0's updates 09:41:34 <Shu6h3ndu> gowtham, even I need to write for mine :) but will do as different PR may be as feature is urgent now :) 09:41:42 <k4n0> Working on https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/100, https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/32 09:41:55 <k4n0> https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/32 contains work for master definitions required for import 09:42:02 <gowtham> Shu6h3ndu, just give the link, i will take care 09:42:07 <k4n0> thats all 09:42:09 <k4n0> not blocked 09:42:36 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept k4n0 working on https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/100 https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/32 09:43:14 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept k4n0 working on https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/32 (contains work for master definitions required for import) 09:43:27 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic kaverma's updates 09:43:41 <kaverma> Title- Import cluster workflow 09:43:41 <kaverma> Spec-PR - https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/105 ( added screen shot in comment while importing cluster if we have multiple cluster detected . please have look once ) 09:43:42 <kaverma> Spec-issue - https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/56 09:43:42 <kaverma> github-issue - https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl_frontend/issues/63 09:43:42 <kaverma> github-pr - https://github.com/Tendrl/tendrl_frontend/pull/95 ( got approved and merged ) 09:43:43 <kaverma> Progress - I have done import cluster with mocked json according to which anup has sent. 09:43:45 <kaverma> and i have added "select drop-down" in case of multiple cluster while importing. 09:43:47 <kaverma> and added screen shot in comment at https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/105, please have look once . and provide some feedback 09:43:50 <kaverma> @anup: i observed that "stats" coming as string in given response format . Ideally it should be object instead of string in order to access the value of it 09:43:53 <kaverma> @backend-team: Is there any api-server running with import cluster and list-view features so that we can test the front-end with real server ? 09:43:56 <kaverma> Status: Good. 09:44:40 <Shu6h3ndu> #aceept kaverma done with import cluster with mocked json according to data shared by Anup 09:45:05 <Shu6h3ndu> #action kaverma noop to discuss and close out on stats format in REST output for nodes 09:45:47 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept kaverma added "select drop-down" in case of multiple cluster while importing 09:46:06 <Shu6h3ndu> #action nishanth k4n0 noop Shu6h3ndu to review https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/105 once more 09:46:14 <Shu6h3ndu> kaverma, anything else ? 09:46:34 <kaverma> no 09:46:56 <nishanth> kaverma, what needs to be sorted out with APIs? 09:47:26 <kaverma> i observed that "stats" coming as string in given response format . Ideally it should be object instead of string in order to access the value of it 09:47:36 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic mbukatov's updates 09:47:48 <noop> kaverma, yes, I have talked to anmol 09:47:51 <mbukatov> #info review of https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-setup/pull/23 09:47:59 <mbukatov> #info worked on Tendrl/usmqe-setup#24 09:48:05 <mbukatov> #link https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-setup/issues/24 09:48:13 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept mbukatov reviewed https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-setup/pull/23 09:48:13 <mbukatov> #link https://github.com/mbukatov/usmqe-tests/commit/f6d1d28fa22e9172cf0ba86dfb448da154b4f29a 09:48:21 <mbukatov> #action mbukatov finish https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-setup/issues/24 09:48:25 <mbukatov> that's all 09:48:31 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept mbukatov working on https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-setup/issues/24 09:48:40 <Shu6h3ndu> #action mbukatov to finish work for https://github.com/Tendrl/usmqe-setup/issues/24 09:49:06 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic mkudlej's updates 09:51:56 <Shu6h3ndu> mkudlej, are you around ? 09:53:57 <Shu6h3ndu> #undo 09:53:57 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x34f21c90> 09:54:03 <Shu6h3ndu> will come back to mkudlej later 09:54:12 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic ndarshan's updates 09:54:27 <ndarshan> Spec: tag based job routing (https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/106) 09:54:27 <ndarshan> Issue: https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/44 09:54:27 <ndarshan> Status: working on implementation, Have sent a PR to common for adding a util to detect services: https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/101 ---> folks please review this 09:54:27 <ndarshan> Working on another patch to set the service status and node tags to etcd. will post a patch by eod. 09:54:29 <ndarshan> Rohan to review https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/106 09:55:14 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept ndarshan working on implementation for https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/44 09:55:33 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept ndarshan working on another patch to set the service status and node tags to etcd 09:55:50 <Shu6h3ndu> #action k4n0 to review https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/106 09:56:03 <Shu6h3ndu> #action nishanth k4n0 Shu6h3ndu to review https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/101 09:56:15 <Shu6h3ndu> ndarshan, looks good? 09:56:21 <ndarshan> yes, thank you 09:57:49 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic neha__'s updates 09:58:05 <neha__> I have updated the PR https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/105 09:58:32 <neha__> Need nishanth, noop, kaverma, brainfunked to review 09:59:19 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept neha__ has updated https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/105 09:59:23 <neha__> Received updated json for cluster list from noop. Working on implementing the changes required. 09:59:41 <Shu6h3ndu> #action nishanth noop kaverma brainfunked to review https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/105 10:00:03 <neha__> noop, In cluster list response in some cluster object, stats property is missing 10:00:34 <Shu6h3ndu> #action neha__ continues working on import cluster flow with latest cluster list data from API layer 10:00:41 <noop> neha__, that is possible, handle it 10:00:47 <neha__> and also in some cluster I can see pools property and in some peers. 10:00:49 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic nishanth's updates 10:00:50 <noop> show dash or something 10:01:21 <neha__> noop, also pools is missing in some cluster object 10:01:41 <nishanth> Shu6h3ndu, working on https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/112 10:01:54 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept nishanth working on https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/issues/112 10:02:00 <noop> neha__, you need handle all the cases, its part of programming 10:02:07 <nishanth> Shu6h3ndu, pushed the patch require review 10:02:11 <noop> not tell me something is missing, it could be missing in some cases 10:02:23 <nishanth> Shu6h3ndu, planning to complete the pending reviews today 10:02:44 <neha__> noop, I am just confirming whether my understanding is correct or not 10:02:53 <Shu6h3ndu> #action Shu6h3ndu to review https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/135 10:03:13 <Shu6h3ndu> #action nishanth would try to finish the pending reviews 10:03:23 <noop> neha__, some of them have and some don't so you need to handle that case 10:03:36 <neha__> noop, ok 10:03:36 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic noop's updates 10:03:52 <noop> Shu6h3ndu, I am working with anmol to resolve issues with config and stats 10:04:07 <noop> I will then work with jobs + logs API 10:04:21 <Shu6h3ndu> #action noop working with anmol to resolve the issues with config and stats 10:04:45 <Shu6h3ndu> #action noop would start working woth jobs and logs API 10:04:53 <noop> thats' it 10:05:02 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic Shu6h3ndu's updates 10:05:24 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/123 and https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/104 merged 10:05:52 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept Shu6h3ndu working on PR https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/117 (code PRs https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/102 and https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/134) 10:06:03 <Shu6h3ndu> #action k4n0 ndarshan nishanth to review https://github.com/Tendrl/commons/pull/102 and https://github.com/Tendrl/node-agent/pull/134 10:06:23 <Shu6h3ndu> #action https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster-integration/pull/106 to be merged 10:06:44 <Shu6h3ndu> #action brainfunked to review and close https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/98 10:06:57 <Shu6h3ndu> #action merge pending for https://github.com/Tendrl/specifications/pull/93 10:07:20 <Shu6h3ndu> #action merge pending for https://github.com/Tendrl/gluster_integration/pull/63, comments taken care already 10:07:26 <Shu6h3ndu> thats all from me 10:07:34 <Shu6h3ndu> #topic t1m1's updates 10:07:48 <t1m1> 1) Latest build available for all the packages except tendrl-gluster-integration due to some minor issues. I am working on this to fix the issue. The build will be ready by today evening. 10:07:48 <t1m1> All the build packages are available at: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/tendrl/tendrl/packages/ 10:07:48 <t1m1> Version : 1.1 10:07:48 <t1m1> Newly added packages : hwinfo, libx86emu ( sub dependency to hwinfo used to fetch disk details ) 10:07:51 <t1m1> 2) Enabled automatic build for all the packages except tendrl-frontend. 10:07:53 <t1m1> I dont have permission to update the webhook in our github repo. Some one having admin privilege has to update the web-hook url in our github repositories. 10:07:56 <t1m1> Webhook URL should be updated into github repo for all the projects excepts tendrl-fronend by the admin. The Webhook URL for GitHub is : https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/webhooks/github/10793/c58347dd-89a0-45ae-b274-c5dc7ef470db/ 10:08:00 <t1m1> ( auto build for tendrl-frontend is not applicable as of now because it needs some extra steps before bundling the source rpm) 10:08:03 <t1m1> 3) Working on tendrl-frontend auto build possibilities. 10:08:05 <t1m1> We need the html files ready by running gulp command in a npm installed environment. Currently this is not possible by fedora copr. We need to execute these steps manually before bundling the package. So I am working on writing a hook which will execute the set of procedures and initiate fedora copr to use the binaries / html files to bundle as package. I have started the work just now. However the latest build is available in copr tendrl re 10:08:10 <t1m1> po. 10:08:32 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept t1m1 created builds for all the packages except gluster-integration 10:08:46 <Shu6h3ndu> #action t1m1 to close pending builds by today 10:09:13 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept t1m1 enabled auto build for all the packages except tendrl-frontend 10:09:53 <Shu6h3ndu> #action t1m1 to check with noop for permission issue for webhook 10:10:21 <Shu6h3ndu> #accept t1m1 working on tendrl-frontend auto build possibilities 10:10:27 <Shu6h3ndu> t1m1, anything else ? 10:10:45 <t1m1> Shu6h3ndu, that's all Shu6h3ndu 10:11:26 <Shu6h3ndu> thanks everybody for updates. tendrl-core plz concentrate on PR reviews for monitoring :) 10:11:30 <Shu6h3ndu> #endmeeting