14:00:24 <mattdm> #startmeeting 14:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 3 14:00:24 2012 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:34 <mattdm> #meetingname cloud-sig 14:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cloud-sig' 14:00:45 <mattdm> #meetingtopic Fedora Cloud SIG meeting 14:01:09 <mattdm> #topic Intro 14:01:22 <mattdm> This is the part of the meeting where we wait a few minutes for people to show up. :) 14:01:52 <mattdm> We don't have a particular agenda today, so we'll follow a basic simple structure: 14:02:07 <mattdm> 1. Who's here? 14:02:27 <mattdm> 2. Status of various projects and fedora features 14:02:48 <mattdm> (especially including things that might be problems or where communication is needed) 14:02:54 <mattdm> 3. Open floor 14:03:49 <mattdm> #topic Who's Here? 14:04:31 <mattdm> It'd be nice if you could briefly say not just here but what project you're working on, because I don't have everyone's IRC nick attached to people mentally yet. 14:04:45 <mattdm> And that may be true of others in the audience as well. :) 14:05:21 <mattdm> Me, I am the Fedora Cloud guy, basically -- trying to make it all fit together into a coherent strategy 14:05:41 <mattdm> Who else is around? 14:06:20 <tdawson> Hi, I'm around. 14:07:46 <mattdm> hey awesome. I put this as *tuesday* on the schedule, because this time is taken by the power management sig. 14:07:53 <mattdm> but I said *wednesday* on the mailing list. 14:07:58 <mattdm> and no one called me on that. :) 14:08:46 <mattdm> *This* was the time that had teh fewest conflicts. 14:08:46 * tdawson notes that he is with the OpenShift project/feature. 14:09:38 <mattdm> If the power sig people show up we should get out of the way, and in the future have this in the meeting-1 channel. 14:09:50 <mattdm> right now, is it just tdawson and me? 14:10:15 <tdawson> Maybe the UTC time zone threw people off. 14:10:31 <mattdm> Yeah the world is hard. 14:11:01 <mattdm> I tried to list multiple useful times but I was a little us-centric there. I'll post a message clearing all this up. 14:11:03 <tdawson> I actually am in another meeting right now, but that is a talking meeting, while this is a typing meeting. ;) 14:11:07 <mattdm> In the meantime.... 14:11:12 <mattdm> #topic OpenShift 14:11:22 <mattdm> Hey tdawson. What's up with openshift? 14:12:08 <tdawson> We haven't been able to test much the past week or so, so I still have it left at 95%, but we expect that to make it to 100% by beta time. 14:12:43 <mattdm> awesome. 14:12:47 <mattdm> is there anything in particular I can do? 14:13:11 <mattdm> (test stuff, review packages...) 14:13:35 <tdawson> mattdm: Well ... I'm in need of testers, but more importantly, I'm in need of steps that need to be done to test. 14:14:31 <tdawson> mattdm: Upstream had some documentation, but none of it is for Fedora 18. 14:14:38 <mattdm> rather than the test being "set up your own openshift and tell us how it went".... 14:15:33 <mattdm> ok, so I can connect up with fedora docs, and I can also work some on that directly. 14:15:53 <tdawson> yep ... that's about all we need. 14:15:59 <mattdm> writing how-to-get-started docs is a fairly good way to increase experience in a project. 14:16:26 <mattdm> #action mattdm will connect with fedora docs for openshift-on-f18 basic guide 14:16:45 * agrimm stumbles in late 14:16:48 <mattdm> one second ... doorbell... 14:16:54 <mattdm> talk amongst yourselves.... 14:17:55 <red_alert> are there any plans to have a OpenShift Test Day? Of course that'd require instructions to be available beforehand :) 14:17:56 <agrimm> looks like the crowd is a bit thin 14:18:00 <mattdm> ok back 14:18:24 <mattdm> agrimm: yes probably my fault for scheduling confusion. it'll get better. :) 14:18:33 <tdawson> We need to make plans. I've just been having all my time being sucked up with mongodb. 14:18:48 <mattdm> #info need to make plans for openshift test day 14:20:34 <mattdm> On a different openshift related note: it'd be cool if we could make it _really easy_ for fedora users to connect to Red Hat's OpenShift public cloud. 14:21:17 <tdawson> Well, the client has been in Fedora for quite a while, it's in Fedora 15, 16, and 17. 14:21:45 <tdawson> We're having some problem with EPEL because OpenShift has added some dependancies for ruby libraries not in EPEL. 14:22:58 <mattdm> Yeah, this is probably around documentation again, and getting accounts connected in in a slick way. 14:23:20 <tdawson> Yep 14:23:34 <mattdm> are the epel ruby problems a matter of pulling those into epel or is it ruby version too old etc? 14:24:13 <tdawson> It's just a matter of pulling them into epel 14:25:00 <mattdm> okay, cool. we can work that out. 14:25:17 <mattdm> #info openshift on epel needs some more ruby libraries 14:25:44 <mattdm> any more openshift? 14:26:10 <mattdm> #topic eucalyptus 14:26:27 <mattdm> agrimm: want to talk to us about eucalyptus? 14:28:17 <mattdm> is the status at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Eucalyptus#Remaining_tasks basically up to date? 14:29:53 <mattdm> we may have lost agrimm. :) 14:30:11 <mattdm> #topic open floor 14:30:15 <mattdm> anything else? 14:30:24 <agrimm> sorry 14:30:40 <mattdm> heh no problem 14:30:41 <agrimm> I'm here, just a bit distracted. I'm on paternity leave this week 14:30:48 <mattdm> congratulations! 14:30:50 <agrimm> thanks 14:31:24 <mattdm> the quick question is basically whether the wiki on euca status is up to date 14:31:34 <agrimm> my status: I think the eucalyptus package review has one more round of fixes and will be done as soon as I have time to fix & resubmit 14:32:13 <agrimm> wiki page probably needs an update. I'll check that later today 14:32:25 <mattdm> the feature freeze is supposed to be really soon. any particular blockers i can poke a stick at, let me know. 14:33:06 <agrimm> I don't think we'll be blocked. it would be kind of nice if we could get somebody to package gwt before release, but it's not mandatory 14:33:48 <agrimm> we've just patched out our admin UI for now, so you have to use the CLI tools to manage accounts, users, groups, etc. 14:34:09 <mattdm> okay, so we can have admin ui as a feature for F19 :) 14:34:51 <mattdm> anything else, anyone? 14:35:34 <mattdm> okay then. thanks! 14:35:36 <mattdm> #endmeeting