19:01:06 <gholms> #startmeeting Cloud SIG (11 Nov 2011) 19:01:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Nov 11 19:01:06 2011 UTC. The chair is gholms. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:11 <gholms> #meetingname cloud 19:01:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cloud' 19:01:18 <gholms> #topic Roll call 19:01:22 <gholms> Who's here today? 19:02:07 * gholms wonders how many people he should hilight at once 19:02:47 <verdurin> I'm here but I'm not sure I count 19:02:48 <gholms> rbergeron, gregdek, ke4qqq, mull, spevack: Ping; cloud meeting 19:03:01 * mull is here 19:03:04 * tflink is around 19:03:59 <gholms> Something tells me a bunch of people are getting thrown off by a time change. :\ 19:04:26 <gholms> dgilmore, jforbes: Cloud meeting? 19:06:02 <gholms> Well, I guess we should get started with the people we have. Hopefully more will show up soon. 19:06:05 <gholms> #topic EC2 19:06:16 * ke4qqq is here 19:06:28 * jdarcy is here. 19:07:03 <gholms> A few days after F16's release Amazon added a new region. 19:07:35 <jdarcy> How dare they? 19:07:42 <gholms> dgilmore mentioned that he would upload the F16 imags to it so people can use it there as well. 19:07:44 <verdurin> m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,k 19:07:46 <gholms> *images 19:08:13 <verdurin> (sorry - cat) 19:08:26 <gholms> #info F16 images to be uploaded to new EC2 region shortly 19:08:58 <gholms> Has anyone tried the final images out? 19:10:12 <gholms> Ohhkay. I guess not. 19:11:00 * verdurin plans to in the next few days 19:11:41 * gholms looks for other things from last week's minutes 19:11:53 <gholms> rbergeron is on a plane and she didn't leave me with an agenda. 19:12:02 <gholms> #topic Docs 19:12:41 <gholms> For those who don't know, we have a cloud guide. 19:12:44 <gholms> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora_Draft_Documentation/0.1/html/Cloud_Guide/index.html 19:13:01 <gholms> #help Feedback on the cloud guide is requested 19:13:17 <gholms> Has anyone looked at it before? 19:13:25 <gholms> Or is anyone interested in looking at it? :) 19:13:28 * jdarcy should probably help with section 4.1.4 19:14:28 <gholms> Thanks! 19:14:58 <gholms> Moving on, I guess... 19:15:05 <gholms> #topic cloud.fp.o 19:15:24 * gholms attempts to summon johnmark 19:15:52 <jdarcy> Haven't seen or heard from him in a while. 19:16:05 <gholms> :( 19:16:06 <jdarcy> Which is weird, actually. 19:16:33 <gholms> Last week's conversation was *amazing*. 19:17:04 <jdarcy> Maybe people got all epic'ed out. 19:17:31 <ke4qqq> he's been at cloud expo all week 19:17:33 <gholms> Maybe. 19:17:36 <gholms> I bet everyone is... 19:17:38 <gholms> Yeah, that. 19:17:53 <gholms> Welp, this is going to be a short meeting! 19:17:55 <gholms> #topic Open floor 19:17:58 <gholms> Anything else? 19:18:07 <jdarcy> So what're we all going to do for F17? 19:18:21 * ke4qqq would like help for the swift testing - see message on cloud list last week. 19:18:58 <gholms> #help Testers wanted for swift; inquire on the cloud list 19:19:07 <gholms> jdarcy: Any ideas? 19:19:13 * gholms looks for the feature list 19:20:31 <gholms> I heard something about oVirt in last week's meeting. 19:20:58 <gholms> Unfortunately I don't see anyone here who would be very involved with that. 19:21:32 <jdarcy> There'll be some improvements in the GlusterFS/HekaFS space, but nothing I'd consider big enough to be a Feature. 19:22:06 <gholms> That would still be quite useful. 19:22:18 <verdurin> jdarcy: planning on HekaFS testing next week, now I have a couple of Microservers running F16 19:22:28 <jdarcy> verdurin: Cool! 19:23:12 <gholms> #info More GlusterFS/HekaFS improvements, testing to occur 19:23:14 <jdarcy> I wonder if we could pull in Tahoe-LAFS, or something NoSQL/BigData-ish. 19:24:39 <gholms> What have you tested it with in the past? 19:25:16 <jdarcy> Tested which with? 19:25:41 <gholms> Either one, I guess. 19:25:51 <gholms> I'm more curious about HekaFS, personally. 19:26:40 <jdarcy> HekaFS has been tested with all sorts of synthetic workloads, but sadly few real-world uses yet. :( 19:26:51 <johnmark> :( 19:26:59 * johnmark waves 19:27:15 <jdarcy> I know some Red Hat customers have done POCs, but I'm pretty sure I can't name them. 19:27:42 * jdarcy waves back. 19:27:52 <johnmark> jdarcy: what would it take to make this more accessible / easier? 19:27:52 <gholms> johnmark! 19:27:59 <johnmark> gholms: howdy :) 19:29:17 <jdarcy> johnmark: Mostly management integration with GlusterFS, I think. Right now setup is a bit weird, and the HekaFS management tools are as good as you'd expect if you knew a filesystem developer wrote them. ;) 19:29:30 <johnmark> jdarcy: I figured as much 19:29:54 <johnmark> if there's not a plan to address that, I'm hoping we can come up with one soon 19:29:58 <jdarcy> johnmark: What's going on in ovirt-land? 19:30:15 <johnmark> I haven't had time to look at it 19:30:37 <johnmark> right now, ovirt folks are coming up with a plan for promotion and events 19:30:56 <rbergeron> hrm? 19:31:17 <johnmark> jdarcy: I made one attempt at building, but for whatever reason, maven2 on F16 didn't like the source code 19:31:33 <johnmark> rbergeron: from my brief readings of the mailing lists 19:31:44 <gholms> #chair rbergeron 19:31:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: gholms rbergeron 19:31:45 <jdarcy> johnmark: Maven? Part of the internet must have been unreachable for download. 19:32:16 <johnmark> jdarcy: and I made a note to come back adn look at it later. suffice it to say, it's not easy to get up and running yet 19:32:21 <rbergeron> hi 19:32:26 * rbergeron just landed 19:32:29 <johnmark> rbergeron: howdy :) 19:33:26 <johnmark> it's also a pebkac problem - I've never clearly understood java build processes 19:33:40 <sgordon> there is a lot of back and forth chatter in #ovirt helping people build it for the first time 19:33:43 <sgordon> i am working on this also 19:33:47 <johnmark> sgordon: ok 19:34:07 <johnmark> if you can help me, I'd appreciate it. now if they would only put their channel on freenode... ;) 19:34:15 <sgordon> as far as the promotion and events stuff we are just working at what we can get people to go to: http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Outreach#Schedule 19:35:04 <gholms> Sounds like they need a relay bot. 19:35:15 <johnmark> sgordon: yup. and I've been meaning to take a look at that and add my input. should be able to do that today 19:35:21 <sgordon> one thing that i think will be important for the ovirt guys getting into fedora is some review of marek's AS7 packages! 19:35:36 <johnmark> ah... 19:35:47 <sgordon> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/JBossAS7 19:36:13 <rbergeron> :) 19:36:55 * sgordon sits back down and stops side-tracking the meeting 19:37:12 <johnmark> sgordon: thanks for the tip 19:37:17 <rbergeron> hey, we live for sidetracking here 19:37:19 <rbergeron> :) 19:37:59 <johnmark> did somebody say 'Sidehackers'? 19:38:02 <johnmark> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sidehackers#Mystery_Science_Theater_3000 19:38:03 <rbergeron> lol 19:38:05 <rbergeron> bad 19:38:22 <johnmark> nm... carry on :) 19:38:42 <gholms> We've got 21 minutes left, so keep up with the sidetracking! :P 19:38:57 <rbergeron> pshaw 19:39:24 <rbergeron> hey, so, is anyone else working on new and cool stuff? 19:39:33 <rbergeron> ke4qqq: how is ceph goin? 19:39:36 <sgordon> she's filibustering her own meeting! 19:39:44 <sgordon> ;) 19:40:23 <gholms> sgordon: Better her than me. I'm boring. 19:41:14 <verdurin> Is there any interest in cloud-versions of the various Spins? 19:41:46 <rbergeron> verdurin: you mean... kde and design and security and etc? 19:42:13 <verdurin> rbergeron: yes - my interest would be especially in the new scientific one 19:42:22 <verdurin> and variations thereon 19:42:45 <gholms> The familiarity of your favourite spin, now with Internet-scale latency! 19:42:46 <verdurin> e.g. one with a bioinformatics slant 19:43:00 <gholms> That spin is a great candiate for that sort of thing. 19:43:04 <rbergeron> ahh 19:43:14 * rbergeron hadnt thought od that 19:43:32 <gholms> Do you think we could get testers for that? 19:43:34 <verdurin> There's a lot of Debian-based bioinformatics stuff and I'd like Fedora to be represented too 19:44:32 <verdurin> I know places and people to ask, though I can't guarantee the level of takeup 19:45:30 <rbergeron> maybe a mail to the list would be helpful? 19:45:37 <rbergeron> or between the two lists even 19:45:48 <verdurin> Yes, I'll do that 19:47:41 <smooge> looks out at the open floor 19:49:36 <gholms> Anything else? 19:50:20 <gholms> Thanks for coming, everyone! 19:50:24 <gholms> #endmeeting