17:02:45 <dustymabe> #startmeeting 17:02:45 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 21 17:02:45 2015 UTC. The chair is dustymabe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:45 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:02:54 <dustymabe> #topic roll call 17:03:01 <scollier> .hello scollier 17:03:02 <zodbot> scollier: scollier 'Scott Collier' <emailscottcollier@gmail.com> 17:03:09 <roshi> sure thing dustymabe 17:03:09 <mattdm> .hello mattdm 17:03:10 <zodbot> mattdm: mattdm 'Matthew Miller' <mattdm@mattdm.org> 17:03:13 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 17:03:16 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:03:22 <dustymabe> roshi: there is always one thing i forget to do at this point 17:03:28 <dustymabe> like meeting title or something 17:03:28 <praveenkumar> .hellomynameis kumarpraveen 17:03:29 <zodbot> praveenkumar: kumarpraveen 'None' <kumarpraveen.nitdgp@gmail.com> 17:03:45 <roshi> #meetingname Cloud WG 17:03:45 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cloud_wg' 17:04:08 <roshi> and typically you do #startmeeting <meeting name> 17:04:14 <dustymabe> ahh ok 17:04:43 <mattdm> note that this seems silly but is important for meetbot 17:04:54 <mattdm> I often read logs at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/ 17:05:02 <dustymabe> trying to find notes from old meeting now 17:05:54 <mattdm> feel free to copy this wiki page and make it a template 17:05:57 <mattdm> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council_meeting_process#Day_of_meeting 17:06:05 <mattdm> i use that and just copy and paste every time :) 17:06:16 <dustymabe> the search on mote doesn't seem to be working 17:06:22 <mattdm> and it has Silly Wiki Magic to get the date right 17:06:42 <mattdm> wfm 17:06:43 * roshi just goes to meetbot-raw and looks in the room for the date of the last meeting 17:06:54 <dustymabe> ok here we are 17:06:55 <mattdm> everyone is inconsistant with the meeting name 17:06:56 <dustymabe> https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/cloud_wg/cloud_wg.2015-10-07-17.02.html 17:07:05 <dustymabe> I think 17:07:08 <dustymabe> that is from two weeks ago 17:07:11 <dustymabe> was there a meeting last week? 17:07:16 <mattdm> cloud_wg cloud-wg cloud-workgroup fedora-cloud :) 17:07:40 * roshi for the most part does the same thing every time, he thinks 17:07:50 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 17:07:51 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 17:08:01 <roshi> same with blocker review - since I have idle thoughts of parsing more from our meeting minutes - so I want things the same 17:08:18 <dustymabe> can someone please tell me how to search this thing by freenode channel? 17:08:24 <dustymabe> i used to be able to 17:08:27 <mattdm> yeah it mostly all seems to be under cloud_wg 17:08:28 <mattdm> https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/sresults/?group_id=cloud_wg&type=team 17:08:59 <mattdm> dustymabe: dunno. rfe → https://github.com/fedora-infra/mote/issues 17:09:00 <roshi> https://meetbot-raw.fedoraproject.org 17:09:04 <dustymabe> roshi: did we not have a meeting last week? 17:09:39 <dustymabe> ok here we go 17:09:41 <dustymabe> https://meetbot-raw.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2015-10-14/fedora-meeting-1.2015-10-14-17.02.html 17:09:43 <roshi> honestly, I can't remember 17:09:56 <dustymabe> sigh.. and that is why I send the minutes to the list when I host a meeting 17:10:02 <roshi> see how the meeting name doesn't show up there? 17:10:08 <dustymabe> #topic items from last meeting 17:10:20 <dustymabe> praveenkumar and coolsvap will work on https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/121 17:10:22 <dustymabe> coolsvap will put in his ideas to https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/124 17:10:24 <dustymabe> praveenkumar will write the examples for https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/125 17:10:36 <dustymabe> coolsvap around today? 17:11:18 <dustymabe> praveenkumar: ^^ 17:11:29 <praveenkumar> looks like he is not here :( 17:11:44 <dustymabe> praveenkumar: do you have any updates from your end? 17:12:03 <praveenkumar> Anyway I was working on #121 and put comments about progress. 17:12:26 <scollier> this ticket can be close: https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/124 the CI one. 17:12:26 <dustymabe> #info praveenkumar was working on #121 and put comments about progress. 17:12:38 <dustymabe> scollier: ok. do you have the rights to do that? 17:12:52 <scollier> dustymabe, i'll try 17:12:53 <dustymabe> if you don't just comment in the ticket and I will close 17:13:16 <dustymabe> # scollier to close https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/124 17:13:21 <dustymabe> #action scollier to close https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/124 17:13:28 <dustymabe> ok moving on to tickets 17:13:29 <praveenkumar> scollier: is it resolved now? 17:13:41 <scollier> dustymabe, i can't close it. 17:13:46 <dustymabe> I am going to prioritize some issues 17:13:53 <dustymabe> scollier: ok just comment and I will close 17:14:00 <scollier> praveenkumar, well, there will be no CI on these if we are moving to dist-git-dockerfiles 17:14:15 <praveenkumar> ah right. 17:14:22 <scollier> praveenkumar, let me rephrase, I think the CI should be done after the move. 17:14:23 <dustymabe> #topic python3 only means ansible won't work 17:14:30 <mattdm> presumably that solution will have its own ci, right? 17:14:34 <dustymabe> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/126 17:14:39 <mattdm> +1 to scollier's rephrase :) 17:14:47 <dustymabe> mattdm: I am interesting in your thoughts on $topic 17:14:50 <praveenkumar> scollier: Agreed. 17:15:01 <mattdm> dustymabe: so, there's this: 17:15:03 <mattdm> http://blog.oddbit.com/2015/10/15/bootstrapping-ansible-on-fedora-23/ 17:15:15 <dustymabe> mattdm: yeah I saw that 17:15:18 <mattdm> which is a somewhat complicated but functional bootstrapping approach 17:15:34 <mattdm> maybe we could package that up in in some way? 17:16:05 <mattdm> The other idea would be to somehow use a super-privleged container, but I'm not sure how that'd work exactly in order to given ansible access to the host in a way that wouldn't need to be weirdly customized 17:16:35 <dustymabe> mattdm: SPC would only be realistic for atomic host since that is the only place docker is already installed 17:16:44 <walters> i vote adding the python 2 version of python-selinux 17:17:01 <walters> and maybe python-docker-py though honestly the way we expect docker containers to get deployed generally is via kube 17:17:02 <mattdm> dustymabe: yes, true 17:17:04 <dustymabe> walters: thanks fro joining 17:17:15 <dustymabe> walters: mattdm: ok let's separate our discussion 17:17:23 <dustymabe> first let's talk about cloud base image 17:17:49 <dustymabe> so for cloud base we don't want to add python2 ? 17:17:52 <dustymabe> is that accurate? 17:18:46 <dustymabe> did we lose mattdm? 17:18:47 <mattdm> I'd say that's accurate, yeah. 17:18:51 <mattdm> No I was thinking 17:18:52 <dustymabe> ok 17:18:58 <mattdm> I'm depressed about the image size overall :) 17:19:00 <maxamillion> +1 to python-docker-py 17:19:33 <roshi> speaking of the base image, is there thoughts/talks of making our cloud base image more like server? 17:19:40 <dustymabe> roshi: bad 17:19:46 <dustymabe> let's focus for now 17:19:51 <mattdm> bigger different discussion, yeah :) 17:19:51 <roshi> it was brought up earlier in the week 17:20:01 <dustymabe> ok so we will do with workarounds for cloud base for now 17:20:08 <roshi> well, i thought it fit right in there with "should we bring in python2" 17:20:09 <dustymabe> and try to publicize alternatives 17:20:25 <mattdm> +1 to Solve it with Docs! 17:20:26 <dustymabe> walters: for atomic we still have python2 17:20:31 <dustymabe> but we need supporting libraries 17:20:42 <mattdm> for atomic for now, the approach is to bring all the stuff in for now 17:20:53 <mattdm> And if walters and atomic team are for that, I'm supportive 17:21:26 <dustymabe> mattdm: ok we will add back some things that get us most of the functionality 17:21:38 <dustymabe> it might not make release though 17:21:43 <dustymabe> depending on when exactly that happens 17:21:54 <dustymabe> but with 2-week-atomic that shouldn't matter much 17:22:00 <mattdm> s'okay. Gives us something to talk about at the next 2 week point :) 17:22:03 <walters> i'm testing http://fpaste.org/282019/54481151/ locally 17:22:41 <dustymabe> walters: I think we need a few others 17:23:03 <dustymabe> we can discuss that in a ticket - I will open a new ticket specifically for fedora cloud base 17:23:19 <mattdm> +1 ticket 17:23:51 <dustymabe> ok another important one: 17:23:59 <dustymabe> #action dusty to open ansible on atomic 23 ticket 17:24:06 <dustymabe> #topic make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag 17:24:15 <dustymabe> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/131 17:25:12 <dustymabe> has anyone looked at this before? 17:25:17 <dustymabe> mattdm ^^ 17:25:25 <dustymabe> basically it's just a bad user experience for the user 17:25:53 <mattdm> new to me (sorry!) 17:26:02 <dustymabe> ahh sorry 17:26:12 * dustymabe gives you time to read 17:26:20 <dustymabe> feel free to ask me questions 17:26:22 <mattdm> Is there a corresponding releng ticket? 17:26:35 <dustymabe> mattdm: not currently 17:26:54 <dustymabe> so I discussed this with Dennis and I don't think anything can be done for F23 17:27:03 <dustymabe> so I haven't chased it down further 17:27:13 <mattdm> because, too late? 17:27:20 <dustymabe> yeah.. too late 17:27:45 <mattdm> :-/ we have got to get this process changed so little fixes are possible somehow 17:28:14 <mattdm> with us spinning a hopeful rc _right now_, I see the point of 'too late', but 5 days ago.... 17:28:15 <dustymabe> so I think there will be some doc work to account for this? 17:28:19 <mattdm> but annnyway. 17:28:37 <mattdm> possibly Common Bugs? 17:28:47 <mattdm> does this affect people pulling from the docker registry? 17:29:03 <dustymabe> mattdm: it shouldn't affect anyone pulling from docker registry 17:29:17 <dustymabe> only if you pull our image down locally and try to use it 17:29:33 <dustymabe> the docker registry won't allow you to upload anything with an invalid name 17:29:43 <dustymabe> so it would never make it into the registry if it did 17:29:59 <mattdm> *nod* 17:30:12 <mattdm> What's the status on putting out updated docker images? 17:30:26 <dustymabe> good question? I really don't know who runs that? 17:30:34 <maxamillion> mattdm: base images or layered images? 17:30:40 <mattdm> maxamillion: base images 17:30:47 <mattdm> with security fixes 17:31:36 <maxamillion> mattdm: that's me, I can update anytime we like, but it's a manual process where I have to file a github pull request with an image that's been converted from the koji build ... the kicker there is that none of that stuff is tested 17:32:04 <dustymabe> maxamillion: have we been testing the f23 docker images at all? 17:32:10 <dustymabe> I've downloaded it a couple of times 17:32:12 <dustymabe> but not much 17:32:36 <mattdm> so, an updated image could theoretically be much better tested than the one we are going to GA with 17:32:47 * mattdm is not sure what emoticon should go on that last line 17:32:55 <mattdm> probably :-/ 17:32:57 <dustymabe> mattdm: define "updated image" 17:32:58 <mattdm> that's my go-to 17:32:58 <maxamillion> I don't know, I've just been given perms by the docker library upstream folks to push images ... I'm "officially" the fedora docker base image maintainer for the hub as of a couple months ago 17:33:15 <dustymabe> maxamillion: \o? 17:33:19 <maxamillion> ? 17:33:19 <dustymabe> \o/ 17:33:23 <dustymabe> type 17:33:26 <dustymabe> typo 17:33:28 <maxamillion> alright 17:33:31 <mattdm> dustymabe: we ask releng to do a respun f23 docker image post-release, with security updates rolled in 17:33:47 <mattdm> do a test day, and then have maxamillion push it to the hub and rel-eng to the mirrors 17:34:02 <roshi> maxamillion: I can help you with the testday 17:34:03 <dustymabe> maxamillion: what does our tagging look like now? 17:34:05 <maxamillion> basically, I don't know if anyone is actually testing any of it and I don't want to make a terrible assumption that Fedora QA is doing it because they already test the whole damn world 17:34:20 <mattdm> and put "automate this whole process a la two week atomic" on the Big Backlog List 17:34:22 <maxamillion> dustymabe: "our tagging" ... ? 17:34:28 <maxamillion> mattdm: can't be done 17:34:28 <roshi> if it's not blocking release, don't count on us testing it 17:34:32 <dustymabe> tagging for the docker images 17:34:33 <roshi> we're spread pretty thin 17:34:40 <maxamillion> mattdm: the update to docker requires a manual pull request 17:34:45 <dustymabe> I feel like all of Fedora is spread really thin 17:34:52 <maxamillion> mattdm: we could automate everything leading up to that though 17:34:57 <roshi> we all do work though :p 17:35:06 <mattdm> maxamillion yeah. we could at least produce the images and push 'em to our own Future THeoretical Registry 17:35:14 <roshi> fedora peeps++ 17:35:16 <maxamillion> roshi: oh yeah, y'all are spread super thin 17:35:44 <dustymabe> give me job descriptions!! 17:35:51 <dustymabe> if we have any 17:35:51 <maxamillion> mattdm: right, that we could do ... I actually have a card in Taiga to spec that out, scope it, and draw up a design doc 17:35:53 <dustymabe> :) 17:35:54 <roshi> if someone has a spare req, we'd take it 17:35:59 <mattdm> maxamillion++ 17:36:00 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for maxamillion changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:36:01 * roshi has job descriptions :p 17:36:09 <dustymabe> roshi: PM me 17:36:09 <maxamillion> \o/ 17:36:10 * roshi will sync with you later dustymabe 17:36:21 <maxamillion> mattdm: http://taiga.cloud.fedoraproject.org/project/acarter-fedora-docker-atomic-tooling/us/282 17:36:24 <dustymabe> ok back to meeting 17:36:47 <dustymabe> #topic Fedora Vagrant Boxes in Atlas 17:36:54 <dustymabe> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/116 17:37:05 <mattdm> wait, so, the plan for previous: ship as is, document in common bugs, and do a respin at some future point? 17:37:11 <dustymabe> so me and lalatend1M are going to be releasing f23 vagrant boxes in Atlas 17:37:14 <roshi> that's what I read 17:37:21 <dustymabe> we have access and permission from legal 17:37:29 <mattdm> dustymabe++ 17:37:30 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for dustymabe changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:37:33 <mattdm> lalatend1M++ 17:37:43 <dustymabe> we will be publishing a few boxes soon and send to list to have people test 17:38:07 <dustymabe> #topic Producing Updated Cloud/Atomic Images 17:38:14 <dustymabe> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/94 17:38:25 <mattdm> checkit out, everyone: 17:38:27 <mattdm> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1jrqClho3U 17:38:42 <mattdm> #info two week atomic release tooling demo 17:38:42 <dustymabe> ok now that we are getting close to f23 release that means 2 week atomic is around the corner 17:39:13 <dustymabe> mattdm: nice.. were we invited to that? 17:39:22 <mattdm> dustymabe: uh, maybe? :) 17:39:36 <dustymabe> ok. so my question is how close are we to something that we can use? 17:39:38 <mattdm> shoulda been if not.... sorry 17:39:46 <dustymabe> how much work needs to be done to pull everything off? 17:40:01 <mattdm> very. team is confident that it'll be ready with what was previously "plan b" 17:40:19 <mattdm> that is, ship ga image at ga, but then switch to two week process for release two weeks after 17:40:26 <mattdm> currently targetted at Nov 10 17:40:32 <dustymabe> mattdm: ok 17:40:39 <mattdm> and I'm not going to jinx anything by guessing 17:40:52 <dustymabe> so "we" (Fedora cloud WG) probably need to start being much more involved in that process 17:41:28 <dustymabe> I know maxamillion and walters are here 17:41:29 <mattdm> dustymabe++ 17:41:29 <dustymabe> but.. 17:41:37 <dustymabe> we need more people who know more 17:41:39 <dustymabe> I think 17:41:48 <mattdm> yeah. I just pinged acarter, who is doing project management, about that 17:42:36 <mattdm> we *definitely* need more if jzb and I can convince y'all to remain convinced about atomic-as-primary 17:42:37 <dustymabe> #action dmabe,mattdm we need to integrate the Cloud WG and the 2 week atomic efforts 17:42:41 <maxamillion> yeah, the "pull that off" bit is basically done ... at least for the first run at the deliverable, folks have been working hard on that for a while now and a lot of it recently came to fruition 17:43:10 <dustymabe> ok for the rest of the tickets I am going to open it up and let people comment if they have status 17:43:15 <dustymabe> #topic open floor 17:43:17 <roshi> me could use more knowledge on the subject - that's for sure 17:43:34 <mattdm> ftr amanda says she sent an invite to the list 17:43:41 <mattdm> i'm checking for whether it got caught in moderation 17:43:50 <mattdm> or, I will, after this meeting :) 17:44:27 <dustymabe> mattdm: I don't recall seeing one, but that doesn't mean it didn't come through 17:44:40 <dustymabe> anyone have anything for open floor? 17:44:50 <mattdm> release annoucement 17:44:55 <mattdm> see mailing list thread I started 17:45:08 <dustymabe> mattdm: should we talk about ansible in there? 17:45:47 <mattdm> only if it is "ansible is awesome and we have it now" 17:45:59 <mattdm> we should talk about it in the release notes or common bugs, though 17:46:07 <dustymabe> haha. yeah definitely 17:46:22 <mattdm> for the annoucement, set the level at "could run in Infoworld" 17:46:31 <maxamillion> mattdm: we've always had it, it's open source :) 17:46:33 <mattdm> if infoworld is even a thing anymore. 17:46:38 <mattdm> pc magazine 17:46:51 <dustymabe> ok i'll leave meeting open for another meeting to see if anything else comes up 17:47:56 <dustymabe> another minute 17:48:03 * dustymabe sets fuse 17:48:09 <dustymabe> 3.. 17:48:18 <dustymabe> 2... 17:48:23 <dustymabe> 1.... 17:48:27 <dustymabe> #endmeeting