17:01:15 <kushal> #startmeeting cloud_wg 17:01:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 16 17:01:15 2015 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cloud_wg' 17:01:20 <kushal> #topic Roll Call 17:01:29 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 17:01:29 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 17:01:32 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:01:35 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <mail@kushaldas.in> 17:02:05 * gholms takes a seat in the bleachers 17:02:17 <kushal> gholms, :) 17:02:42 <kushal> #chair gholms dustymabe jzb jbrooks scollier 17:02:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe gholms jbrooks jzb kushal scollier 17:02:48 <kushal> Did I miss anyone? 17:03:15 * jsmith is here 17:03:17 <dustymabe> haven't seen adimania in a while 17:03:23 <linuxmodder> .hello corey84 17:03:24 <zodbot> linuxmodder: corey84 'Corey Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 17:03:29 <kushal> #chair linuxmodder 17:03:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe gholms jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder scollier 17:03:39 <kushal> #topic Action items from last meeting 17:03:52 <kushal> * Kushal will write to list about #143 (f24 features) 17:03:52 <linuxmodder> still kinda new to cloud but no better way to learn right 17:04:00 <kushal> * kushal to do more posts for attracting/guiding volunteers 17:04:06 <kushal> linuxmodder, correct 17:04:14 <kushal> linuxmodder, being in the meeting is a good start. 17:04:23 <dustymabe> linuxmodder right :) 17:04:23 <kushal> So I have started a thread. 17:04:24 <dustymabe> corey right? 17:04:34 <kushal> But it seems no reply yet. 17:04:45 <dustymabe> oops. I see your .hello from above 17:04:55 <kushal> dustymabe, feel free to put a change :) 17:05:16 <dustymabe> kushal: all of my ideas were half baked or for F24 time frame 17:05:22 <dustymabe> err.. F25 17:05:39 <kushal> dustymabe, then get the wiki pages ready for F25 :)( 17:05:41 <kushal> :) 17:05:48 <kushal> I will write to list for that too 17:05:54 <kushal> number80, you there? 17:06:36 <kushal> I guess maxmillion's openshift can go in as a change 17:06:45 <jzb> kushal: + 17:06:48 <jzb> er, +1 17:07:50 <kushal> let me find my change page 17:08:20 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 17:08:21 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 17:08:28 <kushal> rtnpro, welcome 17:08:32 <dustymabe> I'm +1 for openshift change as well 17:08:44 * rtnpro reads above 17:08:50 <kushal> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Cloud_MOTD 17:08:50 <jzb> there was a question on the list recently about using Gluster w/ the host 17:09:05 <jzb> I'm poking some Gluster folks to see if we can't get that done in the F24 timeframe 17:09:14 <jzb> so you can just use Gluster in a container. 17:09:48 <kushal> jzb, I think we will have to help them in filing the change 17:09:55 <nzwulfin> jzb: we'll still need the gluster client on the host or somewhere that k8s can use it 17:09:58 <gholms> kushal: Why do that only on the cloud image? 17:10:03 <jzb> kushal: yeah 17:10:23 <jzb> nzwulfin: are we sure that can't be done in a privileged container? 17:10:39 * jzb wonders how much weight the gluster client would add 17:11:01 <kushal> gholms, I am creating the generic package, so it can be used in any place within Fedora 17:11:21 <nzwulfin> jzb: i'm not sure, i just want to make sure we're talking about the right goal 17:11:27 <kushal> gholms, jzb also iirc server is trying to do something for their usecases. 17:11:31 <gholms> kushal: That doesn't answer my question. ;) 17:11:49 <linuxmodder> had a d/c sorry 17:11:50 <linuxmodder> makes sense to ammend the motd for that 17:11:58 <linuxmodder> blind assumption gholms it changes more frequently then the other offerings 17:12:00 <jzb> gholms: only do what? 17:12:08 <kushal> gholms, I am trying to enable it for cloud first. 17:12:12 <linuxmodder> probabably noticable but doubtfully impactingly so 17:12:19 <nzwulfin> jzb: i've not found anything done currently that talked about clients in containers, just gluster servers 17:12:21 <linuxmodder> kushal, the server wg is 17:12:27 <gholms> jzb: To only do MOTD updates on cloud 17:12:28 <linuxmodder> gholms, have to start somewhere and make |get a functional template why not cloud 17:12:30 <kushal> gholms, cloud base image. 17:12:52 <linuxmodder> big enough audience to test it not frontline enough to kill things if they break gholms 17:13:14 <dustymabe> i'm +1 for cloud MOTD 17:13:16 <kushal> gholms, also the atomic should be a bit different. 17:13:18 <gholms> Seems like if it's good enough for the product one is least likely to log into it's good enough for the rest, at least at first glance. 17:13:22 <linuxmodder> kill things == novice or non dev user borking and having no clue how to fix 17:13:27 <rtnpro> +1 for MOTD 17:13:54 <linuxmodder> +1 MOTD as well 17:14:08 <jbrooks> jzb, glusterfs-fuse and ceph-common are in rhelah now, and they'll be in the next centos atomic host 17:14:09 <kushal> gholms, it is good for workstation too, but I don't have any say there directly. 17:14:50 <gholms> People introduce systemwide changes all the time. Just propose it as one. ;) 17:15:01 <kushal> Anyone else wants to put in any change? 17:15:12 <jzb> jbrooks: in the host itself? 17:15:20 <jbrooks> jzb, yes, in the tree 17:15:23 <jzb> sigh 17:15:29 * gholms is for it, for the record, though it should take instances without Internet access into consideration 17:15:32 <jbrooks> Just in this latest version 17:15:48 <kushal> gholms, in that case, it will have other messages :) 17:15:49 <jzb> ok 17:15:57 <kushal> gholms, I will keep in mind. 17:16:04 <jzb> well, if they've thrown in the towel for now, might as well pull those in. 17:16:09 <nzwulfin> jbrooks: probably for openshift support 17:16:14 <linuxmodder> gholms, question how you plan to do the polling for deltas tehn 17:16:22 <gholms> kushal: If it doesn't take a minute longer to boot... ;) 17:16:39 <gholms> linuxmodder: Do it asynchronously 17:16:40 <kushal> #chair nzwulfin jbrooks 17:16:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe gholms jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder nzwulfin scollier 17:16:44 <jbrooks> I think it's a matter of... not everything can be in a container right now 17:17:17 <kushal> gholms, yup yup, I will ask for the ideas about how to implement it properly :) 17:17:18 <nzwulfin> can we propose cloning walters for F24 then ;) 17:17:31 <kushal> nzwulfin, +1 to that 17:17:42 <gholms> walters as a service (tm) 17:17:49 <jzb> nzwulfin: dude, we've had clone walters as a feature request for years. 17:17:52 <jbrooks> We hella need that 17:17:59 <nzwulfin> i only propose that b/c he'll read it in logs not live :) :) 17:18:18 <nzwulfin> i think a second dustymabe would help too 17:18:22 <kushal> So everyone please at least reply to that thread in the list about f24 features. 17:18:26 <dustymabe> :) 17:18:36 <dustymabe> I'm working on a 2nd dustymabe in the lab 17:18:47 <kushal> Moving to tickets then. 17:18:47 <dustymabe> frankenmabe 17:18:57 <kushal> #topic Fedora Cloud FAD (late 2015/early 2016) https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/115 17:19:17 <kushal> dustymabe, so it seems most of the fedora engg team folks will stay back till 9th 17:19:18 * dustymabe fail 17:19:25 <kushal> dustymabe, good name btw 17:19:41 <dustymabe> kushal: right. I am planning to try to stay an extra few days in Brno to attend those meetings 17:20:14 <kushal> dustymabe, +1 :) 17:20:21 <kushal> jzb, I hope you will be there. 17:20:55 <jzb> kushal: yes 17:21:23 <jzb> kushal: trying to cut down on the "on the road" time, but I'm in Europe from the Thursday before FOSDEM through Tuesday after DevConf.cz 17:21:26 <dustymabe> A proper FAD at some point would be nice too 17:21:30 <kushal> Nice, may be we can start putting in names in the ticket (who ever we know for sure attending) 17:21:48 <tflink> as a heads up, there is a RH QE event in brno before devconf if that ends up being relevant 17:21:55 <number80> I'll be around up from feb, 3 to feb 9 (morning) 17:22:03 <kushal> dustymabe, I don't mind. Fly me to moon. 17:22:47 <linuxmodder> (having ISP stability issues today -- apoligize in advance if I re-hash things) 17:22:51 <kushal> number80, hello there 17:22:54 <kushal> #chair number80 17:22:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe gholms jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder number80 nzwulfin scollier 17:23:05 <kushal> Moving to next ticket. 17:23:22 * number80 preparing fesco meeting 17:23:32 <linuxmodder> nice number80 17:23:42 <kushal> #topic Migrate all Dockerfiles / Images to systemd where possible https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/121 17:24:06 <dustymabe> kushal: let's lump all dockerfile related tickets together and ask if anyone has anything to add 17:24:19 <dustymabe> I feel like these have kind of stagnated because we don't really know what we are doing with them 17:24:52 <jsmith> I feel the same :-p 17:25:00 <kushal> scollier, this one seems to be on you. 17:25:13 <jzb> dustymabe: I've been poking mattdm about this 17:25:22 <jzb> we kind of stalled with the build system "everything not on GitHub" etc thing 17:25:36 * jzb goes to see if he can summon mattdm 17:25:39 <number80> *nods* 17:25:48 <scollier> kushal, reading. 17:26:28 <scollier> kushal, right, so I spoke with jzb about this and we really need to follow up and get closure. timelines, direction, etc... 17:26:37 <linuxmodder> stabbing in dark on containers but can't a unpriv'd user be given a similarto sudo access for such things 17:26:42 <nzwulfin> does the proposal on the list to add LABELs to the Dockerfiles help or hinder motion 17:26:45 <jzb> scollier: are you a proven packager? 17:26:53 <scollier> jzb, no 17:26:57 <jzb> or do we have one in the cloud wg to own packages? 17:26:59 <jzb> hrmph 17:27:03 <kushal> number80, is 17:27:10 <jzb> who owns the current fedora-dockerfiles package? 17:27:27 <kushal> .whoowns fedora-dockerfiles 17:27:27 <zodbot> kushal: adimania 17:27:31 <kushal> jzb, :) 17:27:36 <jzb> ah 17:27:41 <linuxmodder> .whoowns fedora-dockerfiles 17:27:41 <zodbot> linuxmodder: adimania 17:27:49 <linuxmodder> kushal, h^ 17:27:51 <jzb> and adimania has been absent lately 17:27:53 <jzb> bonus 17:27:58 <jzb> ok 17:28:01 <linuxmodder> lovely 17:28:03 <kushal> jzb, yes, he is starting his own work iirc 17:28:11 <jzb> kushal: his own work? 17:28:13 <jzb> how do you mean? 17:28:37 <linuxmodder> likely like me a startup (in my case) 17:28:46 <jzb> OK 17:28:56 <kushal> yes 17:28:59 <linuxmodder> or some similar such 17:29:00 <kushal> or consulting 17:29:06 <jzb> ok 17:29:08 <kushal> jzb, I don't have details. 17:29:13 <jbrooks> I don't think I've ever used these from the rpm 17:29:17 <jbrooks> just from git 17:29:22 <jzb> my proposal for now is this 17:29:32 <jzb> let's start by fixing the stuff where it lives now 17:29:33 <linuxmodder> jbrooks, same 17:29:35 <kushal> jbrooks, yes, but rpm was for normal users to see the examples. 17:29:42 <kushal> jzb, +1 to that 17:29:53 <jzb> nothing is stopping anybody from moving the files at a later date for the buildsystem or whatever 17:29:54 <linuxmodder> +1 fixing "in-place" 17:30:01 <jbrooks> github is pretty easy for normal people, too -- you can browse right to the example 17:30:08 <jzb> if we want to put them in pagure later or split out into separate packages, then they can do so 17:30:13 <scollier> jzb, ack. 17:30:20 <jzb> any objections? 17:30:22 <linuxmodder> the cli bit is a bit "oh shit" for normal users often tho 17:30:35 <linuxmodder> non efrom me 17:30:47 <jbrooks> +1 to in-place 17:30:58 <kushal> Cool 17:31:01 <scollier> jzb, i'll let the co-maintainer know 17:31:14 <kushal> So should I skip the rest of the dockerfiles tickets? 17:31:22 <jzb> #commands 17:31:22 <zodbot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #rejected #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk 17:31:37 <jzb> ok, so proposed: 17:32:25 <linuxmodder> I'm good with a prop. to fix in place and move to pagure 17:32:32 <jzb> Cloud group agrees to continue to maintain dockerfils on GitHub for now until a more concrete proposal and timeline is proposed to move them elsewhere. Work will re-commence on updating Dockerfiles for dnf, systemd, etc. 17:33:04 <jzb> can we vote on that (and cloud wg members, please add (binding) to +1 or -1) 17:33:08 <jzb> ? 17:33:18 <nzwulfin> +1 17:33:22 <linuxmodder> jzb, did you mean #proposal Cloud group agrees to continue to maintain dockerfils on GitHub for now until a more concrete proposal and timeline is proposed to move them elsewhere. Work will re-commence on updating Dockerfiles for dnf, systemd, etc. 17:33:45 <jzb> linuxmodder: ish, doesn't look like #proposal is an accepted command :-) 17:33:47 <linuxmodder> +1 17:33:53 <kushal> +1 17:33:57 <dustymabe> +1 for me 17:34:14 <linuxmodder> #proposal Cloud group agrees to continue to maintain dockerfils on GitHub for now until a more concrete proposal and timeline is proposed to move them elsewhere. Work will re-commence on updating Dockerfiles for dnf, systemd, etc. 17:34:27 <linuxmodder> it works elsewhere in meetings thats odd 17:34:30 <kushal> +1 again 17:34:35 <kushal> #chair linuxmodder 17:34:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe gholms jbrooks jzb kushal linuxmodder number80 nzwulfin scollier 17:34:41 <kushal> you are there 17:34:54 <jzb> linuxmodder: I did a #commands to check 17:34:57 <linuxmodder> ah you chair'd my fas not mick lol 17:35:06 <jzb> it's not listed 17:35:16 <scollier> oh, jzb, my vote +1 17:35:20 <jzb> anyway - any -1's ? 17:35:26 <linuxmodder> +1 17:35:27 <jzb> going once... 17:35:28 <dustymabe> not that I can tell 17:35:28 <jbrooks> +1 17:35:31 <jzb> ok 17:35:46 <rtnpro> +1 17:35:48 <linuxmodder> looks like all +1 s 17:35:52 <jzb> #agreed Cloud group agrees to continue to maintain dockerfils on GitHub for now until a more concrete proposal and timeline is proposed to move them elsewhere. Work will re-commence on updating Dockerfiles for dnf, systemd, etc. 17:35:59 <jzb> thanks all 17:36:28 <kushal> jzb, so skipping the rest of the dockerfiles tickets? 17:36:49 <jzb> kushal: anything that's outside that scope we need to discuss? 17:37:02 <kushal> nope, all normal ones 17:37:16 <nzwulfin> do we need to talk about the LABEL proposal from the list? 17:37:29 <kushal> #topic make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/131 17:37:29 <linuxmodder> hailed mattdmm in -admin he may be in shortly 17:37:36 <kushal> nzwulfin, may be on openfloor 17:37:40 <nzwulfin> kushal: ok 17:38:01 <dustymabe> fix is in updstream as far as I know 17:38:02 <kushal> iirc the patch was ready. 17:38:03 <jzb> oh, didn't Ian say last week this was solved? 17:38:15 <kushal> jzb, may be we missed it :( 17:38:32 <dustymabe> maybe solved upstream.. might have to trickle down and then we might have to change our tools to use it 17:39:11 <dustymabe> i would leave ticket open for now 17:39:17 <kushal> I will ask Adam for his input. 17:39:26 <linuxmodder> +1 for leaving open 17:39:39 <jzb> k 17:39:40 <kushal> Okay. Moving to next ticket then. 17:39:49 <kushal> #topic Fedora 23 Retrospective https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/135 17:40:12 <kushal> jzb, do you want to say thing on this? 17:40:29 <kushal> * anything 17:40:53 <jzb> I think we covered it last week, I probably need to go back and update the ticket. 17:41:41 <kushal> jzb, thanks. Adding an action item. 17:41:56 <linuxmodder> agree with comments but not sure how to go about that 17:42:00 <kushal> #action jzb will update #135 on Fedora 23 retrospective 17:42:23 <kushal> #topic vagrant boxes fixups https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/136 17:42:24 <jzb> linuxmodder: "that" being...? 17:42:47 <linuxmodder> fixing the lack of autocloud testing on docker and the like 17:43:14 <kushal> linuxmodder, we added those tests :) 17:43:30 <kushal> dustymabe, do you want to say anything on this? 17:43:37 <dustymabe> on the current ticket 17:43:40 <dustymabe> ? 17:43:41 <kushal> I thought we can just add a device from virt-manager 17:43:50 <kushal> dustymabe, Yes, #136 17:44:16 <dustymabe> kushal: right 17:44:37 <kushal> dustymabe, So do we need to do anything special to the Vagrant images? 17:44:52 <dustymabe> we should be able to easily add this, but I think it would take some coordination with one of us and maybe someone like Ian to pull it off 17:45:12 <dustymabe> If I had some dedicated time for it I could do it, but I don't right now with the wedding coming up and atomicapp work 17:46:07 <kushal> dustymabe, may be I misunderstood, do we have to add that device in the image? or can we just do it in the instance from virt-manager or virtualbox? 17:46:24 <jbrooks> That's pretty easy 17:46:25 <jzb> dustymabe: is it possible to do that via a Vagrantfile? 17:46:37 <jbrooks> Someone could mod their vagrantfile to do it, ... like jzb said 17:46:51 <jzb> so maybe a sample vagrantfile is what's really called for? 17:46:53 <dustymabe> I think it is something we can add to the vagrant boxes 17:47:03 <dustymabe> to make it the default 17:47:05 <kushal> jbrooks, jzb so we should do few blog posts + more docs 17:47:22 <kushal> dustymabe, I think we should keep to the Vagrantfile 17:47:34 <kushal> Vagrant users can decide what they want to do 17:48:50 <jzb> let's start there, and then see if there's a call to do it in the box by default? 17:49:12 <jzb> I don't know that I've ever been like "this vagrant box needs a cd device" 17:49:33 <dustymabe> jzb: the reason the guy wanted it was so he could follow the tutorial for installing vbox guest additions 17:49:38 <linuxmodder> (not a vagrant guy so staying out of it but generally seems like a saen appraoch) 17:49:40 <dustymabe> it tells people to insert a cd 17:49:46 <linuxmodder> er,sane 17:50:09 <dustymabe> there is nothing wrong with adding it to the box in my opinion 17:50:16 <jbrooks> I bet we could do the whole thing in a vagrant provisioning script 17:50:17 <dustymabe> people who didn't use it before won't notice a difference 17:50:22 <dustymabe> people who want it will use it 17:50:22 <linuxmodder> dustymabe, the vbox site shows that you use the cd adapter bit 17:50:24 <jbrooks> I bet it'd be super short 17:50:28 <linuxmodder> has since 4.3.x 17:50:55 <dustymabe> either way.. what I am saying is that we don't lose anything by adding a cd device to the vm 17:51:14 <dustymabe> and obviously somebody has asked for it, so some people would see it as a benefit 17:51:37 <linuxmodder> isn't vagrant more lib-virt-ish than vbox-ish? 17:51:55 <jzb> linuxmodder: probably more people using vbox than libvirt 17:51:56 <jbrooks> the opposite, actually 17:51:57 <linuxmodder> seems more like a lazy factor to me tbh 17:51:58 <dustymabe> linuxmodder: not sure what that means.. it basically builds on the hypervisor 17:52:13 <jbrooks> dustymabe, but, yeah, nothing lost by adding it 17:52:14 <dustymabe> lazy factor.. meaning people shouldn't be lazy? 17:52:24 <nzwulfin> does adding it to the box means it's available to all providers without mods to the Vagrantfile? 17:52:33 <jzb> nzwulfin: yes 17:52:40 <nzwulfin> thanks 17:52:45 <linuxmodder> dustymabe, no more like I can't google this shit lazy which we all know is hardly ever good turnout 17:53:02 <jbrooks> a plugin for installing/updating this: https://github.com/dotless-de/vagrant-vbguest 17:53:22 <dustymabe> yeah.. well part of the draw of vagrant is making things easy.. otherwise people would just use libvirt/vbox directly 17:53:30 <jzb> dustymabe: +1 17:53:36 <linuxmodder> jbrooks, plugin being totally optional I assume not forced on user? 17:53:41 * nzwulfin is going to stay out of that one... 17:53:43 <kushal> My search gave me this at the first result https://gist.github.com/leifg/4713995 17:53:44 <linuxmodder> if so I'm +1 17:53:50 <jbrooks> Yeah, you'd go do it yourself 17:54:01 <jzb> linuxmodder: so - odds are if you google "vagrant" and anything you're going to wind up on a tutorial for Ubuntu 17:54:03 <dustymabe> so.. that was just one case where someone might want a cd device 17:54:16 <jzb> linuxmodder: so sending folks to Google rather than helping them, probably not the best strategy 17:54:18 <linuxmodder> adn ubuntu != fedora right? 17:54:20 <dustymabe> there are others I'm sure 17:55:02 <dustymabe> anywho.. at least for the time being there is no one working on this so we'll move to next year probably 17:55:20 <jzb> dustymabe: I will however ask that we make tickets more specific ;-) 17:55:21 <kushal> dustymabe, I will look into this, but only after 23rd :) 17:55:42 <kushal> Okay we have only 5 minutes 17:55:43 <dustymabe> jzb: yeah we were getting some feedback on the fed mag article 17:55:47 <dustymabe> and I thought we might have more items 17:56:04 <kushal> Moving to next ticket? 17:56:10 <dustymabe> https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-cloud-vagrant-boxes-atlas/ 17:56:23 <jzb> updated ticket 17:56:28 <kushal> #topic Producing 2 week atomic images https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/139 17:56:37 <kushal> We had a release yesterday. 17:57:01 * jzb is working on a post for the Magazine/Project Atomic 17:57:19 <kushal> All is good in that side. 17:57:33 <kushal> Going to open floor? 17:57:40 <kushal> #topic Open Floor 17:57:46 * jsmith has nothing additional 17:57:47 <kushal> networkd :) 17:58:01 <nzwulfin> I'd like to +1 the proposal on the list to add LABELs to our example Dockerfiles :) 17:58:15 <dustymabe> nzwulfin: I'm ok with that 17:58:22 <kushal> nzwulfin, I am +1 17:58:31 <kushal> Any comments on networkd? 17:58:34 <dustymabe> kushal: re: networkd 17:58:50 <dustymabe> did anyone ever talk to the point of Atomic Host sharing tree with bare metal 17:58:52 <tflink> I'm still concerned about making sure it's well tested 17:59:02 <dustymabe> and the implications of moving to networkd for bare metal 17:59:11 <dustymabe> I feel like this is a discussion walters should be involved in 17:59:39 <kushal> tflink, right concern, but we have to do it someday. So why not now. 17:59:48 <tflink> swapping out the network stack means that all the other network testing for other fedora products would not be re-usable for the cloud image 17:59:53 <tflink> kushal: why do we have to do it? 18:00:04 <tflink> I still don't understand that 18:00:14 <kushal> tflink, 1. systemd 2. Other major cloud images are doing the same. 18:00:23 <tflink> the only things I've seen are "becuase it's smaller" and "becuase everyone else is doing it" 18:00:41 <kushal> tflink, everyone else doing it is a good cause for users. 18:00:55 <tflink> how would most users even notice? 18:00:57 <kushal> where as it is also something in the image already. 18:01:14 <dustymabe> mhayden: might have some input 18:01:27 <kushal> tflink, I guess we should continue 1-2 more minutes :) 18:01:28 * mhayden stumbles in 18:01:29 <siXy> re, open floor: on the subject pre-meeting of adding stuff to base image, I'd love for there to be a method for doing DNS lookups, to debug DNS issues. 18:01:48 <dustymabe> siXy: for atomic host you mean? 18:01:52 <siXy> yes. 18:02:01 <kushal> mhayden, we are having the Networkd discussion for F24 :) 18:02:08 <mhayden> oh, okay 18:02:18 <kushal> mhayden, also having a thread in the list, 18:02:30 <kushal> mhayden, may be you want to reply to that :) 18:02:35 <dustymabe> siXy: I'm +1 for that as well 18:02:40 <dustymabe> just haven't had time to submit a PR 18:02:43 <linuxmodder> other than the smaller bit waht other bonuses or pros does networkd bring exactly 18:02:44 <kushal> anyway, ending this meeting? Is that okay? 18:02:58 <kushal> linuxmodder, easy to use. 18:02:58 <nzwulfin> siXy: the tools container? 18:03:06 <dustymabe> kushal: let's finish out the discussion on networkd 18:03:11 <kushal> dustymabe, Okay 18:03:11 <siXy> nzwulfin: if DNS is broken, you won't be able to pull an image 18:03:16 <siXy> nzwulfin: therefore that doesn't help 18:03:21 <dustymabe> siXy: right 18:03:24 <nzwulfin> siXy: yeah i was about to SMH for that 18:03:25 <dustymabe> that has been my argument in the past 18:03:30 <nzwulfin> soon as i hit enter ... 18:03:33 <dustymabe> so it needs to be in there 18:03:33 <tflink> I'm still concerned that we're 1) making atomic the primary deliverable. and 2) making major changes in the cloud image which significantly increase its testing requirements 18:03:34 <siXy> :) 18:03:35 <linuxmodder> can't you still use IPs in the interim 18:03:39 <kushal> mhayden, so here, people want to know about the + points of networkd. 18:04:03 <jzb> tflink: what's the concern about 1 exactly? 18:04:05 <tflink> when to be quite frank, there isn't an incredible track record of testing the cloud image when it mostly overlaps with a small server install 18:04:08 <kushal> tflink, I think we already took the decision of making atomic as the primary deliverable. 18:04:20 <tflink> jzb: removing focus at the same time we're changing scope 18:04:28 <tflink> I'm not saying we shouldn't 18:04:41 <jzb> tflink: that's good, because as kushal said it's already decided 18:04:42 <siXy> linuxmodder: not really. I've no idea what the IP of docker hub might be, for a start. adding nslookup or similar shouldn't be that expensive. 18:04:49 <jzb> :-) 18:05:03 <tflink> just concerned that there's a change in focus at the same time there's a change in scope when there's not a great track record of testing in the first place 18:05:09 <tflink> of the cloud image 18:05:09 <kushal> mhayden, still there? 18:05:20 <jzb> I'm not grokking the "change in scope" bit 18:05:27 <tflink> jzb: networkd 18:05:32 <jzb> tflink: also looking for a proposed solution 18:05:38 <dustymabe> so I'm not too worried about networkd not working in cloud environments 18:05:39 <jbrooks> Does the rest of Fedora have an opinion on networkd? 18:05:41 <tflink> nothing else in fedora uses 18:05:45 <tflink> jzb: solution for what? 18:05:46 <mhayden> kushal: i am 18:05:47 <kushal> tflink, that is why we are bringing in more volunteers for helping in testing. 18:05:57 <dustymabe> but the problem is that atomic host shares the tree with the bare metal version 18:06:00 <jzb> tflink: teh concern 18:06:02 <jzb> er, the 18:06:04 <tflink> kushal: that doesn't change the past track record 18:06:13 <kushal> dustymabe, I am not changing anything on the tree 18:06:18 <mhayden> it seems like it would be troublesome if cloud images shifted to networkd without the rest of fedora moving at some level 18:06:20 <kushal> dustymabe, but just enable network in the kickstart file 18:06:21 <tflink> but I'm more of a "believe it when I see it" kind of person 18:06:34 <mhayden> systemd-networkd on workstation isn't the best idea, but it's good for servers/cloud/containers 18:06:50 <tflink> afaik, the cloud image would be the only place where networkd is used by default 18:06:50 <dustymabe> kushal: so what is the point then.. 18:06:52 <mhayden> IIRC, ArchLinux has completely gone to systemd-networkd 18:06:52 <kushal> mhayden, but WGs started so that we can take the best decision for us. 18:06:56 <jbrooks> Can we get the server WG to take it, too? 18:06:58 <dustymabe> if we are not going to remove networkmanager 18:07:02 <mhayden> kushal: good stuff 18:07:04 <jbrooks> Then we'd have more ppl testing 18:07:13 <mhayden> jbrooks: i'm on the server wg and i'm happy to bring it up there 18:07:28 <jbrooks> mhayden, cool, worth talking about, at least 18:07:33 <mhayden> definirely 18:07:36 <mhayden> err definitely 18:07:36 <kushal> dustymabe, we use the old initscripts now iirc 18:07:46 <dustymabe> kushal: only for the cloud image 18:07:51 <jzb> For some reason I thought the reason we were entertaining it was b/c other wgs wanted to move to it as well. 18:07:53 <dustymabe> I think atomic host cloud image uses nm 18:07:59 <siXy> FWIW, I'd be concerned about networkd -- it might add complexity to docker network plugins, and I doubt test coverage for this stuff would be easy to create. 18:08:08 <mhayden> systemd-networkd's resource requirements are a little lower than NM last time i looked 18:08:22 <tflink> if there are other WGs looking to use networkd as default, I have fewer concerns about tesitng scope 18:08:30 <kushal> siXy, mhayden is running networkd on fedora instances in production for a long time. 18:08:51 <jzb> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Network-Requirements 18:08:57 <jzb> actually mhayden had written this up 18:09:05 <mhayden> oh those docs are awful, who wrote those 18:09:06 <siXy> kushal: yup. but is he also testing the 10 or so common (fsvo "common") docker network plugins, such as calico? 18:09:28 <siXy> because I can pretty much guarantee that upstream won't be testing against networkd yet. 18:09:31 <kushal> siXy, I don't think even we test those. 18:09:32 <mhayden> i use docker with networkd at the moment... haven't seen any issues 18:09:38 <dustymabe> siXy: define upstream? 18:09:39 <mhayden> if networkd doesn't know a config for the device, it doesn't touch it 18:09:47 <siXy> kushal: right, but they work now, and breaking them would be unfortunate for us at least, and probably others 18:10:11 <siXy> dustymabe: upstream for the network plugin. so for calico projectcalico.org 18:10:31 <dustymabe> so do they develop all of their stuff on Fedora? 18:10:36 <dustymabe> or other linux distros? 18:10:41 <kushal> siXy, I think that should be upstream's responsibility to test on Fedora. 18:10:45 <dustymabe> what other distros use network manager? 18:11:02 <kushal> dustymabe, both ubuntu and debian is moving to networkd 18:11:11 <tflink> kushal: for everything? 18:11:23 <kushal> tflink, for cloud (head less systems) 18:11:42 <kushal> tflink, for laptop/desktop things NM is the number one. 18:11:43 <jzb> hmmm 18:11:49 <jzb> didn't we agree to do this last release? 18:11:58 <siXy> kushal: reasonable. but pushing ahead too aggressively with new stuff can make it hard work for users, as the upstream may take a while to catch up. 18:12:05 <tflink> i thought the agreement was not to do it for F23 and revisit later 18:12:13 <siXy> I'm just worried our networking might break, basically :) 18:12:28 <jzb> fwiw 18:12:32 <kushal> coreos is using networkd from 2014 18:12:32 <tflink> but I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention when that came up, so i could be wrong 18:12:33 <jzb> I think networkd is used by coreos 18:12:37 <jzb> what kushal said :-) 18:12:49 <kushal> siXy, not new :) 18:13:08 <jzb> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Cloud_Systemd_Networkd 18:13:14 <siXy> ok, I haven't looked at coreos in ages. ignore my objections then :) 18:13:16 <dustymabe> so I think either way we have to get walters input on this 18:13:46 <dustymabe> if he says no and has a good reason then it is basically a show stopper 18:13:46 <kushal> mhayden, have you used it on baremetals? 18:13:55 <dustymabe> networkmanager is what is used now on Atomic Host 18:14:01 <mhayden> kushal: using it on ~ 10-15 bare metal boxes at the moment 18:14:02 <dustymabe> in the cloud and on bare metal 18:14:10 <kushal> mhayden, so no issues. 18:14:20 <mhayden> kushal: including bonded interfaces, vlans, plain bridges, macvlan's, etc 18:14:38 <kushal> mhayden, can you please write these in reply to the cloud list thread. 18:14:43 <kushal> That way others will know. 18:14:45 <mhayden> abolutely 18:14:46 <tflink> that's still not enough testing to release it, in my opinion 18:14:54 * jzb notes we're 15 minutes over 18:15:14 <kushal> jzb, means we are actually working :) 18:15:24 <gholms> Heh 18:15:26 <mhayden> kushal: is that "Fedora cloud image feedback" thread the right one? 18:15:51 <dustymabe> Putting Networkd on cloud Atomic and base image for F24 18:15:52 <kushal> mhayden, nope, "Putting Networkd on cloud Atomic and base image for F24" 18:15:52 <tflink> mhayden: "Putting Networkd on cloud Atomic and base image for F24", I htink 18:15:53 <mhayden> kushal: oh, nevermind -- i see the one with "Putting networkd..." 18:15:55 <tflink> ah 18:15:58 <tflink> ha 18:15:59 <kushal> :) 18:15:59 <dustymabe> haha 18:16:58 <kushal> So after mhayden replies, we will have ask walters for his input. 18:17:12 <kushal> * have to 18:18:13 <kushal> and if he does not have any problem (which we can not fix), we can go ahead with this. 18:18:27 <dustymabe> ok endmeeting time 18:18:31 <kushal> 3 18:18:33 <kushal> 2 18:18:36 <kushal> 0.5 18:18:42 <kushal> #endmeeting