13:10:19 <andreasn> #startmeeting 13:10:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 27 13:10:19 2015 UTC. The chair is andreasn. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:10:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:10:24 <andreasn> #topic agenda 13:10:30 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 13:10:31 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'Dominik Perpeet' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 13:11:30 <andreasn> .hello andreasn 13:11:31 <zodbot> andreasn: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 13:12:41 <andreasn> so, what do we have today? 13:13:15 <dperpeet> * journal messages 13:13:18 <dperpeet> in testing 13:13:48 <andreasn> * user details page layout fixes 13:14:23 <andreasn> * fedora package karma 13:15:23 <andreasn> anything else, or does that sound like a good list? 13:15:38 <dperpeet> rest fits in open floor :) 13:16:18 <andreasn> all right 13:16:25 <andreasn> #topic Journal messages in testing 13:16:43 <dperpeet> first part of this is regarding https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/2492 13:16:59 <dperpeet> did you dig up anything on that petervo ? 13:17:28 <petervo> no 13:17:43 <petervo> it's been hard to track down 13:18:07 <petervo> or even reproduce locally 13:18:10 <dperpeet> so do you think we just merge it, or do we need more research? 13:18:21 <petervo> is it blocking anything right now? 13:18:41 <dperpeet> it necessitates retests every once in a while 13:18:49 <dperpeet> so not really blocking 13:19:45 <dperpeet> I guess we can just leave it for now and see if we can find out more sometime in the future 13:20:01 <dperpeet> that leads me to the second part 13:20:13 <dperpeet> we've tightened testing regarding js errors 13:20:24 <dperpeet> and now track bug reports in the source 13:20:39 <dperpeet> should we have a way of looking at the errors we're ignoring? 13:21:02 <dperpeet> or track 'ignored message' filters that aren't triggered? 13:22:22 <petervo> alot of the tight tracking stuff hasn't actually landed yet 13:22:32 <petervo> it's pending the big storaged merge 13:22:41 <dperpeet> yes, but that's the direction we're headed 13:23:38 <dperpeet> I think it's something we should keep in the back of our heads 13:24:23 <dperpeet> nothing to implement right away 13:24:27 <andreasn> next topic? 13:24:37 <dperpeet> sure 13:24:52 <andreasn> #topic user details page layout fixes 13:25:34 <andreasn> #info https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/2507 13:25:58 <andreasn> looks really nice. Thanks for the extra work with the administrator account there petervo! 13:26:28 <andreasn> I don't think there is much else to mention there, changes looks good 13:26:32 <petervo> it's still going to need to be refactored someday 13:26:45 <petervo> but for now i think it's ok 13:26:53 <andreasn> all right 13:27:02 <dperpeet> do you need another review on that? 13:27:47 <petervo> it needs a code review 13:28:39 <dperpeet> ok, I'll get on that 13:28:53 <andreasn> next topic 13:28:55 <dperpeet> it's easier to keep track if you use needswork labels 13:29:12 <petervo> isn't that for after a review 13:29:19 <dperpeet> well, andreas commented 13:29:35 <dperpeet> and now there's a comment from three hours ago 13:29:45 <dperpeet> and I have to look through the code to see if you already patched that 13:32:10 <andreasn> #topic Fedora package karma 13:32:33 <andreasn> did the journal makefile thing end up in a new package? 13:32:42 <petervo> yes 13:32:58 <andreasn> I'll test it and give some karma then 13:33:13 <andreasn> what's the url? 13:33:15 <petervo> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/cockpit-0.67-1.fc22 13:33:22 <andreasn> #info https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/cockpit-0.67-1.fc22 13:33:24 <andreasn> thanks! 13:34:13 <andreasn> sgallagh, dperpeet: can you help reviewing that package as well? 13:34:32 <dperpeet> yes, I can 13:35:43 <andreasn> ok, open floor next 13:35:47 <andreasn> #topic Open Floor 13:36:46 <petervo> dperpeet, where are you at with that IE error? 13:37:29 <dperpeet> just got back to looking at it today 13:37:37 <dperpeet> andreas is also looking at a branding issue 13:37:55 <andreasn> it keeps displaying this label saying "normal" 13:38:03 <andreasn> and no idea whatsoever where that comes from 13:38:07 <dperpeet> I couldn't track that down quickly 13:38:44 <petervo> css 13:39:25 <dperpeet> it's in the calculated content 13:42:50 <petervo> ok well i guess that's it then? 13:43:07 <dperpeet> yeah, if I can't find anything on the ie issue, I'll talk to you directly petervo 13:43:21 <andreasn> is this related maybe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18069225/applying-text-decoration-on-css-generated-content-in-ie 13:44:34 <dperpeet> I'll look into it 13:44:54 <andreasn> great 13:44:59 <andreasn> all right, end of meeting 13:45:04 <andreasn> #endmeeting