13:01:04 <andreasn1> #startmeeting Cockpit Weekly meeting 2016-07-18 13:01:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 18 13:01:04 2016 UTC. The chair is andreasn1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:01:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:01:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cockpit_weekly_meeting_2016-07-18' 13:01:09 <andreasn1> .hello andreasn 13:01:10 <zodbot> andreasn1: andreasn 'Andreas Nilsson' <anilsson@redhat.com> 13:01:16 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 13:01:17 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 13:01:26 <harish_> .hello harishanand 13:01:29 <zodbot> harish_: harishanand 'Harish Anand' <harishanand95@gmail.com> 13:02:26 <andreasn1> #topic agenda 13:02:45 <andreasn1> * systemd timers 13:02:52 <dperpeet> * webpack 13:02:57 <dperpeet> * test optimizations 13:02:59 <harish_> * timers 13:03:05 <dperpeet> * subscriptions rewrite 13:03:18 <dperpeet> * stable api 13:04:03 <andreasn1> sounds good 13:04:17 <andreasn1> #topic systemd timers 13:04:37 <harish_> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/4645 13:05:06 <harish_> I think now its design issues andreasn1 had mentioned are fixed. 13:05:26 <andreasn1> yeah, I haven't checked out the latest version, but it's starting to shape up really well 13:05:32 <harish_> Its major issue of datepicker-dropdown moving around a lot which clicked (after scrolling) is fixed. 13:05:42 <dperpeet> great! 13:05:48 <harish_> datepickerv1.6 still had same issues 13:06:01 <harish_> it closed all patterns.js error handle functions 13:06:16 <harish_> when datepicker was clicked. 13:06:36 <harish_> it closed all errors* i meant 13:06:39 <andreasn1> regarding your month question before, the date could be set to the 1st of every month by default 13:07:03 <andreasn1> and then it's possible to change it to the 5th, 12th or whatever by hand 13:07:16 <dperpeet> andreasn1, I think harish_ meant to issue a warning when setting to >28 13:07:23 <dperpeet> that it might not run every month 13:07:34 <andreasn1> oh, right 13:07:38 <harish_> andreasn1 it is set to 1st when a new row is added. 13:07:43 <andreasn1> ah, good 13:07:48 <andreasn1> hm, yeah, good question 13:07:54 <harish_> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockpit-project/cockpit-design/master/services/timers.png 13:07:55 <andreasn1> I was curious what systemd itself does there 13:08:25 <dperpeet> harish_, I think displaying a warning would be fancy, but nice 13:08:28 <andreasn1> right, I even had a note there "what do do with Feb 28 and 30/31" 13:08:31 <harish_> systemd suggested on setting end of month timers to next month starting to avoid such cases 13:08:44 <dperpeet> andreasn1, maybe blue info box? 13:08:45 <harish_> yes exactly 13:08:59 <dperpeet> harish_, very good to think of this! 13:09:06 <andreasn1> yeah, I think that could wok 13:09:09 <andreasn1> work 13:09:14 <dperpeet> this is one of the things that could annoy users 13:09:16 <dperpeet> if there is no warning 13:09:25 <dperpeet> make it accessible -> notify about the behavior 13:09:49 <dperpeet> can the day index be negative? =) 13:09:55 <dperpeet> -1: last day 13:09:58 <andreasn1> if you set it to 31, it might be that you want it to be triggered on the 31 only, but it's still good to notify those that thinks of 31 as "the end of every month" 13:10:33 <dperpeet> I'm for showing something - probably the blue info box 13:10:42 <dperpeet> warning seems out of place for something that could be intentional 13:10:46 <andreasn1> I agree with that behaviour 13:10:58 <dperpeet> harish_, what do you think? 13:11:01 <harish_> dperpeet we have it as dropdown. so it cant be negative :D 13:11:16 <dperpeet> harish_, dropdown is text, you can set anything :) 13:11:52 <harish_> yea. i have seen the blue boxes it will help. shouldn't it be shown only when a user selects 31st? 13:12:01 <dperpeet> I think the pattern is to always show them 13:12:06 <dperpeet> andreasn1 ? 13:13:05 <andreasn1> not super sure if to show by default or only if 31 is selected. I can't remember where we have this pattern elsewhere already 13:13:19 <harish_> dperpeet should I check if user input such invalid inputs from dropdowns? like negative? 13:13:30 <dperpeet> harish_, no 13:13:39 <dperpeet> I think we can move this detailed discussion to the pr 13:13:44 <harish_> okay 13:13:45 <andreasn1> yeah, lets do so 13:13:54 <harish_> I have started writing tests. 13:13:54 <andreasn1> ok, next up 13:13:57 <dperpeet> great! 13:14:07 <harish_> thanks dperpeet andreasn1 13:14:11 <andreasn1> thank you! 13:14:11 <harish_> eot 13:14:13 <dperpeet> let me know when they are in the pr 13:14:17 <dperpeet> I will take a look and trigger them 13:14:17 <andreasn1> #topic webpack 13:14:26 <harish_> sure! 13:14:27 <dperpeet> we've changed the build system 13:14:48 <dperpeet> so most devs will need to call autoconf again 13:15:06 <dperpeet> this is part of being more modular and allowing out of tree modules 13:15:27 <dperpeet> larsu and stefw put in a lot of work to make this happen 13:15:37 <dperpeet> and we have more related pull requests up 13:15:56 <dperpeet> such as https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/4752 (which will allow us to use ES6) 13:16:12 <dperpeet> this way the individual modules can be more independent 13:16:21 <dperpeet> eot 13:16:28 <andreasn1> nice! 13:16:39 <andreasn1> #topic test optimizations 13:17:04 <dperpeet> I added some code so our test logs contain timing info 13:17:08 <dperpeet> so we can identify hotspots 13:17:38 <dperpeet> and there is an open pr to optimize our tests to simultaneously boot multiple machines 13:17:39 <dperpeet> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/4741 13:17:54 <dperpeet> some tests need more than one, and before we would start wait, wait for it to boot, then start the next... 13:18:30 <dperpeet> I think this will not just make tests run faster, but also make adding more machines easier 13:18:45 <andreasn1> nice 13:18:46 <dperpeet> you can now just declare them as a class variable in the test, and the framework will take care of provisioning them 13:18:54 <dperpeet> once the test starts, you can ssh into it 13:19:03 <dperpeet> eot 13:19:46 <andreasn1> #topic subscriptions rewrite 13:20:39 <dperpeet> so after we did some work on subscriptions last week 13:21:03 <dperpeet> a refactoring was in order to separate backend logic from the view 13:21:23 <dperpeet> in order to reuse our patterns, it made sense to rewrite it with react 13:21:25 <dperpeet> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/4715 13:21:50 <dperpeet> this is a work in progress 13:22:02 <dperpeet> andreasn1, would it be ok to get the proxy stuff in as it is? 13:22:11 <dperpeet> or would you rather not include it in the rewrite 13:22:35 <andreasn1> I think it would. 13:22:44 <andreasn1> would be OK to put it in 13:23:03 <dperpeet> ok, then I'll address the other issues 13:23:14 <andreasn1> the only usecase that gets tricky is if you change your proxy, and then you have to resubscribe everything 13:23:20 <dperpeet> I agree that it makes sense to put it in 13:23:37 <andreasn1> but I feel I don't know enough about the exact workings and workflows of subscription-manager to tell 13:24:00 <dperpeet> I would prefer to get it in and then iterate on the how 13:24:06 <andreasn1> sounds good 13:24:08 <dperpeet> so we can actually support that feature 13:24:36 <andreasn1> I have the mockup on a reworked layout, but I think that's better to discuss after the meeting 13:25:02 <andreasn1> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockpit-project/cockpit-design/master/subscriptions/subscriptions-keys-v2.png 13:25:23 <dperpeet> ok 13:25:29 <dperpeet> I will rework the pr 13:25:34 <dperpeet> thanks for your feedback! 13:25:36 <dperpeet> eot 13:25:48 <andreasn1> #topic stable api 13:26:28 <dperpeet> we set the stable version of cockpit-bridge and cockpit-shell in https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/commit/2ab6a1716eca40c1a1c16aa1ac5457959b54fb82 13:26:44 <dperpeet> this should make it easier to develop other modules 13:26:56 <dperpeet> and means that the core doesn't have to be upgraded in sync with other packages 13:27:07 <dperpeet> so YAY for reaching this goal 13:27:40 <dperpeet> eot 13:27:43 <andreasn1> nice! 13:27:52 <andreasn1> *champagne* 13:27:54 <dperpeet> :) 13:28:24 <andreasn1> 🍾 13:28:47 <andreasn1> the above emoji is a square for me, probably same for the rest of you 13:28:54 <andreasn1> http://emojipedia.org/bottle-with-popping-cork/ 13:29:04 <dperpeet> yeah, some unicode 13:29:18 <andreasn1> 🎉 13:29:29 <andreasn1> 🍸 13:29:42 <andreasn1> 🎆 13:29:46 <andreasn1> all right 13:29:50 <andreasn1> #topic Open Floor 13:30:51 <harish_> dperpeet can we know which process is using up more ram space inside cockpit? 13:31:33 <dperpeet> you mean something like "top"? 13:31:37 <dperpeet> for ram 13:31:52 <dperpeet> or pieces of cockpit that run in the browser? 13:32:19 <harish_> top memory usage.. which process with id so that i can kill it ? 13:32:58 <dperpeet> I don't think we have that in cockpit 13:33:08 <petervo_> it was suggested a while back 13:33:15 <petervo_> but hasn't been implemented 13:33:23 <harish_> ohh.. we could know only services, running etc 13:34:18 <harish_> but nothing about which current process in memory now 13:34:38 <harish_> oh okay.. i was just curious. thanks petervo_ 13:35:11 <andreasn1> anything else for the open floor? 13:35:54 <andreasn1> sounds like a close 13:35:56 <andreasn1> #endmeeting