#meeting:fedoraproject.org: Community Ops

Meeting started by @jflory7:fedora.im at 14:00:13 UTC

Meeting summary

  1. TOPIC:Intros, welcomes, hellos (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:00:34)
    1. INFO: Welcome to the Community Ops team meeting. If you are attending, please introduce yourself by typing "!hi" in the chat. See the meeting agenda at the link below. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:00:44)
    2. LINK: https://pad.sfconservancy.org/p/fedora-commops-meetings (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:00:52)
    3. INFO: Present: @jflory7, @rwright, @bt0dotninja, @gwmngilfen, @neil, @jonatoni, @obazeeconsole, Vaz Singh, Alex Callejas (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:04:20)
    4. INFO: +Present: @winicarson (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:04:56)
    5. INFO: +Present: @lbazan (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:06:15)
    6. INFO: +Present: @brianclemens (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:07:02)
  2. TOPIC:Team announcements & news (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:07:51)
    1. INFO: Fedora Linux 40 officially released last week! Thanks to all the efforts of our contributors in the last six months around the world in making this release possible. 🎆 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:08:46)
    2. INFO: CFP for Fedora Week of Diversity is open! Everyone is welcome to apply by May 11. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:09:50)
    3. LINK: https://cfp.fedoraproject.org/fwd-2024/cfp (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:09:52)
    4. INFO: Flock CFP is now closed. The review period will happen over the next two weeks. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:10:56)
    5. INFO: There's an OSPN conference in Kyoto on July 27th Brian Clemens is hoping to push Fedora at if possible. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:12:34)
    6. LINK: https://www.ospn.jp (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:12:37)
  3. TOPIC:Initiative Co-Lead updates to the team (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:14:19)
    1. INFO: Robert Wright (he/him) has a new Repo going to drop later this week (like its a mixtape) with a second Juypter project for more setup for folks. :) This time you get to play with Datagrepper! (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:15:46)
  4. TOPIC:Follow-ups from last meeting (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:16:38)
    1. LINK: https://gitlab.com/fedora/commops/analytics/first-time-setup/ (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:17:24)
    2. INFO: Some people completed the initial setup. Some people looked through it and it made sense to them. Likely need more visibility on these tasks. Might be a possible collaboration with Marketing Team to craft a message to invite people to jump into the Fedora data river! (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:22:19)
  5. TOPIC:Ticket-driven discussion & notes (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:22:51)
    1. LINK: https://gitlab.com/fedora/commops/home/-/issues/?label_name%5B%5D=meeting%20topic%20request (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:22:58)
  6. TOPIC:#35 — Fedora Linux 40 Release Party planning & execution (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:23:56)
    1. LINK: https://gitlab.com/fedora/commops/home/-/issues/35 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:24:06)
    2. LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Linux_40_Release_Party_Schedule (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:24:11)
    3. INFO: The F40 Release Party is scheduled for Friday, 24 May and Saturday, 25 May. This is one of the biggest virtual events we run during the year to highlight new changes in Fedora during the last release and to celebrate the efforts of our global community to keep the Fedora wheel turning. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:25:31)
    4. INFO: There are four areas where we are organizing volunteers and helpers: Content & Promotion, Design, Speaker Management, and Event Production. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:26:02)
    5. INFO: Aoife Moloney volunteered to drive Speaker Management. Justin is leading on Event Production. Content & Promotion and Design still need leads. All areas need helpers. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:26:35)
    6. INFO: Joseph Gayoso volunteers to be the lead for Content & Promotion, and work with Outreachy applicants and other Marketing Team members on the prep leading up to the party. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:38:44)
    7. INFO: Robert Wright (he/him) and Gwmngilfen will collaborate on a 25-minute session on community social analytics with a call-to-action that encourages people to get hands-on with the Fedora data sources provided by Community Ops team. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:39:18)
    8. ACTION: @rwright @gwmngilfen Work on a 25-minute presentation and update Community Ops in our next meeting on Tuesday, 14 May (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:39:51)
    9. INFO: For the first time since we started running global, virtual release parties, we are NOT returning to Hopin. Partly by desire and partly by necessity, we are switching our event production platform. The most-likely contender is a Matrix room with a YouTube widget embedded with a live-stream of the video content. Presenters would connect most likely on BigBlueButton, Jitsi Meet, or Google Meet. Live-streaming details TBD! (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:42:01)
    10. IDEA: Ansible wisdom from Matrix virtual events: Have multiple moderators. Test connectivity on the A/V platform of choice. Make sure a URL to the stream is available outside of the Matrix widget for people outside of Matrix. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:48:05)
    11. HALP: Volunteers (both leaders and helpers) are needed for multiple areas of the F40 Release Party. The best way to get hands-on is to comment on the individual GitLab issues for each area and work with the assigned lead to meet the objectives. (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:49:59)
    12. LINK: https://gitlab.com/fedora/commops/home/-/issues/41 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:50:01)
    13. LINK: https://gitlab.com/fedora/commops/home/-/issues/42 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:50:06)
    14. LINK: https://gitlab.com/fedora/commops/home/-/issues/43 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:50:09)
    15. LINK: https://gitlab.com/fedora/commops/home/-/issues/44 (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:50:11)
  7. TOPIC:Open floor (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:50:55)
    1. ACTION: @jflory7 Brian Clemens Chat about getting a Fedora swag shipment out to Japan for https://www.ospn.jp/ (@jflory7:fedora.im, 14:57:37)

Meeting ended at 15:04:07 UTC

Action items

  1. @rwright @gwmngilfen Work on a 25-minute presentation and update Community Ops in our next meeting on Tuesday, 14 May
  2. @jflory7 Brian Clemens Chat about getting a Fedora swag shipment out to Japan for https://www.ospn.jp/

People present (lines said)

  1. @jflory7:fedora.im (161)
  2. @gwmngilfen:ansible.im (21)
  3. @zodbot:fedora.im (15)
  4. @brian:tiuxo.com (13)
  5. @rwright:fedora.im (10)
  6. @bt0dotninja:fedora.im (10)
  7. @joseph:fedora.im (10)
  8. @nhanlon:beeper.com (8)
  9. @vazsingh:matrix.org (3)
  10. @jonatoni:fedora.im (3)
  11. @meetbot:fedora.im (2)
  12. @lbazan:fedora.im (2)
  13. @nature365:matrix.org (2)
  14. @winifredtaigbenu:matrix.org (2)
  15. @meedarhh:matrix.org (1)
  16. @obazeeconsole:matrix.org (1)