15:03:01 <bee2502> #startmeeting Community Operations 15:03:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 9 15:03:01 2017 UTC. The chair is bee2502. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:03:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'community_operations' 15:03:12 <bee2502> #topic Roll Call 15:03:16 <skamath> .hello2 15:03:20 <zodbot> skamath: skamath 'Sachin S Kamath ' <sskamath96@gmail.com> 15:03:24 <bee2502> .hello bee2502 15:03:27 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 15:03:41 <bee2502> #chair skamath 15:03:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: bee2502 skamath 15:04:18 * skamath waves to the bunnies if there are any :P 15:04:43 <bt0> hello 15:04:50 * Rhea waves back to skamath 15:04:52 <skamath> #chair Rhea bt0 15:04:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea bee2502 bt0 skamath 15:05:03 <bt0> .hello bt0dotninja 15:05:05 <zodbot> bt0: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 15:11:05 <bee2502> o/ 15:11:39 <bee2502> #topic Announcements 15:12:37 <bee2502> #info Read what happened in Fedora in last week in this Community Blog post by jkurik 15:12:41 <bee2502> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/found-interesting-fedora-week-39-2017/ 15:13:11 <bee2502> #info FLOCK 2018 Bidding is open 15:13:28 <bee2502> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/flock-2018-bidding-open/ 15:13:54 <bee2502> #info We have a new community election schedule 15:14:35 <bee2502> #help Contribute to Fedora 27 Talking points 15:14:51 <bee2502> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/marketing@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/RENZ6SB3KUDTHGDW67XV4LHBDK5BZJSK/ 15:15:37 <bee2502> Anything new to add here, anyone? 15:15:52 <bt0> no 15:16:59 <Rhea> Announcements right 15:17:01 * Rhea announces that she went to conference and received all kinds of cookies from all around the world. 15:17:40 <bee2502> Rhea Which conference? I saw that you were in London. Did you talk about Fedora? 15:20:25 <bee2502> I was interviewed by a few Cornell students working with Hubs design last week about CommOps and our workflow 15:20:34 <bee2502> bt0, did they interview you too? 15:20:51 <Rhea> Tuesday did FWD, London was game development thing, unrelated to Fedora... 15:21:36 <bee2502> Rhea How was FWD Brno? 15:22:44 * bt0 yes, me too 15:22:44 <bee2502> Moving on to tickets.. 15:22:49 <Rhea> I wrote a short tiny blog post to sum it up, overall it was fine... 15:23:04 <bee2502> #topic Tickets 15:23:07 <bee2502> Rhea++ 15:23:09 <bee2502> bt0++ 15:23:21 <bt0> bee2502++ :) 15:24:17 <bee2502> #info Issue 110 Fedora Appreciation Week 15:24:21 <bee2502> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/110 15:24:44 <bee2502> I think we have had a lot of discussion on this in meetings and on ticket. 15:25:23 <bee2502> Next, we need to send a call for feedback on mailing list regarding the event and link the ticket 15:25:47 * bt0 nods 15:25:55 <bee2502> and we can vote in next weeks meeting and start work on Community Blog post and event organizing 15:25:56 <Rhea> hmm 15:27:08 <bee2502> Can anyone take up the action item to send call for feedback to mailing list? 15:27:32 <bt0> me o/ 15:27:40 <bee2502> bt0 great 15:28:30 <bee2502> #action bt0 send call for feedback regarding Fedora Appreciation Week to mailing list, ticket gets voted on by team in next meeting 15:30:24 <bee2502> skamath are you here? 15:30:48 <bee2502> I want to discuss the metrics ticket if you are here.. 15:32:17 <bee2502> I don't have any other ticket in mind to discuss at the moment.. 15:32:36 <bee2502> Any body wants to discuss some ticket or anything else? 15:33:02 <Rhea> i haz no idea what's even happening around me so... 15:33:16 <bee2502> Rhea I feel like that at conferences 15:34:20 <bt0> :) i know how to it feels 15:35:53 <bee2502> Great! so if there is nothing more to add, I will close this meeting. 15:36:08 <bee2502> I have some tickets to comment on too. 15:36:43 <bee2502> #action CommOps please leave your feedback on Fedora Appreciation Week ticket and FOSS student pack 15:37:00 <bee2502> Anything anybody? 15:37:53 <Rhea> hmm 15:37:58 <Rhea> nope 15:38:06 <bt0> no 15:39:27 <bt0> in a few minutes i send the mail (call for feedback) 15:39:30 <bt0> :) 15:39:42 <bee2502> bt0++ 15:39:53 <bee2502> ok ending the meeting 15:39:54 <bee2502> 3.. 15:39:57 <bee2502> 2. 15:39:59 <bee2502> 1.. 15:40:03 <bee2502> #endmeeting