13:00:50 <cverna> #startmeeting Container SIG 13:00:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 11 13:00:50 2019 UTC. 13:00:50 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 13:00:50 <zodbot> The chair is cverna. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:00:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'container_sig' 13:00:58 <cverna> #meetingname containersig 13:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'containersig' 13:01:15 <cverna> #topic Roll call 13:01:21 <cverna> Hello everyone 13:01:58 <jcajka> .hello jcajka 13:02:00 <zodbot> jcajka: jcajka 'None' <jcajka@redhat.com> 13:02:00 <prakashmishra> .hello prakashmishra1598 13:02:02 <zodbot> prakashmishra: prakashmishra1598 'Prakash Mishra' <prakashmishra1598@gmail.com> 13:02:23 <cverna> #chair jcajka prakashmishra 13:02:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: cverna jcajka prakashmishra 13:02:43 <cverna> I ll wait another minute to see if we have more people joining :) 13:04:22 <cverna> ok let's move on :) 13:04:32 <cverna> #info Updates since last meeting 13:04:38 <cverna> #undo 13:04:38 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by cverna at 13:04:32 : Updates since last meeting 13:04:48 <cverna> #topic Updates since last meeting 13:05:00 <cverna> I ll start with a quick update since last meeting 13:05:50 <cverna> I have been working on moving the guidelines and review process to docs.fp.o so we can abandon the wiki 13:06:16 <cverna> I opened a few PRs but I need to ask to get the commit permission to the documentation repo 13:06:52 <cverna> I have started to talk with releng about stream branches for container --> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Community_Platform_Engineering 13:06:59 <cverna> oops wrong paste :) 13:07:06 <cverna> https://pagure.io/ContainerSIG/container-sig/issue/24 13:07:09 <cverna> ^^ 13:07:23 <cverna> #info container stream branches will need some work 13:07:27 <cverna> #link https://pagure.io/ContainerSIG/container-sig/issue/24 13:07:51 <cverna> #info moving guidelines and review process to docs.fp.o 13:08:17 <cverna> That's pretty much all from me :) 13:09:15 <cverna> anybody want to give an update ? 13:10:38 <jcajka> awesome :) 13:10:48 <jcajka> unfortunately nothing really 13:11:07 * jcajka is looking mostly in to the FCOS atm 13:11:14 <cverna> I think we will have soon a taiga instance for all SIG in fedora 13:11:30 <cverna> so I am planning to move our tickets there and we can be better organized 13:12:02 <cverna> It would be nice to move on docs.fp.o also and have a better on boarding experience for newcomers 13:13:03 * jlanda is lurking around 13:13:56 <cverna> #topic tickets 13:14:21 <cverna> ttomecek++ for creating the tickets from our DevConf.cz workshop 13:14:21 <zodbot> cverna: Karma for ttomecek changed to 1 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 13:14:26 <cverna> jlanda o/ 13:15:25 <jlanda> heya ;) 13:15:59 <cverna> jcajka: are you happy to close this ticket https://pagure.io/ContainerSIG/container-sig/issue/19 13:16:44 <jcajka> cverna: yes,it should be working 13:18:43 <cverna> I ll try to had more tasks to the Resourcing & Marketing ticket 13:18:49 <jcajka> if the autopush is not working I will talk with bodhi folks 13:19:26 <cverna> yes it might be an historical bug or something that does not work for container 13:21:05 <cverna> #topic Open floor 13:23:37 <cverna> Leaving the Floor Open until half past then closing the meeting :) 13:33:58 <jlanda> you might now where to ping exactly, I have to weird bugs with podman, who should I contact about them? libpod/issues on gh? 13:34:05 <jlanda> s/now/know 13:34:30 <cverna> jlanda: there is #podman channel on IRC 13:34:37 <cverna> that might be a good start 13:34:39 <jlanda> oh, good to know ;) 13:34:46 <jlanda> yep, the best one probably :D 13:34:50 <cverna> :) 13:35:16 <cverna> closing the meeting we can continue the conversation on #fedora-containers 13:35:20 <jlanda> I'll ask there when I reach home since the bugged box is at home ;) 13:35:27 <cverna> #endmeeting