16:14:25 <gundalow> #startmeeting Contributors Summit 16:14:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 6 16:14:25 2017 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:14:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:14:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'contributors_summit' 16:14:36 <rbergeron> ahh 16:14:38 <rbergeron> #link https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-core 16:14:54 <rbergeron> Also, main agenda link: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-agenda 16:15:37 <gundalow> #chair abadger1999 alikins bcoca gregdek jimi|ansible jimi|ansible nitzmahone privateip Qalthos rcarrillocruz ryansb sdoran shertel thaumos 16:15:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos abadger1999 alikins bcoca gregdek gundalow jimi|ansible nitzmahone privateip rcarrillocruz ryansb sdoran shertel thaumos 16:15:44 <gundalow> #chair rbergeron 16:15:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos abadger1999 alikins bcoca gregdek gundalow jimi|ansible nitzmahone privateip rbergeron rcarrillocruz ryansb sdoran shertel thaumos 16:16:03 <gundalow> #topic Intro 16:17:43 * jlk is on IRC :D 16:18:06 <jtanner> i'm alive 16:18:16 <pabelanger> o/ 16:18:32 <gundalow> #chair jlk pabelanger chouseknecht caphrim007 kedarX stacywsmith 16:18:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos abadger1999 alikins bcoca caphrim007 chouseknecht gregdek gundalow jimi|ansible jlk kedarX nitzmahone pabelanger privateip rbergeron rcarrillocruz ryansb sdoran shertel stacywsmith thaumos 16:18:33 <caphrim007> \o/ 16:18:35 <rcarrillocruz> o/ 16:18:37 <Pilou> o/ 16:19:18 <gundalow> #chair rcarrillocruz Pilou 16:19:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou Qalthos abadger1999 alikins bcoca caphrim007 chouseknecht gregdek gundalow jimi|ansible jlk kedarX nitzmahone pabelanger privateip rbergeron rcarrillocruz ryansb sdoran shertel stacywsmith thaumos 16:19:36 <gundalow> #topic Playbook bundle installer 16:19:40 * mikedlr waves hi. 16:20:47 <gundalow> #info Big ask for "Minimal installer", ability to distributes only certain modules 16:21:03 <gundalow> #info We want this for Ansible 2.5 16:22:03 <gundalow> #action thaumos to create proposal and add link to etherpad 16:22:31 <maxamillion> can someone share a link to the etherpad? 16:22:38 <jlk> https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-core 16:22:58 <maxamillion> jlk: thanks! 16:23:12 <gundalow> #chair maxamillion 16:23:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou Qalthos abadger1999 alikins bcoca caphrim007 chouseknecht gregdek gundalow jimi|ansible jlk kedarX maxamillion nitzmahone pabelanger privateip rbergeron rcarrillocruz ryansb sdoran shertel stacywsmith thaumos 16:23:25 <jlk> https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-agenda is the main one maxamillion 16:23:35 <maxamillion> jlk: +1 thanks again 16:23:42 <gundalow> Guest34818: Hi, Are you part of the Contributors Summit? If so could you please "/nick realname" 16:24:20 <jlk> speak into the mic... 16:24:41 <gundalow> jlk: better now 16:24:43 <gundalow> ? 16:24:50 <jlk> a tiny bit 16:24:51 <mikedlr> not very clear .. 16:25:15 <gundalow> now? 16:25:32 <bcoca> did they hang up? 16:25:34 <jlk> it was better until Greg dropped off. 16:25:37 <mikedlr> absolutely nothing.. 16:25:41 <gundalow> #info Other notes are in https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-core 16:28:16 <mikedlr> so greg can now be heard fine but the people who are actually talking come across between mumble and just a bit of noise.. 16:28:44 <jimi|ansible> bcoca: change your background color in etherpad, the dark blue is hard to read against 16:30:00 <jimi|ansible> dark red is not much better :) 16:30:03 <bcoca> really cannot hear people in room 16:30:19 <jtanner> i think greg's mic is the only one that works 16:30:20 <jimi|ansible> i'll try and find the sound peeps to up the mic levels 16:30:35 <bcoca> i know abadger1999 is talking, not what he is saying 16:30:43 * resmo waves 16:30:50 <thaumos> better? 16:30:54 <thaumos> I think it is 16:31:03 <jtanner> now i can at least tell it's toshio talking 16:31:48 * jimi|ansible shakes fist at package names across distros 16:31:59 <jlk> lol, age old anger. 16:32:17 <gundalow> #chair mikedlr ShaneF resmo 16:32:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou Qalthos ShaneF abadger1999 alikins bcoca caphrim007 chouseknecht gregdek gundalow jimi|ansible jlk kedarX maxamillion mikedlr nitzmahone pabelanger privateip rbergeron rcarrillocruz resmo ryansb sdoran shertel stacywsmith thaumos 16:32:21 <jlk> see also, bindep from OpenStack land, and mordred 16:32:59 <jimi|ansible> but deps are almost always required on remote systems... 16:33:07 <jimi|ansible> ^ this is why i'm skeptical about this being useful 16:33:14 <jimi|ansible> also, at what point are we just reimplementing roles? 16:33:17 <jlk> except for things like aws, openstack, gce, networks, etc... 16:33:27 <jimi|ansible> sure, cloud stuff, unless you're using a bastion system 16:33:31 <jlk> all the "api" modules. 16:33:32 <jimi|ansible> i guess then you'd run the bundler thing there 16:33:38 <jlk> yeah 16:34:26 <jimi|ansible> so why not write a module that is the dep installer? 16:34:39 <jimi|ansible> - setup_module: name=aws <- installs boto on the target system 16:35:04 <jlk> could work, but I think you're on a tangent from the original problem, and bcoca's bit is pile-on 16:35:08 <jimi|ansible> module/action_plugin, to deal with distro "fun" 16:35:45 <gundalow> #chair dag 16:35:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou Qalthos ShaneF abadger1999 alikins bcoca caphrim007 chouseknecht dag gregdek gundalow jimi|ansible jlk kedarX maxamillion mikedlr nitzmahone pabelanger privateip rbergeron rcarrillocruz resmo ryansb sdoran shertel stacywsmith thaumos 16:35:50 <jimi|ansible> technically that's not true: ansible -m include_role=myrole localhost 16:36:33 <jimi|ansible> also, we're talking about bundling playbooks, so we're going to have playbooks wrapping something already 16:36:35 <jimi|ansible> ? 16:37:00 <jlk> "many people arguing" 16:37:30 <jimi|ansible> ^ every day in our slack channel :) 16:37:42 <jlk> yup! 16:39:16 <gundalow> :) 16:39:17 <jlk> holy echo batman 16:39:22 <rbergeron> jlk: does this seem similar to bindep or? 16:39:33 <rbergeron> oh. paul is asking the same thing 16:39:38 <rbergeron> jlk: is the echo bad? 16:39:41 <rbergeron> like super bad? 16:39:56 <sdoran> Depends on who's talking. 16:40:04 <jhawkesworth_> but largely, yes 16:40:06 <sdoran> My guess is proximity to another mic in the room. 16:40:21 <jlk> whoever was talking a couple people ago had bad echo, but right now it's okay 16:40:21 <jlk> and yeah, this is close to bindep 16:40:53 <alikins> echo is pretty bad, mostly intelligible but barely 16:42:18 <pabelanger> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/22159 bindep task for ansible, mordred wrote 16:42:35 <alikins> do we have specific use cases for bundles? Seems like we are trying to solve about 10 vaguely related problems 16:42:47 <jlk> waiiiit 16:42:52 <jlk> you're talking about pushing modules back out?? 16:42:52 <mordred> pabelanger: yes please 16:43:24 * mordred lets jlk and pabelanger handle the meeting 16:43:43 <jlk> alikins: that's kind of what it sounds like to me 16:43:51 <rbergeron> mordred: i think you chatted with someone about this last week or week before while in the office 16:43:57 <jlk> there was 1 problem, 1 solution, and a bunch of other problems went "heyyyy, that looks interesting" 16:43:58 <rbergeron> vaguely 16:44:23 <gundalow> Question: What do other people in the room think of this? 16:44:47 <rbergeron> pabelanger: can you add that link to that PR to the etherpad with a little description? purdy plz 16:45:00 <rbergeron> https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-core around line 33ish 16:45:16 <matrix30001> Is there anyone looking at the idea of a module manager? 16:45:25 <jimi|ansible> gundalow: i'm skeptical of it being useful 16:46:06 <mikedlr> a) galaxy alone isn't sufficient - some kind of artefact management / own system needs to be available - once you do that you only want once source of all remotely installable objects in use in any install 16:46:39 <maxamillion> gundalow: I think the idea of bindep is pretty cool for those who want to use it, but I'm not sure this is something I really care about to be added to ansible core for my use cases ... this just isn't really a problem for my team (at least not that I'm aware of) 16:46:51 <abadger1999> thaumos: mattclay is speaking 16:46:53 <mikedlr> b) the modules are getting unmaintainable and compatibility with different python versions will get worse if more of them move outside the main ansible package. 16:47:16 <matrix30001> agreed, the python v2.7 vs 3.x is going to make the problem larger 16:47:18 <mikedlr> there was a reason why having two separate packages was problematic. 16:47:43 <jimi|ansible> mikedlr: yeah i think ultimately something along the lines of pip would be where we end up, but there are namespace concerns, etc. The idea of "minimal" was to get you the basic set of modules that let you do file/package/service stuff out of the box and then you could install other modules as you wish 16:48:05 <mordred> maxamillion, gundalow: I think bindep is a bit different from ansible bundles - bindep is an available tool for being able to list distro package depends for something - it could be a thing that bundles could know how to process as a shorthand, but by itself I don't think it solves the same problem 16:48:06 <rbergeron> btw: if you're here (virtually, physically, mentally... 1 out of 3 works) -- if you get a moment, add your name / irc / github details to the main page: https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-agenda -- around line 85 under "who is here" 16:48:26 <gundalow> ^^^^ 16:48:42 <mikedlr> jimi: I agree that PIP is crucial; ansible modules should be "thin" and call in libraries via PIP. if we can then work with libraries outside that simpifies ansible lots. 16:49:04 <jimi|ansible> that still doesn't solve the problem of deps for the module on remote systems 16:49:13 <jimi|ansible> which is the main reason i'm skeptical of this being useful 16:49:21 <maxamillion> mordred: then maybe I don't understand the problem this is trying to solve 16:49:23 <mordred> it's obviously easy enough to have a "depends.yaml" playbook that has a bunch of package: lines in it - but also having a boiler-plate one that says "oh look, there's a bindep.txt, I'm going to bindep it, grab the list and run package: on the results" might be a way to express those concisely 16:50:06 <jimi|ansible> crazy solution would be to extend ansiballz to use packages from the controller but that opens a BIG can of worms 16:50:09 <abadger1999> remote deps that are included in the minimal package set includes: selinux, systemd, and urllib3 16:50:27 * jimi|ansible ducks as abadger1999 throws something from behind 16:50:33 <mordred> jimi|ansible: I think that's one of the reasons my understanding of the bundle idea was that it would have an "install" or a "depends" or osmething like that phase so that it's easy to say "I want to run this module on this remote system, could you please run its bundle's install playbook first so that I get the remote depends installed" 16:50:36 * abadger1999 reads the channel 16:51:00 <maxamillion> jimi|ansible: you're crazy man +1 16:51:18 <jimi|ansible> 4 years of doing open source as a day job can have that effect 16:51:42 <mordred> so if you say "ansible-bundle install my-awesome-bundle" to get thebundle locally, then you could mabye say "ansible-bundle '*' remote-deps my-awesome-bundle" *handwave* 16:52:17 <pabelanger> ya, I'm happy to talk more about how bindep solves the issue for us in openstack-infra. Basically same use case I think 16:52:33 <gundalow> #topic Core: 2.5 Roadmap 16:52:35 <gundalow> NEW TOPIC 16:52:45 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible: that could help with arch independent modules. 16:52:49 <jlk> Can the speaker talk _AT_ greg's laptop? 16:52:59 <abadger1999> well... pyhthon arch independent modules. 16:53:11 <jimi|ansible> abadger1999: i just imagine the hell of different python versions between the controller/remote and the fun that could result 16:53:25 <abadger1999> makes the ansiballz bigger ad doesn't handle things that aren't pure python. 16:53:26 <maxamillion> what is Ansible Config? 16:53:32 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible: <nod> 16:53:37 <jlk> and what is facts namespacing? 16:53:38 <bcoca> abadger1999: systemd is only required on systems that alreayd have systemd, not sure where urllib3 is a problem, have not seen anyone complain aobut htat one 16:53:42 <jimi|ansible> it would make the zip bigger yes, but probably not critically so 16:53:44 <jlk> (we've ran into namespacing concerns in zuul land) 16:53:47 <gundalow> #info 2.5 roadmap notes is been added to https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-core see "Core 2.5 roadmap" section 16:53:49 <abadger1999> maxamillion: it's a feature for 2.4 (will be continued on other systems) 16:53:57 <jimi|ansible> could also configure it to not use local modules 16:53:59 <maxamillion> abadger1999: is that pronounced "ansiballs" or "ansiball zee" (like DragonBall-Z) ? 16:54:04 <abadger1999> *will be continued on other releases. 16:54:05 <bcoca> jlk: ansible_facts.varname vs varname 16:54:15 <jimi|ansible> maxamillion: i typically do -z 16:54:17 * abadger1999 can't type and listen at the same time. 16:54:21 <jlk> maxamillion: Ansiball Z is for s390x 16:54:29 <gundalow> #chair ericsysmin 16:54:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou Qalthos ShaneF abadger1999 alikins bcoca caphrim007 chouseknecht dag ericsysmin gregdek gundalow jimi|ansible jlk kedarX maxamillion mikedlr nitzmahone pabelanger privateip rbergeron rcarrillocruz resmo ryansb sdoran shertel stacywsmith thaumos 16:54:32 <jlk> bcoca: oh. 16:54:40 <jimi|ansible> ansiballz - it's over 9000 modules! 16:54:40 <maxamillion> abadger1999: where might I find docs on it? all I found is the Ansible Configuration docs page and I suspect that's not what I want 16:54:49 <abadger1999> maxamillion: AnsiBallZ like DragonBallZ 16:54:54 <bcoca> jlk: currenly facts can do 'ansbile_user' and clash with reserved/top level vars, this is a way to make them 'safe' 16:54:58 <maxamillion> jlk: jimi|ansible: abadger1999: +1 16:55:08 <bcoca> jlk: the last CVEs were all due to this and fact injection 16:55:14 <abadger1999> bcoca: ^ (question about where docs for ansible-config live) 16:56:49 <abadger1999> bcoca: systemd managed systems don't necessarily have the python bindings (and they aren't necessarily the python2 vs python3 bindings). 16:56:54 <bcoca> sound really sucks 16:57:01 <abadger1999> bcoca: so we do have to make sure it's installed. 16:57:08 <bcoca> abadger1999: we dont use python on systemd module 16:57:17 <bcoca> we use command direclty, there is no dep on the bindings 16:57:22 <jlk> General request to have room speakers like this walk over to Greg's laptop to speak 16:57:33 <jlk> gregdek: ^^ rbergeron ^^ 16:57:36 <abadger1999> try: 16:57:37 <abadger1999> from systemd import journal 16:57:39 <abadger1999> has_journal = True 16:57:40 <abadger1999> except ImportError: 16:57:42 <abadger1999> has_journal = False 16:57:46 <gundalow> #info Network 2.5 roadmap https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Network%3ACore-roadmap-2.5 (feedback welcome in #ansible-network) 16:57:55 <bcoca> ^ that is our logging, which 'transparently' falls back to syslog if systemd is not present 16:57:57 <mikedlr> everybody please mute mikes if not speaking; people on meeting hear typing. 16:58:03 <bcoca> systemd is NOT requried 16:58:08 <abadger1999> bcoca: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/module_utils/basic.py#L99 16:58:41 <bcoca> abadger1999: i know the code, please read what i said, has_journal=false is NOT an error 16:58:44 <mikedlr> now it's clear for me.. 16:58:58 <abadger1999> bcoca: that's not the customer request 16:59:06 <abadger1999> bcoca: the customer request is to instal deps. 16:59:07 <bcoca> what request? 16:59:12 <bcoca> its not a dep 16:59:24 <gundalow> #chair itdependsnetwork zerocoolback 16:59:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou Qalthos ShaneF abadger1999 alikins bcoca caphrim007 chouseknecht dag ericsysmin gregdek gundalow itdependsnetwork jimi|ansible jlk kedarX maxamillion mikedlr nitzmahone pabelanger privateip rbergeron rcarrillocruz resmo ryansb sdoran shertel stacywsmith thaumos zerocoolback 16:59:34 <abadger1999> bcoca: if the remote side is supposed to log by systemd then it is a dep. 16:59:36 <gundalow> #topic Core: Finishing Config 16:59:50 <gundalow> #info https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-core heading "finishing config (bcoca)" 16:59:55 <gundalow> #chair grastogi 16:59:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: Pilou Qalthos ShaneF abadger1999 alikins bcoca caphrim007 chouseknecht dag ericsysmin grastogi gregdek gundalow itdependsnetwork jimi|ansible jlk kedarX maxamillion mikedlr nitzmahone pabelanger privateip rbergeron rcarrillocruz resmo ryansb sdoran shertel stacywsmith thaumos zerocoolback 16:59:58 <abadger1999> bcoca: thaumos (who jsut left) said that this feature is a customer request. 17:00:13 <jtanner> config? 17:00:24 <jlk> and the echo is back :( 17:00:28 <jlk> and then went away 17:00:30 <jlk> and back 17:00:37 <maxamillion> jtanner: I also don't know what it is :/ 17:00:42 <abadger1999> jtanner: (I'm still talking about installer but bcoca is audio-speaking about config 17:00:59 <bcoca> abadger1999: its not, it TRIES and fallsback 17:01:00 * jhawkesworth_ back later 17:01:57 <jlk> Greg needs to mute when bcoca is talking. 17:02:47 <maxamillion> jlk: yeah, we should probably switch to push-to-talk 17:02:59 <jlk> it's a bluejeans thing, not the room mic thing 17:03:08 <maxamillion> oh 17:04:20 <ericsysmin> where is this located? 17:04:28 <ericsysmin> i want to take a look at the doc 17:04:36 <jlk> Somebody on BJ talks, it's piped into the room, and then greg's laptop mic pics up the noise and feeds it back into BJ 17:05:10 <gundalow> #topic Core: How to get community features on 2.5 roadmap 17:05:43 <abadger1999> ericsysmin: doc for which? 17:06:08 <gundalow> ericsysmin: https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/35 17:06:19 <ericsysmin> gundalow: thanks 17:06:19 <jimi|ansible> jpmens didn't submit that mqtt thing? i'm surprised :) 17:06:37 <jlk> heh. 17:06:44 <jlk> bcoca: that plugin isn't merged, and it's not clear if it would be merged at all 17:07:40 <willthames> bcoca, wrt ansible-config, https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/25160 still seems like a concern 17:08:21 <jlk> For community, it'd be good to use labels or something else that can indicate interest in getting something into the next release or not. The "roadmap" may be a red herring here, what's more important is feedback to contributors about intent. 17:08:37 <jtanner> do we want to have shipit+automerge for !module plugins? Seems like we should figure out installer first. 17:08:50 <jtanner> i don't want to make more giant piles that people think core owns 17:08:57 <jlk> nod 17:09:04 <bcoca> willthames: that was deprecated and then removed in 2.2 iirc 17:09:21 <willthames> but with zero deprecation warnings 17:09:26 <bcoca> config added new 'deprection' warnings for items, but that does not aply retroactively 17:09:42 <bcoca> willthames: was in changelog, but we had no mechanism to give runtime warnings, now we have 17:09:43 <willthames> I don't think we should deprecate stuff without prior warnings 17:10:07 <bcoca> we 'warned' in the release notes and chnagelog ... just not in runtime 17:10:18 <bcoca> willthames: it was not only time, but it probalby is one of the last 17:10:28 <bcoca> as now we have method to deprecate 17:11:13 <willthames> if you get a bunch of issues following 2.4 release regarding hostfile, I won't be hugely surprised - not everyone reads changelogs and release notes 17:11:14 <bcoca> there are still 2 'grey items' , sudo/su keywords and accelerate 17:11:31 <bcoca> willthames: iirc hostfile was removed in 2.2 17:11:43 <bcoca> and we did get people complaining but very few 17:11:51 <willthames> hostfile breaks only with devel 17:12:19 <ericsysmin> bcoca: weren't those supposed to be removed 17:12:22 <willthames> as I say in that issue, it works fine with 2.3 still 17:12:30 <bcoca> ericsysmin: which? 17:12:38 <ericsysmin> bcoca: sudo/su 17:12:47 <bcoca> ericsysmin: tehy've been deprecated since 2.0 17:13:25 <willthames> sudo/su have had runtime warnings for a long time though, it's a lot more obvious that you should use become 17:13:41 <willthames> iirc 17:13:51 <bcoca> no, had to remove them cause they were 'always set' 17:13:55 <bcoca> did try to add at one point 17:14:04 <bcoca> same with accelerate 17:14:59 <willthames> ansible-lint warns about sudo at least :) (I didn't know about hostfile, but ansible-lint can't check ansible.cfg, ansible-review might be able too) 17:15:17 <gundalow> #info BOTMETA https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/.github/BOTMETA.yml 17:20:46 <bcoca> willthames you are right on chronology .. in 2.3 we have 17:21:11 <bcoca> DEPRECATED_HOST_LIST = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'hostfile', 'ANSIBLE_HOSTS', '/etc/ansible/hosts', value_type='path') 17:21:17 <bcoca> which i though had been removed already 17:21:30 <bcoca> i remember responding to a couple of people complaingin about the same you did 17:21:59 <bcoca> willthames: ah, it was removed .. but then someone added back ...grphgm 17:22:13 <gundalow> gregdek: https://github.com/ansible/proposals/labels/Agreed 17:22:17 <alikins> are we talking format proposals as in https://github.com/ansible/proposals ? 17:22:18 <resmo> gregdek: handler listen proposal? 17:22:31 <bcoca> that one is 'done' 17:22:42 <resmo> gregdek: i made the proposal, jimi|ansible made it 17:22:51 <jimi|ansible> yep i wrote the code 17:23:27 <ericsysmin> that's a valid point 17:23:38 <jimi|ansible> the module metadata implemenation itself was original a proposal (2 actually) 17:23:52 <ericsysmin> "beginner" could be a way for that to happen 17:24:06 <bcoca> another proposal being implemented 'versioned doc site' 17:24:32 <jimi|ansible> that's not something an outside contributor could really work on though 17:24:38 <jimi|ansible> that's a lot of infrastructure stuff 17:26:35 <ericsysmin> yep, doc site is something on the server end for generation of docs and template from my understanding 17:26:47 <ericsysmin> people are familiar with ReadTheDocs format 17:27:02 <abadger1999> gregdek: The failed attempt to update the proposals process: https://github.com/ansible/proposals/pull/59 17:27:44 <ericsysmin> i believe that's reliant on sphinx 17:27:46 <jtanner> that last proposal on the "proposal process" still had lingering questions about it's intent. To me it was trying to build a framework to force the core team to accept a PR in a given timeframe. 17:28:17 <jtanner> my belief is that proposal needs to be used to socialize an idea and have the community at large agree or disagree on the idea 17:28:39 <jtanner> not be used as a tool to force the core team to do something 17:28:52 <jimi|ansible> dag: funny you just reopened proposal 67, i would tend to agree with bcoca that it's more about better error messages 17:29:24 <jimi|ansible> trying to guess the hint has its own problems, as i've experienced many times with the automatic hint suggestion in AnsibleError in relation to yaml parsing errors 17:32:19 <bcoca> so i'm being moved to tailand? 17:33:05 <jlk> That face when you forget you're on a video conference and you almost pick your nose. 17:33:28 <bcoca> or you dont have pants on and get up for a tissue 17:33:39 <jtanner> TMI. 17:34:16 <jimi|ansible> o_O 17:34:31 <maxamillion> jlk: been there 17:34:54 <bcoca> tmi would be mentioning the underware status 17:35:00 <jimi|ansible> ;_; 17:35:19 <bcoca> i really cannot hear anything aside from greg and matt 17:41:17 <gundalow> topic Core: New module utils API 17:41:21 <gundalow> #topic Core: New module utils API 17:42:25 <gundalow> #info module_utils/basic.py is huge and needed to be copied to every machine on run. We now have the technology (thanks to ansiball-Z) to split this into smaller files 17:42:49 <jlk> smells like the "minimal Fedora install target" argument all over again :) 17:43:00 <jlk> when does minimal actually equal minimal? 17:43:00 <gundalow> #info Notes so far https://gist.github.com/abadger/3edc108f5a5b88c1a9a46c4869d778fd 17:43:13 <gundalow> #action abadger1999 to write up proposal 17:43:38 <jimi|ansible> wc -l basic.py -> 2844 as of last night 17:43:48 <gundalow> #topic Core: Holistic view on facts 17:44:46 <gundalow> #topic Core: How to handle encoding for file contents 17:44:51 <gundalow> #action abadger1999 to write up proposal 17:44:56 <gundalow> #undo 17:44:56 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by gundalow at 17:44:51 : abadger1999 to write up proposal 17:45:05 <gundalow> #action abadger1999 to write up proposal for How to handle encoding for file contents 17:45:27 <ericsysmin> i like making it a parameter 17:46:00 <jimi|ansible> if you set your locale to latin1, it's really your own fault 17:46:01 <bcoca> characters are hard! 17:46:15 <ericsysmin> A user. 17:50:39 <stickster> jlk: you sexy beast 17:50:47 <jlk> rawr 17:50:55 <stickster> we've missed you so! 17:51:12 <stickster> NOOOO WAAAAAAAAY 17:51:15 <jlk> blast from the past! 17:51:39 * bcoca goes for lunch 17:51:40 <jlk> it sits on my shelf, on top of a pile of other Red Hat / Fedora memorabilia 18:09:52 <gundalow> #topic Community Working Group 18:10:05 <gundalow> #info https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-cwg 18:10:55 <gundalow> #topic Community: Documentation 18:11:07 <gundalow> #info We are in the process of moving documentation around 18:11:22 <jlk> are you all talking yet? 18:11:25 <gundalow> #info Issue was that we had lots of documentation in different locations all slihgtly different 18:11:25 <alikins> should there be sound? 18:11:25 <jlk> because we aren't hearing 18:11:28 <gundalow> jlk: yup 18:11:40 <gundalow> Workin gnow? 18:11:47 <jlk> yup 18:11:48 <alikins> that sounded great. do it. 18:12:05 <gregdek> https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-summit-september-2017-cwg 18:12:34 <abadger1999> jtanner: gregdek had said that a lot of these items will be interesting to you 18:12:35 <gregdek> http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/community/ 18:12:59 <jtanner> what items? 18:13:35 <gundalow> jtanner: we are talking about community docs which includes PR work flow, which as bot owner is of interest to you 18:13:45 <jtanner> ok 18:18:17 <alikins> paste this url somewhere? 18:18:40 <jimi|ansible> i'd really at the very least like to see that drop down in the top left instead of having to click a link and scroll 18:18:54 <jimi|ansible> it's also a misnomer to call it "previous versions" when it's just current and devel 18:19:39 <gundalow> http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/ - stable-2.3 18:19:48 <gundalow> http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/ - devel 18:23:15 <ericsysmin> old process shouldn't matter 18:23:42 <jtanner> separate community doc from product doc 18:23:45 <ericsysmin> yep 18:23:52 <ericsysmin> jtanner: +1 18:25:01 <stickster> ericsysmin: +1 18:26:23 <jtanner> dag has some thoughts about WGs 18:26:27 <jlk> We can't see the hands... 18:26:49 <stickster> Many hands went up for "are you in a WG." About half of those went up for "feeling they are working" 18:27:02 <jhawkesworth_> summer holiday has slowed windows wg down a bit 18:27:12 <gundalow> #topic Community: Working Groups 18:27:21 <jtanner> https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/VMware%3A-community-plan#major-problems 18:27:25 <jimi|ansible> i propose we create a time zone working group 18:28:45 <bcoca> or WG per timezone? 18:29:54 <gundalow> #info Community main page https://github.com/ansible/community/ 18:30:00 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible: I propose the WG uses the timezone for AQ ;-) 18:30:09 <gundalow> #info Community Wiki https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki 18:31:00 <gundalow> #action gundalow to get IRCBot ops set correctly on every Working Group IRC channel 18:32:49 <bcoca> a working group workgin group? 18:35:24 <jimi|ansible> Error: maximum recursion depth exceeded 18:38:12 <jimi|ansible> we need to work on gregdek's metaphors 18:42:47 <bcoca> *choke* 18:42:54 <jtanner> all in one git repo 18:43:01 <jtanner> it'll be amaaaaazing 18:43:16 <jimi|ansible> saw a stat, i think it was like 6000 npm modules downloaded every second of every day on average? 18:43:29 <jlk> hah I saw that one 18:43:32 <jlk> but those are all different repos 18:43:37 <bcoca> and that is only 1 guy trying to use strip() 18:43:42 <jimi|ansible> LOL 18:43:55 <jtanner> it's only a half-joke 18:44:11 <gundalow> #topic Community: Ansibot 18:44:47 <ericsysmin> I love Ansibot 18:44:52 <ryansb> ansibot++ 18:44:59 <ryansb> rebuild_merge is dabes 18:45:01 <jimi|ansible> ansibot <3 18:45:06 <bcoca> im friends with ansibot ... love is a strong word ... 18:45:38 <jlk> need more trust in the CI system 18:45:46 <jimi|ansible> did we change that? i thought back in the day a maintainer was pretty much an auto-shipit? 18:46:02 <gundalow> jlk: How do you mean? 18:46:23 <jlk> Would be great to do 1 ship-it + a CI vote+merge 18:46:23 <jlk> gundalow: there's a problem where CI results are stale.\ 18:46:32 <jlk> or it tests not quite the future reality 18:46:48 <jlk> (things Zuul was written to fix for OpenStack, and we're working to bring zuul to Ansible) 18:47:06 <jimi|ansible> well part of the problem is a lack of tests on a large swath of modules 18:47:11 <jlk> yup 18:47:15 <jimi|ansible> if we had those, i think we'd have more trust in the ci 18:47:20 <jlk> would have to adjust the rules for new mdoules, add tests 18:47:29 <jlk> and a working group to retro add tests to existing modules 18:47:35 <ericsysmin> I thought we have tests as a requirement for new modules? 18:47:54 <jimi|ansible> ^ that was originally supposed to be a requirement for something to get into "core" vs. "extras" 18:47:57 <Pilou> BOTMETA.yml overrides authors in DOCUMENTATION 18:48:07 <gundalow> Adding tests that run via Shippable is a requirement for modules/network/* 18:48:43 <jimi|ansible> i don't think it's a blanket requirement, and if we move to an external install method for modules it probably never will be except for the "minimal" modules 18:49:13 <gundalow> Adding tests that run via Shippable is MUST for modules/network/* for Ansible 2.4 (and higher) 18:49:19 <ericsysmin> jimi|ansible: yep, ok yea, and that's what our experience was as a vendor getting into core 18:49:50 <jimi|ansible> ^ what gundalow said 18:50:16 <ericsysmin> ok, good, just making sure cause we spent a good amount of time working on a test environment for that requirement 18:50:49 <gundalow> :) 18:51:20 <ericsysmin> we had to build a product deployment specifically for testing our modules lol 18:51:43 <Pilou> Currently: "If you are a maintainer of a module in the same namespace, only one shipit is required." 18:52:23 <resmo> I would not want to "block" good maintainers to wait for no one to pass by 18:53:04 <Pilou> if there is only one module/namespace maintainer for a module, module could be moved in another namespace 18:53:19 <jlk> you really really really don't want a self-ship capability 18:53:26 <jlk> without peer review 18:53:35 <jlk> not for anything that's distributed in the Ansible package 18:53:51 <dmsimard> let's split modules again back into extras :( 18:54:02 <dmsimard> (just kidding) 18:54:10 <resmo> I know not a good example but cloud/cloudstack has basically one maintainer (me) 18:54:23 <jlk> you've got modules in Ansible, and modules that can be distributed via Galaxy 18:54:43 <resmo> but if the one maintainer makes good work and has integration tests? 18:54:46 <jlk> resmo: even for those, you'd want another human to look at it and ensure that at least you didn't insert any backdoors 18:54:58 <abadger1999> 1393 modules at the moment 18:55:53 <alikins> there is a middle ground: a wild west universe (ala, pip/npm/etc) and a curated ansible distro 18:56:06 <alikins> distro(s) 18:56:13 <jimi|ansible> i thought that was the point of the minimal install 18:56:58 <resmo> jlk: even then 2 make no difference, does it? 18:57:17 <jlk> it does, if "shipit" has to come from humans with elevated rights 18:57:19 <jimi|ansible> i think networking has blown up the # of modules a bit in the last couple of releases, but yeah i'd say we normally probably do 100 new per release 18:58:45 <jlk> yes, lack of reaping is a problem 18:59:49 <jimi|ansible> we tell them, it's in the metadata 18:59:54 <jimi|ansible> and that shows up in docs now 19:02:57 <gundalow> Back in 1 hour, at that point we will split into different working groups 19:03:20 * jlk eats 19:04:16 <bcoca> resmo: a good enough and trusted maintainer would get commit privs ... like you did 19:04:57 <bcoca> the automerge/shipit is mostly for 'transitory' community, eitehr dont need to make many changes or are only involved for a period 19:05:40 <bcoca> alikins: i actually think that the core/certified/community is a good split for modules (wish we did that in galaxy roles) 19:06:17 <Pilou> jlk: "modules that can be distributed via Galaxy" is that possible ? 19:06:23 <bcoca> though certified in my mind is mostly == we reviewed and conclude they are well done .. vs whatever it actually ends up being 19:06:36 <jlk> Pilou: yeah, a role can have a module within it 19:06:57 <bcoca> Pilou: you can now in role, but it is clunky, my point of an installer was to allow modules (and any other plugin) being distributable via git/tarball/github/galaxy 19:30:22 <jtanner> why is zuul under the ansibot section? 19:31:28 <jlk> mostly because at some point we should talk about how zuul and ansibot are going to interact with each other 19:31:40 <jlk> as in Ansible using zuul for CI 19:32:40 <jtanner> that would be more about replacing the shippable+github integration 19:33:46 <jlk> yeah. 19:33:56 <jtanner> the status of a PR in the github api is generally the same for all the various CIs that i've seen 19:33:57 <jlk> weird, why am I italics? 19:34:07 <jtanner> key difference is the url to the ci system for each job 19:34:38 <jlk> sortof. It's a more lengthy discussion with zuul, but that can wait for a specific type of meet up 19:34:40 <jtanner> the bot is using that status api for most of the work execpt ci_verified/rebuild_merge 20:00:39 <mattclay> jtanner: Well, not replacing the Shippable + GitHub integration, but adding another, since we'll be using Shippable and Zuul in parallel for a while. 20:01:09 <jtanner> i'll prepare a ci_splitbrain label =P 20:03:09 <gregdek> Hey y'all. For the afternoon sessions, we'll have separate IRC/bluejeans sessions, so we'll sort that out shortly. 20:03:18 <gundalow> #endmeeting