19:01:18 <gundalow> #startmeeting Core Team Meeting 19:01:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 24 19:01:18 2017 UTC. The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'core_team_meeting' 19:01:23 <gundalow> Hello everyone 19:01:26 <nitzmahone> meep 19:01:31 * nitzmahone lurks 19:01:49 <gundalow> #chair abadger1999 alexander_s_ bcoca jimi|ansible jtanner mattclay nitzmahone Qalthos rcarrillocruz ryansb 19:01:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos abadger1999 alexander_s_ bcoca gundalow jimi|ansible jtanner mattclay nitzmahone rcarrillocruz ryansb 19:02:19 <jtanner> i'm knee deep in bot fixing 19:02:21 <jtanner> but can lurk 19:02:25 <gundalow> ACK 19:02:59 <sivel> hey, look, this is happening, and I am mostly here ;) 19:03:07 <gundalow> hey sivel 19:03:11 <bcoca> dammit .. i told you we should have rescheduled!!! 19:03:15 <sivel> haha 19:03:21 * bcoca waves 19:03:23 * rcarrillocruz lurking from phone, kid's bath time shortly 19:03:27 <alikins> bloop 19:03:45 <gundalow> #topic Adding etc_hosts module #19283 19:03:52 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19283 19:04:22 <sivel> That module fails current review per my comment 19:04:30 <sivel> at a minimum 19:04:32 <bcoca> -1, this can be done by existing modules easily ... but not sure if it is worth oposing once modules are wild west ... 19:05:03 <sivel> I really don't want modules to be wild west 19:05:18 <gundalow> What's this doing that lineinfile doesn't do? 19:05:20 <jtanner> if changes have been requested but not yet accepted or dismissed, we shouldn't bring it up here 19:05:28 <bcoca> sivel: idem .. but i lost that one 19:05:50 <bcoca> agreed, lets skip, its still in review 19:06:12 <gundalow> ACK 19:06:28 <gundalow> #topic fileglob: make fileglob work with globbed path components again (Fixes: #17136) #19297 19:06:32 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19297 19:06:35 <moldy> hi 19:06:40 <gundalow> moldy: Hi 19:07:03 <moldy> sorry, i'm unfamiliar with the process. is this the part when i'm allowed to make crazy suggestions? :) 19:07:12 <sivel> moldy: not yet 19:07:14 <sivel> at the end 19:07:23 <moldy> sivel: ah, thanks 19:07:25 <jtanner> topic will be "open floor" 19:07:34 <bcoca> skip that one, needs review and very careful one .. .dwim is ... complex ... 19:07:37 <gundalow> moldy: Shortly, if you'd like to add a comment on https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/148 19:07:52 <sivel> bcoca: off topic: I feel like I am always defending ansibles honor, and wild west modules will make that job even more...fun? 19:08:06 <bcoca> sivel: my feelings exactly 19:08:09 <gundalow> bcoca: Could you please add some words around what they need to be watch out for 19:08:19 <bcoca> gundalow: everything! 19:08:28 <gundalow> :P 19:08:45 <bcoca> dwim is how we find things for include/lookups/role loading/vars loading/etc ... 19:08:51 <bcoca> action plugins ... 19:09:04 <gundalow> ah, OK 19:09:10 <sivel> btw, that PR may also help with https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/18549 19:09:30 <sivel> I didn't look super closely, but it does touch code that impacts 18549 19:09:52 <sivel> I'll comment on 18549 to link them 19:09:53 <gundalow> abadger1999: You added https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/19297 to the agenda, was their something specific you wanted to discuss? 19:10:00 <gundalow> sivel: thanks 19:10:22 <rupran> bcoca: author of the PR here, what it basically does is factor out a part of path_dwim_relative_stack (leaving the functionality untouched) to use it in with_fileglob 19:10:55 <bcoca> rupran: all lookups should use same function, once you start diverting them they become unpredictable 19:10:57 <luto> Sponsor of the PR here :) I'm the guy who wrote it on your meeting agenda. Thanks for handling it! 19:11:51 <bcoca> its a bit premature to meet on it since it has not been reviewed, happy to add ot my list ...long list .... 19:12:21 <bcoca> but just on consistency with lookups, not happy to duplicate and modify functionality 19:12:50 <luto> well, it was submitted in December and fixes a known, confirmed bug in multiple Ansible-Versions. 19:13:45 <agaffney> just because it fixes a bug doesn't mean it's the *right* way to fix the bug 19:14:04 <luto> ofc not! but we'd like some comment on it, so we're able to do it the right way. 19:14:35 <rupran> okay, the main thing about it is that we currently bypass find_file_in_search_path, right? 19:14:39 <bcoca> probably cause only 2 people actually know the dwim code and it scares everyone else away 19:15:04 <bcoca> rupran: dont know, just gae it a 10s glance, needs in depth review 19:15:11 <rupran> bcoca: sure 19:15:35 <sivel> next up? 19:16:12 <gundalow> #topic No error for non-existent handlers when notify is used with include #20440 19:16:18 <gundalow> bcoca: This is one for you I think 19:16:33 <gundalow> "Decide which are valid directives on include (for execution or inheritance) and what to do when we decide they are not. This issue deals with one case, but i think we should deal with it in general ansible/ansible#20440" 19:17:02 <bcoca> gundalow: need quorum here, this is a big one, probably defere to next meeting and have people think abou tit 19:17:38 <gundalow> Do people have enough context to ponder it for a few days? 19:18:31 <gundalow> dharmabumstead: You around? 19:18:48 <dharmabumstead> Yes. 19:18:52 <gundalow> Ace :) 19:19:03 <bcoca> ^ jimi|ansible 19:19:15 <gundalow> #topic Versioned docs 19:19:18 * abadger1999 gets back to this channel freom other discussions 19:19:26 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/148#issuecomment-274906303 19:19:47 <gundalow> dharmabumstead: I believe this has been mentioned before, though I'm not aware of what the conclusions where 19:19:54 <gundalow> moldy: Thanks for adding this topic 19:20:14 <sivel> yeah, I know we have had a number of discussions, although not sure they were really documented in a proposal or anything 19:20:20 <gundalow> So there are two parts to this 19:20:24 <gundalow> 1) Version docs 19:20:28 <gundalow> 2) Maybe use readthedocs 19:21:24 <dharmabumstead> We talked about the idea of archiving docs. 19:21:41 <moldy> so far, the main objection i heard was that the switch would require significant work 19:22:04 <moldy> maybe some people would volunteer to move this forward. i'd be in. 19:22:36 <gundalow> moldy: Thanks 19:22:37 <sivel> I'm not so sure it is really a super complex thing, out of actually implementing the process that performs the building and deployment 19:22:53 <sivel> docs are already versioned technically, via their tag/branch 19:23:05 <moldy> django has recently decided to stop hosting docs for unsupported django versions on their own website, to reduce maintenance overhead. you can still access docs for unsupported django versions on RTD, just not on djangoproject.com. 19:23:07 <sivel> they just need built, and deployed, with a way to select the version you are wanting to read 19:23:16 <dharmabumstead> IMO it'll be a tough thing to pull off without having the docs in their own repo. 19:23:41 <gundalow> dharmabumstead: Oh, what's the potential issues you see? 19:23:41 <jtanner> why? 19:23:58 <sivel> I had it working for a long time, but kept running into broken docs, so I removed it 19:24:20 <sivel> but I basically just checked out the tag, built docs, copied them into place, and iterate with all versions needed 19:24:49 <dharmabumstead> How many versions back do we need to go? 19:24:52 <moldy> fwiw, django has the docs in the same repo as the main code 19:24:59 <gundalow> dharmabumstead: devel, 2.2, 2.1 19:24:59 <dharmabumstead> Ok 19:25:02 <bcoca> iirc from last meeting 1) we would like to have /devel and the main be latest stable 19:25:06 * jimi|ansible scrolls up 19:25:20 <sivel> we had initially said 1.9 too, but we just left that behind due to the recent security fixes 19:25:40 <bcoca> 2) need to update headers/footers/sidebar to handle the dual sites 19:25:53 <bcoca> sivel: was proposed, not agreed to 19:26:04 <sivel> fair enough, but moot now 19:26:06 <bcoca> we all agreed at least 2, more was in dispute 19:26:22 <jimi|ansible> well we said 1.9 because we were currently on 2.0 19:26:24 <bcoca> not even 2.1 was in original 19:26:32 <jimi|ansible> so current + (current - 1) 19:26:36 <jimi|ansible> that was the original 19:26:36 <sivel> current, last and next 19:26:38 <bcoca> ^ that was agrement 19:26:40 <abadger1999> sivel: +1 to your previous deployment technique being most of what's needed. 19:26:51 <jimi|ansible> oh yes and devel of course 19:26:53 <bcoca> current + current -1 , the -2 was in consideration 19:27:10 <bcoca> current == devel in ^ 19:27:12 <jimi|ansible> well consideration was to keep the old versions after moving forward a version 19:27:17 <gundalow> https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-versioned_docs 19:27:27 <sivel> yeah, no sense in deleting them really, we can just stop building at some point 19:27:29 <gundalow> We can throw stuff in that and I'll write up a formal proposal tomorrow 19:27:35 <bcoca> yes, we were considering, im just distinguishing between we 'all agreed' which was devel + stable 19:27:38 <jimi|ansible> i did not see any reason not to, just link them from an "archived docs" page with a big "THESE ARE NO LONGER BEING UPDATED" note at top 19:27:58 <dharmabumstead> That was the gist last time, IIRC 19:28:06 <abadger1999> dharmabumstead: note that a separate repo won't solve asnything here... people are most concerned about versioned module docs which *would* be a huge effort to separate into a separate repo (and would get us right back into the two PRs to make a change to a module problem). 19:28:07 <jimi|ansible> ok, so i think we're all in agreement on the basics 19:28:18 <bcoca> we had an action on researching teh changes to header/footer/etc 19:28:28 <bcoca> ^ dharmabumstead i believe that was on you 19:28:29 <sivel> at minimum, current release and devel, only updates go to devel 19:28:40 <sivel> maybe do previous release 19:28:47 <bcoca> sivel: depends on updates, corrections we wgreed to at least go to stable 19:28:48 <dharmabumstead> Yep. I wasn't the thinking of the module docs in their own repo. That's a separate issue. Forget I brought it up. :) 19:28:53 <bcoca> ^ that is where we left it 19:29:06 <sivel> bcoca: yes, my mistake, my fingers moved faster than my brain there 19:29:12 <bcoca> dharmabumstead: problem there, majority of docs are INSIDE modules 19:29:28 <dharmabumstead> See last statement. 19:29:29 <bcoca> dharmabumstead: and we just got rid of the dual repo commits issue 19:29:33 <jimi|ansible> sivel: we'd most likely build the docs for the cur, cur-1 and devel so any updates that would go there would be builtin 19:29:43 <jimi|ansible> just depends on how much docs we want to back port 19:29:44 <sivel> jimi|ansible: yeah, I am happy with that 19:29:46 <sivel> +1 19:29:50 <moldy> i'm very unfamiliar with the ansible codebase, so excuse the stupid question: do you use sphinx? 19:29:57 <jimi|ansible> moldy: we do 19:29:57 <sivel> moldy: yes 19:29:58 <dharmabumstead> Yes 19:29:58 <bcoca> moldy: yes 19:30:04 <moldy> alright :) 19:30:21 <jimi|ansible> sphinx plus a lot of duct tape and bubble gum anyway :) 19:30:22 <bcoca> moldy: not trivial to port to readthedocs, people have already looked at that 19:30:49 <sivel> the duct tape and bubble gum, largely for rendering things like docs from modules 19:30:57 <abadger1999> moldy: yeah -- module docs are yaml that's translated into sphinx compatible rst. then everything is run through sphinx. 19:31:30 <moldy> bcoca, abadger1999: i see. i'd be willing to help with the effort to reduce the friction. it sounds doable. 19:31:31 <bcoca> some are generated from python scripts 19:31:34 <jimi|ansible> that is one are of the code base that after 3.5 years i still have not touched... 19:31:40 <dharmabumstead> So the header footer th by seems like the most straightforward way to delineate version without jumping through too many hoops. 19:31:46 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: luckyyou 19:31:58 <dharmabumstead> Yes, that's on me. 19:32:08 <moldy> it sounds like reducing the duct tape and going with more "standard" practices would also ease maintainership in the long run 19:32:36 <gundalow> #action dharmabumstead to report back on header/footer work needed to support versioned docs 19:32:39 <bcoca> moldy: that would require writing docs in a diff way and rewriting what we have already 19:32:49 <jimi|ansible> well module docs are a thing on their own, so yeah what bcoca said 19:32:49 <dharmabumstead> Yep. 19:32:56 <abadger1999> moldy: the problem would be porting the existing module docs over to sphinx. I don't think that will happen so I don't think there's a lot of duct tape that can be removed. 19:32:57 <bcoca> ^ they are MOST of the docs 19:33:18 <dharmabumstead> By volume. Not by weight. :) 19:33:22 <abadger1999> (We did just get rid of some in the last two weeks, though... we had our own front-end to sphinx which alikins replaced with calling sphinx-build dirctly) 19:33:22 <jimi|ansible> and the good thing about having the YAML layer is it makes contributing to the docs when updating modules quite easy for those who do not know sphinx 19:33:36 <bcoca> dharmabumstead: i would argue that also, they are the most consulted 19:33:53 <bcoca> we CAN talk about separating guides from docs 19:34:12 <dharmabumstead> I believe you. 19:34:45 <bcoca> 99% of teh time someone complains about doc versions is because they saw a module online that is not in their version of ansible 19:34:46 <abadger1999> moldy: I could see us adding more duct tape actually... to make better rst from the yaml... but that's a different problem than getting the docs versioned. 19:35:01 <sivel> bcoca: or argument for a module 19:35:03 <dharmabumstead> Let's stick to the versioning discussion for now to keep things simple. 19:35:13 <bcoca> sivel: yes, that is the 0.9% 19:35:18 <jimi|ansible> yes one topic at a time :) 19:35:33 <sivel> moldy: yeah, I think the consensus is, the duct tape is necessary :) 19:35:39 <moldy> :) 19:35:58 <jimi|ansible> abadger1999: (i still want to rip the params stuff out of the YAML and have it based on the arg spec in AnsibleModule...) 19:36:09 <bcoca> has been for a long time, the problem has always been 'getting someone to do it' 19:36:17 <sivel> jimi|ansible: ++ 19:36:17 <jimi|ansible> i've hated having it duplicated for a long time 19:36:20 <dharmabumstead> Do we keep track of the Ansible version number in the general build anywhere? As an env variable? 19:36:33 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: we then need description and notes in argspec 19:36:42 <abadger1999> jimi|ansible: <nod> That's a feature for a release when you don't have any security bugs to fix ;-) 19:36:44 <jimi|ansible> yes we would 19:36:54 <jimi|ansible> ;_; 19:37:04 <gundalow> jimi|ansible: Remember we have some modules that pull some args from module_utils and the specifics from the module itself 19:37:08 <jtanner> dharmabumstead: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/VERSION 19:37:18 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: not too hard to do, .. dont look forward to rewriting 900 modules though 19:37:26 <abadger1999> What about where we're deploying? Are we going to stick to our servers or do we want to let someone explore readthedocs? 19:37:35 <bcoca> gundalow: would work like fragments do now 19:37:38 <sivel> gundalow: I have code in ansible-testing, that can stitch it all together, although that does some crazy duct taping ;) 19:37:51 <bcoca> abadger1999: i doubt we can decide that ourselves 19:38:08 <gundalow> sivel: I saw, didn't realise it followed into other modules 19:38:13 <jimi|ansible> gundalow: i don't want to continue derailing, but yeah what sivel said - you'd just have to instantiate the AnsibleModule from the code and access things directly 19:38:14 <sivel> I'm more of a -1 on readthedocs 19:38:20 <jimi|ansible> it'd have everything that was added in piece-meal 19:38:25 <gundalow> jimi|ansible: ACK 19:38:26 <jimi|ansible> -1 to readthedocs 19:38:43 <gundalow> I don't know what readthdocs gives us over out current stuff, so -1 19:38:48 <jimi|ansible> (even if we did steal/borrow their css) 19:38:49 <bcoca> its trendy 19:38:58 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: they stole from sphinx 19:39:08 <bcoca> er .. they contributed sphinx 19:39:09 <dharmabumstead> No thanks on readthedocs, please 19:39:10 <jtanner> kinda like saying github is no different from cgit =P 19:39:15 <jimi|ansible> oh did they? never knew that 19:39:22 <moldy> i may be wrong, but for my (super-trivial) projects, RTD gives me versioned docs 19:39:23 <sivel> jimi|ansible: off topic: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/test/sanity/validate-modules/module_args.py 19:39:31 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: i forget which one came first, but they do contribute now 19:39:38 <sivel> jimi|ansible: that is the code I have for getting the full arg spec by instanting AnsibleModule 19:39:55 <moldy> plus a UI that many people already know (they know where to find the version selector), at least if they are python people 19:40:07 <moldy> also, python community good-will ;) 19:40:19 <jimi|ansible> sivel: could probably make that a bit easier by just looking at the module dict maybe and using isinstance? 19:40:35 <jimi|ansible> just spitballing, kind of a pain to have to maintain the list of subclasses 19:40:58 <sivel> jimi|ansible: yeah, it could probably be improved on. I'll just blame the network modules for being different ;) 19:41:02 <bcoca> you could read from import 19:41:02 <moldy> for the record. RTD is also open source, so you can self-host and fork it 19:41:04 <gundalow> sivel: :D 19:41:14 * jimi|ansible glares at privateip... 19:41:16 <bcoca> moldy: basically what we do now? 19:41:17 <sivel> haha 19:41:18 <jimi|ansible> who is not here... damnit 19:41:27 * gundalow hides from jimi|ansible and sivel 19:41:28 <sivel> just ban him again 19:41:31 <jimi|ansible> lol 19:41:35 <gundalow> anyway 19:41:36 <sivel> ok... 19:41:39 <jimi|ansible> yep 19:41:42 <sivel> yeah, moving on, I think we have action 19:41:42 <gundalow> apart from header/footer what needs to be done? 19:41:42 <jtanner> gundalow is his emissary 19:41:47 <jimi|ansible> agreed 19:41:58 <jimi|ansible> i don't think there are any major points we all disagree on? 19:42:04 <moldy> bcoca: from my (admittedly limited) perspective, it looks like you have a problem: versioned docs, which is solved by an elegant and proven solution: rtd 19:42:06 <bcoca> gundalow: same as we said in last meeting, change the push script and create links 19:42:17 <bcoca> moldy: i dispute elegant 19:42:24 <jimi|ansible> we'll probably have to do some apache rewrite rules again though 19:42:38 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: no, if stable has same pages as expected 19:42:40 <gundalow> #agreed Although readthedocs is nice we don't see the benefit vs cost, so we are sticking with out current setup 19:42:46 <bcoca> new /devel 19:42:52 <moldy> bcoca: you're probably right. i never looked at their source code :) but it works for a lot of projects 19:42:53 <bcoca> leave main pages as is (for stable) 19:43:00 <jimi|ansible> we currently have a rewrite rule to redirect anything from /$1 to /ansible/$1 due to the addition of tower docs 19:43:06 <jimi|ansible> bcoca: i guess it'll depend on the pathing 19:43:22 <jimi|ansible> i'd assumed we'd do something like /ansible/${VERSION}/$1 19:43:33 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: if we add /devel /2.2 but keep /ansible/ <stable> we should not need rewrite 19:43:45 <gundalow> jimi|ansible: bcoca Can you please throw stuff in https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-versioned_docs so we track it 19:43:48 <jimi|ansible> might seem a bit confusing? 19:43:58 <bcoca> /ansible/ <= stable /ansible/devel/ , /ansible/2.2/ 19:44:38 <bcoca> didnt we update a doc already last time??? 19:45:04 <gundalow> bcoca: I have zero memory of this being discussed (in recent times) 19:45:37 <jimi|ansible> which part, the pathing or all of the versioned docs stuff? 19:45:46 <sivel> I feel like we should have documented our last discussion, and based on that I feel like we did, but I cannot find it 19:45:47 <bcoca> i've discussed it soo many times i have no clue when it was last 19:45:56 <alikins> sivel: re AnsibleModule and arg spec, https://github.com/ansible/ansible/compare/devel...alikins:ansible_module_introspect adds some support for including the full arg spec in the module return value 19:46:04 <bcoca> sivel: exactly .... 19:46:05 <gundalow> https://github.com/ansible/community/issues/132#issuecomment-257952280 19:46:08 <sivel> alikins: yes, I do remember seeing that ++ 19:46:10 <gundalow> Is the only thing I see recorded 19:46:32 <gundalow> > Default documentation will be the latest stable release, with devel version being available but labeled. 19:46:44 <gundalow> 2nd Nov 2016 19:47:06 <gundalow> Hence me setting up an etherpad so we can all add stuff, then I'll turn it into a proposal tomorrow 19:47:23 <sivel> ++ 19:47:41 * gundalow is trying to avoid having to repeat meetings by recording stuff 19:48:58 <gundalow> So if /ansible/ defaults to latest stable- branch does that mean we need to backport more docs changes, from now on. I'm thinking in particular RST user & dev guides 19:49:14 <jtanner> plz no 19:49:24 <dharmabumstead> Pls no 19:49:28 <gundalow> Granted we are fairly close to cutting stable-2.3, so that may only apply from this point forward 19:49:29 <sivel> I feel like our last discussion was not to backport docs 19:49:31 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: the symlink was my 'easier' to archive path as we can jsut change it, but rewrite rule works also 19:49:38 <abadger1999> we ahve to backport more... but not necessarily for thew guides 19:49:49 <abadger1999> Because right now we backport 0 docs fixes 19:50:48 <jimi|ansible> bcoca the problem with either a symlink or rewrite rule is that'll be higher up in the same path 19:50:55 <jimi|ansible> ie. /ansible vs. /ansible/some_version 19:50:59 <dharmabumstead> We don't have the bandwidth to spend on backporting. We also discussed this last time. 19:51:00 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: depends on how we write it 19:51:06 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: again, either works 19:51:07 <abadger1999> * "this is so totally broken and commonly used that we need to backport a fix for it" <=== I don't see this being invoked but once every few years... * Module doc fixes. <=== we should do this a bit more frequently with versioned docs 19:51:38 <bcoca> backporting is why we all agreed on devel, stable, even possibly -1, but beyond that it was too much 19:51:53 <jimi|ansible> bcoca i thought we were in agreement about an archived docs page? 19:52:02 <bcoca> not afaik 19:52:10 <bcoca> it was proposed, but we ended meeting 19:52:13 <abadger1999> right, archived no longer receives backports at all... I think that was the distinction. 19:52:24 <gundalow> Do we expect most readers of documentation to only look at $latest-stable docs? 19:52:32 <abadger1999> gundalow: yes. 19:52:36 <bcoca> if we are not going to update it, we should remove it, archived old versions just promote use of them 19:53:03 <moldy> i'd argue against that 19:53:03 <sivel> gundalow: "discuss publishing versioned documentation" was discussed on 2016-11-08 19:53:11 <abadger1999> many projects do archived old docs. (for instance postgres and mysql). 19:53:15 <sivel> might be worth reading back through that discussion :) 19:53:23 <gundalow> sivel: thanks 19:53:31 <jimi|ansible> moldy: as would i, i don't think there's a downside to keeping them 19:53:32 <moldy> if people need to update from an unsupported version to a supported one, the unsupported docs are often crucial 19:53:50 <bcoca> abadger1999: i dont think they should, specially mysql, the sooner peopel move away form older versions the better 19:54:26 <bcoca> moldy: the migration docs are normally in the newer version 19:54:30 <moldy> in principle, I'd go so far as to privately archive the docs i used to setup something. but nobody does that. 19:54:33 <dharmabumstead> We archived docs at my last gig. We made it apparent that they were there for archival purposes only, with links to the current version. 19:54:48 <dharmabumstead> No one was going to mistake those for current docs. 19:54:52 <abadger1999> <nod> 19:54:55 <bcoca> not my fear 19:55:19 <moldy> i'd regard that as similiar to build pipeline determinism: pip all your stuff to exact versions. you don't want stuff to change after the fact. 19:55:26 <moldy> *pin 19:55:30 <dharmabumstead> Oh. You said "archived old versions just promote the use of them" 19:55:45 <bcoca> yes, not confusion, but usage 19:56:04 <moldy> hide them from google so people don't find them by accident 19:56:17 <dharmabumstead> Tarball 19:56:24 <bcoca> rm -rf / 19:56:37 <bcoca> if people really need the old docs, git 19:56:53 <moldy> if you remove your docs from the universe, people will hate you when they end up having to update a neglected project 19:57:18 <bcoca> old docs are by definition neglected, better to remove 19:57:37 <moldy> but i want the neglected docs that apply to the neglected project 19:57:47 <gundalow> What about only building module docs from older releases? 19:57:49 <dharmabumstead> I disagree. No harm in archiving them and marking them clearly as such. 19:58:02 <bcoca> moldy: not project, version, in which case you already ahve them, no need for me to host htem for you 19:58:07 <moldy> i don't want some other set of docs that do not apply to the code that i am trying to understand 19:58:30 <gundalow> moldy: cd ansible ; make webdocs # wait ~ 10 minutes 19:58:38 <moldy> bcoca: the problem, in practice, is that what doesn't exist on the web doesn't exist. IME. 19:58:39 <bcoca> precisely, since old docs are unmaintained they'll continue to have errors and mistakes 19:58:42 <abadger1999> gundalow: that would work for me... might require more work to setup, though, as the current build scripts aren';t constructed along those lines. 19:58:57 <bcoca> moldy: i wish, but i count that at least it will be harder to find 19:59:16 <jimi|ansible> bcoca people aren't sticking to old versions because docs are available 19:59:22 <bcoca> moldy: what you are seeing as a problem i see as the feature 19:59:25 <jimi|ansible> removing them certainly isn't going to force their hand 19:59:54 <bcoca> jimi|ansible: no, it will add little to that, its more the continuation of bad practices i'm wary of 19:59:55 <dharmabumstead> @gundalow: +1 20:00:19 <bcoca> with_items: barevariable 20:00:22 <bcoca> ^ for example 20:00:41 <abadger1999> If we continue to keep documentation about old releases in the docs then I wouldn't see as much value in having archives. But we don't... we're currently losing information about when module params are added which makes it harder for people to always and only use the current docs. 20:00:42 <bcoca> IF they are using an older version, i prefer they see the new 'normal' 20:00:49 <moldy> reality is that, if ansible is successfuly, people will soon end up being paid to port stuff from ansible 1.9 to 4.x or whatever. and believe me, they will *love* you for hosting 1.9 docs in 5 years ;) 20:00:52 <bcoca> with_items :{{nonbare}} which will still work in the older 20:01:21 <bcoca> abadger1999: afaik we keep when options were added, its in the docs 20:01:21 <sivel> ansible IS successful 20:01:30 <gundalow> sivel: we are only on v2 20:01:32 <bcoca> abadger1999: we should NOT remove that info 20:01:54 <abadger1999> bcoca: Weren't you saying that the docs build does that? 20:02:08 <moldy> sivel: right, it is. sorry. i successful for even longer, on the scale of decades even :) 20:02:14 <moldy> *i meant 20:02:17 <bcoca> for display for anything after 1.4, but the data is still there 20:02:18 <sivel> ;) 20:02:21 <bcoca> er before 1.4 20:02:30 <bcoca> we should not be loosing the data 20:02:42 <abadger1999> # don't show version added information if it's too old to be called out 20:02:42 <abadger1999> if too_old(added): 20:02:42 <abadger1999> del doc['version_added'] 20:02:56 <gundalow> So I wonder if docs/docsite/rst/* should be written to be backwards compatable, we we often do (e.g. Note in v1.9 you did x, in v2.0 you must do Y) 20:02:58 <abadger1999> Anyhow.. +1 for archiving 20:03:15 <bcoca> gundalow: that has been rule until now 20:03:26 <gundalow> Do that means we don't need to publish muiltiple version of docs/docsite/rst/* 20:03:28 <bcoca> ^ having archive would allow that to change 20:03:30 <abadger1999> I think the arguments have been laid out and we probably won't convince each other. 20:03:53 <gundalow> And only need to host multiple versions of modules 20:03:59 <gundalow> And only need to host multiple versions of module docs 20:04:05 <bcoca> gundalow: that is the current state, i think we all agreed to have /devel + stable, now we have /devel + stable + -x supported + -x unsupported 20:04:34 <gundalow> For the all docs (not just module?) 20:04:49 <bcoca> abadger1999: im fine with display the version data down to 0.1, which is why i have not updated the 'old threshold' and its still 1.4 20:05:00 <bcoca> we can easily remove/toggle it to whatever you think is right 20:06:51 * gundalow needs to ditch 20:09:30 <dharmabumstead> Just put a version path in the doc URLs and be done. 20:09:55 * dharmabumstead needs to ditch as well 20:13:18 <abadger1999> #action people to add thoughts, problems to resolve, decisions to vote on to https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/ansible-versioned_docs 20:13:29 <abadger1999> #action gundalow to write etherpad into a versioned docs proposal tomorrow 20:13:37 <abadger1999> #topic Open Floor 20:13:41 <abadger1999> Anything else? 20:13:49 <sivel> whew ;) 20:16:42 <abadger1999> Okay, I'll close in 60s then 20:16:47 <abadger1999> :-) 20:20:09 <abadger1999> #endmeeting