17:00:06 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2015-06-01) 17:00:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 1 17:00:06 2015 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:08 <mattdm> #meetingname council 17:00:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 17:00:11 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jreznik jwb cwickert rdieter langdon sgallagh decause 17:00:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause jreznik jwb langdon mattdm rdieter sgallagh 17:00:13 <mattdm> #topic Roll call! 17:00:13 <decause> .hello decause 17:00:15 <zodbot> decause: decause 'None' <decause@redhat.com> 17:00:28 <langdon> .hello langdon 17:00:29 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 17:00:31 <mattdm> hello 'None' :) 17:00:36 <gholms> Heh 17:00:37 <jwb> hi 17:00:38 <langdon> we are doing any crazy videos today, right? 17:00:44 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 17:00:45 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'None' <jkurik@redhat.com> 17:00:49 <mattdm> no crazy videos today 17:00:50 <decause> #action decause fix .hello creds 17:00:55 <decause> :P 17:00:59 <mattdm> whoo lots of people here :) 17:01:16 <decause> langdon: nope, good ole' fashioned IRC classic 17:01:35 * langdon thinks it is good no one can see him hating on kube right now 17:01:46 <jreznik> .hello jreznik 17:01:47 <zodbot> jreznik: jreznik 'Jaroslav Reznik' <jreznik@redhat.com> 17:01:53 <mattdm> waiting on cwickert rdieter sgallagh .... 17:02:20 <jreznik> jkurik: " jkurik 'None'" :) 17:02:31 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 17:02:32 * rdieter waves 17:02:32 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 17:02:41 * langdon notes.. if they are anything like kube.. they will only be accessible if you are in the same room with them.. or you manually bring a phone to the wall of the room... 17:02:42 <rdieter> .hello rdieter 17:02:43 <zodbot> rdieter: rdieter 'Rex Dieter' <rdieter@math.unl.edu> 17:03:08 <jkurik> jreznik: I need to fix it :) 17:03:12 <mattdm> okay I see christoph isn't online right now 17:03:24 <mattdm> gonna go ahead with agenda and hopefully he'll drop in... 17:03:31 <mattdm> #topic Today's Agenda 17:03:33 <mattdm> #info 1. Auxiliary seat change - approve Jan Kurik as a new Council member 17:03:35 <mattdm> #info 2. Trademark approval for Fedora Cinnamon Spin 17:03:37 <mattdm> #info 3. Proposed Schedule for PRD Refresh 17:03:39 <mattdm> #info 4. Council Update at Flock 17:03:41 <mattdm> #info 5. Objective Proposal: Fedora Modularization (Requirements Phase) 17:03:53 <mattdm> hopefully that's not too fast for zodbot's meeting notes :) 17:04:01 <mattdm> anyone have anything to add? 17:04:07 <jwb> pretty sure at least the first two are already handled 17:04:38 <mattdm> I left #5 for last because I'm not sure it's quite ready 17:04:50 <mattdm> jwb: yeah I figured we'd just cross em off formally 17:04:57 <mattdm> and jkurik could formally say hi 17:05:04 <mattdm> #topic Auxiliary seat change - approve Jan Kurik as a new Council member 17:05:06 <mattdm> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/30 17:05:22 <mattdm> this has a couple of +1s in the ticket 17:05:22 <jreznik> and I can say formally bye :) 17:05:25 <mattdm> any objections? 17:05:44 * jkurik is formally saying Hi 17:05:59 <mattdm> okay then :) 17:06:06 <mattdm> #chair jkurik 17:06:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause jkurik jreznik jwb langdon mattdm rdieter sgallagh 17:06:06 <jwb> jreznik, no, you can't. sorry. 17:06:13 <decause> jwb++ 17:06:13 <zodbot> decause: Karma for jwboyer changed to 6: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:06:15 * mattdm does not unchair jreznik 17:06:27 <sgallagh> jreznik: Sorry to say, but you're serving a life sentence ;-) 17:06:39 <mattdm> okay moving on to make jwb happy :) 17:06:40 <mattdm> #topic Trademark approval for Fedora Cinnamon Spin 17:06:42 <mattdm> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/29 17:06:54 <mattdm> this one has even more +1s in ticket 17:07:03 <jreznik> it's already on Phoronix :) 17:07:12 <mattdm> opened 13 days ago, no objections 17:07:25 <mattdm> if it's on phoronix it must be so 17:07:41 <jreznik> approved by Phoronix & Fedora Council 17:07:42 <mattdm> so I'm going to count this as approved by consensus as well 17:07:53 <mattdm> and next 17:07:56 <mattdm> #topic Proposed Schedule for PRD Refresh 17:08:01 <mattdm> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/27 17:08:11 <mattdm> sgallagh, any comments? 17:08:35 <jwb> did Workstation ever agree to this? 17:08:55 <jwb> i might have missed the email where we actually sent a request to the WGs for feedback 17:09:19 <rdieter> it was discussed in the last workstation WG meeting, I don't recall the outcome though 17:09:49 <langdon> i know e&s is working on it.. 17:10:14 <mattdm> so I guess the question at this point is: is 11 days sufficient notice? 17:10:25 <jwb> if the WGs are all already off and working on it, i'm fine with 11 days. i'm concerned about Base though. 17:10:36 <jwb> afaik, their last meeting was basically a reboot meeting 17:11:08 <sgallagh> Sorry, stepped away momentarily 17:11:10 <mattdm> I think that even though there wasn't a formal mail, I've talked to people in all of cloud/server/workstation about it 17:11:32 <jwb> we should probably be better about formal requests 17:11:42 <jwb> in the future. not trying to derail right now 17:12:26 <sgallagh> Mostly this is just an exercise in clarification and making sure our primary documents agree with our current direction 17:12:29 <mattdm> jwb agreed 17:12:49 <sgallagh> But yes, let's send a devel-announce email or something to make sure everyone knows the dates 17:12:56 <mattdm> sgallagh: can you send a message asking formally and with the date? 17:13:03 <mattdm> heh. yes that. 17:13:30 <sgallagh> #action sgallagh to send an email to devel-announce@lists.fp.o noting the dates for the PRD refresh 17:13:35 <jkurik> should not review of PRD be a regular task/milestone in schedule for each Fedora release ? 17:13:52 <mattdm> #info "the dates" in this case = June 12th 17:14:07 <mattdm> jkurik: that's a good idea 17:14:09 <decause> jkurik: that sounds reasonable to me 17:14:17 <langdon> jkurik, +1 17:14:22 <sgallagh> jkurik: +1 17:14:29 <mattdm> jkurik: do you want to find a place for it in the regular schedule SOP? 17:14:40 <sgallagh> Though if there's a lot of churn in it, they're probably not doing their job 17:14:55 <mattdm> possibly _annual_ review is sufficient? 17:14:57 <sgallagh> "If you change your strategy every six months, you don't have a strategy" 17:15:52 <sgallagh> I'd say annual makes more sense 17:15:58 <jkurik> sgallagh: it is not about changing strategy, it is a review to make sure we are fine with it for the upcomming release IMO 17:15:59 <sgallagh> It's a lot of busywork for every release 17:16:01 <mattdm> maybe tied to flock? 17:16:25 <sgallagh> jkurik: I disagree. The PRD is supposed to be the go-to document for deciding if a feature fits the strategy 17:16:26 <mattdm> rather than to release schedule 17:17:33 <jkurik> sgallagh: ok then 17:17:58 <mattdm> only problem with tying it to flock is that it's right in the alpha/beta period for the october release 17:18:12 <mattdm> but I guess it's not like our schedule really has _lulls_ 17:18:22 <sgallagh> Well. tying it to Flock is okay if it's understood to be for Fedora N+1 17:18:52 <mattdm> sgallagh: right, and by implication N+2 as well 17:18:53 <sgallagh> By the time we're in Alpha/Beta phase, the design of the current release is pretty much set 17:18:55 <sgallagh> Yes 17:19:22 <jreznik> yep 17:19:23 <mattdm> So, if we want to do that, is it worth even asking for an update now 17:19:54 <mattdm> Or, update now, and then a reminder to make it a thing for flock 2016? 17:20:08 <mattdm> (say, one month after flock?) 17:20:22 <sgallagh> Well, the main reason we were doing it now is because we *know* there are inconsistencies in the current set 17:20:28 * langdon is gonna need an info for conclusion cause he aint so bright 17:20:29 <sgallagh> Which is to be expected, since it was our first try 17:21:06 <mattdm> proposal: request update now, as already proposed. Then, next update after Flock 2016 and thereafter annually 17:21:29 <sgallagh> mattdm: 2016 or 2015? 17:21:47 <sgallagh> As in "skip this summer"? 17:22:05 <mattdm> 2016. as in, this one will cover us for 2015 17:22:10 <sgallagh> Works for me 17:22:30 <mattdm> anyone think that's dumb? 17:22:51 <jkurik> I am +1 17:22:52 * decause thinks that sounds reasonable 17:22:57 <decause> +1 17:23:02 <mattdm> okay then :) 17:23:23 <mattdm> jkurik: can you put a note on some schedule somewhere so we don't forget this next year? 17:23:24 <langdon> summary? 17:23:29 <mattdm> and also on wiki 17:23:30 <langdon> mattdm, ^^ 17:23:33 <sgallagh> I'll summarize 17:23:43 <decause> jkurik: fedocal perhaps? 17:23:48 <jkurik> mattdm: I am just thinking of it ... what is the right place 17:24:05 <jkurik> yes, Fedocal seems to be the right place 17:24:19 <mattdm> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora.next could probably stand to have a note too 17:24:36 <mattdm> and sgallagh can you include this in your mail? 17:24:41 <sgallagh> #info We will continue the PRD review currently scheduled for June 12th. Starting with Flock 2016, we will start the process at Flock each year and have it due one month after that. 17:24:54 <decause> sgallagh++ 17:24:57 <sgallagh> langdon: ^^ 17:25:01 <mattdm> #action jkurik will note PRD review schedule somewhere and remind us next year 17:25:10 <mattdm> sgallagh++ 17:25:22 <jkurik> mattdm: will do 17:25:26 <langdon> should the info/note/etc have the "what should be done during the prd review"? or is that elsewhere? 17:25:59 <mattdm> sgallagh: I assume you're writing that in the message you're sending, yeah? 17:26:17 <sgallagh> Sure, you can assume anything you like ;-) 17:26:34 <sgallagh> (But yes, I'll try to clarify what an update entails) 17:26:59 * mattdm assumes unicorns are currently on their way with cartloads of sea-salt-and-caramel chocolate 17:27:08 <mattdm> thanks :) 17:27:39 <mattdm> maybe that could go in a wiki document somewhere too — PRD review SOP or something 17:27:44 <langdon> mattdm, can you send them here next? 17:27:57 <sgallagh> You can skip the unicorns. 17:28:05 <mattdm> langdon: as soon as they arrive 17:28:11 * langdon holds breath 17:28:38 <decause> council++ 17:28:40 <mattdm> sgallagh: can you throw the clarification in a wiki page somewhere too please? 17:28:43 <jwb> mattdm, what is really happening is draft horses with cart loads of road salt and tar refuse from the boston snow mounds will show up 17:28:58 <mattdm> jwb: ewwwwwwww *sigh* 17:29:06 <mattdm> #topic Council Update at Flock 17:29:10 <mattdm> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/25 17:29:13 <jwb> oh, right 17:29:16 <jwb> so i scheduled this 17:29:28 * decause will be there 17:29:31 <mattdm> the purpose of this agenda item is really to remind us that this ticket exists :) 17:29:36 <jwb> the intent is to talk about what we are doing are will be doing 17:29:42 <jwb> not talk about more governance 17:29:51 <jwb> er 17:29:59 <jwb> "what we are doing and what we will be doing" 17:30:04 <mattdm> jwb: +10000000000000 17:30:18 <sgallagh> "The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy." 17:30:32 <jwb> somewhat 17:30:34 <jwb> :) 17:30:36 <mattdm> jwb: Do you want to do this as a panel/round-table? 17:30:40 <jwb> yes 17:30:51 <sgallagh> /me wonders if it shouldn't be in "dunk-tank" format 17:31:02 <mattdm> cool. That has seemed to work really well in the past, and requires less prep 17:31:07 <jwb> yes 17:31:11 <jwb> sgallagh, also possible! 17:31:46 <mattdm> hmmm :) 17:31:58 * ErichEickmeyer thinks people might pay money to see mattdm in a dunk tank. 17:32:42 <mattdm> good thing Fedora doesn't do fundraising :) 17:32:49 <ErichEickmeyer> hehe 17:32:52 <sgallagh> mattdm: What about charging for engineering time? 17:32:56 <mattdm> is all of the council going to be there? 17:33:04 <jwb> that was the other reason for the ticket 17:33:19 <sgallagh> /me has a room booked 17:33:23 * rdieter hasn't made any concrete plans yet, definite maybe 17:33:25 <jwb> i've not heard from christoph 17:33:46 <mattdm> #action mattdm to ping christoph re flock attendance 17:35:09 * mattdm hopes rdieter can make it 17:35:15 <mattdm> anything else on this? 17:35:17 <langdon> jwb, are you collecting names on the ticket? 17:35:23 <jwb> sure! 17:35:33 <jwb> (not really, but it would be good to have people note their attendance) 17:35:52 <langdon> jwb, ACK will do 17:36:11 <mattdm> k... next thing! 17:36:15 <mattdm> #topic Objective Proposal: Fedora Modularization (Requirements Phase) 17:36:18 <mattdm> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/26 17:36:57 <mattdm> langdon: any words here? 17:37:12 <langdon> there are a bunch there :) 17:37:17 <mattdm> heh. yeah 17:37:38 <mattdm> any comments from anyone other than me and langdon? :) 17:37:47 * langdon typing 17:38:23 <langdon> so.. I am struggling a bit for time.. but.. my blocker (a bit) has been ... is this ticket approved? is it approved contingent on doing another ticket/wiki page? something else? how are we communicating the need(s) to the WGs? 17:38:44 <jreznik> I brought it to Base WG meeting today / and Base WG attention 17:38:54 <langdon> jreznik, i saw ;) 17:39:00 <langdon> e&s has also discussed 17:39:08 <jreznik> :))) 17:39:19 <mattdm> there's no objections, but there's no +1s either 17:39:25 <jwb> workstation has kind of discussed similar ideas at least 17:39:40 <mattdm> since the Objectives are by definition a big deal, they need three clear +1s to pass 17:39:45 <jwb> or rather, what they'd like to provide on top of some lower base ring/layer/thing 17:40:35 <mattdm> I'm okay with +1ing this. 3 weeks ago, I asked if we wanted to wrap it into a bigger, longer term thing all written out... 17:40:51 <mattdm> but at this point, I'm kind of thinking let's go with the steps we've outlined rather than blocking for that 17:40:54 <langdon> mattdm, ack.. and i started working on that.. but ... time 17:41:37 <mattdm> So, let's start here... is anyone -1 to approving this proposal as it stands? 17:41:42 <langdon> i also have a bunch of prototype stuff starting to come out (on my blog).. but that is somewhat orthoganl 17:41:47 <langdon> *orthogonal 17:41:54 <mattdm> langdon: cool! 17:42:57 * mattdm assumes everyone is reading 17:43:03 * decause is reading, yes 17:43:12 * mattdm puts on music 17:43:29 <mattdm> ♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♪♫♫♫♪ 17:43:40 * ErichEickmeyer hears the Jeopardy theme 17:43:42 <rdieter> +1 17:43:53 <jwb> i have no issues with this 17:43:59 <mattdm> +1 17:44:28 <mattdm> sgallagh? 17:44:53 <sgallagh> I don't technically have a vote on this matter 17:45:05 <mattdm> sgallagh: oh yeah :) 17:45:11 <mattdm> whooo fun with process 17:45:32 <jwb> sgallagh, given that it directly impacts your objective in some ways, what do you think anyway? 17:45:44 * mattdm was typing what jwb just wrote :) 17:46:01 <sgallagh> I'm processing. A moment. 17:47:00 <sgallagh> I'm broadly in favor. 17:47:16 <mattdm> cool 17:47:28 <mattdm> let's call this approved, then 17:47:35 <decause> +1 on requirements gathering. The approach seems reasonable. 17:47:45 <sgallagh> I wonder at the practical execution somewhat, but I agree that waiting on a perfect plan is useless 17:47:52 <mattdm> #agreed Objective Proposal: Fedora Modularization (Requirements Phase) approved by consensus 17:48:01 <langdon> just for propriety's sake... im +1 :) 17:48:05 <mattdm> langdon: :) 17:48:18 <mattdm> #topic Next week - QA 17:48:24 <mattdm> okay, so this is an action item for me 17:48:36 <mattdm> next week is scheduled to be a video meeting with a presentation from QA 17:48:48 <mattdm> adam w had initially agreed to do it, but is unavailable 17:49:14 <mattdm> and then kamil p stepped in and said "possibly" 17:49:17 <mattdm> so.... 17:49:23 * langdon is dicey on being able to attend.. will be returning from personal travel and am not sure if i will have stable connection 17:49:24 <mattdm> #action mattdm to check in with QA team to make sure this is still on 17:49:55 <mattdm> #info and if not, will either find something else last minute, or we'll fall back to (non-video) open floor 17:49:56 * decause will be travelling back from Rel-Eng FAD 17:50:21 <mattdm> so maybe not the worst thing if we postpone 17:50:23 <tflink> it's still on AFAIK 17:50:36 <tflink> we're still planning on it, anyways 17:50:53 <tflink> will likely be roshi 17:50:53 <mattdm> tflink: ooh thanks :) 17:51:06 <mattdm> #info QA is on. will likely be roshi 17:51:11 <mattdm> well that was easy :) 17:51:26 <roshi> yup - see you there :) 17:51:33 <mattdm> #topic Open Floor 17:51:47 <langdon> mattdm, 80% i can be there.. didn't mean to imply something like 20% 17:52:27 <mattdm> oh wait I have a thing :) 17:52:42 <mattdm> #topic Objective Lead for Fedora Modularization (Requirements Phase) 17:53:04 <mattdm> I nominate langdon for this, unless langdon has someone else in mind 17:53:34 <langdon> mattdm, is there any conflict with my council role? 17:53:39 <jwb> no 17:53:54 <langdon> jwb, which was that answering? 17:53:56 <sgallagh> langdon: decause is leading up the University one, so there's precedent 17:54:07 <decause> sgallagh: trewth 17:54:14 <mattdm> also, langdon's elected seat is expiring presently 17:54:27 <jwb> langdon, no conflict 17:54:33 <langdon> jwb, phew :) 17:54:45 <mattdm> you don't get double votes, though :) 17:54:57 <jwb> he doesn't need double votes 17:55:08 <jwb> a single -1 halts things 17:55:12 * langdon <sad face> 17:55:32 <mattdm> jwb: but there is a "three +1" threshold 17:55:53 * mattdm notes that the charter is actually unclear on double votes 17:56:31 <mattdm> but hopes this is unlikely to be a real problem 17:56:44 <mattdm> in any case, +1 to langdon as objective lead 17:56:57 <rdieter> +1 too 17:56:59 <decause> +1 for Langdon for Objective Lead on Fedora Modularization, assuming he accepts his nomination 17:57:09 <langdon> accept.. and vote twice 17:57:18 <decause> :P 17:58:13 <mattdm> okay. three minutes til meeting close. I hope it's not rushing to say that there are no objectives? 17:58:16 <sgallagh> +1 vote that does not count 17:58:28 <langdon> sgallagh, thank you for your support.. 17:58:32 <sgallagh> mattdm: Objectives? 17:58:36 * langdon raise victory sign.. 17:58:38 <mattdm> lol objections 17:59:01 <mattdm> #agreed langdon is objective lead for just-approved objective 17:59:02 * ErichEickmeyer notes autocorrect fail... of the fingers. 17:59:07 <mattdm> ErichEickmeyer++ 17:59:19 <mattdm> #topic back to open floor 17:59:24 <mattdm> anything else? 17:59:32 <mattdm> 30 seconds of meeting left :) 17:59:56 <mattdm> 3 17:59:58 <mattdm> 2 18:00:01 <mattdm> 1 18:00:03 <mattdm> #endmeeting