17:00:19 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2015-07-27) 17:00:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 27 17:00:19 2015 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:21 <mattdm> #meetingname council 17:00:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 17:00:23 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb cwickert rdieter langdon sgallagh decause 17:00:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause jkurik jwb langdon mattdm rdieter sgallagh 17:00:24 <jwb> hello 17:00:25 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 17:00:33 <mattdm> hi josh! 17:00:34 <decause_airplane> .hello decause 17:00:35 <zodbot> decause_airplane: decause 'None' <decause@redhat.com> 17:00:40 <decause_airplane> err 17:00:43 <mattdm> hi remy. i see you are an airplane today 17:00:46 <mattdm> oh thats better 17:00:49 <decause> :) 17:01:37 <mattdm> today is our open floor meeting... based on last week, we have "talk about Flock" as at least one item 17:01:49 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 17:01:49 <decause> nod nod nod 17:01:49 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 17:02:06 <langdon> .hello langdon 17:02:07 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 17:02:08 <sgallagh> decause: You should probably put your real name into FAS 17:02:10 <mattdm> from last week's action items -- I haven't heard back from g11n yet about next week presentation 17:02:18 <mattdm> I will ping again 17:02:20 * decause has a physical meeting at 2pm, so will likely go mobile around 1:30pm to continue the meeting on my way there 17:02:53 <decause> sgallagh: def def 17:02:55 <mattdm> no progress on dopr... I intended to chat with richard fontana about some of the legal issues but haven't had a chance 17:03:02 * langdon wishes FAS would report my fp.o addy vs my "personal" one 17:03:10 <mattdm> decause had some action items too :) 17:03:22 <jwb> there was an update on the FAD budget too 17:03:28 <decause> mattdm: spot talked with richard briefly, got this loop back onto his radar 17:03:47 <sgallagh> mattdm: I talked to dwalsh about it, only to be told that adding an API for delegating credential tokens would have to go upstream directly. 17:03:50 <jwb> they got the funding they requested from the other group for the hotel costs ($2.2k iirc) 17:04:15 <decause> I spoke with Ruth, who said we needed to go over budget at not-OSCON 17:04:34 <mattdm> sgallagh sigh 17:04:44 <mattdm> jwb cool that's one question answered 17:05:00 <mattdm> decause do you have a not-OSCON meeting scheduled? 17:05:17 <jwb> ruth is on PTO this week. 17:05:20 <sgallagh> mattdm: I'll try to follow up on that later this week 17:05:21 <jwb> (i'm sure this time!) 17:05:36 <mattdm> sgallagh thanks :) 17:05:37 <jwb> sgallagh, what exactly are you refering to? 17:05:40 <mattdm> jwb :) 17:05:41 <decause> mattdm: I have access to the spreadsheets, but they need to be updated 17:05:54 <sgallagh> jwb: Docker Hub API to support the DOPR idea 17:06:01 <jwb> ah 17:06:17 <sgallagh> Instead of offering up images under the Fedora account, allow users of the service to get tokens to push to their personal accounts 17:06:22 <mattdm> sgallagh thanks 17:06:28 <sgallagh> So they can use our tool to create stuff, but not push under our name 17:06:42 <mattdm> seems super-useful beyond just our use-case so hopefully upstream will be receptive 17:06:48 <sgallagh> agreed 17:07:38 <mattdm> ok cool. so there's ongoing business :) 17:07:44 <mattdm> #topic Council at Flock 17:07:55 <mattdm> this topic is here because someone last week said we should talk about it :) 17:07:57 <decause> #link https://github.com/decause/decks/blob/master/floss-community-metrics-preso.pdf 17:08:14 <decause> I gave this as a lightning talk at the FLOSS Metrics Summit at OSCON/CLS 17:08:29 <decause> it is a decent basis for the types of Metrics I can bring to the table for our dicussion 17:08:32 <mattdm> decause are you presenting that in an individual session? 17:08:32 <decause> including: 17:08:52 <decause> mattdm: I was going to give you at least 2 slides for the State of Fedora (annual stats) 17:08:59 <mattdm> *nod* 17:08:59 <decause> but I don't have an individual session lined up 17:09:19 <decause> I figured between State of FEdora, and Council Session, I'd be about booked up 17:09:22 <mattdm> Okay, I'll be happy to include your slides. I'll give you a shout-out too :) 17:09:49 <decause> including: (cont'd) 17:09:53 <mattdm> I'll have updated versions of the yum and download stats, too 17:09:57 <decause> Bodhi Metrics 17:10:01 <decause> Fedbadges awarded 17:10:01 <mattdm> (thanks smooge) 17:10:03 <decause> Tagger Stats 17:10:18 <decause> Fedmsg stats 17:10:35 <decause> (Fedmsg can get more granular, but the overall aggregates for sure) 17:10:59 <mattdm> jwb: you are the Official Owner of the council session, it looks like. Do you have specific ideas for it? 17:11:33 <jwb> the last time we talked about it, you wanted to have 2 hours (which i went and got) because you wanted to talk about objectives too 17:12:06 <jwb> so, the original idea was to give a brief overview of how things have been going on the Council, what we've looked at, what we need to improve on. and then i guess delve into objectives 17:12:16 * decause remembers objectives being part of the talk, but instead of them being presented as "here is what they are" we do a "here is what we're doing" IIRC 17:12:24 <jwb> right 17:12:34 <mattdm> jwb: *nod* yeah, that seems good 17:12:43 <decause> decause will report on EDU Objective 17:12:53 <jwb> in that first section, we really need to figure out what _isn't_ working well too 17:12:56 <mattdm> I'm going to give a *very brief* bit on objectives for the state of fedora talk, and then call out this session for more depth 17:13:23 <jwb> i kind of intended it to be a bit freeform, and not have one person just presenting slides 17:13:37 <jwb> but i'm open to ideas on the whole thing 17:13:39 <mattdm> jwb yeah, I agree, that has worked well in the past 17:13:42 * decause imagined something like the FLOCK session last year, where everyone was in chairs? 17:14:00 <sgallagh> decause: With or without electricity flowing? 17:14:15 <jwb> decause, that style, but not that content. we don't want to talk about more governance. we want to talk about how it's working and what we can fix 17:14:23 <decause> hopefully without, I didn't think things were going *that* badly in council-land ;) 17:14:36 <decause> jwb: nod nod nod 17:14:47 * langdon thought electricity flowing was up to the audience 17:15:07 <sgallagh> Shall we also formally sunset Fedora.next phase 1 and segue into langdon's phase 2? 17:15:14 <sgallagh> (at that talk) 17:15:14 <gholms> langdon: Tomatoes might be preferable. 17:15:20 <jwb> sgallagh, remind me what that means? 17:15:57 <mattdm> So, maybe: open with introductions, then have each of the objective leads talk about their objective (slides optional), then go around and ask each council member what they think is working well, then what they think isn't? 17:16:01 <mattdm> and then audience questions? 17:16:08 <sgallagh> jwb: Well, F23 was the 18month point for my Editions objective (measuring from its real beginning, not the Council's recognition of it) 17:16:21 <langdon> jwb, i think the idea is we are moving from "editions" -> "rest o rings" 17:16:26 * jwb laughs at your use of "was" for something that isn't even alpha yet 17:16:28 <sgallagh> We've now got multiple editions shipping with their own identities. 17:16:34 <decause> if we can keep individual talks to lightning talk length (5 mins, 10 tops) I think we'll be able to get a better discussion 17:16:47 <sgallagh> So I think it's time to move to the phase 2 (which the council has already agreed to and tasked langdon with) 17:16:48 <decause> at least more time for questions 17:16:59 <jwb> sgallagh, langdon: oh, sure. 17:18:04 <sgallagh> /me also has a bunch of $DAYJOB stuff starting to drop on his head and would be fine with hanging up his Objective Lead hat for a while. 17:18:48 <mattdm> sgallagh: we'll keep it on a nearby hook just in case, though :) 17:20:08 * decause starts getting ready to transit 17:20:21 <mattdm> ^ is the format I suggested good (or good-ish) with everyone? 17:20:23 <mattdm> other ideas? 17:21:28 <langdon> mattdm, i like the proposal.. but, i also wonder if we can ask people to send in questions in advance? to be addressed? and/or have a "box" at the reg desk that people can write qs on paper and put in box 17:21:44 <jwb> langdon, i'm fine with that 17:21:49 <mattdm> langdon++ 17:22:22 <mattdm> I can put that on fedora magazine, and I'll add a note to say it in my state-of-fedora talk too 17:22:47 <langdon> mattdm, cool.. the box idea was to allow for anon qs 17:23:02 <langdon> just make no promises about answering them all ;) 17:23:16 <mattdm> ah i see. like, an old-style paper thing 17:23:21 <jwb> someone could probably do something with openshift and containers and docker or something and whip up a quick webapp for questions, anonymous or otherwise 17:23:36 <mattdm> jwb: "someone"? :) 17:23:57 <jwb> well, i'd have to write it in C or i'd have to learn all that cloud stuff in much greater detail 17:24:07 <langdon> "ink on paper, how quaint" 17:24:10 <jwb> so... if you want it done in time for the conference, probably someone other than me 17:24:32 <langdon> jwb, openshift allows DIY C containers.. i think you are all set ;) 17:24:49 * langdon watches jwb dust off his cgi 17:24:51 <jwb> see. i didn't even know that 17:25:03 <jwb> cgi? pfft. i think i'll resurrect tux 17:25:18 <langdon> tkl/tk FTW! 17:25:21 <mattdm> #help anyone want to write a quick app for submitting anonymous questions to the council? 17:25:23 <jwb> WRITE YOUR QUESTION HERE. IT WILL GO INTO JWB'S PRINTK BUFFER 17:25:26 <decause> mattdm: +1 on format 17:25:47 <decause> mattdm: I can talk with threebean about this 17:26:00 <mattdm> jwb: lol 17:26:03 <mattdm> decause: yay 17:26:03 <decause> as resident toolsmith, he will likely have thoughts :) 17:26:17 <mattdm> people can just put them in fpaste :) 17:26:20 * langdon notices he is getting old *tcl* 17:26:47 <langdon> mattdm, that would actually be kinda awesome.. with the short-url on the paper in the box ;) 17:26:51 <mattdm> jwb do you want to serve as MC? Or anyone else? 17:26:58 <jwb> i'm fine with whatever 17:27:15 <mattdm> #action jwb to MC the council session at Flock 17:27:17 <mattdm> :) 17:27:22 <jwb> wfm 17:27:33 <mattdm> NOW ALL PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED 17:28:11 <mattdm> anyone have anything further on Flock? 17:28:32 <decause> not /me 17:28:51 <langdon> mattdm, just to confirm.. we are only on the hook for the council session, right? or do you want us looking pretty for the "state of" talk? 17:29:16 <mattdm> langdon: you can look as pretty as you want, but are not on the hook :) 17:29:45 * langdon notes to pack fancy clothes 17:29:53 <jwb> tuxes 17:30:08 * mattdm wore a tux once. once. 17:30:08 <langdon> jwb, nice! 17:30:11 <sgallagh> langdon: I want to see you show up looking like the Monopoly guy 17:30:16 <mattdm> sgallagh++ 17:30:19 <langdon> sgallagh, ha 17:30:26 <jwb> #info langdon to dress for Council session in black tie. 17:30:28 <langdon> i thought jwb meant with a penguin on my head 17:30:40 <jwb> also with a penguin on your head 17:30:54 <decause> sgallagh++ 17:30:59 <decause> monopoly_guy++ 17:31:05 * langdon wonders if he can get a penguin graphic pocket square on short notice.. 17:31:57 <mattdm> so.... any more open floor topics? 17:32:08 <mattdm> not that there's anything wrong with this conversation in the least 17:32:29 * mattdm has not actually eaten today due to constant meetings 17:32:47 <decause> mattdm: ditto 17:33:19 * decause will push his Objective Slides into the same repo I had my deck from OSCON 17:33:28 <mattdm> decause: cool 17:33:41 <mattdm> okay, i'm going to call it for today... 17:33:44 <mattdm> 3.... 17:33:46 <mattdm> 2.... 17:33:58 <mattdm> 1.... 17:34:02 <mattdm> #endmeeting