18:00:02 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2015-11-16) 18:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 16 18:00:02 2015 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:04 <mattdm> #meetingname council 18:00:04 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 18:00:06 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb cwickert rdieter langdon decause 18:00:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause jkurik jwb langdon mattdm rdieter 18:00:08 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 18:00:10 <mattdm> hello everyone! 18:00:16 <decause> .hello 18:00:16 <zodbot> decause: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 18:00:17 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 18:00:19 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 18:00:24 <langdon> .hello langdon 18:00:25 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 18:00:27 <jwb> hellow 18:00:42 <mattdm> wow that's like the most prompt hellos I've ever seen at a meeting 18:00:51 <mattdm> let's make this time shift official :) 18:00:57 <decause> .hello decause 18:00:58 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 18:01:18 <mattdm> jkurik, can you check with jreznick about fixing the fedocal time? 18:01:25 <rdieter> .hello rdieter 18:01:26 <zodbot> rdieter: rdieter 'Rex Dieter' <rdieter@math.unl.edu> 18:01:32 <mattdm> hi rdieter! 18:01:38 <mattdm> okay then! 18:01:40 <jkurik> mattdm: I did, however he was not available 18:01:45 <mattdm> #topic Agenda 18:01:49 <jkurik> mattdm: I will try to reach him 18:01:57 <mattdm> today is open floor. any particular items we want to discuss? 18:02:00 <mattdm> jkurik: cool thanks 18:02:25 <mattdm> there was no further discussion on the apac fad that I saw 18:02:34 <mattdm> no -1s, and we just got the needed +1s 18:02:39 <decause> #action jkurik ping jreznick about changing council meeting on Fedocal officially 18:03:02 <mattdm> #agreed APAC FAD 2015 is approved by lazy consensus 18:03:23 <decause> mattdm: def wanna reconnect with the EMEA folks about their budget FAD too 18:03:29 <mattdm> the only thing I have is -- who do we want to ask for a subproject status? 18:03:31 <langdon> mattdm, i was waiting for you comment.. then i got distracted 18:03:35 <mattdm> decause good call 18:03:39 <mattdm> langdon :) 18:03:51 <mattdm> decause: do you have that on your plate? 18:04:07 <decause> mattdm: yeah, it is part of the regional proposal 18:04:11 <mattdm> decause++ 18:04:11 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for decause changed to 9 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:04:13 <decause> there is a missing /me in there 18:04:19 <decause> :P 18:04:32 <mattdm> #info decause will connect with EMEA about that budget FAD 18:04:39 <mattdm> any other topics? 18:04:41 <decause> #action decause follow-up on EMEA budget planning FAD 18:05:00 <decause> mattdm: the Python3 Porting sprint was quite active :) 18:05:08 <decause> channel was hopping 18:05:14 <decause> there was a meeting log taken 18:05:16 <mattdm> nice. 18:05:31 <mattdm> langdon, how's the world of Modularization? 18:05:31 <decause> post-mortem is in progress with mstuchil, with support from commops 18:05:40 <langdon> meh 18:05:56 <langdon> i think i finally have some stuff to write.. lots of distracting things 18:06:18 <mattdm> langdon: okay. then I won't ask you to present on it next week :) 18:06:31 <mattdm> #topic random open floor discussion 18:06:42 * mattdm notes that we don't seem to have a lot of topics 18:06:44 <langdon> mattdm, no.. but a deadline would be good.. how about after t-day? 18:07:04 <mattdm> langdon: yes. do you want Nov 30 or Dec 7? 18:07:16 * langdon checks calendar 18:07:32 <jwb> decause: do you think we can get an update from OSAS in general? 18:07:42 <langdon> mattdm, 12.7 please 18:07:59 <langdon> not sure i will be around on the monday.. 18:08:00 <decause> jwb: on the other community projects? 18:08:07 <langdon> might still be eating leftovers 18:08:18 <mattdm> langdon sounds good :) 18:08:31 <jwb> decause: was thinking more on OSAS+fedora. seems there have been some changes recently. maybe an update on that? 18:08:32 <mattdm> #info langdon to present on Fedora Modularization on December 7th 18:08:54 <mattdm> jwb++ 18:08:54 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for jwboyer changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:09:21 <mattdm> decause: go ahead and change #topic if you like :) 18:09:30 <jkurik> FYI: tomorrow we are going to start Elections: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections 18:09:32 <jkurik> - FESCo (Engineering) (5 seats) 18:09:33 <jkurik> - Fedora Council (1 seat) 18:09:35 <jkurik> - Env and Stacks (4 seats) 18:09:36 <jkurik> - FAmSCo (7 seats) 18:09:37 <decause> jwb: There is an update on FLOCK planning which is new, but otherwise I feel like we'd be repeating a bunch of the regional budget process things, without having the interesting bit (did we get the budget we asked for) 18:10:05 <mattdm> #info jkurik notes that the election cycle starts tomorrow 18:10:09 <jkurik> credits goes to bee2502 for her help with Wiki pages 18:10:14 <jwb> decause: um.. ok? but i mean, even last week we had a meeting on flock and spot pointed out that you were now the main contact for it 18:10:18 <decause> jwb: which date would this be for prospectively? 18:10:20 <jwb> decause: which was... news. 18:10:32 <decause> jwb: that is news for me too actually... :P 18:10:36 <jwb> decause: nov 30? or whenever is appropriate. 18:10:54 <decause> jwb: Jen Madriaga is the point on logistics now (see the intro email to planning list today) 18:11:01 <jwb> yeah, i saw that 18:11:13 <decause> I suppose I'm the common communication point tho, sure :) 18:11:24 * decause is happy to be the official go-between 18:11:56 <decause> jwb: 11/30 is going to be busy for me (I'm driving a moving van to Raleigh) 18:11:57 <mattdm> I met with Jen a little bit at LISA. Mostly filled her in on background; she's off to another conference in Spain now. 18:12:10 <mattdm> plan to talk to her about next steps when she gets back from that 18:12:39 <decause> mattdm: yeah, jmagriaga moves mountains and is a super-pro, she's gonna be awesome to work with 18:12:50 <decause> starting with the bids... 18:12:58 <decause> which are mostly from places in France 18:13:12 <decause> which, all things considered, would be kinda "back-burner" likely for some of our friends there 18:13:15 <decause> :/ 18:13:16 <jwb> uh 18:13:26 <jwb> the bids from france have been evaluated. they were all over budget 18:13:35 <decause> jwb: well, that makes it easier then 18:13:42 <decause> I think we need to put out a proper round #2 call 18:13:44 * langdon notes he had good interactions with jen at a couple cons as well 18:13:57 * decause is on this, but this is his first rodeo, so could use some guidance 18:14:49 <jwb> decause: on budget things, has there been a shift in owner? 18:15:27 <decause> s/Ruth/jzb 18:15:38 <decause> I mean 18:15:42 <jwb> decause: see... that's kind of important too 18:15:45 <mattdm> so that's kinda big news, as people are used to going to ruth for things 18:15:46 <decause> it's like, a team effort still I spose 18:15:51 <jwb> which is why i said an update would OSAS news would be good 18:16:21 <decause> jwb: the dust is still settling, we are still mid-changes, and I jzb though here now, is still probably in the arctic north 18:16:33 <jwb> decause: sure, team effort. except i'm pretty sure suehle doesn't want to be the contact point for something she doesn't own. and people are going to still bug her if nobody says otherwise 18:16:54 <decause> jwb: agreed, but I don't know what the transition looks like yet 18:16:55 <mattdm> #info Joe Brockmeier (jzb) now responsible for Fedora community budget through OSAS (handoff from Ruth Suehle (rsuehle)) 18:17:08 <decause> everyone just piling onto jzb and stopping cc'ing ruth probably won't work either 18:17:15 <suehle> I am in the process of shifting this to jzb. He's been out of town, and it's budget season all around, so we haven't had a chance to get together for me to explain all the things. 18:17:16 <decause> I need to get the lay of the land still 18:17:26 <suehle> Which is why I've still been handling things for the moment and have not made such an announcement. 18:17:28 <decause> I had a 1x1 with jzb last week which was the first I heard 18:17:31 <mattdm> suehle++ 18:17:31 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for rsuehle changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:17:38 <decause> I def wanna update, I just need some time to know how it goes 18:17:52 <mattdm> suehle thank you so much again for all the work you do and have done! 18:18:54 <rdieter> kudos, yes 18:18:58 <rdieter> suehle++ 18:18:58 <zodbot> rdieter: Karma for rsuehle changed to 2 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:19:17 <suehle> No problem. :) I wasn't really watching this meeting until I got the @ alert. Is there a greater context/question I can help with? 18:19:29 * jzb lurks 18:19:44 <mattdm> suehle: general update. but, specifically, we're worried about flock and lack of viable bids 18:19:55 <suehle> Valid concern. 18:20:14 <suehle> I would toss out there whether it's worth considering a second year in the US where we had four viable bids last year. 18:20:33 <suehle> I suspect not a popular choice among the EMEA folks, but... at the moment, we're short on options. 18:20:39 <decause> a second call for bids is def a good idea 18:20:49 <rdieter> definitely worth considering, if there no viable bids otherwise 18:20:50 <decause> I'll talk with magazine/commblog who can promote it 18:21:15 <decause> #action decause follow-up with Magazine/Commblog to put out a second bid for FLOCK 18:21:19 <suehle> I've said a few times on the list that I consider the bid process open until somebody shows up with a workable plan. 18:21:22 <decause> #undo 18:21:22 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by decause at 18:21:15 : decause follow-up with Magazine/Commblog to put out a second bid for FLOCK 18:21:30 <decause> #remove 18:21:32 <mattdm> suehle: makes sense 18:21:43 <decause> #action decause follow-up with Magazine/Commblog to put out a second bid call 18:22:02 <suehle> Jen is also currently traveling but may have some good ideas. 18:22:38 <mattdm> suehle: Is there any chance of asking for additional budget, still? 18:23:08 <suehle> Budget requests have already gone in. That may be up to the Council and how it wants to distribute budget. 18:23:35 <suehle> I believe what we agreed when I last talked to you all is that when it came down, I'd tell you the total lump and let the Council divide it. :) 18:23:43 <mattdm> suehle: *nod* 18:24:42 <mattdm> okay, so, I guess at this point, remy's gonna do those actions, and we'll see what ideas Jen has when she gets back from spain 18:25:08 <decause> I'm going to cc the flock planning list on this stuff, to help gather the wisdom of the ancients 18:25:35 <decause> ancients meaning anyone who has already done this before 18:25:36 <decause> :P 18:25:46 * langdon wonders who decause is calling "old" 18:25:56 * decause wonders too 18:25:58 <decause> decause-- 18:25:59 <decause> :P 18:26:03 <mattdm> okay then :) 18:26:09 <jzb> langdon: you, he's calling you old. ;-) 18:26:22 <langdon> jzb, ahh.. right.. thanks.. and .. accurate.. 18:26:23 <mattdm> any other discussion topics for today? 18:26:31 <jzb> langdon: it certainly couldn't be me 18:26:35 * langdon notes.. apparently langdon's age 18:27:17 <langdon> i got nothing.. at least.. nothing serious 18:27:20 <mattdm> jzb: any notes on polar bears? 18:27:27 <jzb> mattdm: so many :-) 18:27:30 * decause will be unable to present (or attend) at 11/30 meeting, in case folks missed that 18:27:30 <jwb> ? 18:28:01 <decause> jwb: jzb was/is on vacation in the arctic north 18:28:12 <jzb> sadly, was 18:28:15 <jwb> decause: i thought you were joking earlier when you said that 18:28:20 <mattdm> decause: since langdon will present Dec. 7, Nov 30 will be tickets/ongoing 18:28:23 <jwb> jzb: sounds like a great trip to have taken though 18:28:31 <decause> mattdm: nod nod 18:28:35 <jzb> jwb: http://dissociatedpress.net/polar-madness-bears-everywhere/ 18:29:12 <mattdm> nice :) 18:29:31 <jwb> neat! 18:29:51 <mattdm> okay, so, if no one has anything else, I'm going to endmeeting and get some lunch :) 18:30:09 <mattdm> 3.... 18:30:16 <mattdm> 2... 18:30:22 <mattdm> 1.. 18:30:25 <mattdm> 0. 18:30:27 <mattdm> #endmeeting