18:00:36 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2015-12-14) 18:00:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 14 18:00:36 2015 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2015-12-14)' 18:00:39 <mattdm> #meetingname council 18:00:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 18:00:41 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb cwickert rdieter langdon decause 18:00:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause jkurik jwb langdon mattdm rdieter 18:00:43 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 18:00:50 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 18:00:52 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 18:00:55 <jwb> hi 18:01:05 <mattdm> hi jan, josh! 18:01:10 <mattdm> .hello mattdm 18:01:11 <zodbot> mattdm: mattdm 'Matthew Miller' <mattdm@mattdm.org> 18:01:47 <mattdm> I know decause is around here :) 18:01:48 <decause> .hello decause 18:01:49 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 18:02:07 * decause waves to mattdm et al 18:02:16 * mattdm waits another couple minutes for the rest 18:04:24 <mattdm> *crickets* 18:04:29 <mattdm> okay then 18:04:33 <mattdm> #topic Agenda 18:05:00 <mattdm> this is an open floor meeting, with the main purpose of getting anything we need to talk about in december talked about... 18:05:09 <mattdm> because it;s basically holidays from now on out :) 18:05:19 <mattdm> I know there's the FUDCon proposal 18:05:26 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock2016-Vienna-proposal 18:05:38 <jwb> that's not the fudcon proposal 18:05:40 <mattdm> ah and updates on Flock :) 18:05:42 <decause> it has been updated, and we've been talking on the flock-planning and commops lists 18:05:46 <decause> lol 18:05:49 * decause jumped the gun 18:05:53 <jwb> right, but mattdm was talking about FUDCon apac 18:06:08 <mattdm> https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/49 18:06:17 <mattdm> #info fudcon apac https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/49 18:06:29 <mattdm> let 18:06:31 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Bid_for_PhnomPenh_2016 18:06:45 <mattdm> 's list topics first -- are there other things we want to cover? 18:07:17 <decause> I'd like to repost the council holiday schedule as an agenda item :) 18:07:26 <mattdm> decause: sounds good. :) 18:07:28 * decause has a list 18:07:39 <decause> #topic Council Holiday Schedule 18:07:40 <mattdm> okay let's start there and we can add anything else at the end if need be 18:07:48 <decause> #info Dec 21: Skip for Holidays 18:07:48 <decause> #info Dec 28: Skip for Holidays 18:07:48 <decause> #info Jan 4: Open Floor (mattdm will be traveling) 18:07:53 <mattdm> decause is fast on the trigger :) 18:07:55 <decause> #info Jan 11: Tickets/Ongoing (decause will be moving to Raleigh) 18:08:01 <decause> mattdm: too much coffee today 18:08:08 <decause> #topic agenda 18:08:29 <mattdm> let's go to ... 18:08:40 <mattdm> #topic Flock updates 18:09:03 <decause> #info jmadriag is now helping to coordinate from OSAS side 18:09:03 <decause> #info mattdm/decause had first meeting with her already, we are exploring all the options of booking in EU during High-vacation season 18:09:06 <decause> #info Vienna has updated their bid, but we're still waiting on a few questions to be answered 18:09:09 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock2016-Vienna-proposal 18:09:47 <decause> The Vienna bid has some improved information about travel/social events, but we need more Venue information, IIRC 18:09:53 <mattdm> do we think that this is likely to come in near budget? 18:09:59 <mattdm> or do we still need to be searching? 18:10:39 <decause> mattdm: I think the more options we have the better still 18:10:48 <decause> the breakdown of US flights is still missing too 18:11:07 <decause> mattdm: this is also a split hotel/venue proposal 18:11:28 <decause> so, based on FLOCK feedback from last year, this is a return to the "older" model of holding FLOCK at an EDU 18:11:41 <decause> it will help reduce costs though 18:11:41 <jwb> wait, what? 18:11:48 <jwb> feedback from whom? 18:12:19 <decause> jwb: attendees last year mentioned they really enjoyed having the venue and hotel in the same place 18:12:25 * decause digs for links 18:12:50 <jwb> decause: ok, yes. so your statement of a return to the older model based on feedback is confusing 18:13:06 <decause> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/flock-planning%40lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/ACJA4CMBV2LLHKLDOIGKWZGLL4V5ABJO/ 18:13:39 <decause> I spose that was an odd wording, yeah 18:13:48 * decause quiets down 18:13:52 <jwb> ok, let's move on. i think we're in agreement 18:14:28 <decause> #action decause reping flock-planning list with requests for more info from Vienna bidders 18:14:29 <mattdm> Unless someone tells me not to, I'm going to put "it's ideal to find a hotel with conference space" in the bid proposal page 18:14:45 <decause> +1 18:14:58 <mattdm> #info jmadriaga also mentioned a possiblity in barcelona she's looking into 18:15:07 <mattdm> which would presumably be cheaper 18:15:31 <jwb> would it make sense to move flock out. perhaps to nov? 18:15:44 <jwb> it avoids prime time .eu vacation season 18:15:51 <jwb> and frankly, it might make things more feasible 18:16:49 <mattdm> jwb: Interesting idea... I know some people have been unable to come at the late-august time because of conflicts with first-day-of-kids'-school 18:17:07 <decause> I'm open to that idea, but I think we'd have to do some serious calculus on calendaring 18:17:22 <jwb> alternatively, if we can acquire space rapidly, july 18:17:42 <decause> July used to be us dodging OSCON, IIRC 18:17:47 <decause> and this year, oscon is early (may) 18:18:05 <jkurik> I will be +1 to have FLOCK out of the vacation season as well 18:18:17 <jwb> well, late aug/early sept typically conflicts with linuxcon NA 18:18:38 <jwb> anyway, it is something to bring to flock-planning i guess 18:18:41 <jwb> we aren't going to solve it here 18:18:51 <decause> I /think/ OSAS keeps a "commnity calendar" and spot has created one too somewhere I reckon 18:18:54 <mattdm> jwb yeah. it's worth looking into 18:18:55 <decause> jwb: agreed 18:19:08 <decause> #action decause open a loop with OSAS about getting calendar links for Events in 2016 18:19:33 <mattdm> jwb: you wanna bring that up on the flock planning list? 18:19:41 <jwb> sure 18:19:46 <mattdm> okay then moving on 18:19:52 <mattdm> #topic fudcon apac bid 18:19:58 <mattdm> https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/49 18:20:11 <mattdm> I guess... I'm troubled by what seems like a lot of infighting here 18:20:47 <jzb> decause: https://github.com/OSAS/rh-events 18:20:54 <decause> jzb++ 18:20:54 <zodbot> decause: Karma for jzb changed to 3 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:21:20 * decause has this on his radar 18:21:44 <decause> #action decause follow-up on APAC bid ticket with organizers and ambassadors 18:22:49 <mattdm> do we want to discuss more or should we wait on that? 18:23:07 <decause> any additional context is good, I just caught wind of the ticket on Friday 18:23:10 <jwb> i'd suggest to wait until decause does his follow-up 18:23:43 <mattdm> okay sounds good. 18:23:47 <mattdm> #topic next thing? 18:23:51 <decause> the bid proposal looks very detailed (with pics and everything) but I don't know what additional information the ambassadors are waiting on 18:24:03 <decause> I'll dig deeper 18:24:41 <decause> how about this one: 18:24:48 <decause> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/voting/ 18:25:06 <mattdm> #info ends in a few hours! 18:25:16 <decause> polls close today, so if you haven't voted yet, be sure to do so 18:25:53 * decause doen't have anything else 18:25:55 <mattdm> This is rdieter_work's seat open, right? 18:26:05 <jkurik> mattdm: yes 18:26:29 <mattdm> so, rdieter_work, even though you're not here, thanks for all your help on the First Fedora Council! 18:26:48 * nb would like Flock in November 18:26:51 <decause> #agreed Thank you rdieter_work for your help 18:27:31 <mattdm> November would work for me too. Especailyl if it's somewhere warm. :) 18:27:37 <decause> mattdm: :) 18:27:48 <jkurik> What about the FLOCK bid in Paris: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock2016-Paris-proposal ? Is it on hold ? 18:28:17 <decause> jkurik: both the France bids came in over budget 18:28:24 <jkurik> ah, ok 18:29:05 <mattdm> unless the euro crashes by then! 18:29:22 <mattdm> In seriousness, we might want to have them re-check prices for november 18:29:29 <decause> economic collapse would probably reduce attendance though ;) 18:29:38 <decause> mattdm: that is a good call 18:30:17 <decause> #action decause reping France bidders for FLOCK, ask for possible November pricing 18:30:24 <mattdm> decause++ 18:30:31 <mattdm> okay, so, see you all on the flock planning list! 18:30:34 <mattdm> ending meeting in 18:30:37 <mattdm> 3... 18:30:43 <mattdm> 2... 18:30:49 <decause> mattdm++ 18:30:50 <mattdm> 1... 18:30:54 <mattdm> #endmeeting